Starting from blacksmithing, riding and chopping Europe

Chapter 43 Goal, the sea at the end of the world!

Chapter 43 Goal, the sea at the end of the world!
The whole bay radiates a thirst for expedition.

What is the lord of the bay doing at this time?
in the dry horse.

To be precise, Feng Daofu wanted to watch horse movies, but failed.

"I found a few fillies for you, but you don't have a big tooth? You are useless if you give you a chance!"


Big Tooth and the ponies ate the hay calmly.

Feng Daofu thought to himself that if there were no female centaurs, would my buddies still need you?

He deeply felt that the world version restricted his operations.

If it was the magical Middle Ages, my buddies would have brought the Thousand Sons of Monster Legion south and headed south to Britain!
"Not to mention this expedition, it is estimated that the cavalry will not be able to count on it in the past two years."

In the Battle of Four Clans, Feng Daofu felt the thrill of a cavalry master.

Riding on horseback may not be as good as the legs of the erect ape.

But on the battlefield, having strategic mobility advantage is great!

During the period after the war, in addition to consolidating forces and training troops, Feng Daofu was also thinking of ways to use his specialty - the +20% bonus to the mount's health to test whether his original idea was feasible.

Unexpectedly, the plan didn't even start, and it was frustrated because of the horse's lack of cooperation.

The old shepherd next to him smiled and said, "Holy One, I know you are in a hurry, but please don't be so anxious."

"In the past, we had to wait until the sea thawed and Sol, the goddess of the sun, was on a normal tour before we could breed horses."

Feng Daofu translated: Spring and summer can only breed.

He vaguely remembered that this was not the case.

Theoretically, horses are seasonal estrous animals, but when he took the postgraduate entrance examination to relax his brain, he found a random paper that overturned this theory.

I remember that the paper seemed to be written by Ning Peisheng and other experts. It is an observation record of the breeding experiment observation of 1961 South China small horses in Fusui Stud Farm from 1963 to 158.

Records show that although horses mainly live in spring and summer, mares also have a 30% chance of going into estrus in winter.

This proves that as long as the climate is suitable and the nutrition is sufficient, mares can be in estrus all year round, but the pregnancy rate is highest between April and July, and the pregnancy rate is lower at other times.

At the end of the paper, the mare's estrus types were divided into three types: spring and summer, year-round and intermediate.

Feng Daofu only remembered so much, and Tongliao University of Technology didn't teach how to operate it!
The school is really bad!

It is not a big problem to have no cavalry in the expedition, but the issue of horse breeding should not only be considered in the short term, but should be considered in the long run. It is time to prepare.

How to solve the problem of breeding horses?
Fondorf left the stable thoughtfully.

After getting into the carriage, today's rotating secretary, Da Maoluo, said softly, "Master, it's time to host the oyster competition."

So the carriage changed direction.

Since the blizzard, there have only been two light rains, and then it has been sunny until now.

In order to facilitate the transportation of major infrastructure projects, the construction team hurriedly completed the cement reconstruction work on the two main roads across the town. The improved four-wheeled carriages drove smoothly on them.

Winters in Northern Europe are very cold, and the speed of cement solidification must be very slow. However, the quality of pavement in the Middle Ages was not high, and it was completely sufficient under normal circumstances.

Speaking of it, the newly improved four-wheeled carriage has the potential to be an overload king.

Ordinary axles are made of hardwood and are rigidly connected to the wheels and the carriage. This structure has high friction and limited load capacity. For example, Dameng's light two-wheeled vehicle can only carry 300 kilograms, and the bearings cannot withstand high loads for a long time.

The improved metal axle has greatly increased the load-bearing capacity, and the load of the carriage can be increased several times. Together with other improvements, the horse pulling the carriage can save much effort.

Specialty - Carpenter's Equipment Durability +33%, Specialty - Caravan Leader's Troop Logistics Load +30%, a good horse with a weight of 0.7 tons can pull up to 3.5 tons with a four-wheeled cart on a good hardened road The cargo is equivalent to 5 times its own weight.

It has great carrying capacity, runs fast and is stable.

The Valkyries who have experienced it all praised it with both hands and feet.

For such a good four-wheeled carriage, Vondolf had no intention of promoting it.

This was not because he felt that only his high-spirited and upright Vondorff could resist corruption.

The main reason is that industrial production capacity cannot keep up.

Trading old ones for new ones, in a disguised form, confiscated the weapons of most people in the tribe.

Smelt all these weapons and directly upgrade the forging in one wave.

"Acquire blacksmithing expertise - high-pressure forging (strength +1, one/two-handed control +10)"

Forging Lv6, after various control bonuses, Feng Daofu thinks that he has the level of an eighth-level mechanic, all by rubbing it out with his hands.

It’s okay to rub one four-wheeled carriage, but dozens of them?
It's like giving blessings to thousands of female believers who are begging for children. You can't finish your work even if your skin is worn out!

And there are not so many supporting cement roads.

At this stage, the main cement production capacity is still more used in the construction of brick and tile buildings.

On those capillary-like narrow dirt roads, a four-wheeled cart is not as good as a two-wheeled cart.

There are many new technologies in the rural areas of the new era, but the two-wheeled structure is still used in the rural horse carts and ox carts, which can somewhat verify the choice of vehicles in complex environments.

Most of the terrain of the Nordic house is similar to that of my hometown, with many mountains and complex water systems. A single wheel or two wheels with stronger passability are enough.

In addition, there are not so many qualified Malay four-wheelers.

Even with the sponsorship of well-meaning nobles, they mostly raise cattle, and the tribal stables only have a few hundred horses in total, which is simply not enough.

Vondorf also considered ox carts.

Then he discovered that he had made the same mistake of taking it for granted as Napoleon.

Back then, Napoleon made extremely complicated logistical preparations for his expedition to bears. For example, he used a large number of ox carts to supplement the transportation capacity, and counting light two-wheeled carriages, these two accounted for nearly 75% of all vehicles.

The reason for this preparation was that Napoleon was pissed off by the local bad roads during the Polish war, and found that the four-wheeled carriage often couldn't move.

Thinking that Maoxiong's road is even worse, he planned to supplement it with a relatively light Kontova horse-drawn carriage and ox cart.

Napoleon believed that the ox cart was superior to the horse cart in many ways.

It is easier to feed than a horse, carries a greater load than a horse, and can travel on bad roads. And when the supplies on the oxcart are finished, you can directly kill the oxen and dismantle the cart, and use the dismantled firewood to cook beef.

After actual operation, I found that there were too many flaws.

The idea of ​​using ox carts seems thoughtful, but in fact ox carts are cumbersome and slow, and cannot keep up with the march of large troops.

Either kill them early or leave them behind.

The most important thing is that if you are tired and frozen, there will be outbreaks of epidemics, and cattle will be passed on to cattle, which will eventually lead to a large number of deaths of cattle.

It would not be as expected at all, first eating the food on the ox cart, then slaughtering the cow, and finally using the ox cart as firewood - reality directly woke up this sweet dream.

In reality, the cow pulling the cart died first, the cart got stuck in the swamp, and then the food on it rotted.

Historically, before the Eastern Expedition crossed the banks of the Nieman River, none survived. The logistics were completely rotten, and then the whole situation collapsed.

From a certain perspective, it can be said that Niu Niu caused Napoleon's Waterloo.

Niuniu: Shit, Corsican bull eater!

Feng Daofu fiddled around and finally found that the original traditional vehicle worked better.

"A beer belly who has never done farm work in the countryside, slapped his head so high, and then was hanged by the wisdom of the common people. It's so happy to see."

"Fortunately, buddy is not stubborn, if you know your mistakes, you can correct them."

"Everything depends on the material foundation... This expedition should mainly focus on sleds and wheelbarrows, and let's continue to raise the horses first."

Feng Daofu thought of raising horses from the road and vehicles, and decided to provide better food for the horses first.

Although I don’t understand breeding, judging from the humanoid cows and horses, I must live well, eat well, and be in a good mood before I can think about having babies.

Full of warmth and desire!

If you want to improve your horse's diet, it's definitely not possible to eat only hay. You have to use concentrated feed and eat more barley grains, bone meal and other protein supplements to get more concentrated nutrients to meet the extra needs, so that you can gain weight.

Just like people exercising, no matter what kind of exercise, the necessary condition is to eat well, with meat, eggs and milk to keep up.

Just practicing without eating, and hoping to practice well, either there is aura, or something is stuck in the brain.

In a magical country with a large population, the fourth-class cattle and horse field infantry were fed about twenty yuan a day, which was nominally one soup, two meat and three vegetables, and some fruit, but most of the time it was just a hodgepodge of meatballs.

If you take part in some exercise and have to pay for food, you may have a magical cooking class where you can make two dishes and one soup with a piece of celery.

However, the drills and Friday night snacks are really enjoyable.

To be fair, what I usually eat is not bad, but for high-intensity training, the intake of meat, eggs and milk is not enough.

Moreover, the training does not give recovery time, and pays attention to the physiological common sense that "the recovery period is the physical growth period" of willpower. of abound.

In short, to eat according to the standards of war horses, each horse needs to ingest 15 kilograms of compound feed and 25 liters of water every day. Raising a war horse is equivalent to raising 25 people.

Because of the enthusiastic sponsorship of many old nobles, coupled with the innovation of fishing technology, and trading expertise - the output of grain, olives, fish, and dates in the town of the food manager +20% bonus, the food on hand is very plenty.

Material and spiritual progress go hand in hand, which is why Northtown is prospering during this time.

However, now let the church implement the requirement to drink a glass of milk before morning and evening prayers, and provide concentrated feed to dairy cows so that they can produce more milk.

If it is divided by cows, there will not be much share available for breeding horses.

Feng Daofu made a total calculation and decided to use Da Ya and the ponies to conduct a small-scale pilot first.

On these dozen horses, let’s explore and perfect the horse breeding technology. When the horse breeding technology is figured out, there will be more pasture land, and then we can raise horses in large quantities.

"When the time comes to raise horses in Eastern Europe, it would be ridiculous to suddenly show up to my buddies such as the Impaler, Alexander Nevsky, Suvorov, and Attila."

Von Dolf has not forgotten that this is an unparalleled version of medieval brawl.

You didn't have to think about it before, but now that you're a lord, you have to think about it.

"There is a rabbit telegraph, just in time to develop a spy network..."

While thinking about it, the carriage passed houses, medical halls, and schools.

Feng Daofu looked sideways and saw that the buildings were all newly built with red bricks.

Symmetrical, pitched roof, thick walls, three floors, tall chimneys, and thick pipes.

The exterior walls are all exposed red bricks, which makes it look more stable, strong and majestic.

The characters are distributed, and there is a garden in the middle of each character, which is specially used for believers to practice morning and evening prayers.

Four-wheeled carriages slowly passed by the road, and every resident had a smile on their face.

Even the old slaves who were once lifeless now have a completely new mental outlook, and they all straighten their backs.

Their changes also brought a lot of skill experience to Master Feng.

"Acquire management expertise - Sweatshop (workshop output +20%, equipment construction speed +20%)"

"Acquire Engineering Specialty - Breaking Walls (Damage against city walls +25%, Troops' damage against shields +10%)"

The former escorts the rapid development of production capacity and infrastructure.

The latter increases the expedition success rate.

——Although theoretically, a group of primitive clans will not have any decent city defense, but in Wushuang Brawl Medieval, just in case.

Looking at the new expertise, Feng Daofu couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth: No matter how awesome the Brawl Heroes are, they can't be as awesome as his buddy's productivity method.

Big Mauro thought he was proud of the changes he had brought, and sincerely cast him admiring gazes.

"Master, many people on the road are going to participate in the first oyster opening competition organized by you. Speaking of which, why do you have to hold a competition when opening oysters?"

"Enrich everyone's entertainment."

Feng Daofu smiled and said: "The cow will get tired of eating only grass every day. If there is better grass, it will not eat bad things. If it can eat fruits, it will be a joy to eat. After eating, it will not work hard." You work many times harder.”

"Life has to bring about changes, and everyone's labor intensity is high, so we need to carry out more mass activities."

"Everyone knows how to open oysters, and everyone can participate. It's fun and edible. It's a lively and lively game, and life becomes rich and colorful."

"I see, the master is so kind."

"I'm the number one benevolent person in Northern Europe!"

Anyway, the day's work is done, and it is not a waste of working hours to carry out activities after get off work.

With the sound of the driver's brakes, the carriage arrived at the destination.

People who join in the fun rush over one after another, and you come and go, bustling and crowded.

There are patrol soldiers to maintain order, so everyone can participate in the activities with confidence.

Men gather in groups to brag, women gather to gossip, and children play and fight.

Most people were watching live performances by the church propaganda team, including songs, dances, dramas, etc., and most of the content was related to the Edda.

To sum it up: the saint is good, the saint is wonderful, and the saint is croaking.

Some children are not interested in these, so they play games recently promoted by the church.

What about cockfighting, wooden figures, playing clams, playing in the mud, backgammon, snowball fights, and building snowmen?

There are also many who are hanging on the horizontal bar and long jump, competing to see who has better physical fitness.

Many adult men are also getting together to compete in boxing, archery, wrestling and other skills.

"Look, when the sea thaws next year, I will definitely get the black iron-level archery skill badge. Then I will get an extra 1A subsidy every month, and the wartime subsidy will increase a lot!"

This is for archery.

Others laughed: "Black iron? I can get bronze level!"

Another person laughed even more exaggeratedly: "You shabby bronze and black iron, if you want to get it, get the silver-level skill badge! Not only the archery skill, I also want to get the combat command skill badge! If you want to do it, just get the officer!"

Someone asked in confusion: "Wait a minute, what is a skill badge? How can I still get subsidies?"

Seeing him like this, other people will understand: "You can tell at a glance that you didn't go to night school well."

The man scratched his head: "Every time I go there, the teacher has to teach Ai Ou language once. It's a headache for me to learn."

"Many children in Aiou can learn it in a week. It's still a headache to learn? Don't think about any skill chapters in your mind."

Before the irritable old man was about to hit someone, someone said kindly, "Let me tell you."

"Skill badges are badges that indicate various skill levels. For example, in archery, if you can use a 50-pound bow, shoot a 50-meter target, shoot 10 arrows within 3 seconds, and get 3 out of 2, you can get the black iron level. Archery skill medal, you can get subsidies from the church, and you can also get a medal."

As he spoke, he shook his chest muscles, and the three arrows on his chest were crossed like a trident silver medal, reflecting the dazzling light.

"Like me, if I use a 100-pound bow at a distance of 80 meters and hit 10 out of 3 in 2 seconds, I will pass the silver level standard. As long as I pass the assessment every month, I can get the 4A subsidy!"

The grumpy old man was shocked: "4A?! Is this medal real silver?!"

"I do not know either."

He carefully wiped the silver medal with his cuff: "Anyway, it looks good and can get a subsidy."

"That's true."

The irritable old man looked at the medal enviously, and secretly made up his mind to practice archery hard and get a gold skill medal next year!

The carriage happened to be parked near them.

Feng Daofu, who got out of the car, heard their discussion, thinking that the upgrade system + achievement system + money income, this game routine is really easy to use in reality.

How to cultivate people's interest in martial arts?

The combination of interests and honors inspires people to practice voluntarily. Hobbies and benefits can make them want to practice, making training more efficient and saving supervision costs.

This is also a good method of military training approved by Grandpa Qi.

Grandpa Qi also said that the sources of troops in different places have different characteristics.

For the Germanic clans in Northern Europe, this guided approach is more suitable for them.

However, the scientific training of corresponding skills must also be promoted. Don't practice blindly on your own and hurt your body, which may affect your work efficiency.
Feng Daofu thought of the results of military training during this period.

The previously obtained Command Specialty - Famous Commander, has the effect that newly recruited soldiers gain a large amount of initial experience. According to the setting, these experience values ​​can fill up 1% of the experience slot of level 66 soldiers.

Because each person can only trigger it once, Feng Daofu tried his best to give everyone a chance.

After getting used to it, they will do some radio gymnastics every morning and evening. After a little practice, they will be promoted to level 2 soldiers in no time.

The increase is not large, but it can be clearly felt.

With a little publicity, the meaning is different.

The three knives of improving the physical fitness of the whole people, improving the food of the whole people, and improving the living environment of the whole people are the important reasons why Feng Daofu can firmly control the local power in such a short time.

In addition, his main energy is still devoted to solving the first-level contradiction caused by the military merit system.

The head system is a military merit system that has been very popular in East Asia since ancient times. As long as you capture the enemy's head, you can take it to receive a reward. However, this rule also has drawbacks and will cause quite serious consequences. Many incidents occurred in history. In order to kill an enemy, the formation collapsed instead.

Let’s refer to Grandpa Qi’s method for this point - anyway, when it comes to military training, if you don’t know where to look for Grandpa Qi, that’s it.

"Saint? It's a saint!"

"Long live the saint!"

At this time, someone finally discovered Feng Daofu, which caused cheers from the crowd, just like a superstar coming on stage.

Feng Daofu waved all the way to the high platform. After a brief speech, he raised the tin trumpet and said: "I announce that the first oyster opening contest has begun!"

Contestants stood in front of the table one by one.

Each table is set with oyster knives, tablecloths and placebos.

Through these three tools, 4 rounds of competition are completed, with the difficulty gradually increasing. Finally, the public judges will determine the winner through the dual consideration of speed and quality.

The sound of music and cheers could be heard endlessly. The players raised their knives and twirled their hands, and the crystal-clear and plump oysters appeared in front of them one by one.

When it got dark, the game also came to the finals.

Vondorf personally served as a judge, commented on the oysters, and finally gave the strong Norwegian man a championship medal: "I declare that Tim has won the championship!"

Tim is Willy's younger brother, a Norwegian slave who has been reformed through labor for three years.

Although a slave won the championship, everyone who has fully integrated into the atmosphere also gave cheers and applause.

Looking at this scene, looking at his golden championship medal, Tim looked dazed and excited, and the rest of the slaves also found a sense of substitution from him.

They silently decided to work harder in the future, strive to use their own wages to reduce their sentences, and fully integrate into the loving family of Ao Cult.

Watching this scene, Master Feng smiled and went home with a big basket of oysters.

Dinner was oyster pot, fish, chicken, rooster and mushroom soup.

In the boiling pot, the oysters filled with juice look extremely plump.

The waters of the Baltic Sea are pure, and the small, round local flat oysters taste quite good.

And now that fishing technology has improved, oysters living in deeper water are being fished out, and wild old oysters that have lived for 30 to [-] years are caught in large quantities.

There are threads, roller blinds, steamed buns... all kinds of shapes, it's called an oyster gate feast!
Eat oysters, drink chicken soup, and have a glass of sea buckthorn juice.

Master Feng groaned, another night of explosive skill experience.

The life of a lord is so unpretentious and boring.

"Medical skills upgrade!"

"Acquire medical expertise - siege doctor (injury penalty during siege -50%)"

The expertise most needed for the expedition was obtained, and Vondorf held an expedition meeting.

"Today's meeting is very important, so let's forget about the vodka. I won't encourage you to drink spirits in the future. Malt wine is great."

Vondorf raised the malt wine: "Do it!"

Each member of the management team has a cup, and the improved malt wine has a stronger grain aroma, and the air in the conference room is filled with the intoxicating aroma of wheat.

Everyone was refreshed, and the expedition meeting kicked off.

Because in the past, the action trajectory of the Sogon patrol was southward, and even the elders of the Norse tribe knew little about the Finnish world further north.

Fortunately, the Sami people who have been operating in the north drained the Blue Tit to obtain pre-war information. Based on this information, Vondorf first determined the reconnaissance mission.

A group of scouts with the lowest Bronze-level map drawing skill badge/Bronze-level ice sail manipulation skill badge will act as the vanguard.

They will take the latest model of the ice sail of the crab, bring enough dry food such as fish cakes and grilled noodles, and fresh water for a month, along the frozen coastline, all the way north, draw a map along the way, and determine the surrounding economic value.

For example, is there fresh water on the small islands along the way, what is the fishing nearby, are there ferrets and foxes with high fur value on the land, etc.

The rabbit telegraph method for long-distance communication.

This method is not suitable for battle formations, because there are too many distracting factors on the battlefield, and with the adrenaline pumping, it is easy to ignore the signal of expertise enhancement, and you still have to use the traditional golden drum flag.

In the thousands of years without gunpowder smog, the Golden Drum Banner has always been a tried and tested command weapon.

But communicating with the spies, the rabbit telegraph becomes extremely useful.

Also because of the instant communication means, large troops can follow behind and act synchronously.

After discussing the miscellaneous matters, Feng Daofu slammed his fist on the table: "On the first day of the new year, a collective wedding will be held."

"On the second day of the New Year, under the guidance of the Valkyrie's parade, we embark on an expedition!"

"Target, the sea at the end of the world!"

 Thanks to 'Ye Chen King' for the 1948 point reward.

  It was in average condition and was a bit watered down. I originally wanted to popularize entomology, but I really had no inspiration, so I wrote a few hundred more words to compensate my brothers.

  Lao Qi's evaluation: "Chuzhou is the first, followed by Yiwu, Taiwen, and Shaoxing. He is not in this department."

  This ranking is slightly different from that in the history of the Ming Dynasty. However, the Chuzhou soldiers whom he considered to be the strongest were the weak soldiers who were used to kill Japanese enemies, but only won one or two victories, and were often defeated when encountering the enemy in the future. The Yiwu soldiers were even more so: they were defeated repeatedly, so they did not care about the importance.

  It can be seen that these soldiers are not born to be strong soldiers, but adapt to local conditions, learn from their strong points to offset their weaknesses, and focus on training according to their different characteristics to help them overcome their shortcomings.

  For Chuzhou soldiers who are not strong in stamina, we should focus on training their ability to fight for a long time without giving up.

  For the disobedient Yiwu soldiers, we should treat them with kindness and power, not because they are not strong, but because they are untamed; not because they are invincible, but because they are arrogant.

  For the timid Shaoxing soldiers, strict orders were given to strengthen their determination and make them dare to fight the enemy.

  It is indeed a characteristic of the arms.

  Finally, let me tell you a real story about Napoleon that looks like a joke.

  On March 1812, 3, Napoleon wrote a note to his adopted son Eugene, the vice-president of Italy: They (cows) must be allowed to walk only half a day a day and be fully rested.

  Sounds pretty cool, right?
  Napoleon also said before: Once the cow is in bad condition, it must be slaughtered and replaced with a new one.

  Italian soldier: Niu Niu, you heard King Na's order, you are sick.

  Niuniu: Shit, Corsican bull eater!

(End of this chapter)

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