Chapter 56 New Teachings and Wonders

"Trigger Specialty - It has a long history. Based on the natural abilities of living children, you will receive certain attribute bonuses."

"Family: Feng"

"Patriarch: Feng Daofu"

"Lineage: 2 generations - 4 people"

"Bonus: 1 point of strength"

A smile appeared on Vondorf's face.

When seeing the new mother-in-law, whose hips and shoulders are almost as wide, get off the boat, the smile on her face is even brighter.

Her long and tight thighs stepped on the cement pier.

After the pious queen stood firm, the gorgeous face under the turban was obviously surprised when she saw Feng Daofu.

Is it the relationship of noble blood? Although he is the king of the barbarians in the extreme north, it is unexpectedly perfect in line with my aesthetics. Ingrid put on an elegant smile: "Father bless you, Your Excellency Vondorff, I am Ingrid Virtue."

Vondorf smiled: "Io bless you, Ms. Ingrid."

Ingrid tried not to frown, and greeted with the same smile: "You seem to be in a good mood?"

Feng Daofu: "I met a happy thing today."

After more than half a year of development, he has gained a lot of specialties, and the most special one is the long history.

When he saw this specialty, Feng Daofu thought of the decision to strengthen his bloodline.

After a difficult decision of 1 second, Feng Daofu did it!

Why do I need to explain to you what my P club players do in their lives!
Relying on the black-haired lady to lift his leg, he finally completed the decision-strengthen the blood.

In addition to the overall increase in the life span of the family, the most important thing is to be able to have good health and good breeding.

Under normal circumstances, it will take many years for the descendants to help, but if you cooperate with the expertise - the long history, you don't need to believe in the wisdom of the descendants. As long as the quality of the descendants is high enough, you can achieve medieval genetic enhancement!
Not only that, but it can also be matched with the new teachings that were pointed out not long ago.

"Spend 500 piety points and set the core doctrine: Ancestor Worship (each new outstanding heir will give 100 points of prestige, kinship favor +10, greatly increase the popularity gain of the long-term rule of the territory)"

Feng Daofu is a very practical leader of the new era.

After some in-depth practice, the priestess, shaman and Brünnhilde all gave him children.

The silver-haired girl had such a strong personality that she gave birth to twin daughters in her lifetime.

Among the 4 offspring, the main bonus came from the twin daughters, and only two of them met the standard of outstanding offspring, giving 200 prestige points.

With sire lineage, Margaret and Blue Tit's babies are also good, but they are still not as good as the double superposition of high-quality sire line + high-quality dam line.

To rule Finland, Feng Daofu tried to search among the people, and also found the one-in-a-million qualifications, but the panel refused to recognize it.

To be recognized by the panel, it seems that a comprehensive consideration of fame + status + personal is required.

To put it simply, it is the daughters and wives of famous people, etc. Only the paternal line + matrilineal line can meet the requirements of long history and ancestor worship with the greatest probability.

This is limiting unrestricted growth, but there are always more ways than difficulties.

The war is over.

Fighting wars, robbing wives, having more children, gaining more prestige, unlocking more functions, and challenging stronger countries is a closed loop.

This is how northern barbarians should play!
Feng Daofu looked at the lightly familiar queen opposite.

A necklace was clipped to his chest through his slender neck, and it was not even clear whether it was a cross.

The soft cloth like flowing water flows, even the very conservative loose black nun clothes can't hide the rich nutrition.

New mother-in-law seems to fit the bill!

Port of Kirkenes in summer.

Vondorff accompanied Ingrid on the tour.

After more than half a year of development, this ice-free port has changed drastically.

The sight of the carriage alone shocked Ingrid.

Dark carriages, gilded oak wheels, doors inlaid with glass, even the door handles of the carriage are shiny!

Whether in Denmark or in Bergen, Ingrid had never seen such a luxurious carriage.

Is the Far North so rich?
What shocked Ingrid the most was that there were strange carvings on the car body, with an indescribable sense of religious sacredness.

These religious paintings are in a style that has never been seen before, even better than cathedrals.
Ingrid stopped her blasphemous thoughts, half-closed her gray eyes, and walked into the car while suppressing the shock and confusion in her heart.

The first feeling is spaciousness.

Except for the entrance where no one can sit, the other three sides can accommodate three people.

There's even a comfy bed!
Feng Daofu patted the bed and said with a smile: "Ma'am, you are tired from the journey, you can lie on it and have a rest."

Looking at the soft bed, Ingrid was a little moved.

Restraining the unwanted thoughts, she straightened her back and leaned on her right side: "First Peter says, Resist it with firm faith, knowing that all your brothers in the world are also going through similar sufferings. The God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself perfect you, strengthen you, and give you strength. To Him be the power forever and ever, Amen."

Feng Daofu translated to her: We are indeed suffering, but God will never let us suffer in vain. After we have suffered, Peter said that we can get many benefits from God.

Since he refused, he did not force it and signaled the coachman to start.

Eight horses slowly pulled the carriage.

Ingrid recited the scripture silently, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

So peaceful!

There was no bump at all!

Milfs in their 20s are in the prime of curiosity.

She recited scriptures silently, and peeked out of the car window from the corner of her eye.

Through the glass, you can see the straight, wide and clean streets outside, and the brand new red brick buildings are well spaced.


The scriptures stopped.

Queen Xiu couldn't help opening her mouth wide.

Even Copenhagen and Paris have never seen such a scene!

The roads in those big cities are also uneven. Many girlfriends complained that their buttocks were cracked.

Because of her unique talent, she feels okay, but she also feels a little uncomfortable, especially because her husband is always giving her the cold shoulder.
In addition to the roads and red brick buildings, what impressed the Queen the most was the open concrete ditch.

The canal is combined with towering water towers. The river water is introduced into the pool. There are fountains and statues in the pool. People and children draw water and rest here. The running water will continue to pass through the drain holes in several directions below the pool. The ditch on the side of the street flows in front of the houses of thousands of families.

The curbs and grooves for drainage will guide the water on the road surface to flow into the open-air drainage ditch made of stones, and the slightly inclined roadbed can drain the water on the road surface into the ditch, taking away garbage and dust, making the whole city Clean and tidy, it looks simple, generous, elegant, quiet and tidy.

Ingrid can't help but compare it with her favorite Paris.

Then she had to admit that although Paris was prosperous, it was noisy and dirty, which was a little bit worse than here.

Suddenly, a large bronze-colored ball facility appeared in front of him.

Ingrid couldn't help asking: "What is that? A fountain?"

Vondorf said with a smile: "That is the Armillary Sphere, a wonder of Kirkenes Port."

"armillary sphere?"

Seeing Queen Mother's curiosity, Feng Daofu explained to her: "This is an instrument for measuring the spherical coordinates of celestial bodies. The knowledge I brought from the East, you see, the main body is a circle with several layers that can be operated. There are zodiac rings, The horizon ring, meridian ring, sextant, white path ring, inner equator ring, right ascension ring, etc., can demonstrate astronomical phenomena."

The most important thing is the wonder bonus.

"Special building - armillary sphere (exclusive to Chinese rulers, naval speed +10%, ocean trade +10%)"

After conquering Finland and gaining a lot of prestige, of course it will be a miracle!

Collect wonder BUFF, boost the Triangle Trade-Nordic version plan, gain more prestige, and unlock more building BUFF
"What's over there?"

Ingrid discovers something new again.

Step square, behind is a towering building complex.

It is symmetrical about the central axis from left to right, with a regular plane, high in the middle and low on both sides. The main building is tall and the corridors are wide and slowly extending.

It gives her a sense of proportion, solemnity, and a strong momentum.

"Is that your palace?"

"That's school."

Feng Daofu said: "Sangkore University that cultivates talents for me."

Because of the geographical location of Kirkenes, Vondorff photographed the second spectacle.

"Special building - Sankore University (unlimited/upgradable, thought spread +15%, priest loyalty +5%"

Because of the believer's honor hierarchy, Io believers can call priests, which is equivalent to a national loyalty modifier, ensuring the stable rule of the new territory.

The bonus of spreading ideological trends also seems to improve the efficiency of educating students.

In summer, when the temperature is cool, there are many students reading and debating in the terraced square.

"The pursuit of political rationality and civic rationality has existed since Cicero. In the time of Cicero, the goodness and the perfection of virtue in rational cognition were interpreted as the distinction between moral life and material life, and the former was the public The core of political identity in political life”

The sound of reading aloud drifted into the four-wheeled carriage.

Ingrid asked in confusion: "Are they discussing philosophy?"

"It's about discussing the philosophy of frugality." Vondorf pointed in one direction: "Look over there."

Ingrid looked along and saw nothing.

"It's blocked." Feng Daofu said, "You have to get closer to see it."

Ingrid looked at the tender face that made people feel good, and without thinking too much, she moved her plump buttocks and leaned over.

The spacious carriage suddenly became narrow and sensual.

Feng Daofu said calmly: "They are ascetic monks who follow the thrifty Aio religion."

Ingrid saw it, it was a beautiful but unpopulated cliff, dozens of figures were waving long swords towards the sea at the end of the world.

She said: "This is different from the ascetic monks in my impression."

Vondorff said: "Your definition of frugality and penance is too narrow."

Am I narrow?
Queen Xiu's eyebrows suddenly rose.

But thinking about the purpose of her trip, she patiently listened to Feng Daofu's talk: "The self-discipline and purity that Ao Cult believes in are not what kind of private life they advocate, but the individual's acceptance of the public responsibility system."

"Earnestly fulfill the division of labor and obligations of political citizens, obey the law, and pursue the perfection of moral life."

“From the natural pursuit of identity filled with material desires to the spiritual pursuit of social identity, the church encourages enjoyment but does not encourage consumption behaviors tied to social identity.”

In fact, it is rubbing against the core teachings.

"Spend 150 piety points, set the core doctrine: beggar preacher (conversion speed +33%, think temperance is a virtue, think gluttony is a sin)"

This is the second core doctrine set by Vondorff after Holy Childbirth.Ancestor worship is the third.

Nothing else, cheap and easy to use.

The strength of other core teachings is high, but too expensive, not as good as Mendicant Preacher + Ancestor Worship.

Ancestor worship is used to snowball the birth of children, while mendicant preachers stabilize the basic base of belief.

The only drawback is that moderation is a virtue and may affect the internal circulation of trade.

Von Dolf had no choice but to use the "misreading of scripture" to rely on the definition of moderation to classical philosophy.

His words made Ingrid misunderstand: "Do you want to argue with me?"

Fondolf did not deny it: "I was bored on the road and discussed each other's teachings."

"Or is it about frugality, ma'am? The Heavenly Father religion you believe in advocates that people should actively abide by the law, honor the original intention of the law, and admit that the implementation of the law must be interpreted according to the law, right?"


“In a fundamental sense, Heavenly Father’s religion believes that all written laws are painful compromises that humans have to make when their ability to love is immature. They should relentlessly pursue a more mature and deeper ability to love so that they can rely on the power of love. Only by removing all the lame temporary laws and regulations can we gain complete freedom."

"It can be seen that the attitude of the Father Church towards the law is contradictory and unified, that is, it is extremely modest in legislation, never legislates unless it is absolutely necessary, and seeks to abolish it if possible."

"In terms of law-abiding, it requires active law-abiding and a high degree of awe, but despises challenging the red line of the law."

"Only when a real case appears in reality does it mean that God believes that human beings should face such a problem."

"Humans don't have to, and shouldn't, go beyond the needs of reality and pre-legislate according to their own hypothetical expectations, that is, to solve a case when one case arises."

"Even if there is a case, the priority should be to see if there is any precedent. Even if there is no absolutely consistent precedent, we should see if there is a precedent with consistent meaning."

"If there is a precedent, we should cite it. If there is really no precedent, we must convene the Supreme Court and the legislative body to expand the cases. This objectively puts the final driving force for the development of the law into the hands of God."

" know my beliefs well."

Ingrid was really surprised.

She thought the debate would be carried out in a boring way, but she didn't expect Fondolf to understand it so deeply.

How can I write Chinese-translated fan fiction without being profound? Feng Daofu said with a smile: "The Heavenly Father Church believes that if a community is composed entirely of highly mature Christians, then crime will be automatically eradicated and judicial costs will be reduced to almost At zero, social capital will achieve maximum development and savings.”


Ingrid nodded: "Because everyone actively abides by the contract, misunderstandings and disputes occur. Both parties should actively admit their guilt instead of explaining their responsibilities through clever explanations. This will make everything simpler and automatically suppress vicious disputes." , eliminating the need for a large amount of complex legislative, judicial, and supervisory agency designs, and greatly reducing cooperation costs.”

This cost is the capital of Heavenly Father’s religion.
Vondorf said with a smile: "Madam, what if there is a Jewish craftsman mixed into this community?"

"A workshop that operates seamlessly and relies on tacit understanding suddenly recruits a Jewish craftsman who is extremely good at exploiting loopholes in rules and processes to circumvent the rules, but fails to catch the loopholes time and time again. What will be the result?"

"Lost again and again, the Jewish craftsmen will become legally rich, while the disciples of the Heavenly Father will remain legally poor!"


Ingrid wanted to refute, but could not at all.

Because literally, there is no problem for Jewish craftsmen, but the communication costs and cooperation costs become very complicated and heavy.

She quickly thought about how to argue, and Feng Daofu's next blow was already coming.

"But the Gospel of Matthew says that Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. He fasted for forty days and nights, and afterward he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said to him, If you are the Son of God, He could have commanded these stones to be turned into bread. But Jesus replied, "It is written, that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."

"Fast for forty days and nights, and lure them with plenty of food, but you will not get it; appeal to people's arrogance to provoke them, but you won't get it; lure them with power over the world, glory, wealth, and honor, but you won't get it."

"This is the demonstration made by the Heavenly Father himself. It is a fundamental taboo. Even if the taboo is violated, it can avoid hunger and embarrassment, and it must never be broken."

"Adhering to the ethics of Heavenly Father's religion means that we must accept this fate and accept the resulting poverty and suffering as the inevitable price of religious piety."

"If you don't accept it, you have to live with the intense fear of 'you might go to hell for this' until you either get back to a state of enduring a position of vulnerability but still peace of mind."

"Madam, can you imagine what kind of soul-ripping and mental torture this is."

"At the root, it's still because Heavenly Father teaches anti-law, which is an extremely dangerous ignorance of the systemic risks of legalism!"

Feng Daofu slapped his thigh.

Ingrid shook violently, and her thoughts were interrupted again.

Looking at Feng Daofu who has become very close without knowing it.

He must have been careless.
Feng Daofu didn't seem to notice the nun's thoughts, and continued: "The Io religion, like the Heavenly Father religion, also believes that everyone abides by the law is the best world, but we don't have a strong legislative fanaticism that is almost religious, and we don't superstitiously use legislation. To solve all problems, it seems that the root cause of all social problems is the lack of a strong enough law."

"Because if you want to achieve that, you have to have a huge population."

"As long as the population size of Io believers accounts for the largest share of mankind, it can be guaranteed that all public goods that benefit all mankind will be realistically in line with the interests of Io believers, but this is difficult, even believers will have All kinds of personalities, so that’s what’s needed.”

The voice of wisdom is near.

Ingrid's ears felt a little itchy, but she ignored it.

She was fascinated.

This is the first time someone has explained this knowledge to her in such a systematic and simple way.

This guy is still a heretic
Ingrid looked at the face before her.

The sun shone into the carriage, and the black eyes seemed to be shining with the light of knowledge and wisdom.

The carriage stopped slowly, and Feng Daofu stopped with unsatisfied intentions: "We are here, next time, ma'am?"

Ingrid suddenly came back to her senses: "Here, are you there?"

"I don't now!"

She stood up in a panic and hit her head on the roof of the car. The nun covered her head in pain.

Feng Daofu stood up and took off her turban naturally: "I see that it seems a little swollen. Ma'am, we will talk about business later, and I will heal your wound first."

The golden braids hung on her shoulders, and Ingrid's face was a little hot, and she wanted to refuse, but Feng Daofu had already sat down with her hand, and took out the medicine in the compartment to reduce the swelling.

Seeing his earnest expression, the nun was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly strengthened her determination: she must inspire this young wise man!
But what to do?
She thought of what her husband had said.

 Why has Europe been anti-Semitic for so long?
  The root lies in the fundamental opposition between the Father’s religion and Judaism on the issue of law. This opposition is fundamental, based on the core core values, and is caused by the fundamental ethics of faith—the fundamental recognition of covenant and salvation. Knowing that, there is no room for compromise or shelving disputes, so there is no room for reconciliation between the two parties.

(End of this chapter)

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