Final priesthood.

Chapter 229 Opportunities for career advancement and career integration

Chapter 229 Opportunities for career advancement and career integration
"and many more!"

The hook-nosed old man's talons were about to catch Pei Ye's cheek, and the latter's body trembled to the point of almost twitching.

Lu Yuan said calmly: "Don't rush to do it, I will do it myself later."


The hook-nosed old man immediately stopped his hand and stood aside calmly.

Lu Yuan didn't feel sorry for Pei Ye, he just didn't want to make the scene bloody and ugly.


When news came, Lu Yuan clicked on it to check.

The discovery came from Yu Wentong.

It was rare for Yu Wentong to take the initiative to send him a message.

Lu Yuan hurriedly checked it carefully, with a look of shock and surprise on his face.

In the message sent by Yu Wentong, he actually asked him to keep Pei Ye's life first, saying it would be useful.

"Yu Wentong knows that I am fighting with people from the Evil Martial Alliance?!"

"Then I just pretended to be the Demon Emperor. Wasn't it possible that Yu Wentong saw everything?"

Lu Yuan felt guilty for no reason, but then he couldn't help but think about it.

"What does Yu Wentong want Pei Ye to do? Do you want to do an experiment?"

Lu Yuan couldn't think of an answer, so he pressed his reverie, waved his hand, and signaled the three guardians in front of him to continue.

"Go on, let's introduce the Evil Martial Alliance."


The horse-faced middle-aged man took up the topic and said: "After the death of the evil emperor, the alliance was mainly composed of eight guardians.


The horse-faced middle-aged man spoke in a deep voice and whispered: "Many of the protectors have their own selfish motives, which has made the entire alliance a mess."

Although the horse-faced middle-aged man and the aquiline-nosed old man told each other, Lu Yuan gradually learned about the current internal situation of the Evil Martial Alliance.

It turns out that people in the Evil Martial Alliance are also having a hard time.

Because those who follow the evil martial arts path, their evil power mainly comes from hunting down the acolytes of various evil god sects.

But the Evil God Cult is not a soft persimmon. If there is hunting, there will naturally be revenge.

Most of the evil warriors will end up either being absorbed by the Evil God Cult, or they will die at the hands of the powerful men from the Evil God Cult who come to seek revenge.

Lu Yuan thought before that there were only a small number of people who were infected by the evil force and led to self-destruction.

In the world of ancient martial arts, the seemingly beautiful Evil Martial Alliance is secretly being chased and chased around by the Evil God Cult every day.

It was a little better when the Evil Emperor was supporting me before.

With the position of Evil Emperor vacant, the situation took a turn for the worse.

And within the Evil Martial Alliance, every protector is thinking about seizing power all day long, or they also want to sit in the position of the Evil Emperor, which is really bad anyway.

"We previously elected this loser as the new evil emperor in order to stabilize the situation within the alliance. But the rest of the protectors either had nothing to do with us or obstructed him in every possible way. It's really unpopular!"

The hook-nosed old man was very emotional when he talked about this incident, looking sad and filled with righteous indignation.

But soon the expression on his face changed and turned into one of sincere joy and excitement. He respectfully said to Lu Yuan: "Fortunately, the Demon Emperor turned out to be born. We and the old people in the alliance have hope."

The horse-faced middle-aged man next to him also looked in agreement and kept nodding his head, but the guardian remained silent.

"I think you are the weakest in strength and power, and are at the bottom among the eight guardians, so you are thinking of raising the banner of the new evil emperor."

Lu Yuan looked at the two people in front of him, holding his cheek with one hand, thinking a little speechlessly in his heart.

After listening to the introductions of several people, Lu Yuan felt that the Evil Martial Alliance was now an out-and-out mess.

What an evil emperor.

Externally, we must bear the thunder of the Evil God Cult, and internally, we must prevent the people below from rebelling.

This is not just a case of being taken advantage of.

Lu Yuan had already begun to regret that he had been quick to talk and called himself the Demon Emperor.

"Okay, I already have a general understanding of the situation in the Evil Martial Alliance. If nothing happens, you can leave."

Lu Yuan had no intention of staying here any longer, so he picked up Pei Ye and walked away.

Seeing that they had a long way to go, the hook-nosed old man and the others looked at each other. The former hurriedly said: "When will the Demon Emperor be free? I will lead the Demon Emperor back to the alliance to resume the banner!"

"Next time, let's talk next time."

Lu Yuan laughed, walked out of the villa gate, boarded the shuttle, and left quickly.

Only the three people below were left looking at the messy battlefield and looking at each other.

"What do you think?"

After a long time, the hook-nosed old man slowly spoke.

The horse-faced middle-aged man narrowed his eyes, looked at the far direction of the road, and replied: "This boy is extremely talented in martial arts, and he is born with an evil martial constitution. He has a domineering temperament and decisive killing. He is superior in all aspects." Pei Ye is indeed the best candidate for the new Evil Emperor.


The horse-faced middle-aged man changed the topic and said with a frown: "He is Huang Xiong's man. If we support him as the evil emperor, I'm afraid it won't be long before our Shenwu Alliance will become a vassal of Huang Xiong and a lackey."

"That's better than being a mouse scurrying around every day!"

The hook-nosed old man snorted and said, "I think this is a great opportunity.

Those people named Lei have embezzled the legacy of several Evil Emperors, and their arrogance has grown tremendously. Once someone named Lei is allowed to take the position of Evil Emperor, sooner or later we will be devoured and not even the dregs will be left.

I heard that the person named Lei has been hooking up with people from an external evil cult recently, and the involvement is unclear."

The hook-nosed old man and the horse-faced middle-aged man chatted for a while, and then suddenly turned their attention to the elephant guardian who had been silent.

"What do you think of the Elephant Protector?"

The Elephant Protector, whose whole body was covered by a mask and black robe, was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "Whoever is the strongest, I will recognize him as the Evil Emperor."

"." The two looked at each other speechlessly.

Huangxiong branch base.

Lu Yuan stood in front of the snow-white treatment cabin, talking in a low voice to Liu Daoyuan, who was floating in the healing fluid.

"Look. This one. This one and this one."

Lu Yuan held a mobile phone in his hand, facing Liu Daoyuan with the screen, and while talking, he slid the photos displayed on the screen one by one.

"How about it? I beat him badly enough, right? Doesn't even his mother recognize him?"

"Now that I have sent this guy for human experimentation, he should be used as waste."

"Qi-relieving immortal willow?"

Liu Daoyuan, floating in the translucent healing fluid, was awake, but he couldn't speak yet.

A pair of mechanical and electronic eyes were bright, but he rarely looked at the photos on the mobile phone screen that Lu Yuan presented to him. Instead, he looked at Lu Yuan more with a strange brilliance in his expression.

Lu Yuan showed Liu Daoyuan the photos he took before sending Pei Ye away to Yu Wentong one by one. After that, he stood up, looked at Liu Daoyuan in the treatment warehouse and said: "Old Liu, just take good care of yourself, those who have bullied you. , I have learned a lesson.

Those who have not been taught a lesson will still have opportunities in the future.

I heard someone say that if you grow old like a tree, you will hopefully become a master.
Don't worry, I'll think of a way to help you get through the last step later. "

After speaking, Lu Yuan gently patted the front cover of the treatment cabin, gave a comforting sound, turned around and walked out of the room.

Lu Yuan didn't go far, and sat down directly on the bench at the door of the treatment room. He waved his hand to Huang Xiong who was waiting to step back, and he quietly thought about things.

The three things about Stone Ball, the Southern Hundred Cities Martial Arts League, and the Evil Martial Alliance Pei Ye came together, and Lu Yuan felt a little relaxed.

It was like a big stone that had been hanging for a long time fell, and he could finally take a breath.

During this period of time, he was like a top, being whipped and spun around without stopping for a moment.

"I should also think about my next step."

Lu Yuan thought about it, and took out the "General Outline of Hegemony Fist" from the lining pocket of his chest that Lao Liu had paid for with his life.

With this technique in hand, the inheritance of [Tiangang Ba Lie] that he has been thinking about for a long time can finally be completed.

All that is left is to practice and understand.

After experiencing the battle of Elephant God Walking, Lu Yuan has already felt the shortcomings of his own strength.

"The pure martial arts system is still weak. My current strength mainly comes from the [Fighter] panel. After all, [Fighter] is just an ordinary profession, and it is normal for it to have insufficient potential.

But most of my energy and resources are spent on this panel, and I can't give it up.

Therefore, extraordinary martial arts is the real way out! "

Lu Yuan is determined to create an extraordinary martial art from the pure martial arts system that can truly compete with other extraordinary professions.

We already have some inspirations and ideas, but it will take a lot of time and energy to complete and perfect them step by step.

What Lu Yuan was considering was whether this could be achieved directly through other means.

For example - career advancement, or career fusion!

“The super-kill [Thousand Crows Ode to the Moon] and the super-kill [Death on the Underworld] are good examples, proving that [Fighter] can still have a fusion and resonance effect with other extraordinary professions.
It just requires a big opportunity, or reaching certain specific conditions. "

Lu Yuan's eyes flickered.

He gradually sorted out his next direction in his mind.

First of all, [Fighter] cannot stop here, continue to move up, and strive to be promoted to Grandmaster as soon as possible.

It is said that the master is the ceiling of pure martial arts. As the master reaches the top, the road ahead is blocked.

The [Fighter] panel is almost lit up by Lu Yuan now, and his skills are almost at their peak.

The super sure kill goes up, and only one position is still dark.

Lu Yuan himself guessed that one of the conditions for professional advancement may require reaching the full level of a certain profession.

"Then there are two extraordinary professions, which I should also mention. [The Accuser (Extraordinary)] and [Spear Bearer (Extraordinary)] are still very powerful.

Before, I had only used it to improve my status and play support, which was a bit of an understatement."

As for how to quickly improve these two extraordinary professions, Lu Yuan also has a plan in mind.

The evil mystical realm is the best path.

[Report to the Dead (Extraordinary)] All you need to do is absorb the red beads from the Crow God Cult.

[Spear Bearer (Extraordinary)]’s words.
After activating [Hunting Sense] and capturing Pei Ye, Lu Yuan found that his [Spear Bearer (Extraordinary)] profession had been directly upgraded by one level.

[Hunting Sense] This skill has also been directly upgraded to lv2.
"So the God of Martial Arts and Hunting said that the way for a spear bearer to upgrade is to keep hunting. The stronger the hunting target, the more experience points can be gained?"

Lu Yuan thought about it for a while, planning to open his contact list and find someone to ask about the evil mysterious realm.

Suddenly, [Mr. Tongtongtong]’s profile picture kept flashing.

Quickly clicking on it, Lu Yuan saw only one sentence - "Call in, I want to talk to you about something."


5 minutes later, Lu Yuan was already sitting in a separate room.

In front of him was the optical brain processor with the highest configuration and the best network speed in the entire Huangxiong branch.

The game login screen was displayed on the translucent light screen in front of me, and Yu Wentong's always leisurely voice came to my ears.

"How's the internet speed at the place you're looking for today?"

Lu Yuan glanced at a jumping value in the upper right corner of the screen, and said naturally: "Generally, the network fluctuates greatly, and the interface is a little laggy, but it's okay. I will try my best."


Yu Wentong on the other side of the network seemed to smile slightly.

didn't say anything.

Soon, the two entered the game.

(End of this chapter)

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