Chapter 212 The more you think about it for a while, the more angry you become, and the more you think about it, the more you lose

But the next second, it quickly dimmed again.

"What kind of place can I get back?
I haven't lost it yet. "

Liu Daoyuan snorted softly and turned away.

Lu Yuan stood up and opened all the closed curtains in the room.

Only then did Liu Daoyuan's current appearance become clear.

He was sitting in a wheelchair, his right arm showing a weird twist.

The skin and flesh collapsed, revealing the dense power cords underneath, some of which had even been broken, and from time to time, tiny bits of blue fire appeared.

The left trouser leg was completely empty, and the original mechanical prosthetic leg was missing.

There seemed to be injuries on his chest, and there were still blood stains on his clothes.

Liu Daoyuan felt Lu Yuan's appraising gaze and snorted coldly: "There's nothing interesting to see, it's just two broken prosthetic limbs.

I have asked Liu Si to go back and get it.

Those two guys were kicked by me one by one, but they didn't fare much better.

Now designated to be vomiting blood"

Well, he can still be arrogant. It seems that the injury is not serious.

Lu Yuan briefly glanced around the room and focused on one spot.

Walk over and pick up a bottle of fruity soda from the drink rack.

Pull it open and hand it to Liu Daoyuan.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Lu Yuan sat down on the sofa chair opposite Liu Daoyuan and looked at him.

Liu Daoyuan used his good left hand to grab the soda given by Lu Yuan and was about to drink it. When he heard these words, he heard a "crunch" and the can in his hand crumbled into a ball.

The soda inside quickly flowed down between his fingers.

"What can happen?

It's just that someone is unhappy with our Crane faction and wants to kill us on purpose. "

Liu Daoyuan's tone was cold, with a fierce light in his eyes, as if he wanted to choose someone and devour him.

"Is there anyone you suspect?"

Lu Yuan stood up, got another bottle of drink for him, and handed it to him.


Liu Daoyuan took the drink, but this time he didn't squeeze it to bursting. He put it to his mouth and took a sip.


Lu Yuan's expression changed and he asked hurriedly.

Liu Daoyuan shook his head: "There are too many, I don't know who it is."



Lu Yuan chose to give up looking for clues from Liu Daoyuan and asked him why he might as well investigate it himself.

The two were silent for a while.

Lu Yuan's eyes unconsciously fell on Liu Daoyuan's twisted right arm and empty left leg again.

He said, "Then how do you want to sound like this?"

"How else can it be done?"

Liu Daoyuan's eyes flashed fiercely, and he said coldly: "Of course I have to beat them back one by one."

"Then I'll take you there now."

Lu Yuan stood up from his chair.

But Liu Daoyuan stretched out his hand to stop him.

"not now."

Liu Daoyuan shook his head, "The competition will officially begin tomorrow.

If you seek revenge now, you might be directly disqualified from the competition.

The most important purpose of our visit this time is to let you gain practical experience, enter the top [-], and get tickets to Wusheng Island.
Before the goal is achieved, don’t create distractions. "

"When you deliberately caused trouble for others a few days ago, you didn't worry about whether you would be disqualified."

Lu Yuan looked at him and said calmly.

"You also said it was me."

Liu Daoyuan said: "I'm not participating, so there's nothing to be afraid of.

And that bullshit Holy Envoy from Penglai hasn’t come yet a few days ago.

It's different now.

That guy is the best at pushing the envelope. If you cause trouble at this time, you will be sent to your door to be manipulated.


Liu Daoyuan paused and said: "Although your current strength is not bad, after all, you have only entered the True Meaning level not long ago.

Going up against those veteran faction leaders would be a big disadvantage. "

Lu Yuan looked at him quietly, his eyes wandering back and forth on his several injuries, and suddenly said: "Then... let's forget it for now?"

Liu Daoyuan nodded: "We can only forget it for now.

Just be patient for now.”

He sighed softly, picked up the drink in his hand and drank it in one gulp.

Even though he was drinking soda, he still felt a bit depressed and depressed like drinking alcohol.

"When we go to the ring tomorrow, if we can meet those little brats.

You can teach them a lesson for me. "

"Okay. It's up to you."

Lu Yuan sighed softly and nodded.

Now that Lao Liu, the person involved, has swallowed his breath.

Then he has nothing to say.

The night is like water.

On the sidewalks of the villa area, street lights were on one by one, emitting soft and delicate light.


A sound similar to the rolling wheels startled a cat lying on the roadside, and it quickly ran into the grass next to it.

Under the streetlight, a tall figure pushing a wheelchair stopped in front of a brightly lit villa.


The visitor's stop attracted the attention of two strong young men standing in front of the villa gate, who shouted coldly and shouted to drive him away.

"This is the rest area of ​​Nandoumen. If you have nothing to do, please leave immediately!"

But both the person pushing the wheelchair and the person sitting in the wheelchair turned a deaf ear to the scoldings of the two people.

"I told you a long time ago. The more you think about it, the angrier it becomes. The more you think about it when you step back, the more you will lose."

Lu Yuan lowered his head and said softly to Liu Daoyuan who was sitting in a wheelchair: "Look, I know you can't swallow this breath."


Liu Daoyuan, who was sitting in a wheelchair, seemed to be in a state of extreme excitement.

He cursed, and the blue light in his two electronic eyes flashed. “You had to tell me so early, you already have this kind of strength now.

And there is a way to bypass this bad competition and directly get tickets to Wusheng Island. Can I bear this tone? ! "


As he spoke, Liu Daoyuan laughed again.

The whole person seemed to be going crazy, almost unable to help but dance.

"Alright, alright."

Lu Yuan knelt down, looked at Liu Daoyuan's body, and then looked at his face.

Said: "Is your injury okay?

If the fight breaks out later, I may not be able to take care of you.

What if someone catches you while I'm not prepared and uses it to blackmail me into submission or something?"

"Stop worrying about me!"

Liu Daoyuan laughed and scolded: "I am in excellent condition now, even if that shitty Holy Envoy from Penglai comes over today.

I could also kick him in the ass and walk away. "

"That's good."

Lu Yuan nodded assuredly.

Then he lowered his eyes slightly and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, Teacher.

Today I only use Crane style Kung Fu. "

Liu Daoyuan's eyes flashed with blue light.

After saying that, Lu Yuan stood up.

Facing the front door of the villa.

next second.

The two large black iron doors of the villa flew inwards together with the two strong men guarding the doors.

There was a loud bang on the door inside.

It directly knocked the two heavy solid wood doors inwards.

This sudden loud noise alarmed everyone in the villa.

In the short time it took to breathe, more than a dozen figures rushed out of the villa vigorously.

"Who? Dare to come to our Nandoumen to cause trouble?!"

The leader, a middle-aged man in white with narrow eyes and a cold temperament, looked at the mess at the door and shouted at the two of them with a mixture of shock and anger.

He saw Liu Daoyuan sitting in a wheelchair at a glance, and then he laughed angrily.

"Liu Daoyuan, it's you again?!
Okay, okay, I let you off last time and you still dare to come.

I see you really can’t shed tears until you see the coffin. "

The middle-aged man in white glanced at Liu Daoyuan and said harshly: "Then don't even think about taking back your remaining arms and legs today."

Unexpectedly, after the middle-aged man in white said what he said, Liu Daoyuan, who was sitting in the wheelchair, was not angry at all, but looked smiling.

Before he could frown in confusion and his eyes blurred, he saw a young man with a tall and straight body and handsome appearance gently and deftly blocking Liu Daoyuan's face.

With a humble smile on his face, the young man bowed his hand slightly to him and said, "The true successor of the Crane Sect, come and receive it. Oh no."

Before he finished speaking, the young man suddenly changed his words with an apologetic expression.

"I'm sorry, I accidentally said something wrong. I'll do it again."

After saying that, the softness on the handsome young man's face disappeared, and his temperament quickly turned cold.

He moved his body slightly and made a series of slight bone noises.

Then he grinned at the middle-aged man in white, revealing a mouth full of white teeth.

Then he spoke word by word:
"The true story of the Crane Sect. Come and seek revenge!"

The next second, there seemed to be a brilliant white crane shadow flashing away in the night.

With a loud "bang", a figure flew out like a kite with its string cut off, and there were traces of blood flying in the air.

Under the light of street lights.

The smile on Liu Daoyuan's face, who was sitting in a wheelchair, grew bigger and bigger, and finally laughter came out, blending into the low shouts and muffled sounds that sounded from time to time on the field.

Under the streetlight, two figures walked one behind the other, walking leisurely.

The light casts on the clothes behind the two people, and the words "Moon Shadow" in flying phoenixes seem to be shining slightly.

Sun Zhihua lowered his head and listened to the scolding from his uncle, Sun Zhengli, the current leader of Yueying Ryu.

“I heard before that you are warm and generous and have a wide range of friends, which I thought was a good thing.

At least the energy that is not used in practicing is used to accumulate contacts and resources for yourself.
Who would have known, what kind of cunning friends you usually make? ! "

"Not even as good as a friend! The true disciple of Shuishuihe Sect the day before yesterday!
Who is that?

A disciple of the poisonous crane demon Liu Daoyuan!

Do you think that in the future our reputation as the Moon Shadow Style will be as bad as that of the poisonous crane monster? "

"It's not that serious, uncle."

Sun Zhihua retorted helplessly: "The poisonous-hand crane demon is the poison-hand crane demon, and the disciple is a disciple.

I think he is very nice, and he is also the brother of my girlfriend’s best friend.

Moreover, he is extremely talented in martial arts and very strong."


Sun Zhengli sneered, "Dragon begets dragons, phoenixes beget phoenixes, mice are born with only the ability to dig holes.

The disciple of Lao Xiewu is naturally a little Xiewu, the same kind of raccoon dog, but you still defend him?
High in martial arts talent?Strong?
That's because you are usually lazy in practicing and you are weak, so everyone thinks you are strong! "

"I will take you to visit the head of the Xinlian Sect later. If you can make friends with Xue Guangyao, one of the twin stars of the South, you will be able to make a hundred friends."

Sun Zhengli told Sun Zhihua with a serious expression: "Remember, the Heart Refining Sect and the Poison Hand Crane Demon have always had a grudge. When I meet them later, please don't talk about your nonsense again!"


Sun Zhihua responded dully, lowered his head and followed obediently.

The two of them walked for a while and were about to reach the villa where Xinlianmen resides.


There was a loud noise ahead.

Both of them were stunned, and without a moment's hesitation, they directly used their body skills to rush towards the direction of the sound.

Not long after, we arrived at the target location.

They discovered that it was the Heart Refining Sect station they were going to visit on this trip.

At this time, the door of the villa where the disciples of the Xinlian Sect were located had disappeared.

In the courtyard of the villa, two people were quietly confronting each other.

One of them was naturally the people from the Xinlian Sect whom Sun Zhengli was very familiar with.

When he saw the other person, Sun Zhengli's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Poison-hand Crane Demon Liu Daoyuan?!"

Immediately afterwards, a look of deep shock and absurdity appeared on Sun Zhengli's face.

"This Liu Daoyuan came to the Heart Refining Sect in a wheelchair in the middle of the night to cause trouble?

Is his brain broken? ! "

 There should be more updates during the day

(End of this chapter)

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