Final priesthood.

Chapter 214 Don’t let anyone affect your mood tonight

Chapter 214 Don’t let anyone affect your mood tonight


A huge impact sound came from the brightly lit villa courtyard.

There was a loud sound like a heavy object hitting the ground, making those who were standing outside the villa and ran out to watch when they heard the noise looked at each other.

"Which one is this?"

"It seems to be where Aiki-ryu lives."

"What happened?"

"Go and see!"

The crowd was gathering, and they were about to run up.

Suddenly a large group of people came out in front of us.

Almost all of them were strong men with a height of nearly two meters and fierce faces, but all of them wore uniform short-sleeved uniforms.

The uniform is clearly printed with the words of the organizer of the XXth Southern Hundred Cities Martial Arts League.

This group of people suddenly emerged from the darkness, and within a few breaths, the path leading to the villa was completely blocked by the group of onlookers.

"What? What?!"

Among the group of strong men, a thin, middle-aged man walked out with a stern face.

He had his hands behind his back and a bright work badge hanging on his chest, looking very impressive.

"You don't sleep at night, why are you running out all over the place?"

"The Aiki flow seems to be under attack. We want to go over and take a look."

Someone from the Guwu sect spoke in a deep voice.


The thin middle-aged man nodded and said: "You have misunderstood. There is a sect that is competing with the Aiki-ryu. We have applied to the competition organizing committee in advance. It is a normal and friendly pre-match exchange between sects."

The thin middle-aged man was talking when a loud "boom" suddenly sounded in the brightly lit villa behind him.

It seemed to be mixed with groans and screams, and then there was an old laugh that was both fun and satisfying.


This laughter was so evil that it sounded like a night owl, and many people felt goosebumps when they heard it.

"Why do I sound like a poisonous crane demon?!"

Someone spoke with confusion.

"It sounds like that to me too, that guy's smile is so charming."

Everyone was talking and talking, and their curiosity suddenly became more intense.

But the person in charge of the competition organizer refused to let them in, and deliberately threatened them - "If they don't break up, and if they deliberately make noise to affect the rest of the competition for other contestants, they will be disqualified"!
Damn it, Liu Daoyuan was laughing like a ghost in the room. If you didn't say that he was affecting others' rest, why would you say that he was talking about us?
All the ancient martial arts sects were full of anger.

But after all, eating melon is not as important as the competition. Everyone can only suppress their curiosity and disperse in frustration.

After everyone had dispersed, Li Dong slowly walked out from the side.

The thin middle-aged man immediately greeted him, and the former praised him with approval.

"well done."

Turning around and taking a look in the direction of the villa, I could vaguely see a tall figure pushing a wheelchair out.

Li Dong hurriedly waved the people away, and they all stepped aside.

He pulled the thin middle-aged man to stand in a dark corner and solemnly told him: "Anyway, don't let anyone affect the interest of the Silver Spear Bearer tonight."


Upon hearing the words "Silver holding a spear", the expression of the thin middle-aged man seemed to suddenly become fanatical and admiring.

Li Dong thought for a while and then said: "Those who have been beaten by adults have probably complained to the Holy Envoy of Penglai. What are you going to do?"

"rest assured."

The thin middle-aged man patted his chest and replied confidently: "If those guys can contact the Holy Envoy of Penglai today, I will lose.

As long as I'm here, no one can disturb the Silver Spear Bearer. "

"Have you ever thought about what to do when the Holy Envoy of Penglai finds out?"

"Better solution."

The skinny middle-aged man said with disdain on his face, "I have a hundred ways to fool that idiot who only knows how to collect money and play with women."

"That's good."

Li Dong listened to the other party's flawless arrangement and nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, the tall figure pushing the wheelchair had completely walked out of the villa.

When they saw each other, Li Dong and the thin middle-aged man immediately bowed and saluted, their lowered cheeks full of respect.

late at night.

Inside the huge and luxurious room.


A light blue light curtain lit up in the dim cubicle in the corner, and there was a slight vibration sound.

The sound broke the silence in the room.

On the large round bed, a muscular figure sat up.

He is a middle-aged man with short braids. The skin on his face is fair, smooth and wrinkle-free. His specific age cannot be seen.

The muscles of the naked upper body are well-proportioned and perfect, without a trace of fat. A slight raise of the hand gives people a sense of power like a wave.

The man frowned and glanced in the direction of the corner cubicle, a hint of displeasure flashing across his face.

With a cold face, he took off some of the lotus-rooted arms wrapped around his body, and then stood up.

I couldn't see clearly what he was doing, but in a flash, his figure appeared on the floor wearing a snow-white bathrobe.

The man strolled towards the cubicle, his pace was leisurely, as if he were stepping on clouds, and an awkward-looking silver ring on the middle finger of his right hand that drooped casually reflected a little bit of misty light from time to time.

Soon he walked into the cubicle, and the cubicle door behind him closed automatically and silently without any wind.

The man walked up to the translucent light blue light screen and tapped the light screen, and soon a figure appeared on the light screen.

He is a thin, middle-aged man with an average appearance and a somewhat nervous expression.

"Do you know what time it is?"

The short-braided man looked at the thin middle-aged man in the light screen with an unhappy expression.

The latter immediately apologized: "Mainly because something big happened, so I had no choice but to disturb the Holy Envoy."


The short-braided man snorted softly, "What big trouble can happen to a place with a big fart? Tell me."

The thin, middle-aged man didn't say anything, but sent a briefing directly.

The man with short braids swept over it casually.

Soon, his eyes condensed, and he let out a gasping sound of "hiss--".

[20:19, The Crane Faction challenges Nandoumen, seriously injuring one person at the true meaning level, three at the martial arts level, five internal organs practitioners, and two bone practitioners.] [20:42, the Crane Faction challenges the Heart Refining Sect, seriously injuring the Heart Refining Sect. There are two people at the true meaning level, four people at the martial arts level, one person at the Zang training level, and two people at the Bone level]

[21:15, the Crane Faction challenged the White Bird Gate and seriously injured a person of the White Bird Gate’s true meaning level, who is in the martial arts realm.]

【21:59, Crane Faction Challenge.】

The battle reports went down in unison, thirteen in total.

All are information about the Crane Faction challenging various sects and severely injuring each other.

In less than four hours.

There are a total of thirteen sects, and a total of more than 150 people were seriously injured by the Crane sect, including 39 martial arts masters and [-] true meaning level experts!
"Crane sect?! The crane sect of the poisonous crane demon Liu Daoyuan?!"

"How dare he?"

"How did he do that?!"

In an instant, countless doubts emerged from the short-braided man's mind.

A look of shock and disbelief appeared on his face.

Looking at the battle report, he was stunned for several seconds before he suddenly reacted. He stared hard at the thin middle-aged man in the light screen and said in a cold tone: "What happened to you when such a big thing happened? Are you telling me now?!"

The thin middle-aged man seemed to be frightened by the sudden outburst of the short-braided man. He was a little frightened and helpless and replied: "Didn't you, the Holy Envoy, repeatedly told me not to disturb you after eight o'clock in the evening, not even anything? ?
I was also harassed by the people from the sect below and couldn’t help it. I didn’t know how to deal with it, so I bit the bullet.”

"Alright, alright!"

Before the thin middle-aged man finished speaking, he was interrupted by a short-braided man with an irritated look on his face.

He did say this himself.

And now that it has happened, there is no point in dwelling on this issue.

The short-braided man had a gloomy face, and a cold light kept flashing in his eyes.

Although he doesn't take this competition very seriously in his heart, as long as he can successfully complete the competition and select a group of people, the mission of this trip will be completed.

But many of the sects that were overthrown by the Crane Sect had "offered sacrifices" to him.

As soon as this happened, I knew with my toes that many people would come to him tomorrow to argue and seek justice.

By then I will be annoyed to death.

"Crane Faction! Liu Daoyuan!"

The short-braided man became angrier as he thought about it, and couldn't help but punch the table in front of him.

"Bang" sound.

The entire table immediately fell apart and turned into pieces.

However, this hit made the man with short braids calm down.

His eyes flashed for a moment, and then he said to the thin middle-aged man in the light screen: "Help me inform the people of the Crane Sect.

Tell them that they don't want to be disqualified from the competition, and they don't want to be unable to survive in the southern martial arts world.

Just come to me with enough sincerity.”

In the light curtain, the thin middle-aged man did not speak for a long time.

The short-braided man frowned and said unhappily: "What, is there a problem?"

The thin middle-aged man shook his head and pondered for a while.

Then he slowly replied: "There is something I forgot to report to the Holy Envoy.

The Crane faction had already applied to the competition organizing committee to withdraw from the competition half an hour ago. "



Lu Yuan stood under a street lamp, checked the time, and then half-jokingly said to Liu Daoyuan, who was sitting in a wheelchair in front of him, "Isn't this considered revenge?"

"It's up to you."

At this time, Liu Daoyuan seemed to be drunk, his cheeks were reddish, his eyes were squinted, and he was lying in the wheelchair with a contented look on his face.

The presence of the old god brings indescribable satisfaction and comfort.

Lu Yuan rarely saw Lao Liu like this, and smiled softly with his eyes.

Then he thought about it and said, "I'm angry now, so I won't go to the competition tomorrow."

"Is something wrong?"

The satisfied look on Liu Daoyuan's face faded, he opened his eyes, looked at him and asked.

Lu Yuan didn't hide anything. An unknown and stressful figure unconsciously appeared in his mind, and he nodded.


"Then go and do your work and don't worry about me."

Liu Daoyuan waved his hands, as if he was eager to drive him away.

"There's no rush now."

Lu Yuan replied casually

Then he looked up at a brightly lit place in the distance, and slowly said: "I have been pressed by another thing during this time.

I was so distracted that I ignored many clues.

Just now, when I was venting my anger on you, teacher, I was concentrating on helping you beat someone up, and my mind was clear, but I unexpectedly figured out something. "

Liu Daoyuan was surprised, "What happened?"

"This is the competition."

Lu Yuan turned his head, looked at Liu Daoyuan calmly, and said word by word: "Who is instigating behind the scenes, deliberately inciting others to target the Crane Sect, and target you, Teacher!"

Liu Daoyuan had no expression on his face and sat upright little by little.

The two looked at each other.

"So, have you figured out who it is?"

Lu Yuan did not answer, but asked Liu Daoyuan, "Did the teacher think of who it was again?"

Liu Daoyuan looked startled.

Then he avoided Lu Yuan's gaze and lowered his eyes.

After a moment of silence, he slowly said: "Of course I have thought of it. But I am not sure."

"The teacher and I should be thinking about the same person."

Lu Yuan let out a breath, put his hands on the back of the wheelchair, and pushed Liu Daoyuan slowly towards the direction he came from.

He said softly: "Teacher, please bring someone back tomorrow.

Wait until I finish the matter at hand.

In this last situation, I will definitely get it back for you with interest. "

Liu Daoyuan didn't speak, lowered his head slightly, and said "hmm" in a low voice.

As if agreed.

 There is still one more daytime update. I wrote a lot today and I really can’t write anymore.
(End of this chapter)

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