Final priesthood.

Chapter 159 Departure, the limits of the human body

Chapter 159 Departure, the limits of the human body (more updates)

"..Galaxy Cup National Mathematical Olympiad Competition."

"The list of finalists is as follows"

In a black car in front of No. [-] Middle School, Lu Yuan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, took out his mobile phone and searched online. He actually found his name on the list of contestants for the National Mathematical Olympiad called the Galaxy Cup on the Internet.

Next to him, Zhou Ling unbuttoned the first button of his shirt collar and exhaled, as if his neck was being strangled.

"Don't look at it, this game is real.

The two-month training camp is also real.

I just said hello to them and asked them to add your name to the list of shortlisted contestants.
If you are still worried about exposing your secret, I can ask them to send a complete set of trophies and certificates to the school later. "

Zhou Ling told him half-jokingly.

Lu Yuan put down his phone and said nothing, just looking at Zhou Ling in front of him quietly.

After a moment of silence, he said solemnly: "Thank you."

Zhou Ling was startled.

He quickly reacted, let out a "hate", waved his hands casually and said, "It's okay!"

Lu Yuan didn't know whether Zhou Ling was really fine or fake, but he was sincerely grateful to him.

The scene when Zhou Ling used his life to hold back the attacking Crow God's Attendant for the first time and shouted "Run" at him is still vivid in his mind.

After changing positions, Lu Yuan couldn't do it even if he asked himself - someone had poked a hole in his forehead. The first thing he thought of was to remind another unrelated person to run away quickly and stay away from danger.

No matter what kind of psychology and personality he is in, he feels that Zhou Ling can handle it!

Not to mention that Zhou Ling later took the initiative to send something, thinking about helping him solve the hidden danger of the burrowing rat monster.

Lu Yuan's initial impression points for Huang Xiong were basically earned by Zhou Ling.

".My consciousness has been backed up and uploaded a long time ago. 'Death' is actually not a particularly scary thing to me.

Speaking of which, I have to thank you. If I hadn't done that mission last time, I guess my death would have been in vain.

As a result, not only was my death not in vain, but I also earned a lot of merit and bonuses. Haha."

Zhou Ling smiled, patted Lu Yuan's shoulder, and said, "Okay, I'll go home with you again. Once we're done, we can set off."

You have to perform well in this new blood test, Team Leader Gao Qinggao and I are counting on you."

With that said, he started the car, turned around gracefully at the entrance of No. [-] Middle School, and quickly drove away with a "whoosh".

When he arrived at Lu Yuan's house, Zhou Ling, who was pretending to be a teacher, took out what he had just said at school and said it again.

As expected, my mother Zheng Qiuling was surprised and happy, and she was beaming with joy.

After two months of training, he agreed wholeheartedly without consulting his father, Lu Xinghua, and urged Lu Yuan to go upstairs and pack his things quickly, so as not to keep the leaders of the competition waiting for too long.

Lu Yuan looked at Zhou Ling, who was surrounded by his mother Zheng Qiuling, making tea and offering cigarettes, and walked upstairs with peace of mind.

He felt that the reason for this competition that Zhou Ling came up with was quite good.

Last time he collected a lot of bank cards at the apprenticeship banquet of the Weishan Crane Sect, and he kept them in his hand and didn't know how to take them out.

Now is the perfect opportunity to use the prize money from the competition as an excuse to hand over part of it to my mother "justifiably".

After returning to the room, I packed up a few changes of clothes and packed my things.

Just as Lu Yuan was about to walk out of the room, he saw his sister Lu Jing poking her head at the door, looking like she was hesitant to speak.

Lu Yuan's expression changed and he walked up quickly.

"Xiaoyuan, do you really want to go out for two months?"

Lu Jing hesitated, as if she wanted to say something to him.

“It shouldn’t take more than two months, maybe I’ll be back soon.

But don't tell your parents about this. "

Lu Yuan noticed Lu Jing's expression, his eyes flashed, and he asked directly: "Did something happen to the archaeological team again?"


Lu Jing hummed softly and said with some worry: "Professor Xia who was missing last time was not found, and the other two leading professors could not be contacted.
Do you think the curse of Ganesha Cult is really starting to come true? "

Lu Yuan frowned, thought for a moment, and then quickly let go.

“Being unable to be contacted does not mean that he is missing, and being missing does not mean that something happened.

If something happens to you when I'm not at home, just call the martial arts school and ask for Qin Feng."


Lu Jing nodded, still looking a little distracted.

Lu Yuan couldn't continue to comfort him.

Xia Weimin's line has been broken on Liu Si's side.

But now that he was in contact with Zhou Ling again, he could ask.

After leading Lu Jing downstairs and saying hello to her mother, Lu Yuan prepared to leave with Zhou Ling.

Everyone got on the bus.

His mother, Zheng Qiuling, suddenly ran up in a hurry, stuffed something into his pocket, and then told him to study hard outside, eat well, and call home if anything happened.

After the car drove away, Lu Yuan took out the things that his mother had forced into his arms and checked them.

I found it to be a randomly wrapped red plastic bag.

Opening it, there were two bottles of milk and a small wad of money.

I counted it, and it was exactly five thousand.

"The two people you asked about are under protection. The one before is really dead, but the news has been kept secret."

In the car, Zhou Ling was driving while talking to Lu Yuan with blue eyes.

"What kind of archaeological team did your sister join? The things involved can't even be checked with my permission?"

Zhou Ling was a little curious.

Lu Yuan shook his head and said: "I don't know, I just know that she said she encountered a monster during archeology and had nightmares when she came back.

I asked someone to check it privately and found out that it is related to an ancient sect called the Elephant God Cult."

"Ganesha Cult"

The blue light in Zhou Ling's eyes flashed and he replied: "I will check it for you later and I will tell you if I have any news."

"it is good."

Lu Yuan was relatively relieved about what Zhou Ling had promised.

He flipped through his phone and saw that Bai Cao Yingying's profile picture was still gray.

This guy had told him before that he would come to Xia Kingdom this month and ask him to meet and talk about the Elephant Cult, but now he seemed to have forgotten about it.Zhou Ling took Lu Yuan all the way to the outskirts of Jiaoyan City.

Finally stopped in a deserted open space.

This place may have been bought by a developer and is preparing to build a building.

There was no one around, except for a yellow excavator parked in the open space.

Zhou Ling asked Lu Yuan to get out of the car, and then walked straight to a mound filled with gravel and weeds.

I don’t know where I pressed on my arm, and a beam of blue light was projected from it.

Immediately afterwards, a small silver-gray shuttle appeared.


Accompanied by a sound that sounded like something was leaking air, the shuttle's outer cabin door opened automatically.

A dozen white boards flew out and formed a small floating ladder in mid-air. The process was full of science fiction.

"Let's go."

Zhou Ling took off the gold-rimmed glasses on his face, greeted Lu Yuan, and stepped onto the floating ladder at the lead.

Lu Yuan had flown on an airplane before, but he was still full of curiosity when faced with this kind of future aircraft that had only appeared in science fiction movies before.

He spread out his mental power, wrapped it around the entire shuttle, and then penetrated inward little by little.

It's like carefully admiring a beautifully constructed handicraft.

From time to time, there are unexplained ripples in my heart.

There is nothing surprising about the interior of the shuttle, which is similar to business class on an airplane.

Zhou Ling's shuttle was much smaller than the shuttles Lu Yuan had seen before, and he and Zhou Ling were the only two people in the cabin.

"This is a small shuttle shared by several of our White Bear team leaders, specifically used to handle private matters.

You're lucky, no one else is using it during this time.
Otherwise, you may really have to fly to the assessment point yourself. "

Zhou Ling came from the front cabin with two bottles of Coke and handed one to Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan took the pass and thanked him, and found that the shuttle under him had started to start on its own.

Looking down through the window next to them, I could clearly see that they were quickly moving away from the ground.

On the wasteland where it was originally parked, someone appeared next to the yellow excavator.

He was holding up his pants and watching them leave with a dumbfounded expression.


Zhou Ling opened the Coke in his hand and sat down opposite Lu Yuan.

This position is close to the window, with a small table in front of the two of them, which makes it feel a little comfortable.

“It will take four or five hours to get there with autonomous driving.

If you want to rest, you can take a nap first."

Zhou Ling sipped his coke and told Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan thought for a while and asked, "Where are we going now?"


The final assessment location has not yet been announced.

But there is a high probability that it will be in Chabon. "


Lu Yuan chewed these two words gently.

Gao Qing had told him last time that there were two completely different worlds outside of Chabon.

This is how the New World and Old City circles are divided.

Lu Yuan had no idea about the so-called "new world". Now he finally had the opportunity to see it for himself?
"Actually, you don't need to be nervous. I heard that you have obtained the core inheritance of the Tianshuihui Crane Sect during this period, and your strength has increased a lot.

It is not difficult for you to perform normally and pass the assessment. "

Zhou Ling put down the Coke in his hand and said thoughtfully: "In comparison, I think you can think more about the way forward?"

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed slightly, "What do you mean?"

"You don't really plan to keep pursuing pure martial arts, do you?"

Zhou Ling smiled and said: "There is no way out for pure martial arts. To be precise, pure martial arts has been eliminated by the times.

There are now more powerful paths available to you than pure martial arts. "

"for example."

Lu Yuan glanced out the window, and now the shuttle had begun to enter the clouds.

"Renovation? Xinwu?"


It seems that Gao Qing had some chat with you last time. "

Zhou Ling nodded and then asked, "Have you ever heard of the limits of the human body?"

Lu Yuan shook his head.

"It is calculated based on countless sample data, a theoretical maximum capability value that the human body can achieve."

Zhou Ling said, blue light emerged from his eyes, and a palm-sized virtual three-dimensional villain was projected in the air between the two.

Large numbers scroll out from either side of the figure.

"The ancient martial arts was extremely brilliant decades ago and was the first subject of research by countries around the world.

It is also how to tap deeper potential based on pure martial arts.

In this process, many mysteries of the human body have been cracked, and a large number of drugs and methods for strengthening the human body have emerged.

But in the end, everyone found out.

The human body has limits.

This limit restricts the development of the human body to a higher level.

Just like, no matter how developed, strengthened, or exercised, an ant cannot have the size and strength of an elephant!


Zhou Ling looked at Lu Yuan and said seriously every word: "It is determined by our talents and the genetic code in our bodies from the beginning."

Lu Yuan blinked and replied: "Oh?!"

PS: I took a leave early in the morning and stayed up for more than half a month. I want to go to bed early today. I’ll post tomorrow’s update during the day.
(End of this chapter)

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