Starting from blacksmithing, riding and chopping Europe

Chapter 27 I Shouldn't Advise You to Eat 2 More Bowls

Chapter 27 I Shouldn't Advise You to Eat Two More Bowls
"Control the Sami female shaman, control +1"

"Control the Sami female shaman, control +1"

"Persuade two shamans, diplomacy +5"

"Command two shamans, tactics +2"

"You don't want to succeed in persuasion, diplomacy +10"

"Successfully created an indoor compact shield wall formation, tactics +10"

"Tactics upgrade!"

"Acquire expertise - Asymmetrical combat (the damage caused by troops on snow and forest terrain +10%, movement speed +2%)"

"Medical Skills +1"

early morning.

It was still dark before Vondolf crawled out.

Watching the pressure he emptied, he breathed out a circle of hot air instead of after-the-fact smoke.


Feng Daofu opened the door, and the warmth accumulated in the room overflowed with white air: "Although these experience and information are a bit ridiculous, the expertise is really delicious."

The world outside is white.

He swept away the ice picks from the eaves, and his plush boots made a squeaking sound on the snow: "Environmental expertise has great limitations, in exchange for a higher bonus, it can be used in Nordic houses. It’s really cool.”

After walking a few steps, Feng Daofu already felt the effect.

The bonus is high, and it can also be given to troops in batches. In snow and forest, level 3 soldiers can be used as level 4 soldiers, which is very beautiful.

When Master Feng was in a good mood, he wanted to read a poem when he saw the snow scene.

"The silver dress is wrapped in blue, and the rolling white hair is a bit out of style."

"Snowflakes whisper around me, my boots, leave a trail of gaps in the snow behind me, but no one will tread the road again, looking for my tracks, and when the clock strikes again, they will be gone."

The blue tit got up with clothes on, just in time to hear someone read a poem.

She looked at her back with complicated emotions.

The cold winter snow scene, the lonely walk. Poetry makes her like it very much.

But people who read poetry
"Wake up?"

Feng Daofu turned around, picked up the cute little girl who was acting coquettishly, and wrapped it around the female shaman's neck: "It just snowed and it's cold."

Little cutie: "?"

When he said this, the blue tit also felt the chill.

Shrinking his neck, he let Feng Daofu wrap the 'white scarf' around him, his dark brown eyes looked at the pupils of the same color, all the emotions in his heart seemed to melt in this warmth, and his expression softened.

Feng Daofu also looked at her.

The two looked at each other.

Little cutie: "嘤~"

Feel a little full.

This sound brought Blue Tit back to his senses, and he subconsciously looked away: "Are you hungry?"

what am i talking about!
The female shaman was annoyed at herself.

Feng Daofu held back his laughter, patted his stomach and said, "I'm a little hungry, shall I make you breakfast?"

Blue Tit was going to refuse sternly.

But Master Feng's rice is really delicious.

Vegetable soup, with round and small white balls floating, sprinkled with green and extremely northern shallots.

She took one with the spoon, and the female shaman took a bite, and the gravy immediately seeped into her mouth.

I just feel that the meat is delicate, the taste is soft, and the mouth is full of delicious taste, just like eating clouds.

"It's delicious." She covered her mouth: "What is this?"

Before Feng Daofu could answer, an angry voice came from beside him: "Teacher, you are stealing food again!"

Blue tits look away.

Feng Daofu smiled and said, "Why don't you rest with them?"

Little Skylark blushed: "It smells delicious."

According to my previous careless personality, this would not be the case.

One night passed and nothing was the same.

Feng Daofu asked the three Maoluo first.

Little Skylark said they were still sleeping.

Feng Daofu immediately understood that it was not because of his physique, but because of his foodie's strength.

He looked at Little Skylark, who wanted to eat but didn't dare to speak.

If it was before yesterday, she would definitely have spoken out.

Seeing the new world last night, the girl understands that some things are not something you can eat if you want to. But you just want to eat.

Master Feng waved, and the little shaman immediately sat down with a smile.

I frowned when I sat down, but when I took it into my mouth, I forgot about any pain.

"Really delicious."

Little Skylark tasted it: "Looks like fish?"

"In vain, it's not fishy at all!"

The girl was surprised to discover the new world: "It turns out that not all white things are fishy!"

The blue tit was also surprised: "Is this fish?"

"Very good at eating."

Feng Daofu first gave Little Skylark an affirmation.

After making the girl smile coquettishly, he said: "This is the recipe I brought from my hometown."

"Whenever the peach blossoms bloom in my hometown, I will make a bowl."

"First separate the fish bones from the fish meat, clean and cut the fish meat into small pieces, marinate and remove the fishy smell, twist it into a fine meat paste, add salt, grain powder, etc., mix well, knead into balls, and put cold water first Put it back in the pot and cook."

Feng Daofu briefly talked about the process.

The two little birds were amazed.

It gave Master Feng a sense of accomplishment, and he smacked his lips in pity: "It's a pity that there are not enough ingredients. If there is chili pepper, it can also be made into oily and spicy fish balls."

"First sprinkle white sesame seeds and coriander on the cooked fish balls, then heat up the pan, add oil, add minced garlic, chili oil, and light soy sauce after the oil is slightly hot."

"The hot oil is poured directly on the fish balls, and there is a sizzling sound."

"That aroma makes my mouth water just thinking about it."

Feng Daofu said that he was so hungry that he drank three bowls.

The two shamans have no concept of many ingredients, but judging by the way he eats, he probably knows how delicious it will be.

Listening to Feng Daofu talking about steamed fish balls, fried fish balls, fried fish balls, curry fish balls, and fish ball noodles.

The little skylark took the mixed rice and ate it happily.

Master Feng didn't forget about cutie either.

Although there was an untimely cry, the effect was already in place.

He generously rewarded the little cutie with a big fish head, and the little fox who ate it couldn't see through its eyes.

The blue tit looked at them and suddenly felt like a family of three.
She stopped her thoughts and finished the bowl gracefully. Her whole stomach felt warm, just like the warmth she felt for the first time last night - here she meant lying on the kang and sleeping.

Fondolf asked: "How is it?"


“The best fish ever eaten!”

Both female shamans agree.

Feng Daofu asked again: "You have rich experience in relocation, please give me a suggestion, can fish balls be used as dry food for relocation."

In terms of business, Little Skylark wisely shut up and let the teacher play.

The blue tit thought for a while and said cautiously: "Can I eat it without cooking it?"

"You can eat it directly after cooking it, but it may cause diarrhea."

Feng Daofu said: "This can be mixed with more grain flour to make grilled fish cakes, which can improve the problem of diarrhea. It can also be filled with cheese to increase the calories. One can fill the stomach."

The female shaman said yes: "If it is convenient and delicious, and you won't get sick from eating it, then there is no problem. It is much better than what we used to eat when we migrated."

Then he asked curiously: "Are you preparing for the Finnish robbery trade?"

Feng Daofu nodded: "Any action must first consider the issue of food."

The female shaman asked again: "The choice of fish is also because of your fishing plan?"

"You're right again."

Feng Daofu was surprised: "Are you too restrained in eating? What's the relationship between us, don't be so secretive, just eat with confidence, I can support a hundred more of you!"

The female shaman couldn't hold back, she stared at him with dark brown eyes: "It's not enough to raise a few, how about a hundred more?"

Vondorf: "Is that the point?"

Female Shaman: "?"

The blue tit didn’t understand what it meant at first.

He said: "When there is a peak in a place, there is a high probability that there will be a depression nearby."

"This is because nutrients are being sucked away by the mountain."

"It's the same with people. If there is a place that absorbs too much nutrition, it also needs a nourishing brain."


Before Master Feng finished speaking, the female shaman reacted quickly, and for the first time, an expression of embarrassment appeared on her elegant oval face.

"Stress +1"


"Stress +1"


The scene was very lively.

The little skylark who was watching looked down at himself, and blinked cutely: "So I'm smart?"

Feng Daofu gave her a thumbs up despite his busy schedule.

Little Skylark was pleasantly surprised: "I'm very smart!"

Feng Daofu: "If I help you supplement your nutrition, you will definitely develop well in the future."

Little Skylark: "?"

"You lied to me like this last night!"

The good-tempered little shaman couldn't bear it anymore.

After laughing for a while, the three Maoluo also got up.

After finishing the Japanese meal, Feng Daofu held a small Io religion development meeting.

There were six meeting members in total.

Norse representatives: Vera, Valentina and Cleo (three mauro)

Norwegian representative: Ava.

Representatives of the Sami people: blue tit and little skylark.

Because of the saint's hard work last night, the female shamans have decided to transfer to the Valkyrie of the Io Sect.

So this meeting can also be called the Saint and the Six Valkyrie Meeting.

The meeting first heard the reports of the Valkyrie from the three sections.

Representative Vera said gently: "Master, you were too tired last night, so I made steamed buns for you~"

The presiding saint said righteously: "Winter comes early in the Northland, forge ahead and start a new journey. To implement the spirit of the high-quality development conference, to take new steps and achieve new results, it is the time of hard work, and you can't say you are tired!"

Master Feng whispered, "Let's eat together later, I love you."

Vera stands for a happy smile.

The representative of Little Skylark expressed strong protest.

The presiding saint simply ignored it: "Next."

Valentina said on behalf of shyness: "I have learned the long-legged rolled roast duck that the master said."

Representative Valentina temporarily left the meeting because she was too shy.

The presiding saint lamented: "On the one hand, you shoulder the responsibility for the development of the church, and on the other hand, you shoulder the heavy responsibility of high-quality local development. How can you seize new opportunities for great development with such an attitude?"

Master Feng whispered, Master Feng was arrested by the blue tit representative!
Representative Cleo protested strongly: "I haven't..."

Little Moluo was suppressed by Ava!

Before leaving the stage, he shouted: "I hate red hair!"

The Blue Tit representative slapped the table: "Be serious!"

The presiding sage issued a condemnation: "Yes, be serious! Iron shoulders shoulder the heavy responsibility, and soft shoulders give way!"



Feng Daofu coughed lightly: "Now the church has radiated more than 400 people, and food is the first thing that needs to be solved."

"Although the Norse tribe harvested a lot of grain during the autumn tour of Sorgon, most of them were controlled by noble warriors."

"They use grain to employ the low-level Norse to get their own."

"In short, if we continue to increase external food purchases, it will definitely alarm the noble warriors, because now they have enough food to supply 400 people."

"I don't plan to let them know the true strength of the church just yet, so I can only find a way to solve it myself."

"It's definitely too late to farm, and slaughtering livestock is too wasteful. The best option is to develop fishing."

"I plan to set up a ceremony for this matter."

Do what you do and love what you do.

The new moon deepens the ritual into the basic necessities of believers.

Of course the Ao Cult would do the same.

There happens to be a good reference example.

Fat head fish girl. The sacrificial ceremony of winter fishing in Chagan Lake is very good.

Feng Daofu briefly stated his thoughts.

The blue tit also regained its elegance, and gave a practical opinion: "For the ceremony, you need to communicate with the priests of the North tribe, right?"

Feng Daofu slapped his forehead and realized a problem.

Little Skylark muttered: "I always feel like the Saint is thinking of how to deceive people again."

He was obviously deceived by my candy for an hour, so why is his intuition so accurate? Feng Daofu said without changing his face: "I will communicate this."

The female shaman who was the first female hunter of the clan also keenly sensed something: "Priest?"

Feng Daofu clapped his hands together: "I shouldn't have advised you to eat two more bowls just now."

The blue tit first blushed slightly, then frowned, and finally returned to calm: "That's fine."

She was just instinctively uncomfortable, and rationally said that this result was the best for all parties. She didn't have to worry too much about the pressure from the priests of the North tribe, and the clan customs were not binding, so she didn't think it was anything.

Feng Daofu fed some snacks and did some thoughtful things, and the discomfort also dissipated.

Margaret went through the same process.

After taking an hour to let the priestess' discomfort dissipate, she also began to be happy about the development of Vondorf's career.

This is what our primitive clan is like~
"What new knowledge do you want to come up with?"

Satisfied, the languid priestess began to yearn to satisfy her thirst for knowledge.

Vondorf said: "A fishing system consisting of trawl + winch + reindeer cart, etc."

Trawling is a fishing method that uses the movement of ships to drag fishing gear forward on the seabed or sea water, forcing the fishing gear to pass through fish, shrimps, crabs and other fishing objects in the water and enter the net bag.

This technology is not too advanced. It was popularized on a large scale in Europe from the 10th to the 12th century. It has been a technology that has been used to catch fish for thousands of years. Winter fishing on the ice of Chagan Lake also uses an improved trawl method.

Feng Daofu directly used ready-made ones as a reference.

He has never done anything, nor has he seen the blueprints, but he has seen the video, which is a matter of inversion.

It's like doing math problems. Some mathematicians forget the formula and can re-deduce it completely on the fly.

The precision of the equipment required for fishing is not as high as that of spacecraft, so some errors in backward calculation are completely acceptable.

In addition to the new materials made by electrochemistry, the strength of the fishing net also has expertise - the carpenter's instrument durability +33% bonus, which is enough.

Anyway, Master Feng is not too demanding.

Not only does Lake Baikal produce 150 million tons of fish annually, but Chagan Lake produces a fraction of 6500 tons of fish, which is enough to feed these hundreds of people.

"I have a question, I don't know if you have thought of it. If, as you said, the fishing volume can be so large, how do you plan to allocate these resources?"

Probably Margaret's feet fell to the ground, and IQ regained the high ground.

She said sharply: "Hire them and only give them money? Do you have so many silver coins? Will their mentality be balanced?"

Priest's longhouse.

The candles flickered with flickering light.

"The problem of how to distribute so many fish is easy to solve. The church will feed everyone, and every household has extra fish. It will be no problem to teach them some lessons at night to get most of them out."

Feng Daofu put his hands on the back of his head: "Currency is difficult. There are enough silver coins now, but it won't last long."

Margaret was curious: "How are you going to solve it?"

The Chief Priestess is already the most loyal companion, and after getting to know her better, she has a reliable character.

Feng Daofu did not hide: "I have imagined a scoring system that replaces currency, and it is called A points, AO's A."

Margaret wondered: "Score A? Will they approve this?"

Feng Daofu did not answer directly: "I just came to the Norse tribe. When I was running around for food and clothing, I traveled all over the town and the surrounding agricultural areas, and came into contact with many low-level Norse people. The class has a clear understanding."

"Whether they are Norse or other clans, they are very poor. All they have is their bodies. They just want to earn money to eat and clothe themselves."

"Create a benchmark for catfish, use violence to bluff, use money to buy obedience? These are all ways, not so good ways."

"Whether it's by caring, by sharing money, or by reprimanding, the effect is only temporary."

"Whether it's a dream or a passion, all spirit cannot be separated from material things."

"For the poor, as long as the A score can get them what they want and arouse their desires and needs, they can accept this new system!"

"I only think about whether I am happy with what I do, because this is the only life I will die in this life?"

"Then link your work with your treatment in the afterlife!"

"The better your job, the higher your A-score, the higher your benefits will be. It will even be better if you fly to heaven after death and enjoy it!"

"Regardless of men and women, there is only one or no raisins for believers with honor level 0. You are a distinguished believer honorary member level 1, and you can enjoy four raisins after death!"

"If you work and sacrifice for the church, it will be incredible, and you will be promoted to three levels in one go!"

"As a distinguished honorary member three, not only can you have 72 raisins after you die, but you can also bounce back after being cursed by others, causing you to be banned!"

Mr. Feng became more and more excited as he talked: "There are also people who don't care about death so much, so we have to focus on their quality of life while alive."

"It's easy to be satisfied, doesn't care much about money, and doesn't pursue too much work?"

"It's because they haven't gotten to where they need money, because they haven't seen what it's like to have money in the world."

"Think earning 5 silver coins a month is enough? 5 silver coins are enough to buy a unicycle."

"Do you think earning 10 silver coins a month is enough? Only 10 silver coins are enough to buy a set of iron farm tools."

"Do you think earning 100 silver coins a month is enough? 100 silver coins are enough to pay the down payment for a set of composite linen armor at the Aio Farm Tool Factory."

"Do you think earning 1000 silver coins a month is enough? 1000 silver coins is just enough to fully purchase a sea-view brick house just developed by Ao Church."

"What? Don't need a sea view room, but a long house?"

"I will take them into the brick and tile building, and feel the wind will not drop the soil, the air will not be turbid, and what kind of experience it is to enjoy a mansion that is as bright as the outside during the day."

"At this moment, the world is very different!"

"Now everyone knows that the houses where rich people live are so comfortable, and they understand the gap between people."

"As long as your heart is moved, you will feel that you are making less money."

Feng Daofu said: "When they have expectations for the future world, when he wants to change for himself, he can really change!"

"To achieve this, we must design a good cycle so that they feel that they can achieve it with hard work, with strong positive feedback, and they cannot use repetitive labor to take up too much of their energy and time, but give them enough time and energy to enjoy it. "

"When you can control your own destiny and decide your own destiny, you will consciously work hard."

"When you know that no matter how hard you try, it will be difficult to change your destiny, you will instinctively give up."

“Why did Rome decline?”

"Because the elders will say that it's not me who makes the workers die of exhaustion, it's because they don't know how to combine work and rest."

"What kind of vine bears what kind of melon, what kind of tree blooms what kind of flower."

"Without money, social status, and culture, it is difficult for people to control their own destiny."

"If you haven't enjoyed it, you don't know the benefits of money, and of course you don't have the motivation to make money."

"So change that."

"Money is alive. We must respect it and let it release its beautiful side instead of... In short, there is no way to solve the problem of all-inclusive supervision, and household guaranteed production is also flawed."

"So in my plan, A points are treated as a token."

"It is no different from the reward of silver coins. I will cast additional physical coins that are difficult to imitate, avoiding the need to form a supervision team and saving management costs."

The priestess blinked: "With this technology, why don't you make counterfeit coins?"

Master Feng said righteously: "I never make black money!"

Counterfeit money still needs to use other people's systems, and the cost of high imitation will increase.

Make your own tokens and do a good job of processing precision anti-counterfeiting, you can use low-cost metal materials, the cost is much lower, and you don’t have to worry about credit issues. This is much more fragrant than counterfeit coins, and you can hide this method for future needs. Time to use it as a weapon...

He continued: "Do more and get more, do less and get less, reduce complexity so that even the poorest and most uneducated people can understand it."

"Believers can use A points to purchase church goods and services, or they can exchange them for silver coins to trade what they want in the market."

"There is a planning side and a market side."

"A points can also be used to recharge. I mean to increase the level of my believer's honorary membership."

"The higher the level of honorary membership of a believer, the higher the benefits they enjoy, such as shopping discounts, free schooling, living allowances, hardship subsidies, elderly subsidies, disabled people's subsidies, housing subsidies, etc."

"As much as possible, it is helpful to ensure that believers can be supported when they are old, those who are disabled, and those who are widowed and lonely."

"The relationship between the church and believers has become a partnership, a community of interests."

"The most stable relationship in the world is that everyone gets what they need."

“This relationship gives believers a great sense of belonging to the church.”

"What they have paid will also become a sunk cost that they are unwilling to give up this relationship, and there will be a very high foundation of trust between them."

"These benefits give believers a sense of self-satisfaction with improved living standards and social status, as well as a sense of honor and centripetal force. Not only can it greatly reduce the difficulty of management, but it can also make it easier for Io Cult to assimilate pagans."

"Who can deny such an earthly kingdom?"

Feng Daofu said so, but in his heart he wanted to tie up the majority as quickly as possible, and then create greater value.

The production efficiency of this era is too low.

As long as it succeeds, the efficiency can double and skyrocket.

It doesn't hurt to give believers more, anyway, this is far less than the value they can really create.

But even so, it was enough to make Master Feng a great benevolent person.

This was the case in the poorer Middle Ages.

"Greed Pressure-1"

"its not right."

Margaret was keenly aware of the problem: "Do you have the wealth to satisfy so many people?"

"Not now, but soon," Vondorf said.

No matter whether it can be done or not, let’s draw the cake first.

The current handicap is not big, only a few hundred people, so it is not difficult to implement.

Vondorf: "Remember the productivity concept I mentioned earlier?"

"Grandpa Ma said that the first point of productivity is workers with certain scientific and technological knowledge, production experience and labor skills."

"People are the most active factor in productivity and the primary productive force."

"The second point is science and technology."

The order is important.

Technology is the primary productive force, which is equivalent to saying that people are unimportant and that people are at a disadvantage.

Continuously strengthening the importance of science means making working people less and less important, so that workshop owners can be more wanton.

But what is produced needs to be consumed by people.

Without people to consume, without circulation, things are worthless, so talents are fundamental.

In fact, labor and technology are not opposed to each other, but some bad people have diverted the contradiction.

"Now that I have enough manpower, I can get more fish by developing new fishing techniques."

"The fish that were caught to feed 1000 people now only need to feed 400 people. With such abundant resources, it is naturally difficult to create conflicts."

"Of course, only fish is definitely not enough, so the light industry will be developed in the future, and more products will be produced to recycle their A points, and then the recycled ones will be used to build and improve the life of the church, and then sent out during the construction process A score, let more people recognize this set. This is a virtuous circle brought about by people and technological progress."

"As long as the cycle continues, the resources continue to expand, and there are more and more fish and grains, it will be difficult to have any conflicts—just difficult, not absolutely impossible."

"What should we do if we encounter bottlenecks and conflicts? External transfers, and new plots for transactions."

"But based on the wisdom I have gained from outside the world, it is quite difficult to encounter a bottleneck within 100 years."

Vondorff stood up and blew out the candle.

The room was plunged into darkness.

After a moment.

There is a sound of turning.

The filament of carbonized cotton thread emits a faint light, dispelling the darkness in the room.

The black-haired saint stood in the light, as if shrouded in a halo, his face became blurred, and the priestess could only vaguely see the corners of his mouth raised: "The world is so big, this game is enough for a long time."

Margaret looked at him for a while, then opened her mouth, "Ugh~"

Master Feng: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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