Final priesthood.

Chapter 253: Cruel killing, I hate it most when people bare their teeth at me

Chapter 253: Cruel killing, I hate it most when people bare their teeth at me (Third update, please vote for me)
Xie Jun and the other golden bear stood stiff and motionless like sculptures.

Tsunami-like pressure enveloped their whole bodies, giving them a strong sense of suffocation as if they were suddenly in the deep sea.

But these pressures are nothing compared to the horror and shock that surged in Xie Jun's heart at this time.

Xie Jun stared blankly at the terrifying figure that suddenly broke through the dead energy crystal wall and appeared in front of them.

The latter was wearing a dark blue combat protective suit that was taut with exaggerated muscles, and there was a pattern on the left chest that symbolized his golden bear.

All of them prove that this strong man who is so powerful that he can blast through the crystal wall of death energy with his bare hands is a member of their Yellow Bear organization.

Combined with what the other party just said and those calm eyes with a sense of familiarity,
An incredible guess jumped out of Xie Jun's mind——

Long way to go!

This guy was the "prince" with "arrogant heart" and "strong background" who had rejected his invitation to join and chose to enter the Screaming Ruins alone, and had even met their team once in the secret realm - "God "Blood" has a long way to go!
As soon as this thought came up, it began to attack Xie Jun's brain crazily.

Then he killed them with force one by one.

"Impossible! Impossible!"

"That kid didn't have any new martial arts or modifications. He followed the pure martial arts route. His own strength is relatively weak among the golden bears. How could he possibly break the crystal wall of death energy that even three of us S-levels couldn't shake!"

"It's just a look-in-the-eyes resemblance."

Xie Jun kept hypnotizing himself in his heart.

Lu Yuan caught the flash of shock and disbelief in Xie Jun's eyes, and probably guessed that the other party was somewhat aware of his identity.

He didn't say anything, he just raised the corner of his mouth slightly, then gently walked around the two of them, and walked towards the restricted area that he finally got through.

"People inside want to come out, people outside want to get in."

"The main plot that advances to the end will inevitably require a long and hearty battle to end."

Standing far away on the pale rocky ground.

The pupils reflected the figure of the Crow Man in the distance, grinning from the corners of his mouth to his ears.

The cold evil spirit exuding from the latter spread rapidly around like smoke.

It tilted its head little by little, and the weird and evil smile on its face became more exaggerated.

It looked at the distance as if it had seen a very interesting new toy.

This strange and penetrating posture and expression made Xie Jun and the two people standing far away shudder, and they involuntarily took two steps back.

Lu Yuan seemed very calm.

The arakkoa are tall and slender, more than two meters tall.

But compared with the way he has entered the third stage of ultimate transformation, he is still more than a head shorter.

Lu Yuan looked down at the Crow Man, without much emotion on his face.

The arakkoa grinned, revealing a huge mouth like a blood hole, which was densely packed with jagged teeth that spiraled downward.

It laughed silently, and then
The whole person suddenly disappeared in place.

The black wind stirred up in the field, blowing bursts of cold and biting breath.

This cold feeling brought back Xie Jun's memories of the cruel obliteration of their previous companions. Their faces suddenly turned pale, and their bodies subconsciously entered a combat and defense posture.

However, the black wind had no intention of targeting them.

Instead, he quickly wrapped himself around Lu Yuan's body and began to spin around him quickly.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely incredible scene appeared in front of Xie Jun and the two of them——

They saw that where the black wind walked, the white rocks on the ground were cut open as easily as tofu cubes.

Cut-like ripples visible to the naked eye appeared in the air, just like a fishing net that was constantly weaving toward the road in the middle.

Even looking at it from a distance, Xie Jun and the others could feel the cold and sharp meaning in it.

The two previous golden bear-level companions were easily cut open by this walking-level arakkoa under such power, like sashimi being pressed on a chopping board.


Facing such a terrifying and intensive attack, Lu Yuan's huge and burly body became as soft and flexible as noodles.

He can always escape the cutting power in the most unexpected way.

He strolls and twirls in a small area at the center of Black Wind, evoking the image of an elegant dancer waltzing on a tightrope.

This formed a very strong sense of contradiction with his exaggerated and gnarled figure.

And it was precisely this kind of violation that made Xie Jun and the two men's mouths dry and their blood vessels tingling.

Trick. No!
It should be a skill!
Compared with the amazing fighting skills displayed by Lu Yuan, they were just like two babies who had no S-level power but were so clumsy that they could barely walk.

The black wind seemed to feel the failure of each of its attacks, and began to circle and dance faster and faster.

A sharp whistling sound sounded in the field.

Like a cry, also like a sob.

There are more and more cuts in the air, and they are getting deeper and deeper, and the aftermath of the escaping blows far away.

Xie Jun's super-alloy thunder magnetic flying sword was caught, and a series of sparks burst out in an instant. He quickly retracted, but was horrified to see that there was only a piece of scrap metal left in his hand that had been cut to pieces.
Even super alloy weapons can't resist this terrifying cutting force, it's so terrifying!
At this moment.


A slight sound sounded in the field, as if something had been struck.

Xie Jun and the other two looked startled, and subconsciously raised their heads.

Then they saw Lu Yuan's dodging figure freeze.
Behind him, a strand of silky black hair fell lightly to the ground.

Lu Yuan lowered his head, narrowed his eyes and looked at the black hair at his feet that was cut off by the wind.

Then he raised his head, revealing a pair of silver-white eyes filled with calmness and indifference.


Lu Yuan spoke.

next second.


An astonishing aura erupted from Lu Yuan's body like a volcanic eruption.

The air around it became blurry and distorted for a moment.

The whistling and circling black wind seemed to freeze for a while.Immediately afterwards, a lifelike demonic crane that looked like a crow but not a crow, or a crane but not a crane soared up and continued to expand.

20 meters. 30 meters. 40 meters.
It expanded until it reached a height of 45 meters before stopping.

The huge demon crane enveloped the area, and the air seemed to become extremely thick. Even Xie Jun, who was far apart, felt like he was suffocating.

The black wind was also affected, and the wind speed suddenly slowed down.

That is at this moment.


The waist-length hair behind Lu Yuan's back suddenly rose up without any wind.

He gently raised his hand and made a clapping motion.

The huge magic crane above the head also raised its claws in sync with it.


This palm was struck in the air, but there was a thick invisible ripple spreading all around.

The terrifying power of shock was transmitted along the air, and the stagnant black wind suddenly collapsed.

Turning into waves of black deathly energy surging out like waves, the mountains roared and the tsunami
Lu Yuan's face was expressionless, his fingers turned into claws, and he leaned forward slightly.

The 45-meter magic crane behind him also extended its claws simultaneously.


The tsunami-like death energy was directly grabbed by the Demon Crane's claws and dispersed in all directions.

The black death energy wandering around blocked the sight of Xie Jun and the others.

They squinted their eyes and craned their necks.

He didn't dare to step forward, but he also desperately wanted to see clearly what was going on.

Until the black death gas turned into smoke and dispersed, the scene in the center became clear bit by bit.

I saw it in the center of black death.

Lu Yuan stood quietly, his five fingers suddenly spread like iron pliers strangling the neck of a tall, thin and evil figure.

The latter's body was suspended in the air, like a little chicken being held in Lu Yuan's hand.

"What I hate the most is ugly people baring their teeth at me."

Lu Yuan took a deep breath and pinched Yaren's body with his other hand.

The huge aura surrounding him began to compress, and the pure power surging in his arms squeezed into the Crow Man's body in waves.

The crow-man's mouth was forced to open wide, and its two long crow arms kept trying to lift up, but were grabbed by Lu Yuan and twisted around its own neck like noodles.


Not long after, the entire Yaren was forcefully rolled into a ball shape by Lu Yuan.

With a "boom", it completely exploded.

The fine black sand turned into big puffs and flowed down from the fingers of Lu Yuan.
"Uh uh uh"

The two people onlookers, Xie Jun, witnessed the entire battle completely.

At this time, his eyes were wide open, his body was tense, his expression was frozen, and his mouth was saying "uh uh uh" but no words came out.

It was as if their throats were being strangled by Lu Yuan.

Huge shock and disbelief surged out of their hearts.


It was unimaginable that the walking-class arakkoa had just chased them away and slaughtered them casually like a game.

In just a few minutes, he was killed by the "colleague" in front of him who was also only a Golden Bear-level...with just a few blows.

Moreover, the method seems to be purely ancient martial arts? !

When did such an incredible powerhouse appear in the Golden Bear level?

A certain figure and name kept popping up in Xie Jun's mind, but because it was too unbelievable, he repeatedly and forcefully erased it.
At this time, the fine black sand in Lu Yuan's hand had drained away, and an almost completely black bead the size of a glass bead lay quietly in his palm.

He stared at the black bead in his hand, but his mind was still replaying the battle just now.

lv2 [Invincible Instinct], the king's consciousness is activated, and the proxy fight is online.

In the past, he was able to crush the double SS+ Ganesha Walk head-on with this.

Now, the three attributes of agility, intelligence, and strength have been improved one after another, and he can kill an arakkoa whose strength is considered weak even at the walking level in three strokes.
Reasonable and normal.

Unknowingly, Lu Yuan found that his strength had been completely raised to a new level.

The walking class that once gave him a sense of danger like a sharp blade has now become a "little monster" that can be wiped out easily, without even turning over the cards.

"I have indeed become a lot stronger."

Lu Yuan pinched the black bead in his palm and sighed softly, considering whether to absorb it now.

Suddenly this time.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom" and "Boom" rose up in the distance like four powerful evil auras like wolf smoke.

Then a huge black cloud of deathly energy surged in.

In a blink of an eye, we arrived at the end of the road.

Lu Yuan looked stunned for a moment, and before he had time to react, he was directly enveloped and swallowed up by this large cloud of death energy.

Four weird, deformed and twisted figures flashed in the air, and then slammed into the death air.


The ground shook, and a huge black mushroom cloud, completely composed of death air, slowly rose.

Not far away, Xie Jun and his two men, who were shaken by this sudden change, were already shocked.

They stared wide-eyed at the mushroom cloud of death rising in front of them.

Then he was extremely horrified to see that the evil energy fluctuation monitoring data displayed on his pupil membranes was only filled with the random beating of "SSSSSS" all over the screen.

ps: ask for a monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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