Final priesthood.

Chapter 203: Your transformation doesn’t look good at all

Chapter 203: Your transformation doesn’t look good at all

The balding middle-aged man has a burst of energy all over his body, and his true meaning appears in the shape of a fox.

But before it appeared for a second, it was directly crushed by Lu Yuan.



Lu Yuan casually broke the bald middle-aged man's neck and threw it away like trash.

Lu Yuan is not a cruel person who likes to kill.

His neck was broken and he was still alive if he was saved in time, but if others took the opportunity to attack him, it would not be his fault.

The fight between Lu Yuan and the three people seemed to be long, but in fact it didn't even last 2 minutes in total.

The three of them were able to jump up from below and block Lu Yuan immediately. They were quite capable masters among the Bloody Fighters.

The fight between the three people was witnessed by many people below.

With the power of killing three people in a row, Lu Yuan's momentum reached a certain peak.

He stood on the small platform in the middle of the pyramid, looking down at the people below with calm eyes.

An invisible force was released around him.

In the eyes of those bloody warriors below.

On the small platform in the middle of the pyramid, it seemed as if a flood wave tens of meters high rose up behind Lu Yuan, and then silently leaked down along the four sides of the platform.

The indescribable depressive emotion made everyone who looked up and faced the distance feel breathless, stopped abruptly, and did not dare to move forward.

The red smoke at the bottom of the pyramid is still rising upwards, gradually swallowing up each bloody warrior.

Everyone struggled to move upward, trying to avoid the invasion of red smoke.

But when I climbed to a certain level, everything was blocked together and I hesitated to move forward.

The person at the bottom whose butt was bitten by Chi Yan cursed loudly and pushed. The person at the top could not move as if his feet were rooted to the ground.

From an outsider's perspective.

At this time, a strange scene appeared at the lower end of the pyramid.

It was clear that Chi Yan was eliminated and pressed forward step by step, but all the bloody warriors were still crowded together.

There seemed to be an invisible wall standing in front of them, forming a strange vacuum zone between the crowd and the central platform where Lu Yuan stood.

Lu Yuan quietly scanned everyone below.

Then, turn around.

Step by step towards the top of the pyramid.


Lin Zhiqin stood at the top of a three-story building, milky red smoke flowing under his feet.

The entire Roofless City has been completely submerged.

He stared blankly at the figure climbing up the steps of the pyramid, his mouth slightly opened, and an indescribable throbbing was rolling in his heart.

"Going to the top."

Only now did he know what Lu Yuan meant when he told him to wait below.

Lu Yuan didn't want him to take risks and planned to climb to the top alone and win this bloody battle.

Yes, with Lu Yuan's strength, he is indeed more promising than him.

"Where's the divine blood?"

Lin Zhiqin subconsciously looked at the big screen at the top, where the name of the banquet eater hung high at the top of the rankings.

The cumulative winning points behind it are .4752!

"Not enough. Still not enough."

Lin Zhiqin looked dazed, his hands clenched into fists, and his lips under the mask were trembling slightly.

The exchange price for divine blood is [-] victory points.

Even if Lu Yuan won the bloody battle on his behalf, the distance would be enough to save Lin Mo's life.
Still not enough!
A deep sense of powerlessness enveloped Lin Zhiqin.


The Tyrant King at the top of the pyramid had rays of light in his eyes, and he slowly stood up from the throne.

He walked step by step to the edge of the top, condescendingly watching the figure below approaching step by step.

at last.

Lu Yuan walked in front of him.

Stop three steps away from the top platform of the pyramid.

Then look up.

The gaze projected from under the three-eyed billy goat mask and the black iron mask silently looked at each other.

The tyrant king unscrupulously suppressed his momentum, trying to teach the "blasphemer" in front of him to bow down, who had shown all kinds of "displeasure" to him from the beginning.

But let his momentum roll down like a stormy wave.

The other party is like a deep pool without any waves or ripples.

The tyrant king's eyes grew colder and he said calmly: "Congratulations, feaster.

You have won the ultimate victory in this ultimate bloody battle. "

Lu Yuan looked at the Tyrant King calmly, turning a blind eye to his aggressive and oppressive gaze, and just said, "So, is there a reward?"


The tyrant king's eyes flickered slightly and he seemed to be smiling.

“Of course there are rewards.

The victory points you accumulate in this bloody battle can be exchanged for anything you can redeem on the prize list.

wealth, power, power"

"I want divine blood."

Lu Yuan interrupted him.

The Tyrant King stopped speaking and looked at him quietly, his eyes quickly becoming cold.

Soon, he spoke again calmly.

"Sorry, no divine blood."

"You won though.

But the performance was not good enough and did not meet the redemption standard of divine blood.

The victory points you have are not enough. "

"Isn't it enough?"

After receiving this answer, Lu Yuan muttered something softly, lowered his head, and seemed to fall silent.

The Tyrant King looked at him coldly, the corners of his mouth raised in a cold arc under the mask, and disdain flashed in his eyes.

Another idiot attracted by the divine blood.

Do you think that otherworldly power can be obtained so easily?

After going through a mere ultimate bloody battle, do you think you can climb to his position?
Naive and stupid person.

I don’t know how they are just toys for people’s entertainment in a game. How can those weak and humble bodies be qualified to accept the gift of the great “God of Martial Arts and Hunting”?
The tyrant king was thinking, suddenly.

Accompanied by a fine bone chirping sound, it seemed as if a thick shadow was rising rapidly.

A surging heat wave hit my face.

Immediately after standing on the steps at his feet, Lu Yuan, who was originally lowered by his head, began to grow in size.

In the blink of an eye, it grew to a height of two meters and three meters.

His hair also grew suddenly, reaching to his waist, and his skin glowed a dark red color like lava.

He gasped violently, blowing out thick white steam from his mouth and nose.

The originally fitting goat mask fell off automatically, revealing a ferocious and enchantingly handsome face with meridians all over it.

Three stages, the ultimate transformation!
The terrifying breath hit the Tyrant King's cheek hard like a giant wave of lava.

The surrounding air became distorted.

The demon-like body took a step forward and approached the violent king.

He lowered his head and stared at him with a pair of cold and violent eyes.


Speak word by word. "Then if you are included, it should be enough, right?"


The tyrant king stood there blankly, his whole body frozen for an instant.

He was so shocked by the sudden change in front of him that he was unable to react.

At this moment.


A blazing gust of wind roared.

The strong sense of suffocation woke up the violent king from shock.

He caught a glimpse of a dark shadow in the corner of his eye, and his pupils suddenly shrank.


The tyrant king was like a sandbag and was sent flying by Lu Yuan's heavy palm.


Lu Yuan officially stepped onto the top platform of the pyramid, crushing large pieces of earth and stone.


With a loud roar, the tyrant king who had just been slapped away by him rushed forward again.

The eyes behind the black iron mask were filled with rage.

Lu Yuan moved from right to left, and Mou slapped him with all his strength.

Along the way, the air was crackled with a series of explosions, and huge white waves visible to the naked eye surged out.

"Bang!" There was a sound, and he was slapped hard on the Tyrant King's face.

Once again, he was slapped away and fell directly to the bottom of the pyramid platform with a bang.

The sound of heavy objects rolling on the steps could be vaguely heard.


Lu Yuan took a few deep breaths and blew out hot air.

Under the third stage of ultimate transformation, his limit-breaking physique and limit-breaking agility potential were almost fully stimulated.

lv4 [Special Power], the ultimate power effect has been developed to a whole new level.

The power that instantly erupted from his movements was so great that even he himself didn't know what level it was.

Close to a hundred tons?

It is estimated that even if it does not reach [-] tons, it is not far off.

After slapping the Tyrant King away, there was only Lu Yuan left at the top of the huge pyramid, and a thin man wearing a silver sheep mask.

The latter stood there blankly, looking at Lu Yuan with dull eyes, and his whole body was trembling slightly.

Lu Yuan's current momentum is too strong.

The whole person is like a thousand-degree furnace that is being calcined. The heat wave that is naturally emitted directly engulfs the entire platform.

He took a random step, and a circle of gravel and other materials under his feet automatically rolled aside.

The air around the outline of the body is distorted like a high-temperature calcination.


Following a loud noise, a figure rose into the sky and landed in front of Lu Yuan with a loud "boom".

He is a violent king who comes back again and again.

At this time, all the clothes on the tyrant king's body have been torn off, and the black iron mask on his face has also disappeared, revealing a ferocious face covered with scars and bulging blue veins.

"Good good!"

Bao Wang stood in front of Lu Yuan. Even though he was at full strength, there was still a size gap between him and Lu Yuan, as if he was one size smaller.

He stared at Lu Yuan tightly, with uncontrollable shock and horror surging in his eyes.

"The ultimate bloody battle has been going on for so long, and you are still the first participant in the bloody battle who dares to attack the spear-bearer!"

"Body of burning blood!"

As the tyrant king spoke, he suddenly roared angrily.

Traces of scarlet blood mist overflowed from the pores all over his body.

Stimulated by the blood mist, his already exaggeratedly strong body swelled again.


The two-meter-tall figure suddenly grew larger.

In a breath, it actually became a circle larger than the distance of the road.


The Tyrant King exhaled a breath of white air, which directly caused a gust of wind on the platform, exaggerating his lung capacity to an absurd degree.

The corners of both of his eyes were cracked, and the eyeballs were covered with dense bloodshot eyes.

The whole person is like a wild beast, exuding a huge and amazing aura.


The Tyrant King twisted his neck, which was so thick that it was almost invisible, and made a terrifying sound of bones.

Then he looked at Lu Yuan, with an exaggerated grin on his bulging face.

“After I became a spear bearer, I never fought against anyone again.

It seems that someone has forgotten my name. Huh? ! "

Before he finished speaking, a gust of wind hit him, and the Tyrant King's pupils shrank sharply.

Subconsciously, he raised his hand and punched the big hand that was shrouded like a dark cloud.

Fist and palm.


The Tyrant King's arm was in a stalemate for less than a tenth of a second before it was broken inch by inch like a hemp rod.


The terrifying big hand was firmly stamped on his exaggeratedly plump chest, causing it to dent with a click.

The huge body of the Tyrant King, which was more than [-] meters tall, flew straight out like an overturned heavy machine.

It hit the Iron Spear Throne behind with a "bang" sound.

The person and the throne rolled into a ball.

"A lot of nonsense."

Lu Yuan retracted his hand and slowly moved his wrist.

The force of the shock just now made his arm feel slightly numb and swollen.

But fortunately, his physique was amazing, and the numbness and swelling disappeared in a thousandth of a second.

He strolled toward the Tyrant King with a calm look on his face.

When I walked up to the tyrant king, I saw the tyrant king lying straight on the ground with a shocked and completely unacceptable expression, gasping for air.

Lu Yuan glanced at him and saw the Iron Spear Throne that had fallen to the ground next to him.

After thinking about it, he stretched out his arms, hugged the throne, and forcibly lifted the big iron lump up.


The Tyrant King's eyes widened instantly as he lay on the ground, watching helplessly as a huge black shadow covered his body and cheeks.

Accompanied by an indifferent voice.

"Your transformation doesn't look very good, does it?"

The huge Iron Spear Throne smashed down hard.


The moment the throne landed on the ground, the entire top platform of the pyramid shook violently.

The Tyrant King's hands and feet, which were lying on the ground, were violently lifted upwards and twitching.

In the huge underground space, tens of thousands of spectators and bloody warriors, no one made a sound.

Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them.

Their hearts also fell with the Iron Spear Throne.
Trembling violently.

(End of this chapter)

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