Final priesthood.

Chapter 239 King’s Consciousness, “pong!”

Chapter 239 King’s Consciousness, “pong!”

"It should be right in front."

The middle-aged horse-faced man looked at the two huge, deep, elephant hoof-shaped footprints in front of him.

He looked up again and looked ahead, then turned to look at the elephant guardian and the hook-nosed old man, and asked, "Are you still chasing me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a huge roar of "boom" coming from behind a leaden gray low mountain ahead.

It seemed like someone was in a fierce battle.

The level of combat was so high that they could feel the slight vibration of the ground even from such a distance.

The hook-nosed old man narrowed his eyes, and a trace of black light flashed in his cloudy eyes.

He seemed to have seen something, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said quickly: "There is Huang Xiong's shuttle. It is probably that Huang Xiong's people are fighting with the walking-level elephant man."

Upon hearing this, the silent Elephant Protector immediately spoke.


After saying that, he didn't wait for the two people to respond, and quickly hurried forward in the direction where the footprints extended.

The horse-faced middle-aged man and the aquiline-nosed old man looked at each other without saying anything. Their eyes flickered and they followed immediately.

Whether it's the Elephant God Walking or the Yellow Bear Organization, they are entities they can't afford to offend.

Now these two beings collide.
They are also curious about what the outcome will be.

The two quickly caught up with the Elephant Protector, and the three quickly boarded a low mine in front of them.

After reaching the top of the mountain, the sound of fighting lost the barrier of the rock mass and suddenly became loud and clear.

The three of them looked up cautiously in the direction of the sound.

The location of the battle group was quickly found.

Then at a glance he saw the huge body of the elephant god walking.

To their surprise, although Elephant God Walking indeed encountered people from the Yellow Bear Organization.

And this place seems to be the branch base of Huang Xiong.

But most of the members of the Yellow Bear organization who were ready were just watching the battle like them.

There were more than a dozen shuttles floating overhead, and the cannon tubes under the shuttles were raised, but none of them showed signs of being fired.

In the battle group at this time.

There is only one figure who is really fighting with Ganesha Walking.

The figure was extremely fast and turned into afterimages in the field, stirring up heavy smoke and dust.

Even the strength of the three people is difficult to clearly capture with the naked eye.

"It must be a strong person within Huang Xiong!"

The horse-faced middle-aged man looked at the fierce battle group, and said in a low voice with a slightly condensed expression: "It can compete head-on with the walking class, and it is also a walking class of the Elephant God Cult.

At least it takes a flying bear above the golden bear level to do it.
I didn't expect to encounter a yellow bear master of this level in the old city circle. "

The hook-nosed old man squinted his eyes and stared at the battle group for a long time, but he still could not clearly see the true appearance of the figure. He only felt that it was somewhat familiar.

Rubbing his eyes, he gave up reluctantly, the black light in his eyes disappeared, and he snorted coldly: "So I say, honoring the boy who took Pei Ye away as the Demon Emperor is the best choice.

The yellow bear is powerful and powerful like clouds.

Even this kind of flying bear that can easily suppress the walking level is not a real top level.

Penglai must also bow before the yellow bear. If our Divine Alliance can be recruited through this, it will be the best."

The horse-faced middle-aged man nodded, officially recognizing the hook-nosed old man's idea for the first time.

Even the elephant protector, who had been silent all this time, snorted slightly.

The hook-nosed old man showed a slightly satisfied look on his face. Seeing that the temporary small group of three people had finally reached a consensus, he continued: "The problem now is
Even if that kid has a few of us to help him, he may not be able to suppress the others named Lei.

The few people named Lei have swallowed the relics of several generations of evil emperors, and God knows how far their strength has skyrocketed.

Although that kid’s strength is pretty good, he’s still far behind the real Evil Emperor level.”

The hook-nosed old man said, raising his eyes to look at the battle group in the distance below.

Looking at the blurry figure whose appearance was unclear but suppressing the Elephant God Walking, he couldn't help but sigh in a low voice: "If there is a flying bear-level master with such strength who comes forward to succeed the Evil Emperor.

I'm afraid we don't have to say anything, and the few named Lei will naturally bow their heads and surrender."

Neither the horse-faced middle-aged man nor the elephant guardian spoke, but their approval was self-evident.

The three of them gradually stopped talking, and their attention was completely attracted by the battle below without even realizing it.

The power of the Elephant God Walking was certainly terrifying, but what really amazed the three of them was the Yellow Bear Flying Bear who fought against the Elephant God Walking.

The three of them are all pure ancient martial arts fighters, and they can naturally see more things than the average person.

The Flying Bear was incredibly fast, but occasionally he showed glimpses of his skills.

And every time it brings them a breathtaking shock and impact.

so perfect.

Any simple boxing or kicking skills, performed in his hands, will have a stunning effect that turns decay into something magical.

This Flying Bear is simply an artistic combat master.

It is obvious that he is a little behind the Elephant God in terms of pure physical strength, but through his skills, he can even out this gap, or even surpass it!

Compared with him, the god of elephants walks with only strength, huge size and solid body.
It's like a punching bag that is so clumsy that it can only be played with and beaten.

Not only that, the three of them could also feel waves of evil energy coming from each other from time to time.

"This person is also following the evil path!"

The hook-nosed old man became more and more excited as he watched. With his mind agitated, his old face turned red and he couldn't help but say: "If this person can serve as the evil emperor, everyone in the Divine Alliance will definitely unite!"

"Xiewu! This is the true way of Xiewu!"

The middle-aged horse-faced man was trembling all over, and his eyes were filled with excitement and uncontrollable light.

Even the Elephant Protector on the side clenched his fists tightly, his mood shaking violently.

The three of them are all old people who have been on the Xiewu road for who knows how many years. They have experienced ups and downs and know the hardships best.

The original purpose of the establishment of the Evil Martial Alliance was to find a path that could have the advantages of both pure martial arts and evil energy systems.

Use your fighting skills to control the extraordinary, thereby achieving the realm of the supreme divine martial arts master.

However, the Evil Martial Alliance has experienced more than 20 evil emperors until now.

There are those who have reached the master level in pure martial arts, and there are also those who have been promoted to walking level in the evil energy system.
There have even been amazingly talented and beautiful people who possess both.

But no one can balance the contradictions and conflicts between these two power systems.

At best, they can only achieve mutual amplification, far from reaching the point of integration.

But now, they saw this trait in the Yellow Bear and Flying Bear in front of them——

The true fusion trend of the two powers of evil energy and pure martial arts!

This feeling is like a person who has been trekking in the desert, experienced many mirages, and finally saw the oasis of his dreams.

That kind of excitement, excitement, and joy cannot be described in words.

"This person. This person is the real destiny evil emperor of our Evil Martial Alliance!"

The hook-nosed old man blurted out with his whole body trembling.

The horse-faced middle-aged man and the elephant guardian were about to say something.At this moment, the battle situation below suddenly changed from extremely dynamic to extremely quiet.

The surrounding and suppressed afterimage of the flying bear suddenly reached out and patted the elephant god walking body.

It seemed that the strength was not very strong, but the Elephant God stepped back while walking, and then half-knelt on the ground with a "boom".

"Whoosh hoot—"

It's like an ordinary person has exhausted most of his energy and can't even stand up.

The flying bear class that had repelled the elephant god's walking also stopped its constantly moving figure and stood quietly in place.

The three old men with hooked noses were finally able to see clearly each other's appearance.


Long hair that floats and dances like black satin, a red and voluptuous body, and a ferocious yet handsome face.

Turning his head casually.

A pair of eyes that looked familiar but had turned into pure silver-white eyes caught the eyes of the three of them.

In an instant.

The expressions on the faces of the three people who were in a state of extreme excitement and excitement were frozen, and their bodies stood still.

A deep sense of shock and confusion emerged from the eyes of the three people one after another.

"It turns out to be."

The hook-nosed old man stretched out his hand and pointed at the figure in the distance. He turned to look at the other two people with a look of shock and disbelief.

"It's him?!"

The horse-faced middle-aged man and the elephant guardian were also in the same shock and shock.

Before the two of them could speak, they suddenly heard a thin and continuous crisp sound from below.

The three looked up.

When he saw what was going on underneath, his pupils suddenly shrank, as if he had seen something extremely incredible.

Indescribable shock showed in the eyes of the three people.

Less than a second later, this shock turned into even greater excitement and ecstasy.


A muffled sound.

The Elephant Protector knelt on the ground on one knee, facing the direction of the battle group in the distance, with strong fanaticism and almost pious worship in his eyes, and said word by word: "This is The Demon Emperor’s true strength.”

He punched himself hard on the chest and let out a dull growl.

"God bless, Divine Alliance!"

The hook-nosed old man and the horse-faced middle-aged man looked at each other, their lips pursed slightly, as if they were trying their best to suppress the emotions raging in their hearts.


Lu Yuan breathed evenly and peacefully.

At this time, he was in an extremely wonderful state.

His mind was running faster than ever before, as if he was being triggered by the [Flash of Inspiration] effect all the time.

This ultra-high-precision consciousness, together with instinct, maximizes every bit of strength and ability in his body at this stage.

Countless skills that have been mastered and may even have been forgotten are unearthed like shells buried under the beach that are constantly washed by the sea.

Combining them arbitrarily in his hands, brilliant fireworks burst out that even he himself would be amazed by.

Every move he makes is the "optimal solution" to the battle. Every bit of power he uses is just right. One point more is too much, one point less is too little, it's wonderful to the extreme.

Two sensations, hot and cold, existed in his body at the same time.

He was like a beast driven by fighting instinct.

It's like an extremely calm bystander.

This is the activation effect of lv2 [Invincible Instinct].

Compared with the instinctive power awakened by the belief in invincibility at lv1, lv2 is obviously several levels higher.

If I had to use a more appropriate adjective to describe it,
Lu Yuan thought about it and felt that the term "king consciousness" was quite appropriate.

King's consciousness, agent play is online!


Lu Yuan gently snapped his fingers, very satisfied with this description.

When he came back to his senses, his silver eyes reflected the shadow of Ganesha walking and half-kneeling on the ground.

Lu Yuan's eyes flickered slightly and he began to walk towards him.

Every step he takes.

A scene in which he regards the Ganesha as an "imaginary enemy" in his conscious space will appear in his mind.

Over five thousand battles.

Not once did he enter the [demon] state.

From the very beginning, he knelt down with a few moves, and then was beaten into a puddle of mud by the walking elephant god.

Slowly, I can barely fight the opponent head-on.

Then evenly matched.

Finally, full suppression.
Lu Yuan was beaten to death by the same elephant man more than 4000 times!

These more than 4000 deaths.

In exchange, Lu Yuan had never understood an opponent so thoroughly.

He is completely familiar with every method, every move of the Ganesha Cult walking class, the reaction of every body part after being hit, and the direction of the mysterious lines imprinted on every inch of the body.
Every path of the power of the elephant god is transmitted from the black heart as the core of power in the chest.

and also
Every way to cut off their conduction.


Lu Yuan finally came to the elephant god walking.

Half-kneeling on the ground, the five-meter-tall Elephant God was walking. At this time, his head was just at eye level with Lu Yuan.

It tried to stand up from the ground, but its body was covered with numerous cracks.

A large amount of dim light rolled and bloomed on it, but it could not be repaired at all.
Those cracks are still spreading.

The Elephant God walked towards Lu Yuan and roared unwillingly. The terrifying sound waves spat on Lu Yuan's face in waves, blowing the long hair on his back and dancing wildly.

Lu Yuan didn't seem to feel it at all, he just looked at it quietly, looking at every inch of cracks on its body, as if looking at a beautiful handicraft made by himself.

Then, at some point.

Lu Yuan spoke softly and said something.


The voice fell.

The elephant god walked and immediately made a "boom" sound. The whole thing exploded!
ps: I really have something to do, so I’m late. I’m sorry.I didn’t get home until eight o’clock in the evening, and I was already working hard on typing.
(End of this chapter)

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