Chapter 47 Boss Blood Axe?

In addition to the diplomatic upgrade, there are other gains.

"Tactics upgrade!"

"Acquire Specialty - Orderly Marching (troop movement speed +10%)"

Extremely high-intensity general-purpose feat.

"Plunder Upgrade"

"Acquire Specialty - Stealth Reconnaissance (Stealth Penalty -50%)"

A specialization very similar to Two-Face.

Disguising, sneaking, and living towards death, he always felt the need to build a hidden sword. Feng Daofu continued to sweep the harvest.

There are abundant resources here, hunting is full of harvests every day, and there is no shortage of food.

With the support of super-fast metabolism provided by Gluttony, in addition to recruiting, he also consciously practices high-intensity shooting skills to fill in the last gaps.

"Bow upgrade!"

"Acquire Specialty - Riding and Archery Skill (Riding and Archery Accuracy Penalty -30%)"

These skill upgrades are just small ones, and the big ones are newly acquired traits.

"You have looted more than 10 territories and completed the Viking baptism!"

"Acquiring Traits - Vikings (Viking +5, Germanic Clan Favor +5, Monthly Prestige +0.5)"

It was clearly recruitment but turned into robbery. This made Feng Daofu speechless, but the trait he was given was very good, and it was a growable trait that improved his personal combat power.

As long as there are more plunders, the final strength will become higher and higher, which is much easier to brush up with traits such as qualified generals.

In addition, the lineage inheritance invested in the beginning began to generate interest.

"Prestige: 550"

"Piety: 231"

The battle prestige inherited through plunder is doubled. Even if the scale of the battle is average, the accumulated prestige is very impressive.

You can spend 500 prestige points to continue cultivating the second stage of the North family inheritance.

Or turn around and spend 250 prestige points to replace a clan inheritance tree.

Feng Daofu thought for a while, and didn't rush to make a choice, there were more important things at the moment.

He glanced at several women, big and small, who were frightened and crying, and finally looked at the middle-aged man who kept making praying gestures.

Wearing a squirrel skin hat that protects the ears, a warm reindeer skin jacket, layers of burlap trousers underneath, and a pair of warm and durable moccasin boots.

He looks much richer than ordinary Burakumin.

Feng Daofu said: "You said you are a Finnish businessman?"

The middle-aged man was surprised that he could understand the Finnish language, then nodded again and again, showing a groveling demeanor, just to protect his family.

Feng Daofu smiled and said: "Don't worry, we are all good people, we just have some issues that require your cooperation."

Looking at the burly men around him, the middle-aged man swallowed his saliva: "I will tell everything I know."

Vondorf asked: "You said Kirkenes Port is a pirate port?"

The middle-aged man had a flattering smile on his face: "Yes, since Eric the Blood Ax came to Kirkenes Port, more and more Norwegian pirates have come there."

"It is said that there are already thousands of pirates, and many Norwegians who have gone to sea to escape the war are living in Kirkenes Port. It is already a large port with nearly [-] people."

"This has attracted many big businessmen, and I, a small businessman, also plan to go there to earn some lovely silver coins."


Northern Scandinavian Mountains.

On one side is a long, secluded bay.

On one side is a tall and beautiful cliff.

Feng Daofu stands on the shore, and into the eyes, there are broad-leaved forests and coniferous forests distributed upward from the foothills.

The lush and tall firs, with their luxuriant branches and leaves, almost cover the sky, and the silence and severe cold coexist, only the performance of the aurora is going on from time to time.

The interaction between the solar wind and the earth's magnetic field makes the night sky at this time appear green, purple, red and other colors.

Vondolf's face faced the brilliant aurora.

If it was the original, seeing these century-old firs would be a joy to die.

Fir is the best material for masts. These ancient trees are qualified to be masts for thousand-ton sails. These rich forest resources are also a major purpose of the expedition.

But now, Feng Daofu's mood is very complicated.

Eric the Blood Axe.
He didn't expect that he was on an expedition to level up, and he actually defeated a BOSS!

"Thinking about it, it's actually not unexpected. The chain reaction of the War of Kings. Willy is a minority going east. Most Norwegians will still go to sea."

Feng Daofu smacked his lips: "But why did it hit my face?"

Historically, this Viking king with a bloody ax only sat on the throne for about three years before he was driven away. He fled south to Northumbria, England, and called on the Vikings here to claim and stand on their own. Be the king.

As a result, under the pressure of the kingdoms of England, Northumbria gave up Eric, and within a few years he was mutinied and died.

Blood Axe's resume seems a bit unimpressive, but as a Viking hero who is listed in the list of Norwegian heroes, in this medieval version of the world of Unparalleled Brawl, you cannot fully refer to history.

For example, Eric the Bloodaxe is the son of King Harald the Blonde.

Right now the crazy blond king is having a blast at the Norwegian Clash of Kings event.

Does such a good old boy suddenly appear? Does he want to be a father or is he not related?
Put aside this Nordic gossip for now.

In short, referring to the outrageous attribute panel of Brynhildr in the hero unit, you can't be too cautious about Eric the Bloodaxe.

Even in a certain game, he is just a Luthor 2-star hero, and Brunhilde is a noble 5-star follower.

But you must know that the silver-haired girl is still in the growth stage, and according to the Finnish businessman, Eric the Bloodaxe is already a mature body. This difference in growth time has a great impact, and can be regarded as an enhanced version of the Norwegian Berserker.

What's more, there are thousands of pirates in Kirkenes Port.

With the nature of pirates, it is impossible to completely obey King Bloodaxe's call, but even if it is only part of it, it is enough to overwhelm his troops.

"It's definitely not possible to force it. What should we do? If this guy doesn't bully the British people, why did he come north to steal my ice-free port?"

As soon as Feng Daofu finished speaking, he immediately thought of the reason.

Britain is also fighting!

The Celtic king was called Arthur, and the English king was called Alfred.

With these two configurations alone, Eric the Blood Ax will probably have both heads blown in the past.

"Then you can go to France. Well, there is a Charlemagne in France."

Vondolf already understood why this group of fleeing Norwegians came to the port of Kirkenes.

"It's annoying"

"Do you feel a headache now?"

The old father-in-law's voice sounded from behind: "With Bingfan's speed, it's not too late to go back and bully the Slavs now."

Feng Daofu glanced at it: "It's just a nuisance, not a headache."

The old father-in-law didn't believe it, but he didn't say anything either.

He was carrying two fishing rods and a fish protection bucket: "Would you like to come ice fishing with me?"

Feng Daofu agreed.

With guards and fishing gear, he came to the side of the glacier.

The old father-in-law said: "When fishing at night, avoid fishing in steep, high and slippery positions, because it is dangerous."

"Don't choose a place with grass and cluttered trees. I don't know if there are poisonous snakes or insects in these places."

After finding a flat and clean place and cleaning up the surrounding weeds and dead wood, Feng Daofu hung the freshwater shrimp he caught on the hook, and with the help of night vision, he found a good place to drop the hook.

After making sure there were no suspicious stones around, Feng Daofu sat on the ponytail, hung the fishing rod on the rope, and started cooking shrimp with the other hand.

This is very close to the sea at the end of the world, and the unique marine resources of the Barents Sea are beginning to increase.

This kind of white shrimp in the cold zone has a white color and thin shell, the whole body is transparent, and the taste is quite sweet.

After sucking a few, laughter came from the old father-in-law: "Sorry, I took the bait first."

"Hey, look, it's a big cod!"

Almost a meter long, the Norwegian Arctic cod is a beautiful olive green color with darker spots that are characteristic of living in shallow coastal waters.

Feng Daofu looked at the motionless fishing rod.

My bad luck in fishing, how did I bring it over through time travel?

They have all been smuggled to Europe. It makes no sense!

It's so crazy!
If you lose the fish, you don't lose the battle!
Feng Daofu: "I just came."

If I were to replace my friend from my hometown, this time I would definitely say, 'No, why did you have so many dark circles under your eyes when you first came here and you still yawned all the time! '

The old father-in-law just said: "I took the bait again, the resources of this place are really good!"

Feng Daofu didn't want to talk anymore.

After a while, he turned to his younger brother and said, "Warm two bowls of wine and bring a plate of boiled shrimps."

The old father-in-law deliberately shouted loudly: "Don't use the crossbow to fish again later."

Feng Daofu opened his eyes wide and said: "Why do you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air!"

There are a lot of words that are difficult to understand: why is a hand crossbow also a fishing rod, why is the air pressure too low today, why is the temperature too low, and why is the fish not opening its mouth.

It caused everyone to burst into laughter, and the air inside and outside was filled with joy.

Call ~
With the wind blowing, fishing, and drinking some wine, Feng Daofu's irritable mood gradually calmed down.

One shot, one world, one ride all day.

No matter how anxious you are, you will forget about it while fishing.

Just thinking about waiting for the fish to take the bait, the troubles during this period will be gone.

Approaching nature, blending into the heaven and earth, and being happy in the overflowing water, the joy and open-minded nature are better than the joy of catching fish.

Feng Daofu recalled that in the past, fishing was rare without the same equipment.

The same air force, the better the equipment, the more embarrassing it is.

No matter what you are playing, no matter how much money you have, whether you are fishing with lures, Taiwanese fishing, traditional fishing, fly fishing, sea poles or any other messy poles or fishing methods, no matter your net worth, no matter your status, there is only one evaluation standard: If you don't catch a fish, as long as you catch a fish, you are NB.

The funniest thing is that no matter what group you join, it will always become a picture group in the end, but only the fishing friend group is really all about fishing.

Research resources, fishing methods, astronomy and geography.

But no matter how much you study, you can't take a trip truthfully and drop two shots.

"I have to go to Kirkenes Port, step on the spot, and investigate the internal situation."

Vondorf thought.

"Finishing a BOSS is not necessarily a bad thing. Having Blood Ax means that there is no need to build Kirkenes Port from scratch, and it also means more lucrative loot."

He is so persistent not only because of the ice-free port and rich resources, but also because of the nearly [-] Norwegians there.

It is possible to turn around and clean up the Slavic clans now, but the Slavic clans along the Baltic Sea are too scattered. It will take a lot of time and effort to integrate them.

Kirkenes Port is different. As long as Eric the Bloodaxe is captured, the port and manpower will be available immediately.

With a little tidying up, you can pull up a sizable navy in no time and join Norway's Clash of Kings version, saving you a lot of time.

Fuck this turtle grandson!
Vondorf made a decision.

At this time, the fishing rod finally came to feel, and the force was quite strong.

Feng Daofu lifted the pole excitedly, feeling a bit like hanging the bottom.

"It's not so unlucky to catch the earth, right?"

Feng Daofu didn't dare to make any effort, he tried little by little.

After finding out that he could pull it, he glanced at the old father-in-law who was watching the excitement, and stomped his feet and heart.

"Get up!"

The muscles of both arms swelled up, and the guy who was eating the hook was caught out in an instant. It turned out to be a huge king crab!
What the hell!

Feng Daofu almost cursed.

Afraid of cutting the tendons, he used the oak fishing rod as a stick, stepped on the ground with his right foot, turned his upper body to the right, and twisted his waist to exert force. The tip of the most front end of the stick instantly hit the king crab.

Crisp natural sound.

The struggling king crab was knocked unconscious by the big dick and immediately stopped moving.

Feng Daofu quickly pulled the net to catch the king crab.

Brown with a hint of blue.

The old father-in-law made a gesture and found that it was at least two meters long and weighed at least ten kilograms!
The old father-in-law was shocked: "Such a big crab?!"

Vondorf smiled.

"I usually don't make a shot, but when I make a shot, it's a giant!"

Vondorf is proud!

After catching a huge fish, Mr. Feng returned home satisfied and had a feast of crab legs.

The sweetest season for king crabs is from November to March of the following year, so now is the perfect time to eat them.

Open the legs, red and white, look tender, dangling, seems to be breathing, and dripping.

Feng Daofu took a bite. It tasted fresh, sweet and tender, without any fishy or salty taste. It was as sweet as drinking honey water.

After enjoying the meal, Feng Daofu had a good sleep.

The next day.

Vondorf made a disguise and came to Kirkenes Port with his younger brothers as escorts of Finnish businessmen.

It is said to be a pirate port, but it is also engaged in ocean trade, and welcomes outsiders, and they can enter smoothly after a simple inspection.

Call ~
A warm and refreshing Norwegian breeze blew in my face.

The entrance was on the hillside, and Feng Daofu walked in. The buildings in the town were intertwined in a disorderly manner, and there were a large number of strong Viking men in shabby clothes walking on the street.

Feng Daofu looked far away.

Seagulls circled and soared in the blue sky.

You can vaguely see the sea at the end of the world covered with white foam.

The steep cliffs plunge deep into the sea, like the arms of a giant, embracing the torrents on the outside, making it a natural harbor in the Arctic Circle.

At this time, there were traditional Viking longships parked on the port.

Feng Daofu stared for a moment, then turned his head and followed the Finnish businessman.

Along the way, I saw a few big companies that seemed to have a quarrel.

He thought about it: "I saw the Danes and the Swedes. These big businessmen have a bad relationship?"

The Finnish businessman said: "Everyone wants to monopolize the loot of Norwegian pirates so that they can make more money."

Feng Daofu nodded: "That makes sense."

Came to the hotel.

It seems that taverns are always indispensable in places where pirates haunt, and the hotel they stay in doubles as a tavern.

Opening the door, Vondorf strode in amid the creaking sound at the bridge.

As soon as he entered, he was greeted with a stuffy smell mixed with the smell of alcohol, sweat, and body odor.

The bar was spacious, with several groups of people, and women walking among them.

On the left is the bar counter of the bar, which is full of Viking hunks with red faces after drinking, and their beards are covered with hops.

There are many long tables on the right side, and there are tables of gambling games, and the strong men are playing with red faces.

"You are so cheating!"

"Oh, don't come to play if you can't afford to lose!"

It seems that there was a dispute in the gambling game, and two people fought.

The others didn't stop them, they were watching the play with their elbows folded, and there were voices of guidance from time to time.

"Kick him!"

"Left uppercut!"

The bartender with a bald head and a beard calmly wiped the Viking sword, occasionally looking up, his expression basically unchanged.

Until the fight is almost done, give the thug a wink.

So the dizzy loser who was beaten just now has to face compensation again.

This is the rule of the Vikings: no matter who is right or wrong, as long as you lose, then you are responsible for all compensation.

Feng Daofu watched with interest.

After the Finnish businessman finished fixing the room, he stopped the waitress and grabbed a handful of silver coins.

The woman looked at her, and suddenly felt a little shy: "You don't need to talk so much."

She led Feng Daofu through the stairs in the middle to the room on the second floor.

After getting the information he wanted, Feng Daofu patiently investigated for another two days, and he had a strategy in his mind.

I opened the panel first and spent 250 prestige points to unlock a new clan inheritance.

"Inheritance - Conspiracy Level 1 (Intelligence +1, Conspiracy Causes Fear +20%, Conspiracy Success Rate +20%)"

Feng Daofu clapped his hands, attracting the attention of the younger brothers: "Brothers, it's time to do something big."

Sari rubbed his hands excitedly: "Saint, are you going to grab the Blood Ax King directly?"

Brook nodded in agreement: "He can only control 500 pirates, which is enough for us!"

Everyone else got excited too.

Feng Daofu shook his head: "Letting all the expeditionary forces march into the port of Kirkenes will arouse the resistance of most Norwegians. At that time, not only 500 people, but 5000 people will be faced. So the manpower we can use There are only 30 of them, so we can’t force them directly.”

"Chaos is the ladder."

Feng Daofu said: "We pretended to be Norwegians to rob Danish businessmen and ignite conflicts among big businessmen."

"As the master of the port, Blood Axe cannot sit idly by."

"Wait for him to divide his troops, and you block the others."

The dagger was thrust into the table.

Feng Daofu said loudly: "I will cut off his head myself!"

 It still focuses on strategic farming wars, and will not write crookedly, nor will it launch any sidelines of adventure missions.

  I couldn't help but write a little bit of fishing, 4 more characters written on the basis of 700k, all for free.

(End of this chapter)

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