Chapter 22 Sailing the Galaxy!

late at night.

Coniferous forest.

The forest camp was messy and quiet.

It was so quiet that the hooting of owls could be heard in the distance.



Accompanied by birdsong, Feng Daofu squatted down.

Taking off the suede gloves that Valentina gave him that night, he rubbed the extinguished fire with his fingers, feeling the temperature of the embers with his fingertips.

The charcoal burner expertise accurately judged the heat.

"long time."

Wiping his fingers carefully on his trouser legs, Vondorf put on his gloves again and stood up: "The fire was out for at least half a day."

"During the day, your people go out to find food."

The toe of the leather boot inlaid with steel leather kicked the pale yellow animal bones on the ground: "The south is the activity range of the North tribe. In order not to alarm the North people, they cannot go south and can only go north for hunting and gathering."

"You have been away for too long, and the food gap is getting bigger and bigger. They can only go further to find food, so they overlap with the activities of the Sami people."

"It may be that a conflict broke out with the Sami people, or it may be that the Sami people secretly followed and found the location of the camp."

"Anyway, when it was just dark, the Sami people launched a raid on the camp. Sari, did you find the body?"

Vondorf asked.

Sari walked over and shook his head: "The brothers have not been found, and there are no traces of digging holes on the ground."

"There was some blood, but not much."

"Ted and I both think that these bloodstains should be caused by the conflict that just broke out. Several people were injured, but no one died."

"Holy One, there is one more thing."

Ted also came over and picked the bark with his fingers: "Many tree trunks have arrow marks."

"Most of the arrowheads were gouged out, and only a few damaged bony arrowheads remained."

"Some of the brothers had met the Sami people while hunting, and they confirmed that it was a Sami arrow."

"Judging from the number of arrow marks, they hunted a lot of bows, at least fifty hunters."

"I think the reason for almost no casualties is obviously that the Norwegians felt that the strength gap was too large, and they chose to cooperate wisely, so they did not intensify the conflict and cause casualties."

Norse fighters often do raids and looting. They are so experienced that they can roughly guess what happened at a glance.

Vondorff approved their judgment: "The purpose of the Sami people is obvious. Norwegian women can strengthen the group, and Norwegian men can be used as trading items."

Primitive people in the Stone Age knew that they had to absorb foreign populations to avoid genetic defects caused by internal inbreeding.

It is not surprising that the Sami people in the stage of primitive communes are eyeing the Norwegians in order to strengthen their tribal strength.

Without more than a dozen senior fighters led by Willy, the Norwegians could not resist at all.

And so it turned out.

"They all have value, so it's not life-threatening for the time being. That's good news."

Vondorf looked at the Norwegian leader: "Willy, what are you going to do?"

"It's impossible for you to catch up with the Sami with just your legs in this half day."

"And with your current injury, you can't track it in the winter night."

Facing Vondorf's question, Willie took a deep breath.

The chill of the Northern Kingdom filled the heart of the northern fox: "You are right."

"Not to mention tracking, my emotions were too intense just now, and my arrow wound started to hurt again."

"This seriously affects my ability to move. Forcibly moving in the cold night is courting death."

"Even if I really catch up with the Sami, in my current situation, I will only send them one more prisoner."

"I know all this. But sometimes you don't know to keep calm."

Willie gritted his teeth: "I beg you to rescue them."

Feng Daofu looked at him: "Why do you think I can do it?"

Willie said calmly, "Because your attitude is very relaxed."

"I'm relaxed?"

"During the time I converted to the Aio religion, I can feel the desire of you and the church for more working believers."

Did you just want to program this sage?
Just say it out, how can a buddy be so stingy that he will put on small shoes for you after just arranging it.

Not only will you not be blamed, but looking back will also give you an opportunity to open up a new continent and leave a name in history. Is this saint generous?

Willy suddenly shivered.

He rubbed his face and continued: "You laughed when you heard that I was willing to persuade all the people to join."

"Now that you see that the clansman is gone, don't worry, but it shouldn't be so easy."

"So I think you have a way!"

Willie spoke his mind in one breath.

There was only one sentence left unsaid: There is a way, but he didn't say it out loud, obviously because he wanted him to take the initiative to speak, so as to control the Norwegian.

But as long as he can change back to his clansman, Willy will also recognize it if he is tricked!
After all, following the saints can still be delicious and spicy, but what's the point of following the Sami people?Eat stinky fish or feed polar bears?
"I beg you to bring them back, I am willing to pay any price!"

The Northern Fox, who did not surrender to the crazy golden king, now smashed his knees to the ground for the sake of his family.

Before touching the ground, Feng Daofu supported him with both hands: "Is there your family in there?"

"There is my wife and daughter. The other tribesmen, I also consider them family."

Willie was forced to go down, so he simply raised his head and looked at the snowflakes falling from the sky: "It started to snow, and it snowed that night."

"That was when I was young. It snowed heavily that year, and it snowed for many days in a row."

"I want to clear the snow, but I can't clear it."

"Finally in the middle of the night, the house suddenly collapsed."

"My mother only had time to protect me firmly, and then it was dark."

"Cold, dark, and hopeless. I don't know how long it has passed, but a fire suddenly lit up in the darkness."

Willy said slowly: "It was the tribesmen who realized something was wrong and dug me out in the wind and snow."

He didn't say what happened to his relatives.

Feng Daofu didn't ask, just said: "Since you have converted to Io's petitioner, then you are my brothers and sisters."

"Your family is my family."

"I swear to the Valkyrie, I will grant your wish and bring them back safely."

The calm tone gives a strong sense of security.

Willie thanked repeatedly excitedly, and his cold and guarded heart began to loosen.

He secretly swore: If the clansmen return safely this time, false conversions will be a thing of the past.

He is willing to be the ax in the hands of the saints, splitting all enemies standing in front of the church!
Feng Daofu did not seem to notice the change in Willy, picked out a few wooden boards from the ruins of the camp, and started to beat them.

Is this an assembly thing?

Willy's doubts arose again.

In the northern frigid forest sea, riding a horse is likely to fall, and the sled cannot be pulled up to speed. It is impossible to catch up with the Sami people who are familiar with the forest terrain with their feet.

Is there any way to catch up with the time difference of half a day?

Feng Daofu's hands are like lightning, quickly completing a process: "What humans are best at is to create tools to solve problems when faced with difficulties!"

“The skates are what you need to catch up with the Sami!”

Wood splicing, leather straps, dismantling daggers, changing blades into ice skates
A pair of simple skates comes together as fast as the naked eye can see!

The Norse tribe had sleds but no skates. The main reason was that the smelting technology was insufficient to make skates.

This is not a problem for Feng Daofu, who has already built a compact version of the blast furnace, and even sells the agricultural dagger to others at the price of 4 silver coins.

The quality is good and the price is good. Believers also have discounts when buying in groups.

The workers in the gathering place bought agricultural daggers as soon as they got their wages, and everyone present had one.

A dagger is not enough to transform a skateboard shoe, but a donkey can be used.

This kind of single-blade ice cart, which was popular in the north of my hometown for a while, feels like squatting on a toilet.

The posture is not as chic as skates, but it is enough to be able to skate and the speed is not slow.

Under Vondorf's guidance, Sarri and others worked hard to assemble it.

But even if they receive night shift training for technicians during this period, their efficiency is far from being comparable to his.

Time is tight.

For the sake of talents, Feng Daofu couldn't wait: "I'll go first, and come after you are well, and I will leave a conspicuous mark for you."

Ted subconsciously said: "Is it too dangerous? Can we really catch up?"

"Just find their location first."

Feng Daofu put on simple skateboard shoes, took two dozen Molotov cocktails from the little grenadier, and adjusted the two-handed long knife on his back.

Holding two wooden sticks in both hands for balance: "A huge herd of reindeer means a huge water consumption."

"No matter how the Sami migrate, they must move along the water system."

"The river has been frozen for some time and the ice is thick enough."

Fondolf leaned forward slightly: "At this moment, this silver glacier is a road leading to Rome!"

Call ~
The air current blows up and picks up their hair.

Surrey suddenly exclaimed: "Aurora!"

In the black velvety night sky, the gorgeous aurora floats lightly, like a Valkyrie parading.

Under the starlight and aurora, the reflection of the ice surface is like the Milky Way.

The black-haired saint glides in the sea of ​​stars, like sailing a boat in the Milky Way, until it disappears at the end.

It is snowing.

Snow piled up into hillocks.

Suddenly, a figure passed by, and the ice skates tore through the snow all over the sky.


Vondolf, who was skating forward at full speed, exhaled a ball of hot air, and the message 'Running +1' kept flashing in his peripheral vision.

He ignored it and carefully recalled the information about the Sami people.

This is a primitive tribe that is even more backward than the Norse people. It is rumored that they began to move into Scandinavia as early as 1 years ago.

It was later crowded out by Germanic and Finnish tribes.

The North tribe was once the main force in the expulsion, and captured many Sami slaves in the process. Now many slaves and free people are mixed with Sami blood.

The Sami people were forced to move north and retreated to the north, close to the Arctic Circle.

Agriculture cannot be developed in extremely cold regions.

Forced by the environment, they gradually mastered the technology of raising reindeer and developed into a unique reindeer civilization.

"They were carrying reindeer and captives, so their speed was bound to be reduced."

Feng Daofu calculated: "In half a day, it is estimated to walk 20 kilometers, and the rest is elementary school math problems."

"Maolo walks from place A to place B. After a while, the handsome guy is going to catch Luo. If you run, you can walk 10 kilometers per hour, and you can catch up in 2 hours; if you skate, you can walk 25 kilometers per hour. How long is it? Time can catch Mauro."


A snow fox suddenly sprang out of the cold forest.

Behind the snow fox, a black wolf followed closely, biting silently and relentlessly.

Two figures, black and white, were running on all fours, and for a moment they were running alongside the black-haired boy.

Feng Daofu glanced away from Xuehu, and his gaze was directly fixed on the black wolf behind him.

"Natural Hunter - Prerequisites"

"1. Successfully defeated a wild beast that was far stronger than itself in the first hunt (defeated the European gray wolf, the requirements have been met)"

"2. The species of beast that was hunted for the first time, and one was hunted again (European gray wolf, 0/1)"

"3. In the first month of hunting, hunt at least 10 kinds of prey (10/10)"

Just because he's busy farming doesn't mean he's forgotten about the trait quest chain.

During this period of time, I used some flooded small prey to brush the third requirement. Not long ago, I had already filled it up, and I was only short of hunting a gray wolf at the end.

They were driven far away at first, and no trace of the gray wolf was ever found nearby.

In the blink of an eye, Feng Daofu made a decision, and the simple skates suddenly tightened.

An 'accident' caused his figure to tilt suddenly, and he supported himself with a branch in his hand. He barely maintained his balance, but he had already lost his speed and was spinning on the ice.

All of this was seen by the black wolf.

After weighing the weight difference between the erect ape and the snow fox, the black wolf resolutely gave up the cutie, and went straight to the 'big mistake' Feng Daofu.

White blizzard.

Feng Daofu squatted on the ground and raised his head.

The hair on his forehead was blowing, and the black wolf shadow quickly enlarged in his pupils.

When the fishy smell of the wolf's kiss wafts over, the power of death and life surges.

Snow and Black Wolf seemed to freeze at this moment.

Feng Daofu seems to have entered the crack of time, holding Macharla tightly, and then...
Draw the knife!

The knife light like autumn water suddenly appeared in the cold forest!

The black wolf seemed to be aware of it, and tried its best to dodge in mid-air, but nothing could prevent death.

When a wolf swoops and attacks in mid-air, it is also when the wolf is most vulnerable!
Walk on the edge!

The figures of man and wolf are intertwined.

The black wolf fell heavily onto the ice, hot blood pumping out of his neck. His limbs tried to stand up but were limp and had no strength at all. He lost his life after a moment.

"Hands +50"

Feng Daofu flicked the long knife casually, and a streak of scarlet splashed out from the ice.

Clamping the knife in the elbow socket, wiping off the last bit of wolf blood, the black-haired saint put away the knife and continued to move forward.

Xuehu ran a few steps in a daze and stopped, stood up and looked at the wolf's corpse and Feng Daofu's back, great doubts floated in his little head.

"I'm getting stronger."

Vondorf thought.

The gray wolf that had seriously injured him and even nearly killed him was now just a one-shot thing, and it became the food for him to continue to grow stronger.

Opening the panel revealed the long-awaited news.

"Activate Traits - Natural Hunter (agility +2, trace retention time +20%, movement speed when chasing the target +20%, loot when tracking and hunting successfully +20%)"

Unknowingly, the agility attribute already has 9 points.

Feng Daofu can feel that his reactions are faster and the speed of mastering skills has increased significantly.

After skating for a while, his skills are no less than that of amateur skating masters.

But the most useful thing is the other bonus.

The black-haired saint skimmed across the glacier.

His eyes quickly caught the traces on both sides of the river bank.

After the trace retention time increased by 20%, the originally blurry traces were now marked with red smoke, becoming particularly obvious in his eyes.

Countless red smoke floated up and gathered into a road of red smoke, guiding him in the direction of the Sami people.

"The direction is right."

"Just a little faster."

Feng Daofu took out the wine bottle and took a sip.

After drinking half a pot, I finally felt a sense of satisfaction.

"Activate drinking BUFF: within 1 hour, strength +1, damage +10%"

The strength is increased, and the movement speed is increased by 20%. The speed almost exceeds the performance limit of simple skates.

The cold forests on both sides are stretched into light belts.

In the gorgeous aurora, Vondorf seems to be really crossing the Rainbow Bridge.

The wind sounded like the neighing of a pegasus.

The tall silver-haired Valkyrie was parading in the starry sky, holding her sword high to guide him ahead, which was a herd of reindeer and tents.

Found the Sami!

(End of this chapter)

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