Chapter 88 Two Years
"Scythe Ritual!"

In the fourth year of the New Calendar, the rice fields turn yellow in the golden autumn.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of gongs, the saint in black clothes and golden crown harvested a bunch of wheat ears with a sickle, symbolizing the beginning of the ceremony.

Behind him, the people on the road cheered, raised their sickles, and started the autumn harvest with animal-drawn machines, enjoying the joy of harvest.

Feng Daofu clapped his hands and watched the scene with satisfaction.

He left the farmland, and brightly colored posters can be seen everywhere on the road walls.

'Let the mountains bow their heads and ask the rivers to give way! '

'Ten points for indicators, twelve points for measures, and 24 points for motivation! '

'Oslo Farm No. 14 sets a record of rye yield of [-] kilograms per mu! '

'Bergen Farm No. 2 sets a record of [-] kilograms of sugar beet per mu! '

The words in bold and bold are quite conspicuous.

But Feng Daofu knew that these data were relatively detailed.

After more than three years of development, this rotten land has gradually become fertile.

In fact, even though it is bad soil, the soil in Norway is quite good.

Relying on the North Atlantic Warm Current, there are not only world-class fishing grounds, but also rare fertile soil in the Nordic world, which has not been well developed before.

Now with advanced technology and a steady stream of immigrant labor, it took three years to finally develop it.

Breeding work is also being done.

Feng Daofu, an engineering geek, doesn't know how to do it, and he has never studied it with an old professor at Tongliao University of Technology.

But when it comes to breeding, you can try it once you have a rough idea.

Build a greenhouse with clear glass.

In the greenhouse, we keep selecting and cultivating those characteristics of lodging resistance, multiple spikes, full grains, and strong character retention. Every time there is progress, some of the improved varieties will be distributed to agricultural priests and taken out to various places.

With these measures in place, it is foreseeable that the yield per mu will be higher and higher in recent years.

Coupled with a little help from the panel, such as the specialty - Grain Manager, the output of grains, olives, fish, and dates in the town will be +20%.

In the past, the road transportation network was still limited and could not coordinate the national productivity well.

Now with the help of those laborers who have been defrauded from the British Isles, they have been baptized, and with their participation, the first phase of the super road plan will be fully completed and officially put into use in the middle of this year.

Several ruling areas divided by mountains will be more closely connected.

In some sections, wooden track-trolley carriage technology was also used.

The principle of the track laid with wood is the same as that of modern railways. The hard oak is selected and then treated with anti-corrosion.

The roadbed is very solid and the sleepers are laid on it.

The combination of soft sleepers and hard roadbed can make the track stable, and cars can drive quickly and smoothly on it. It can carry twice as many passengers and cargo as ordinary carriages, and the transportation speed can also be greatly improved.

Relying on these new technologies, Norway's food and fish catches are imported into Luleå Bay faster and more.

Lulea Bay can also export more industrial products. It can be said that industry and agriculture promote each other, and the number of people that the Kingdom of Io can support is getting higher and higher.

These increasing resources are basically allocated by Feng Daofu to the vast majority of people for welfare purposes, regardless of per capita.

Only by improving the lives of believers can we better encourage believers to give birth.

It is unrealistic to expect that 18% of the money will satisfy 98% of domestic demand.

Speaking of which, if the welfare is enough, these barbarians are finally willing to learn management. With this batch of people graduating, the reserve of grassroots civil servants will be enough.
After a busy day, Feng Daofu returned to the office and instructed the secretary Changmaoluo who was on shift: "Notify all places of the growth rate of this year's autumn harvest."

The long-haired Luo, who is now an adult and has a baby, strode out her long legs and started working.

But Little Skylark, an intern, asked curiously: "Sage, why do you spend so much time doing this?"

Feng Daofu said to himself that of course it was just to pave the way.

After giving her a few casual pointers, Feng Daofu picked up the latest information.

The first is the Swedish Civil War.

Ever since Albert was hit by the Danish border wall, this ambitious prince has realistically given up on unrealistic strategies.

Abandoning the army, taking only his direct lineage, he rode into Sweden alone.

Borrowing the support of the Germanic people from southern Sweden, and relying on the support of the Germanic princes and the Hanseatic guilds, the long-term semi-encirclement and peripheral attrition saw-sawing had effectively eroded the power of the old Swedish king.

The biggest fear of having few resources is a protracted war. I, a rich man, will wear you to death.

Not surprisingly, the old Swedish king will seek a head-on battle.

Originally, the civil war was going to last for eight years, but Albert didn't agree until he was completely sure.

Now that Margaret I is exerting force and he is also acting secretly, the situation is likely to change.

The focus is on Von Dolf's sheep-cannibal strategy.

Feng Daofu smacked his lips: "Tsk, you are levying taxes on the people, but reducing taxes on the aristocratic landowners. The Swedish people have begun to resent each other."

It's just that the Queen of Denmark is fine, but if you add some Mr. Feng who has sores on his head, pus on his feet, and is really bad, the result will be very different.

There is also public grievances in Denmark, but it is lighter than Sweden.

However, the combination of the two has produced a chain reaction, just like the enclosure movement in history.

——In the 16th century, the Spanish and Portuguese colonists made a lot of money. They brought a large amount of gold and silver from the Americas, and the currency depreciated in various ways. The Spanish disdained production, so the English relied on production to earn Spanish money and gave the Spanish artificial sheepskin coats.Because of too much profit, the sheep cannibalism movement started.

Sheep are herded on a large scale in England. There is no food to eat, so the poor eat potatoes, and the rich rely on food imports for special supplies.

Where is the food?Furry bear.

Originally, the furry bear serfs and the gentlemen were in harmony, their greed had not been aroused, and the resources were generally distributed enough.

Suddenly one day, the English came to buy grain at a high price, so the harmony was broken, and the life of the furry bear serfs quickly deteriorated.

This gave birth to a group of escaped slaves, the Cossack Cavalry, that terrified Eurasia.

The Cossacks also wanted to eat, drink and have sex when they went out independently, so they turned to the English to do the fur business.

The Cossacks brought their native guns and spears, mounted their powerful horses, loaded two bottles of vodka, and set off. They fought all the way to the Pacific Ocean along the edge of the Eurasian steppe, and even to Alaska in the Americas. They had only one purpose - mink fur.

This journey eastward gave rise to many more stories.

The world is one, and each event can always promote a series of changes. History develops systematically, but history textbooks are edited according to the ideological needs of each country, so that history is cut into the history that each country needs, and the history is lost. A sense of coherence and interplay.

From a macro perspective, it can be said that it was the English sheep that led to Chongzhen's hanging.

So it’s all Benzema’s fault!

Feng Daofu flipped through it and found, as expected, the little moves made by the queen's mother-in-law.

"First instruct the pirate princess Alvirda to quietly occupy Gotland."

"Then I contacted the Swedish nobles and asked them to issue an invitation to arbitrate the throne dispute. Are you ready to formally intervene in the Swedish Civil War?"

"This is because they are aware of Denmark's internal contradictions and plan to transfer it to the outside, and then use expansion to make the pie bigger to solve the hidden dangers."

Feng Daofu praised: "My queen mother-in-law is awesome!"

The Swedish campaign is likely to be brought forward.

But considering the interests of both parties and the efficiency of the nobles in this era, Feng Daofu estimates that even if it is brought forward, it will be next year.

"There's still one year left."

Vondolf dug out the European intelligence.

The anti-French campaign continues.

The source of this group of people's attacks on France was the failure of Charlemagne's expedition to Spain.

At the beginning, Charlemagne launched an expedition, but because of the tenacious resistance of the Spanish Crescent believers, the French carried out a month-long siege without breaking through, and finally chose to withdraw their troops and return to France to preserve their vitality.

This is undoubtedly a wise move.

It's a pity that I was attacked by someone without moral ethics.

The Ronces Valles Pass is the only way for Charlemagne's army to return.

The Basques chose to lie in wait for Charlemagne's army here.

When Charlemagne led his army close to the pass, the Basques separated Charlemagne's rearguard from the main guard with the help of narrow and sloping mountain pass trails and dense forests.

After a fierce battle, the enemy killed a large number of French soldiers, plundered the captured hostages, trophies and baggage, and disappeared into the mountains and forests under the cover of night.

The surprise attack in the Roncesvalles Valley not only caused Charlemagne to suffer military humiliation, but also had to suffer the pain of losing a large number of elite soldiers and outstanding officials.

This failure also allowed the Germanic regions to quietly grow ambitions, which led to subsequent independence.

The first anti-French alliance was also launched on this basis.

Now, relying on Charlemagne's personal conquest, he has stabilized the Rhine River front bordering Germany in the east, and has launched a long tug-of-war with the Germanic leader Otto the Great.

On the Pyrenees front in the west, more interests were divided by establishing the sub-kingdom of Aquitaine. The southern nobles led by Louis, King of Aquitaine, the emperor's son, successfully withstood the Spanish offensive.

The English front was handed over to William, Duke of Normandy.

The illegitimate son of King Alfred of England, because of Edward's outstanding performance in Scotland, felt hopeless, so he chose to join the French.

He showed outstanding commanding abilities during the Anglo-French war and successfully stabilized the situation in Normandy.

Vondorf said to himself: "No wonder Prince Edward is so anxious about Scotland."

"In addition to the fire behind my back, it's also for the throne."

Game of Thrones always does.

For example, Edward bribed the Scottish knight John de Mentis to capture William Wallace in Rob Royston, near Glasgow, and prepared to take him to the Tower of London for trial.

Prince Edward wants to use the death of a patriot to add a new honor to himself!
"Courage, sacrifice, greed, betrayal."

Feng Daofu took out the Iou Ihe Xinwu that was forged not long ago: "The independent forces that have not been purified are always like this."

"We have a thousand days to raise troops. Before this great war in Northern Europe, let's go to Scotland to show off!"

 Thanks to 'kk5418' for the 100 point reward.

  Transition chapter.

  Growth rate is the lifeblood of Bonapartism.

  With growth lines, they can put on a layer of skin when they take things from ordinary people.

  With the analgesic of growth rate, ordinary people did not show too much resistance to being deprived.

  Until the analgesics run out, the sluggish growth rate and unfair distribution system are no longer enough. Ordinary people feel more and more pain, and they will naturally come to their senses and start asking for what they have been deprived of and what belongs to them.

(End of this chapter)

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