Final priesthood.

Chapter 205: New skills unlocked, a “new version” of Crow’s Dreamland!

Chapter 205: New skills unlocked, a “new version” of Crow’s Dreamland!
A huge, empty room with tall arched floor-to-ceiling windows wide open.

The evening breeze blew in from the window, stirring the mist-like gauze curtains.

There was no moon, but the stars were bright.

The night is cold as water.

Lu Yuan sat on a huge chair that was more than five meters high and three meters wide and made of countless black iron spears. His eyes were slightly lowered, as if he was asleep.

He was wearing a pure black protective clothing with the characteristics of a yellow bear, with a golden bear pattern printed on the left chest.

The figure seems to be integrated with the Iron Throne and the thick night behind it, giving people a sense of majesty, weight, mystery and depth.

[Occupation: Fighter lv10 (10344/51200)]

[Attribute point: 2]

[Skill Points: 4]

[Spear Bearer (Extraordinary) lv1 (0/100)]

[Basic professional skills: to be unlocked]

Before the final bloody battle began, Lu Yuan had mobilized all red bears, white bears and yellow bear members below the white bear level around Chiming City to stand by outside the bloody battle site.

This was one of the reasons why he behaved unscrupulously from the moment he stepped into the Mosa venue.

If it were an evil sect such as the Crow God Sect, he might be a little more wary.

Mosa is really easy to handle.

Mosa can always exist in the Xia Kingdom's officialdom, but the price is naturally to be restrained by official forces.

Within the territory of the Xia Kingdom, one must abide by the game rules set by the Xia Kingdom.

His identity as a golden bear is the greatest protective talisman.

Therefore, he was not worried at all that he would not be able to survive if he poked holes in the bloody battle.

In the eyes of the Red Bears and White Bears under him, this ultimate bloody battle was nothing more than a whim game played by Lu Yuan, the lofty Golden Bear man.

This is indeed the case.

Lu Yuan felt refreshed this time.

A total of more than 2 professional experience points were obtained from the front and back [Fighter] panels.

The [Fighter] level has been upgraded to lv10, and he has been rewarded with 1 attribute point and 1 skill point.

So far, Lu Yuan has accumulated considerable attribute points and skill points.

In particular, the skill points can be used just enough to improve the new extraordinary profession that has just been unlocked.


[Spear Bearer (Extraordinary) lv1 (0/100)]

Lu Yuan originally wanted to obtain Mosa's specialty divine blood through a bloody battle and try to unlock a new profession.

The silver spear suddenly appeared behind, and the mysterious will contained in it unlocked Mosa's new profession in advance, which was an unexpected surprise.

At this time, the spear was placed quietly in front of Lu Yuan.

The statue is entirely made of sterling silver, with a total length of nearly two meters and a diameter of less than four centimeters.

The body of the spear is engraved with dense and complex patterns, and a mysterious aura circulates on the spear. Even in the dark, it flashes with charming silver light.

It looks gorgeous.

Symbolizes some kind of supreme authority.

But it is actually very practical.

Lu Yuan had tried it, and he had been increasing the explosive power to nearly fifty tons. This pure silver spear, which looked more decorative than actual combat, could still withstand it.

“Tougher than ordinary super alloy materials.

It is most likely made of some extraordinary material. If you have time, you may be able to learn some cold weapon combat skills to fully unleash the value of this extraordinary weapon."

Lu Yuan thought about it, but did not continue to study, but returned his attention to the [Spear Bearer (Extraordinary)] panel.

This is the second extraordinary panel Lu Yuan has unlocked. Although he is still full of expectations, he is no longer as excited as when he first unlocked [Tell the Dead (Extraordinary)].

There are three skill light spots to be unlocked on the panel.

Each light point represents a "blind box", which is drawn once with 1 skill point, and there are all surprises underneath.

Lu Yuan thought to himself before choosing to unlock skills.

"As long as you unlock the skill of the Tyrant King that burns blood and energy in exchange for strong recovery and vitality, stop.

The remaining skills can be unlocked when you have enough skill points."

There are many skills in Lu Yuan's other career panels that need to be upgraded urgently.

Super-kill - [Thousand Crows Ode to the Moon], the core of the third profession [Invincible Instinct], and the core of the first profession of the upcoming [The Teller (Supernatural)]
All require skill points to upgrade and light up.

Although I don’t know what the three skills of [Spear Bearer (Extraordinary)] are.

But after all, there are only three basic skills, and there is a gap between them and the skills that need to be improved. The improvement of Lu Yuan's overall strength will definitely not be as great as the latter.

So I have to put it back a little bit.

Lu Yuan had seen the effect of his secret technique called "Blood-Burning Body" during his battle with the Tyrant King, and it was of great help to his pure martial arts system.

He only had expectations for this skill.

"One shot goes into the soul! One shot goes into the soul!"

Lu Yuan rubbed his hands and randomly selected one of the three skill spots to be unlocked to unlock.

The next second, a message prompt immediately popped up——

[Congratulations, you have unlocked [Spear Bearer (Extraordinary)] basic professional skill - Hunting Perception! 】

[Hunting Perception lv1 (0/100)]


Lu Yuan looked helpless, but quickly regained his composure and tried to activate this skill.

lv1 [Hunting Perception], activate!

At the moment when the skill was activated, Lu Yuan felt the blood flowing all over his body speed up, and his body felt slightly hot.

There was a fog rolling in my mind, and it seemed like something was about to emerge from the fog.

After experiencing it carefully, Lu Yuan stopped activating his skills, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"You have to select a target before it can be fully activated. It's like some kind of extraordinary tracking technique.
The specific effect will only be known after testing. "

From the current point of view, this skill is of little use to Lu Yuan.

The chances of him tracking someone down were slim.

And with the big tree of Yellow Bear at his back, there are too many methods he can use to track a person.

"In one draw, I acquired a 'trash' skill that barely improved my overall strength.

what to do?Do you want to do it again? "

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed as he looked at the 3 skill points left.

People with dirty tricks will always think of another chance to clear their name, and Lu Yuan is no exception.

After a brief period of confusion and hesitation, he finally chose to do it again.

"At worst, I'll use the skill points prepared for the first core of [The Reporter (Supernatural)] first.

Anyway, it will take some time for my [Eye of Omen of Death] to reach level 3. Lu Yuan thought to himself, wandering around for a while among the remaining two skills, and finally randomly selected one to unlock.

[Congratulations, you have unlocked [Spear Bearer (Extraordinary)] basic professional skill - Indomitable Will! 】

"Depend on!"

Lu Yuan couldn't help but curse.

"Is it really going to be dark to the end?!"

He put his hands on the table and supported his forehead, and it took him two seconds to accept his hidden occupation - the identity of a "non-chief", and then he calmed down and started to test this new skill.

lv1 [Unyielding Will], activate!

The moment the skill was activated, many fragmented memory images immediately appeared in Lu Yuan's mind.

These pictures are all full of ancient and vast atmosphere.

There seemed to be a long and thick sound of horns ringing in my ears, and the flags of the ancient tribes were blown by the wind.
Countless scenes of battles with spears flowing past Lu Yuan's eyes like muddy river water covered with sand.

An unwarranted fighting spirit arose in his heart.

His will was high, his desire to fight was stronger than ever, and his mental state instantly reached an unprecedented peak.


An invisible force burst out from Lu Yuan.

The white gauze curtains on the huge floor-to-ceiling windows behind him flew up and fluttered.

In Lu Yuan's perception, what he saw was a huge white crane appearing above his head.

His true meaning of Linghe!

Actually started on its own.

Not only that, Lu Yuan discovered that Linghe's true meaning at this moment was about [-]% stronger than in his normal state!

"Good guy, this skill can actually directly increase the true meaning?!"

Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment, feeling like he had accidentally picked up a treasure.

The importance of true meaning to a fighter is self-evident.

The stronger the true meaning, the greater the power bonus to martial arts moves.

[Spear Bearer (Extraordinary)] This [Unyielding Will] skill can give the user a strong fighting spirit and unyielding will to fight. It can be regarded as strengthening the mental power to a certain extent, so as to achieve the effect of indirectly increasing the true meaning.

“It’s simply a magical skill!
This is still level 1, and the effect can reach a [-]% increase.

What if it is lv2, lv3, lv4, or even lv5?
Wouldn't it be possible to directly double it several times? ! "

Lu Yuan sighed in his heart.

But as the skill continued to be activated, he soon discovered the negative effects of [Unyielding Will].

There are more and more ancient and messy battle scenes in my mind, and they are becoming clearer and clearer. There is even an inexplicable outline of a figure slowly emerging on these scenes.

"Is it the consciousness projection of the god of fighting and hunting believed in by the Mosaic religion?"

Lu Yuan instantly thought of the crow dream that he often had.

Not only did he not worry, but his eyes lit up.

"The projection of the evil god is a curse to others, which may lead to the spirit being assimilated and completely becoming the evil god's lackey.
But I am different. The career panel eliminates this hidden danger. Crow Dreamland is the best example.

A crow dream supported me to realize two super-kills one after another.

Now here comes Mosa’s evil god projection.”

Lu Yuan's heart became hot.

He has not forgotten the extraordinary martial arts he created.

It itself requires a large amount of projection of the evil god's consciousness to support it.

The evil god's projection, which others regard as a nightmare curse, is actually the best resource for him, and he is looking for it.

"When the consciousness projection of the God of Martial Arts and Hunting becomes clearer, I will think about what martial arts can be paired with it to create a wonderful chemical reaction.

When the time comes, it might be another super-kill skill."

Lu Yuan thought with bright eyes.

The powerful effect of [Unyielding Will] dissipated most of his frustration over missing the two "luck draws".

The remaining skill to be unlocked is almost ready to be used, but Lu Yuan is reluctant to spend any more skill points.

In order to prevent my hands from being itchy again, I couldn't help but give it one last stroke.

Lu Yuan thought for a while, and finally spent the last two skill points he had saved for a long time.

lv1 [Super Kill——Thousand Crows Songyue], improved!


At the moment when his skills were improved, Lu Yuan's head buzzed.

The whole person seemed to have instantly entered the long-lost crow's dream.

He stood on the bank of the River Styx, with the flowers of the other side blooming at his feet.

The graceful woman in black dress stood quietly in the Styx with her back to him.

The woman stretched out her fingers, which were whiter than the moonlight, and gently touched the water beside her.

In an instant.
The water of the huge Styx boiled silently, turning into countless black crows that flapped their wings and soared into the sky.

The shadows of these crows soon covered the night sky.

The dreamland turned into pure darkness.

Suddenly there was a little white bloom, and the huge full moon reappeared in the sky.

Then the full moon flashed inexplicably.


The originally bright full moon suddenly turned into the shape of a scarlet crow's eyeball.

The cluster of darkness in the center of the eyeball moved downwards little by little.

It seems that he is quietly staring at the distance.
Lu Yuan suddenly opened his eyes and broke away from the "new version" of the crow's dream.

He suddenly found that his mental strength seemed to be much stronger.

Bring up the panel and take a look.

The original 20 points of intelligence after breaking the limit at one time turned into 21 points!
“Originally, I thought it was a bit confusing that super-kill skills require two skill points to level up.

Now it seems that it is simply a waste of money.”

Lu Yuan murmured in a low voice, and immediately tried to activate [Super Kill - Thousand Crows Songyue] which had been upgraded to level 2.

At the moment when the skill is activated.

With Lu Yuan as the center, all the air in the empty room became distorted, and the tranquil night began to boil.

He tried to slowly raise his right hand.

make a fist.

At the moment when the fingers are brought together.

Seen from far away
It was as if I had caught a ball of "light"!
Today is Little Dandan's first birthday, and he has been busy with his first birthday party these days.After finishing, I will start adjusting tomorrow and try to get back to the habit of regular updates every early morning as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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