Final priesthood.

Chapter 222 Panic boils over!Death of the owl blade!

Chapter 222 Panic boils over!Death of the owl blade!
The road is long and aimless, walking in the black space.

Under his feet were hard and bumpy black rocks. His feet were bare, and every time he took a step, the soles of his feet would be scratched by the sharp black rocks, causing blood to flow out.

Lu Yuan's body was covered with bruises, but he still walked forward tirelessly.

until a certain moment.

He suddenly woke up!

"Where am I? Where am I going? How could I weak?"

Lu Yuan suddenly looked up and saw the turbid sky above his head, with black and gray mist filling the entire world like milk.

The scarlet moon is hidden behind the fog, hazy, with a hint of strange and evil atmosphere.

At this time, he was standing at the foot of an extremely large and towering Black Mountain.

The top of the Black Mountain was shrouded in thick fog, making it difficult to see exactly where the top was.

Look back on the road traveled behind you.

Lu Yuan saw that the blood flowing from his body smeared the Black Mountain stones along the way bright red.

A sentence suddenly appeared in his mind - "The eternally cracked black earth will cover every gravel in the magic mountain with blood."

"Magic Mountain?"

Lu Yuan murmured, and then his expression calmed down.

The blood under his feet flowed back, and the wounds on his body healed quickly.

For Lu Yuan, who has experienced crow dreams many times, he is already familiar with similar scenes.

"However, this elephant god's dream is much more aggressive than the crow's dream.

It seemed like he was full of malice toward me."

Lu Yuan's body moved slightly, and his whole body quickly climbed towards the magic mountain in front of him as if teleporting.

He wanted to go up to the top of the Magic Mountain and have a look.

After breaking through the layers of fog, the huge magic mountain slowly revealed its majesty as the tip of the iceberg, like an ancient ferocious beast dormant on the ground.

The road up the mountain seemed to be endless, and Lu Yuan continued to increase his speed.

In dreams, there is almost no upper limit.

But no matter how high he rose, the distance between him and the top of the magic mountain, shrouded in layers of black mist, always seemed so far away.


Lu Yuan finally chose to give up, let out a breath, and stopped.

And the moment he stopped, the magic mountain beneath him began to shake violently.


The sleeping giant seems to be awakening, and this black mountain is releasing its undisguised anger and malice.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yuan saw the turbid black fog in the sky spreading.

The scarlet moon hidden behind the black mist reveals its full appearance——

It turned out to be a scarlet eye.

He stared at Lu Yuan coldly and indifferently, and around his eyes, there seemed to be a vague outline of an extremely huge elephant head.

At the same time, the fog on the top of the magic mountain also broke.

Under the outline of a huge elephant head and huge scarlet eyes, Lu Yuan saw a figure with several arms standing on the top of the mountain, looking down at him coldly.

"Sa@# snake@¥%"

A majestic sound came from the top of the mountain.

That's ancient Phoenician - "I will find you eventually and crush you to pieces"

In an instant, the black stone beneath his feet cracked, and the black mist poured in from the sky. The whole world was trembling, and it responded with strong hostility to Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan seemed to be targeted by the whole world.

In the dream that was shaking like the end of the world, Lu Yuan just watched everything calmly.

His eyes passed over the outline of the elephant's head in the sky, the scarlet eye, and the figure on the top of the mountain, and he couldn't help but sigh.

"The situation is open, old man.
I just killed you as a walking person, and the crow god next door didn’t react so much.”



Lu Yuan woke up from his dream and came out of the water.


He breathed deeply, and thick liquid dripped from his body and hair.

Lu Yuan found that he was lying in something similar to a healing cabin, his whole body soaked in a light blue viscous liquid.

The injuries on his body have been completely healed. Not only that, but he feels more energetic than ever before.

"grown ups!"

A big man with eyebrows as thick as knives and wearing a red bear uniform looked happy when he saw Lu Yuan woke up and quickly came over.

Respectfully, he presented a neatly folded piece of clean clothes with both hands.

Lu Yuan pulled it casually, put it on his body, and asked: "Where is the person who sent me back?"

"That adult has left and took the stone ball with him. He asked you to have a good rest and contact him anytime if you have anything.

Oh, right."

The thick-browed Chixiong paused for a moment, then said solemnly: "That adult told me to inform you when you wake up.

His name is - Lan Chen."

"Lan, Chen."

Lu Yuan recited these two words silently, then nodded and said, "I understand."

"He also said that the medicine for your healing is very expensive. If you don't believe it, let me send you this link.

You copy and paste and open it in the Merit Mall"


After Lu Yuan listened to what the thick-browed Chi Xiong had said, he nodded speechlessly to show that he understood, and waved to him to go out.

When the thick-browed Chixiong left, only Lu Yuan was left in the huge lounge.

He casually opened his Golden Bear backend and immediately saw two unread messages lying there quietly.

One message comes from Yu Wentong - Lord Tongtongtong: "Performing well! (Be optimistic about you)"

Lu Yuan immediately replied: "It's all because of Mr. Tong's teachings."

After not seeing a reply from Yu Wentong for a long time, I clicked on the second message - [Feixiong asked "Lan Chen" to add you as a friend. 】

Lu Yuan casually clicked to accept, then thought about it and added a note after the other person's name - "The boy who wants to take credit".

After doing all this, I calmed down and looked at the results on my panel.

[Name: Lu Yuan] [Age: 17]

[Strength: 21 (limit 1)]

[Agility: 20 (limit 1)]

[Physique: 22 (limit 1)]

[Intelligence: 21 (limit 1)]

[Occupation: Fighter lv11 (12234/102400)]

[Basic professional skills:
Primary vocational skills:
Intermediate vocational skills:
True Meaning: Giant Whale True Meaning lv1, Spirit Crane True Meaning lv1, Dragon Shape True Meaning lv1
Must-kill: Spiritual Crane Technique - Crane Shadow Floating in the Sky lv2, Picking Fairy Orchid by Mistake lv2, Penglai Miaomiao lv2
Dragon Sect——Dragon Covering the Body lv1, Dragon Walking Clouds lv1, Dragon Raining lv1
Whale's body capsizes in the ocean current - Overturning the sea lv1
Super sure kill: Thousand Crows Ode to the Moon lv2, Power of One Domain lv1
Professional core skills: Imaginary enemy lv3, special power lv4, invincible instinct lv1]

[Occupation: Tell the Dead (Extraordinary) lv7 (5539/6400)]


Elementary professional skills: Clothes of Hades lv1 (78/100)

Professional core skills: to be unlocked

Super sure kill——Death on the road to death lv1]

[Occupation: Spear Bearer (Extraordinary) lv2 (13/200)]


[Skill Points: 1]

[Attribute point: 1]

The main changes are in a few places.

First, Lu Yuan’s physique has improved by a full 2 ​​points!
"No wonder I feel like I'm in such good shape now. It turns out that my physical fitness has improved significantly. Is it because of Lan Chen's healing potion?"

The 2 points of physical improvement after breaking the limit once are converted into attribute points, which is 4 points.

A very exaggerated figure.

Only then did Lu Yuan remember to paste the link that the thick-browed Chi Xiong had just sent him to the merit mall and open it, and found that what popped up was a product called [Super Cell Repair Solution].

You need permission above the Flying Bear level to purchase it. Each person can only purchase one potion per month, and the redemption of each potion requires a full [-] merit points.

"so expensive"

Lu Yuan was surprised and suddenly understood why Lan Chen wanted to "acquire credit" from him.

God knows how many bottles of this repair fluid he used on himself.

If hundreds of thousands of merit points are smashed down, you can't even hear a sound.

Lu Yuan quickly sent a "thank you" to the "boy who asked for credit".

"The boy who takes credit" replied instantly: "You're welcome."

Lu Yuan followed closely: "Next time I go on a mission like this, I'll ask you to be my backup."

"The boy asking for credit": "."

"It's not just because of the effect of the repair fluid. My body was shattered by the elephant god's walking, and then it was forcibly rebuilt because I entered the [one-time limit-breaking perfect form]. Over and over again, it felt like it was broken and then rebuilt.

It’s not surprising that your physical fitness has improved significantly.”

Killing Elephant God Walking, this battle provided Lu Xingyu with 10 [Fighter] professional experience, and [Fighter] was raised from lv11 to lv[-].

Gain 1 new skill point and 1 attribute point.

I also newly comprehended a super-kill - [Power of One Domain]!
This was something that even Lu Yuan himself was surprised by.

This skill comes from the true skill visualization diagram of Xiang Lei, the leader of Bailian Sect.

Xiang Lei was the last owner of the Flesh Palace and developed the Flesh Palace to a very high level.

[Power of One Domain] is a special skill he tailor-made for the owner of the Palace of Flesh: power, strength, and true meaning are pushed to the extreme, mixed together, and turned into a vortex like a black hole. Punch out!
Lu Yuan successfully understood it in the first stage of the battle with the Elephant God Walking.

However, since his strength in all aspects far exceeds that of Xiang Lei, his state of [Breaking Limits and Perfect Form at Once] unexpectedly fits this goal of killing.

So he was suddenly promoted to the level of super-killer.

It was a complete surprise.

“Also a super-kill, [Thousand Crows Song of the Moon] focuses more on spiritual attacks.

The [Power of One Domain] focuses more on the physical body.

The attack effect of my lv2 [Thousand Crows Ode to the Moon] is not obvious on the Elephant God Walking, mainly because the Elephant God Walking does not take much mental attacks! "

Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes and recalled the battle with the elephant god walking.

Compared to the opponent's terrifying strength, its intelligence is indeed a bit low.

His consciousness is muddy and ignorant, as if he is just a "tool man".

Lu Yuan couldn't help but think of the multi-armed figure standing on the top of the magic mountain he had seen in the elephant god's dream. He subconsciously looked down at his right chest.

The mark of Elephant God Demon Mountain is still there, imprinted on the chest mountain far away, like a tattoo.

"What level of strength is there that can use the double S-level elephant god walking as a tool?"

A hint of complexity flashed in Lu Yuan's eyes.

After this battle, he seemed to have truly glimpsed the tip of the iceberg at the top of this world.

He is good enough to grow to this level in just a few months.

But compared with those top extraordinary experts, there is still a big gap.

"If I don't enter the [demon] state, I will only have S+ level combat power. What is the difference between S+ and double S-level combat power? What is the key to breakthrough?"

Lu Yuan murmured, planning to go back and ask Yu Wentong or the "credit-seeking boy" Lan Chen.

Further down is the career improvement of [Speaking to the Dead (Extraordinary)].

[Speak to the Dead (Extraordinary)], after the skill [Eye of Omen of Death] was finally upgraded to lv3, it finally met the unlocking requirements for the core skill of the first profession.

Lu Yuan's eyes swayed slightly between [Invincible Instinct] and the professional core to be unlocked, and finally chose to unlock the latter.

Soon, new skills appeared——

[Professional core skills: Panic boils! 】

Skill introduction:
Lu Yuan hadn't had time to check the skill introduction carefully.

At this moment, "Didi didi——"

A rapid message beep came from his communicator.

He clicked on it randomly to check.

But his expression shook in the next second, and then became extremely cold.

The news came from members of the Yellow Bear organization he was stationed in Pan City.

The message informed him——

Red Bear Owl Blade is dead!

ps: This is the last time I’m posting panel information. Let’s see if there is anything missing. I’ll mention it in this chapter. I’ll post it later and update it in real time.
(End of this chapter)

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