Chapter 76 Long live the saint!

On the way to Bergen, Vondorf got into Ingrid's carriage: "I have some bad news for you."

In the spacious carriage, the queen nun clasped her hands together and recited sutras as she was about to speak.

Hearing the voice, she opened her eyes: "What?"

"Olaf III was seriously injured and unconscious."


Shocked, puzzled.

After listening to Feng Daofu finished the cause and effect, Ingrid opened her mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Begging Feng Daofu to go back and protect her husband?
If you really say that, the result must be.
"Madam, you don't want to see anything happen to your husband, do you?"

Before she could say it, Feng Daofu had already said it.

Ingrid: " have gone to Bergen, even if I don't tell you, you won't let him die."

Feng Daofu was a little surprised: "Madam is very calm."

After experiencing so many unprecedented things, the threshold has been passively raised. How can it be possible to be fooled as easily as in the past?
Ingrid pursed her lips: "Vondolf, you want to rule Norway, have you ever thought about Denmark's reaction?"

"My husband is not only the King of Bergen, but the King of all Denmark."

"The reason why he came to Bergen was only because the queen was the regent of Denmark, and he needed to prove his talents in the new city."

"The Queen will not watch you take Bergen."

The nun spoke calmly.

So you care about me now?
Fondolf really wanted to say something.

Looking at the nun's pretty face and considering the atmosphere of the conversation, Feng Daofu gave up the idea of ​​teasing his wife.

He sat down cross-legged: "Before answering this question, ma'am, do you know why the blond king launched a conquest of Bergen?"

"He led an expedition to Bergen, isn't he afraid that his Oslo will be attacked by the Swedes and Danes?"

"Because he has allies?"

Ingrid subconsciously wanted to nod.

But many times in-depth understanding, she is too familiar with Feng Daofu.

One look at his expression and she knew it wasn't that simple. She shut her mouth and let Feng Daofu do it by himself.

I am also the mother-in-law, but don’t you know the difference between raising your legs and having children and not having children?
Feng Daofu shook his head and said: "The Danes can rely on their ally, the Grand Duke of Jutland."

"As for the Swedes, even though he has no Swedish allies, King Blonde has never worried about it, because he sees through the internal problems in Sweden."

"Problems within Sweden?"

Ingrid frowned and thought for a while: "The conflict between the Swedish king and the nobles?"

Fondolf gave an approving expression: "Not bad."

"Just a few years ago, King Magnus IV of Sweden promulgated a new national code to unify the laws of all provinces and restrict the economic rights of the landed aristocracy. This directly angered a large group of aristocrats."

The Norse tribe is in the north of Sweden. Although it is counted in the Swedish country, it basically maintains autonomy.

This is the status quo of the Nordic room in the middle ages of Brawl.

Being a king is definitely not reconciled, and it is instinctive to want to strengthen the kingship.

Whether you can boil a frog in warm water will test the political skills of a king.

"It is clear that King Magnus IV of Sweden was too rough with his wrists."

Feng Daofu smacked his lips: "Vikings, it's normal."

Ingrid: "."

What you said really makes sense!

She was speechless for a moment, and suddenly said: "Because I saw that there was a huge internal conflict in Sweden, and there was no way to reconcile it, so the blonde king dared to launch a decisive battle. What does that have to do with the Queen of Denmark?"

"Because the Queen of Denmark has ideas about the Swedish throne," Vondorff said.

"Since Margaret I became the Queen Regent of Denmark, her greatest achievement was to regain the ownership of Schleswig from the Counts of Holstein-Lundsburg and consolidate her authority as queen."

"Schleswig is located at the junction of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. It is an important commercial hub and a transit point connecting Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, the Rhine River and the Atlantic coast."

"The earls occupied it for more than a generation, and through the money earned by Schleswig, they constantly plotted to become kings."

"Under such unfavorable conditions, the Queen of Denmark used superb political skills to take it back as a fief with the "Contract of Nyborg", which made them lose the basis for rebellion."

"It is precisely because she has got rid of the problem of domestic rebellion that the Queen of Denmark can set her sights on Norway and Sweden."

Getting Norway is just the beginning, how to rule is the key.

This problem has to be solved by other neighbors in northern Europe.

Margaret I was the most troublesome one.

Fortunately, Feng Daofu has already conceived a feasible plan from the collected information through the intelligence network.

"Not long ago, something happened in Sweden that attracted the full attention of the Queen of Denmark."

Feng Daofu said with a smile: "The Germanic princes in Central Europe are planning to become the king of Sweden."

"The main thing here is Albert of Mecklenburg-Strelitz."

"He is first in line to the Swedish throne through Ofemia Eriksdota, mother of the Biebo family, and Christina Svorkeldo, daughter of Swokersson Karlsson Jr. Tower becomes heir to the Swokel family."

"There was once a Swedish king in the Swokel family."

"Albert won the claim to the throne, and with the support of the Northern Germanic Dukes and Hanseatic cities, he launched a claim to the Swedish throne!"

When Feng Daofu said this, he thought of the situation in the Frankish Empire.

Among the five empires of World Island, Frank is the one closest to him.

The basis for the northern Germanic princes to interfere with the Swedish throne is because the Frankish Empire is now being fought like a BOSS.

The current Charlemagne is treated similarly to Napoleon.

The beginning was a classic European drama - the Anglo-French War with England.

King Alfred of England felt a little overwhelmed, so he began to encourage Frank to make trouble in the rear.

The Germanic clans in Central Europe took advantage of the opportunity to join forces and formed independent Germanic duchies to fight the Frankish Empire together.

Known as the first anti-French coalition.

When he heard the news, Feng Daofu didn't know what to say.

Maybe this is the charm of France!


Vondorff said: "Now the claim war for Sweden has begun. This is an opportunity for the northern Germanic alliance to intervene in Northern Europe, but it is also an opportunity for the Queen of Denmark to plan for the Swedish throne."

"So she cut off her aid to Bergen, and began to gather all her strength, just waiting for a Swedish nobleman to write a letter pleading to save the Swedes from fire and water."

"Both Sweden and Denmark cannot spare any manpower for the time being."

"Ma'am, would you say that you can interfere with trade even if you can't spare any manpower?"

Ingrid nodded subconsciously.

Von Dolf smiled: "Trade interference is relative."

"The only one who can really interfere is the Duke of Jutland in Denmark. He can interfere with me, and I can interfere with him."

"My navy has proven its strength, and he will not do more than is worth it."

"The only problem is that the queen regent may be pressing."

"If Margaret I wants to win the Swedish throne, he must face the northern Germanic princes and Hanseatic cities behind Albert."

"If at this time, I help her obtain the Swedish throne as a condition, marry her and form an alliance, and recognize her as my mother-in-law and alliance leader's wife, do you think she will agree or refuse?"

My father-in-law has been backstabbing for a long time, so he needs a change of taste.

Feng Daofu thought so.

Ingrid was tempted to say no.

But she knew that the queen would probably agree to most of them.

As the daughter of the Grand Duke of Denmark, she was brought up by the queen.

She admired the Queen, and because of this she knew that Margaret I had a deep mind.

On that face that was always calm, it seemed that he would not be moved by anything, and everything was about profit.

The situation in Norway is already like this. If you want to deal with Vondorf, ordinary means are useless.

But if the army is really drawn out to fight a battle, the Swedish throne will fall into the hands of the Germanic princes again.

Compared with Norway's convenient access to the sea, controlling Sweden and turning the Baltic Sea into an inland sea of ​​power is more important to the queen.
Ingrid acquiesced.

Feng Daofu thought that it was his mother-in-law who was easy to fool.

There is a core contradiction that he did not mention: faith.

In Denmark, which has accepted Heavenly Father's religion, Ioism is a heresy.

Fortunately, we are in Northern Europe, and fortunately, information dissemination is underdeveloped.

The matter of executing the nobles in Oslo was well sealed, and it was enough for him to stabilize his rule when he realized something was wrong.
"What are you going to do with us?"

Ingrid asked suddenly.

Feng Daofu came back to his senses and smiled: "I won't do anything. After he recovers from his injury, I plan to let him do what he is best at."

Ingrid: "What do you do best?"

Fondolf: "Be my trade consultant. I'll give you some advice when I'm at work. After get off work, I'll dance with my other father-in-law."

Ingrid was secretly relieved.

I was about to ask 'what about me' and suddenly felt sick.


A day later, Vondorff rushed to the aid of Bergen.

In just one hour, he freed Bergen from the threat of deserters and pirates, showing the style of a reliable ally!
As a reliable ally, you always have to think a little more for others.

Considering that criminals might sneak into the city and want to attack his unconscious father-in-law Olaf III, Vondorf implemented military management in Bergen.

Bergen is a newly occupied city, I mean a city that helps to manage it. Because the people's awareness and organization level are not high, it is not suitable to immediately distribute wealth and land.

It is still the same old way, the first is medical treatment to send warmth, and the three steps are conversion to preaching and raising awareness.

Destroy his history, follow his writings, kill his generals, and raise his sons.

After the set was over, Olaf III was finally awakened.

Saint and his No. 3 father-in-law held a friendly exchange meeting between the two sides in the Aio Church rebuilt by the royal court.

At the meeting, the saint said that today is the 52nd anniversary of the marriage.

After 52 days of ups and downs, the relationship has made great progress. I hope that the two sides can stick to the Viking cultural value and jointly maintain regional peace and stability; deepen mutually beneficial cooperation and expand common interests; strengthen cultural exchanges and mutual learning, and actively create and maintain mutual friendly public opinion The social foundation promotes mutual understanding, similarity, and affinity between the two sides, promotes steady and long-term friendly cooperation, upholds the original aspiration, forges ahead, and continues to write new chapters of peaceful and friendly cooperation.

"The dowry we agreed upon, it's time to honor it."

"Father-in-law, why don't you speak?"

"If you don't talk, you want to renege on your debt?!"

"For our pimple, the number 52 represents love, and it also represents that a person has given all his love, but he has not received a response. In the end, he only got an empty and lonely result."

"I took thousands of people and worked tirelessly thousands of kilometers south to help your father-in-law defeat the Oslo army."

"There is no dowry now, do you want me to be a laughing stock?"

"We eat wind and rain, climb mountains and wade through water, it's hard!"

"The people who endured it all gained several catties!"

"These are all overwork!"

The saint speaks righteously.

Ingrid, who was listening, suddenly retched: "Ugh~"

There was silence for two seconds.

The saint said loudly: "Look, my mother-in-law is vomiting now because she is tired and tired!"

"Father-in-law, you...why did you faint again?"

"I understand! This is the default!"

The sage displayed his extraordinary comprehension ability and understood the meaning of 'sleeping father-in-law'.

So under the laughter of everyone, Bergen, as the princess dowry, went through the final handover procedure.

What?where is the princess
Here I have to mention the philosophical charm from the East.

Is the princess here?Tathagata!

Is she really here?Tathagata!

Are you coming or not?Tathagata!

——Of course, in Wanzijiao, the interpretation of the word Tathagata is sectarian.Different sects have different sutras and theories, and the interpretations are very different. Generally speaking, it is enough to understand the name of the Buddha.

This does not affect Feng Daofu citing scriptures and managing the dowry in advance.

Besides, the young mother-in-law Ingrid reacted to this, apparently having a future prince/princess.

It makes sense to help manage my father-in-law's estate, I mean assets, in advance!
But before that, there are still many things to deal with.

The first is to look at the all-important loot.

"Advanced Treasure - Heimdall's Horn (Personal Treasure, Morale Penalty -40%, Monthly Prestige +4)"

"Advanced Treasure - Rune Stone Throne (Personal Treasure, Nordic Favor +10, Monthly Prestige +4)"

Treasures are also divided into high and low.

Like the Holy Sparrow Skin, it is an ordinary treasure without a prefix. Feng Daofu has obtained eight of them in the past six months. He doesn't know how the Heavenly Father Cult produces them. Unfortunately, the Sparrow Skin can only be effective for one.

If he hadn't been ruthless, he would have wanted to try to see if the biggest bonus would be the highest.

In short, Bergen and Oslo, the two finalists of the Battle of Kings, have no doubts about the quality of their treasures.

The former improves military resilience.

The latter can be used for diplomacy.

Vondorf puts more emphasis on the latter.

With his original attractiveness, he can become a good friend without saying a few words when meeting people.

Now the BUFF of the Rune Stone Throne is superimposed, and the missionary effect on the Nordics is full, and a speech was held that day.

"Do you know any of these people?"

"These merchants, these nobles, hoarded food during the war, causing a food shortage in the city, and sold it at a high price when people starved to death!"

"My brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters, why can such scum ride on our heads?"

"Why should we, the sons of Io, be oppressed by them, while these noble merchants can easily obtain things that ordinary people can hardly obtain in their lifetime?"

"It's obvious that they haven't worked for a day, so why should they?"

Feng Daofu looked around at the angry people: "Should all this be endured?"

"Should we, sons of Io, silently endure their exploitation of us and use our flesh and blood to please them?"

"No! Never!"

"The Ao Cult and I are here just so that those who work hard can get the rewards they deserve!"

"Let everyone get the minimum fairness and human dignity!"

"I will take all the means of production into public ownership, and no one can take them into their own possession to exploit you."

“Everything falls under the A subsystem, and everyone will receive an income commensurate with their labor.”

"No one will collect your exorbitant taxes any more."

"No one will hurt you with unwarranted things."

"Everyone has martial arts training, has books to read, can afford medical care, and the elderly, weak, women and children can also be taken care of."

"Sons of Io, this is what I promise to you, as long as the banner of the Io religion does not fall, the promise will be valid forever!"

His voice echoed in the air.

That voice made everyone feel a rush of blood rushing to their heads.

When Feng Daofu's powerful arm swung down, the grain merchants and nobles were put on ropes and swiftly hanged on the high platform.

The crowd who saw this scene finally couldn't contain their inner emotions.

"Long live the saint!"

 Thanks for the 100-point reward from 'Beautiful'.

  Being drained and dehydrated by the dice girl, the last chapter is full of water, I reflect on it!
  This chapter was originally intended to be a deposit, so it was sent out first.

  Still not in the early morning, wait for tomorrow to burst into more codes, refuse the temptation of the dice girl, and build an excellent codeword machine again!

(End of this chapter)

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