Chapter 232

"You will be crushed. Blasphemer!"

Accompanied by the majestic and evil voice, on the top of the magic mountain shrouded in black mist, there were three weird elephant heads and six thick arms dancing with a huge body.

The outline of the huge elephant head in the sky became increasingly clear, and the single scarlet eye filled with evil stared coldly at Lu Yuan.

Then the black magic mountain began to shake.


From the top of the magic mountain, huge black boulders rolled down.

These boulders rolled down from the top of the mountain one after another and rushed towards Luyuan.

Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes and watched the approaching boulders, but he did not hide.

Instead, keep your feet slightly apart.


Then aim at the first black boulder that comes within easy reach
Punch out hard!

The black boulder exploded, and then...
A large elephant god suddenly appeared inside, with its trunk raised and its mouthparts open.
Lu Yuan was immediately shocked and his pupils shrank violently.

The city-rural bus jolted violently, and Lu Yuan's head lightly hit the glass window.

Lu Jing's funny mutter came to his ears, "A person who can break rocks with one fist will still fall asleep in a car."

Lu Yuan sat up straight without changing his expression, wiped the corner of his mouth without leaving any trace, and said lightly: "Is there any necessary connection between the two?"

Just as Lu Jing was about to speak, a cunning light suddenly flashed in her eyes. She stretched out her hand towards him and said, "Give me your phone to play with."

Lu Yuan guessed that she probably took a photo of herself just sleeping and wanted to use her mobile phone to send it to Moments.

He didn't refuse and handed over the phone readily.

But before that, I quickly deleted all the information about Huang Xiong from my phone, and also locked the function of posting in Moments.

Lu Yuan allowed Lu Jing to tinker there, turning his face sideways to look at the scenery passing by slowly outside the window.

He and Lu Jing are now heading to his grandfather Lu Yueping's home in the countryside of Jiaoyan City.

Lu Yuan exchanged a batch of cell repair medicine through Huang Xiong, and planned to take this opportunity to use it for his grandfather.

It takes nearly three hours to travel from Lu Yuan's home to the village where his grandfather Lu Yueping lives by urban and rural buses.

There was almost half the distance left, so Lu Yuan took advantage of this time to bring up his career panel.

He had killed Elephant Walk before, and the [Fighter] was promoted to one level, gaining 1 attribute point and 1 skill point.

Skill points are used to unlock the first core [Panic Boiling] on [The Teller (Extraordinary)].

This skill is quite useful.

It can induce extremely strong fear in the opponent within a range of about 100 meters to achieve the effect of forced control of the field.

In the previous battle with Pei Ye, Pei Ye was treated to death by this technique, which saved Lu Yuan a lot of hands and feet.

"Hunting" Pei Ye was successful, and the [Spear Bearer (Extraordinary)] profession was upgraded to another level.

So now, Lu Yuan still has 2 attribute points and 1 skill point in his hand.

"Two points of attributes can add one point of intelligence, and this is a skill point."

Lu Yuan thought for a while, and then upgraded the third core of the [Fighter] profession [Invincible Instinct] by one level.

lv2 [Invincible Instinct].

Close your eyes.

Activate [Imagine Enemy] and enter the consciousness space.

after a few seconds.

Open your eyes.

Lu Yuan's face was filled with a strange look.

He couldn't help but clicked his tongue twice, causing Lu Jing next to him to cast a doubtful look, so he immediately suppressed his joy and pretended to be nonchalant.

Because we were on the bus, the improvement in attributes would inevitably cause certain changes in the body, so Lu Yuan did not move, thinking that he would wait until his grandfather got home and then find a place to add more.

Put away the panel, focus on the pupil, and a light blue light curtain immediately appeared in front of your eyes.

——[Flying Bear Technology] The words "Network Startup" popped up.

The first thing that appears is the operation screen on your mobile phone.

As expected, Lu Jing took a few photos of herself while sleeping, edited the copy, and kept clicking the publish function of Moments repeatedly.

Lu Jing's whispering voice could still be heard in his ears.

"Why is the network so bad? The signal is obviously full. It's strange."

Lu Yuan was amused in his heart, but ignored it and opened his Golden Bear's message backend.

Find out several messages sent to him by "the boy who wants to take credit" Lan Chen and read them one by one.

First of all, it is an introduction to the non-pure martial arts system, the key to breaking through the double S level - spiritual light.

“.The concept of spiritual light is relatively abstract and difficult to describe in words.

It is probably a process of discovering and developing one's own 'self'.

'I' - you can understand it as a person's subconscious, what he desires most, and his truest appearance."

"Every S+ breakthrough to double S level, the spiritual light condensed is different, and the process of excavation and condensation is also strange.

Because of issues involving my personal strength and privacy, I cannot reveal the process of my breakthrough to you.

I can only tell you - try to do what you think you should do best, and live how you want to live."

Lan Chen's explanation was very detailed. Although he didn't explain it in detail to Lu Yuan, Lu Yuan could still roughly understand it.

In order to verify his understanding, Lu Yuan also searched for the pure martial arts master's breakthrough method.

With his authority, it was easy to find this with just one search.

Then, as Lu Yuan thought, the first step for the pure martial arts system to break through to the master realm is to understand one's mind and one's nature!
"Seeing one's true heart clearly reveals one's true nature. This coincides with what Lan Chen said."

"Since pure martial arts, new martial arts and transformation routes have the same way of breaking through double S-level.

But there is still a way to go in the future for new martial arts and reform, so why did pure martial arts come to an end?
Is it just because of physical limitations? " Lu Yuan's eyes flashed, and he suddenly realized something - the upper limit of a pure martial arts master may be much higher than he originally expected!

"It may exceed double S, reach double S+, or even triple S
But it can't be compared with an existence of Yu Wentong's level.

So Chunwu has declined, but Penglai has remained standing, and can even make a double S-level flying bear fall."

My thoughts were instantly clarified.

But Lu Yuan got even more headache.

He originally thought that Penglai was just an S-level copy, but later he found out that it was a double-S copy. Now... the difficulty has risen to triple-S level again.

"Fortunately, there is no time limit for completing this dungeon, so there is no rush at this stage. Once the strength increases, we can start the strategy."

Lu Yuan comforted himself, scrolled up the chat history with Lan Chen, found the link he had sent about the secret realm introduction, and clicked on it.

[Secret Realm Classification] [Secret Realm Background] [Secret Realm Information] [Secret Realm Guide] [Secret Realm Exploration] [Special Secret Realm].
More than a dozen columns popped up in front of Lu Yuan's eyes.

He was not in a hurry and went in one by one to check.

I kept seeing the bus swaying to a stop at a fork in the road, and it didn't stop until it was far away.

He glanced out the window and found that he was at the right place, so he asked Lu Jing to get out of the car.

Lu Jing said "Oh", stood up and left without even carrying her backpack. She kept staring at Lu Yuan's cell phone.

His hands were typing quickly on the screen, with a smile on his face, as if he was chatting with someone.

Lu Yuan felt surprised while carrying things for her.

Quickly check the information on your mobile phone.

As a result see
Lu Jing was actually chatting with [Quiet Zhubao] using her own chat account.

The two have exchanged hundreds of messages.

Pull it directly to the top.

Imprinted on the eyes.
Astonishingly, these were some photos taken secretly by Lu Jing after he fell asleep.

After Lu Jing sent Xia Zhijing a photo of herself sleeping, she asked in a coquettish manner - "Look, does he look handsome when he is sleeping?"


In an instant, Lu Yuan felt his blood rushing to the sky, and even the will of 21 points of intelligence could not suppress this strong sense of shame.

He shouted directly: "Lu Jing, stop!"

After getting off the bus, Lu Jing heard Lu Yuan's voice, grabbed her cell phone and ran away.

The night is cold as water.

The road is long and wandering on a country road, with rice fields after the autumn harvest on both sides.

It was quiet all around, and no sound of insects or birds could be heard.

There was only the gentle hissing of the night wind from time to time.

The autumn air is crisp and clear, and the moon looks particularly big and bright tonight.

The bright moonlight shines on the withered yellow grass blades on both sides of the country road, as if covered with a fine layer of white frost.

Lu Yuan exhaled forward and could clearly see the columnar white mist.

My elder sister Lu Jing was watching TV with her grandfather Lu Yueping at home. He was bored and wanted to go out for a walk.
Added attribute points.

We walked far away to a higher field ridge and looked around. We could vaguely see the outline of the mountains in the distance, as well as the lights on every household in the village when we arrived.

There was no one in the fields at night, and it was almost the slack time for farming.

Lu Yuan quietly let go of his true intentions.

An agile and bright white crane fluttered into the sky, its wings spread out.

The night wind was blowing around the road, and he could clearly hear the sound of airflow passing by.

Three meters, five meters, seven meters
The huge spirit crane's true meaning expanded to a height of nine meters before it could stop.

Originally it was only over six meters, but Lu Yuan made an unexpected breakthrough when he was at home. The intelligence on the attribute panel did not change, but his mental power increased sharply, causing the true meaning to reach a height of nine meters.

Panel expands.

The 2 attribute points disappeared silently, and then on the attribute panel, the original 21 points of intelligence quickly became 22 points.

[Intelligence: 22 (limit 1)]

Following Lu Yuan, Linghe's true meaning began to expand rapidly.

From the original nine meters, it expanded to a height of nearly 15 meters before completely stopping.

The huge white crane flapped its wings slightly, giving Lu Yuan a sense of agility and elegance.

He looked at the white crane quietly.

This is the true intensity of his intentions without any state blessing.

With a thought, the white crane dispersed instantly and turned into a 15-meter-long white dragon, then a giant whale, and then a black hole-like vortex.
Switching back and forth between several true meanings, Lu Yuan finally stopped after playing for a while.

Glancing at his [Fighter] career panel, he suddenly realized.

The skill levels displayed behind [True Meaning of the Crane], [True Meaning of the Dragon Shape] and [True Meaning of the Giant Whale] have all become lv3 (full level).

Lu Yuan was a little surprised, but soon understood.

"At the true meaning level, ten meters of true meaning is already considered the limit. I only broke through this limit by adding points to my attributes.
I didn't notice it before, but the panel probably already showed level 2 when I was nine meters high.

Fortunately, I didn't waste my skill points on upgrading my true meaning, otherwise I would have suffered a big loss. "

Lu Yuan sighed.

At this point, he is actually qualified to reach the realm of pure martial arts master.

"Knowing the mind and seeing one's nature, during this process, the true meaning will continue to transform, compress, and eventually merge with the body.

Form a force field unique to pure martial arts masters."

Lu Yuan thought about the master's breakthrough method in his mind. While thinking about it, he stood on the ridge of the field and practiced the [Tiangang Ba Lie] that he had not long ago, as well as other martial arts.

(End of this chapter)

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