Final priesthood.

Chapter 260 Do you know him?Mission, Mu Ming Crow

Chapter 260 Do you know him?Mission, Baimu Mingya (please vote for me)
Exquisite and luxurious palace. The throne and armor are high up.
A large number of broken memories, like shells rolled up by the waves, appeared densely in front of Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan felt as if he had become a "king".

Sitting on a high throne, countless shadowy figures knelt at his feet, and people kept coming up to kiss his feet.

This unprecedented experience made him strange and novel.

But he reacted quickly.

"Oh this is the memory of the king of pretense."

The memory fragments belonging to the monarch of the ancient Brent Kingdom are also the last link in the main storyline of Lamenting Ruins.

The final truth of this disaster is about to be revealed to him.

The king of pretense is definitely the one Lu Yuan has absorbed and the one who retains the most memories of his life.

Occasionally, there are also some other people's perspectives mixed in.

This part of the memory most likely belongs to the three saints of the ancient Brunt Kingdom who took the initiative to "sacrifice" themselves.

The fiercest battle is over.

Without the sense of urgency pressing on his nerves, Lu Yuan calmed down.

It's like accidentally digging out a dusty old book in an old attic, brushing off the cobwebs, putting it on your knees, and reading it slowly.

Of course, as always.

Almost all the images of the Holy Light Religion in this memory have been erased.

Lu Yuan still couldn't see the appearance and appearance of the goddess of the Holy Light Sect.

But I accidentally learned the name of the "King of Pretender" - Joe Cruz.

"Why do these people only retain the memories of their lives, but not the memories after being assimilated by the death energy?"

Lu Yuan suddenly thought of this.

In fact, this part of the memory is more important to him.

He was not interested in the original appearance and origin of the Holy Light Religion, but he was more interested in the Crow God who led all of this.

"The memories during life remain in the decaying body, and the memories after death return to the underworld with the soul."

This sentence popped up in Lu Yuan's mind for no reason, and he couldn't help but murmured: "Is that so?"

He continued to read.

He quickly turned to the last page of the incomplete old book.
In the palace of blood and fire.

An old man wearing a gorgeous platinum robe with white hair and beard looked at "himself" angrily.

"Joe Cruz! You turned your back on the Light!"


Under the swaying torch light, an icy cold light flashed across.

An old head with disbelief written all over his face rolled to the ground.

The bloody sword drooped slightly.

"Lu Yuan" looked at the head at his feet and said softly: "It was the Holy Light that abandoned us."

Turning around, five figures looked at him with complicated expressions.

"Your Majesty, how will we resist next?"

One spoke in a low voice.


"Lu Yuan" laughed at himself, put the long sword back into the scabbard, and exhaled longly: "Surrender."

The five of them froze.

"Lu Yuan" didn't pay attention to their eyes, but cast his gaze into the distance.

This is at night.

But in the sky that "Lu Yuan" could see, there was a darkness that was deeper and thicker than the night, spreading towards this side.

In the darkness, the outline of a huge thing seemed to gradually emerge.

"Lu Yuan" stared at the getting closer and closer darkness, his eyes showed a bit of absence, and he murmured: "When the meteorite fell, we did not get any guidance from the gods we believed in.

He has abandoned us and all the people of Brent.

Our piety and faith are nothing before Him.”

"Change the door. Maybe."

"Lu Yuan" suddenly laughed and took a step forward, getting closer to the sweeping darkness.

"One day, we will have the opportunity to stand before Him and ask why all of this is happening?"

As he said this, "Lu Yuan" laughed wildly with a desperate madness, and opened his arms in the face of the darkness that was so close that seemed to swallow everything up, making a hug gesture.

Loudly: "Praise...Death!"


The last scene in my memory was the scene where Gu Brent, the king of pretentiousness, was completely swallowed up by the black tide of death.

In the last few seconds of being swallowed up, Lu Yuan opened his eyes wide, trying to see clearly what the huge shadow hidden in the black tide of death was.

What does the underworld creature that was born from the black meteorite and ultimately reduced Ancient Brent to a kingdom of death and decay look like?

He searched hard.

Trying to let his eyes penetrate the layers of black fog and shadows to see clearly what is really inside.

at last
Lu Yuan could see clearly.

He saw an eye, a huge eye, the eye of a huge raven.

But soon.

His heart thumped again.

Not one.
There are many.

The eyes of many huge crows appeared in the shadows above their heads and stared at me coldly.


Song Cong and Su Chaohui were running in the empty and silent wilderness.

The speed of the two of them was extremely fast, just like two fleas, they jumped out an unknown distance as soon as they landed together.

Suddenly, one of the "fleas" stopped.


Su Zhaohui couldn't help but uttered a curse word, and while panting, he said to Song Cong beside him: "I have decided that this time the legendary secret realm is opened, I will go in with you."

Song Cong glanced at him, "Aren't you ready to retire?"

"Remove your hair!"

Su Zhaohui said depressedly: "It's too uncomfortable not to be able to fly, I also want to break through the double S!

How can running on the ground with two legs compare to others flying?
I can't even see anyone, so I don't know why the two of us are running around like this? "

Song Cong was silent for a moment and was about to speak.

At this time, seven or eight figures appeared in the distant sky, flying towards them quickly.

Song Cong and Song Cong were startled, looked at each other, and then quickly approached.

When they got closer, Han Xun and a group of flying bear generals appeared.

"Sir." Song and Cong saluted hurriedly. From the corner of their eyes, they saw Han Xun holding someone in his arms.

However, due to vision problems, the two of them could not see clearly and did not dare to look further.


Han Xun saw the two of them stop and turn around to give some instructions to the flying bear generals behind them.

The latter quickly dispersed, presumably to conduct separate search and rescue operations.

Song Cong and Su Zhaohui listened to Han Xun's arrangements for the Flying Bear General, and the more they heard, the more surprised they became.

When he was free, he finally couldn't help but dared to ask: "Sir, we are mourning the riot of evil energy in the restricted area of ​​the ruins."

"It's subsided."

Han Xun naturally saw what the two wanted to ask, and he was easy to talk to, so he replied calmly and directly.

"So fast?"

Although they had expected it, the two of them were still shocked when they received the exact answer.

The four-winged flying bear-level boss is really awesome.

The SSS-level evil energy riot has only been in the secret realm for a long time.

They haven't even arrived at the battlefield yet and they have already returned from work.

Darling, that's amazing.

"As expected of Master Han!

Old Song, I have told you before that Master Han took action and a mere evil energy riot was suppressed by Master Han with a backhand."

Su Zhaohui decisively sent out a rainbow fart, and at the same time kept winking at Song Cong, hinting that he should not miss such an excellent opportunity to flatter him.

Song Cong understood the hint in Su Zhaohui's eyes and was hesitating on how to speak.

At this time Han Xun spoke.


Han Xun said calmly: "It wasn't me who quelled the riot, but someone else.

By the time I got there, it was all over.”

"Able to suppress SSS-level evil energy riots independently, this man must be as powerful as Mr. Han!"

Su Zhaohui continued to flatter him sternly.

Song Cong didn't say anything. He was secretly looking at the person Han Xun was holding.

do not know why.

With only half of his back and profile, the more Song Cong looked at that person, the more familiar he seemed.

Maybe he noticed Song Cong's gaze, or maybe Han Xun saw the golden bear pattern on the left chest of the two people.

His indifferent eyes moved slightly, and his iceberg-like figure landed from mid-air.

"Both of you are golden bears, let's see if you recognize this person?"

Han Xun fell in front of the two of them and spoke calmly.

Song Cong and Su Zhaohui looked curiously at the person in Han Xun's hands.

When they saw the result, both of them were stunned.

Then they looked at each other with great surprise on their faces.

"Is it Lu Yuan?!"

The two of them had traveled a long way to enter the secret realm this time.

Now that they see that Lu Yuan is fine, a big stone in their hearts has finally settled.

Su Zhaohui has even begun to fantasize about the upcoming "wealth and wealth".

"Do you know?"

Han Xun was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that my casual question would be such a coincidence, and it would actually be asked to someone familiar with him.


Song Cong and the other two looked delighted, and were about to tell Han Xun about Lu Yuan's identity, and also thanked Han Xun for his rescue.

Mr. Han is so kind. A four-winged flying bear-level boss saved someone and even carried him back himself.
But before the two of them could say anything, Han Xun's next words made them both stunned.

"This is the person who quelled this evil energy riot."

Lu Yuan quelled the SSS-level evil riot.

Song Cong and Su Chaohui have countless thoughts in their minds? ? ?Emerged, the expression of joy on his face was frozen, and his body was frozen, as if the whole group had been hit by some kind of petrification magic.

Lu Yuan is still immersed in the memory scenes that have not yet been completed.

But this time it’s a different perspective.


A meteorite pierced the sky and landed on a farmland with a "bang".

A big crater was made where it fell.

A black giant egg lay quietly in the pit.

Tens of thousands of crows gathered together, and billowing black gas surged out of the black dome and dispersed in all directions.

Soon, the giant egg broke its shell.

A strange crow with seven or eight eyes on its head was born from it.

A deformed crow was born, and the crows surrounding it guarded it like worshiping a king.

The crow flapped its wings and flew up, spitting out more black deathly air from its mouth.

Its body seems to be connected to the underworld, and the death energy it spits out is endless.

As it spit, its body continued to grow in size.

In one day, it grew to the size of a village.

The number of eyes on the face also increased to a hundred.

It started flying towards the rising sun.

Along the way, in villages and cities, countless creatures were swallowed up by the energy of death and became slaves of the underworld.

Crows are getting bigger and bigger, and their eyes are getting more and more big.

In the end, it only needs to spread its wings slightly, and the entire territory of the ancient Brunt Kingdom will be covered under its shadow.

The brilliance of the sun, moon and stars abandoned this land, and it was completely reduced to a land of hell.

The giant crow with 99 eyes seemed to have completed the mission of his birth.

It started to turn back in the direction it came from.

It stretches its wings, and its dark feathers merge with the night, taking away the last ray of life and light in the world.

It flew higher and higher, higher and higher.

Just when it is completely separated from the barriers of this world, it is about to rush to the eternal and unknown kingdom of death.

Suddenly, an arrow condensed from pure white light quietly appeared in the void, coming across the endless space.
ps: The 12 chapters of October’s double monthly tickets and the league leader’s additional updates have all been completed as of yesterday, except for the golden alliance update of Boss Nuanyang.Although the boss didn’t mention it or urge it, I will continue to pay it back slowly.Finally, please give me your monthly votes!Thanks!
 Recommend this book, Siheyuan "Siheyuan: Chen Xueru helped me intercept Hu Qin Huairu", author: Angry Little Heizi

(End of this chapter)

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