Final priesthood.

Chapter 263 "The Heart Sutra of Origin", Feather of the Phoenix

Chapter 263 "The Heart Sutra of Origin", Feather of the Phoenix (Third update, please vote for me!)
In the gray silent sky, tens of thousands of crows appeared quietly.

Death energy surged out from Lu Yuan's five fingers.

The dead air gathers into fog, the fog turns into smoke, and the smoke turns into clouds.

The thick black cloud of death energy and the huge flock of crows blended into each other.

After being fused with the death energy, the crows were as if they had been injected with chicken blood. Each one of them swelled in size, and their temperament became particularly violent and ferocious.

They rushed towards the figure below, competing to peck at the food, as if they were having a carnival, a long-lost and rich bloody dinner.

The figure was instantly engulfed by the dense crowd of crows.

But not long after, dark blue energy beams burst out from it.

Large swaths of crows were torn into pieces by the beam. In just a short time, the originally huge group of crows became sparse.

Lu Yuan casually dispersed the crows, and the moment the figure below reappeared, his clear and deep eyes were covered with death and turned into pure darkness.

The crimson spot in the middle expanded like a whirlpool, and strange mental fluctuations were transmitted along his gaze.

"[Deep sight]!"

The figure wearing a handsome dark blue exoskeleton armor moves abruptly.

But it just froze for a few seconds before returning to normal.

The figure was about to soar into the sky, but was stopped by Lu Yuan's casual snap of his fingers.


Lu Yuan pressed the pause button with a faint look of thought on his face.

The two new skills he just tested——

[Night Banquet] is the advanced skill of [Crow Whisper], and [Deep Sight] is the advanced skill of [Eye of Death Omen].

There is nothing much to say about the former. For double S-class opponents, it can only block the line of sight to a certain extent, and its lethality is almost non-existent.

However, considering that this was promoted from a pure auxiliary skill, and it is only a junior professional skill, it is normal that it can only produce such a small effect.

The latter [Deep Vision] gave Lu Yuan a moderate surprise.

“When it comes to mental power, it should be an illusion-like effect.

With the blessing of my mental power of 28 points of intelligence, I can make an opponent with double S level and condensed spiritual light lose consciousness for several seconds, which is amazing enough."

Don't underestimate these few seconds.

A few seconds were enough to crush Lan Chen, the "imaginary enemy" underneath, into pieces several times, and prevent him from throwing the nuclear bomb hidden in his crotch.

Very practical.


Lu Yuan launched [Night Banquet] again, summoning tens of thousands of dense crows.

This time he did not ask them to attack, but instead surrounded him like attendants.

"The effect of showing off on stage is really good!"

At this time, Lu Yuan had four wings on his back, and the upgraded version of "Mingyi" on his body was not only harder, but also had many patterns and textures on the Mingyi that resembled the flowers of the other side, which were extremely gorgeous.

Coupled with the protection of a group of crows, it is like the Lord of Crows coming out of the underworld, mysterious and noble.

Lu Yuan condensed the death air wings into four wings to some extent for this reason.

The flight speeds of four wings and two wings are almost the same.

But four wings are more handsome.

If conditions permit, Lu Yuan plans to move forward with all twelve wings.

If you can scare the enemy away by showing up, then why take action?
"In [Elephant God. Walking Stance], coupled with Level [-] Mingyi Lanchen's nuclear bomb attack, I can barely withstand it.

However, his flying speed is much faster than mine. After all, Wings of Death is not a serious flying skill, so there is a big difference in this aspect."

As Lu Yuan thought about it, the wings on his back and the armor on his body disintegrated inch by inch.
He returned to normal and fell from mid-air.

Before the body hits the ground

A majestic energy suddenly spread out from his body.

A shadow of an elephant man nearly 200 meters tall appeared behind him.

The terrifying aura spread out, directly stopping Lu Yuan's falling momentum and pushing his figure upwards.

After staying in the air for tens of seconds, Lu Yuan slowly floated to the ground like a feather.

"If there is another breakthrough in the quality of mental power, maybe I can use my mental power to fly off the ground!

This is something that even pure martial arts masters cannot do. "

Lu Yuan looked strange as he recalled the feeling of just landing.

His mental strength is too sufficient in terms of quantity.

It is a full twenty times that of ordinary extreme true meaning level pure martial arts fighters!
With the true meaning of the elephant god hanging 200 meters above his head, Lu Yuan couldn't help but sigh: "It really feels a bit like martial arts now.
The laws of heaven and earth!Martial arts magical power! "

However, correspondingly, the difficulty for Lu Yuan to break through to the Grandmaster level is more than twenty times that of ordinary pure martial arts fighters.

"Instead of sitting behind closed doors and wondering what it means to understand one's own mind, it's better to ask a master."

Lu Yuan's eyes flickered, thinking secretly in his heart.

He raised his head and looked at the true meaning of the Elephant God that was as majestic as a mountain above his head. He thought about it and his mind turned.

The huge elephant god’s true meaning instantly dissipated.

Immediately afterwards, a huge shadow of a black crow with hundreds of eyes gradually appeared.

"The second extraordinary true meaning of extraordinary martial arts...oh no, it should be the legendary true meaning!"

Lu Yuan's eyes were burning, and he recalled the catastrophic image of the "hundred-eyed crow" in his mind, while feeling longing in his heart.

"The true meaning of martial arts based on the legendary underworld creature Hundred-Eyed Crow. How powerful it must be."

The warm sunshine shone on Lu Yuanguang's fair and white cheeks.

He opened his eyes and exited from the [imaginary enemy]'s consciousness space.

Glancing at the time, he fiddled around in his conscious space. In reality, only 5 minutes had passed.

"Settlement completed?"

Lu Yuan checked the review status of the previously submitted exploration summary report and found that the settlement had been successful.

[Thanks to the respected Golden Bear’s “Divine Blood” for contributing 47% of the exploration rate to the evil mysterious land of Screaming Ruins.

The information you submitted is of great value and I hope you will continue to work hard! 】

[Dear Golden Bear "Sacred Blood", your reward for exploring the secret realm this time has been distributed, please check it carefully. 】

Both messages were sent just half a minute ago. “47% exploration”

Lu Yuan was slightly surprised to see this result.

He remembered that he was mourning the ruins, and before entering the restricted area, the exploration level seemed to be only 19%.

Moreover, that is a temporary estimate of the exploration degree, and there is still a deviation from the exploration degree calculated in the final review, which is usually on the low side.

Even if he later penetrates the penalty area and "surpasses" the ancient Brunt monarch Joe Cruz, it is estimated that it will not exceed 40%.

"It seems that the truth about the formation of the secret realm of the Lamenting Ruins, the history of the ancient Brunt civilization, the Holy Light Religion, and the Crow God Religion are very important to Huang Xiong's superiors."

Lu Yuan thought and clicked on the balance of his merit points.

Generally speaking, rewards for secret realm exploration are usually exchanged for corresponding merit points and distributed.

As a result, when he saw it, he almost thought he was dazzled.


Lu Yuan counted it twice and finally confirmed that he had received a full 100 million merit point reward for this secret exploration mission.

“I should take the credit for sending Joe Cruz away.

The noise this guy made was indeed quite big, even a four-winged flying bear like Han Xun was alarmed."

Lu Yuan blinked, and then the first thought that flashed through his mind was - consumption!
Great consumption!

A new S-level weapon or an S-level mechanical modification only costs 10,000+ merit points.

In addition to the mission reward of solving the walking elephant god last time and getting the "key" to the mysterious realm of the elephant for Huang Xiong, Lu Yuan now has enough merit points to purchase more than 90.00% of the products in the merit mall.

Lu Yuan is "rich" and directly chooses "all product prices from high to low" to sort.

What immediately jumped out in front of me were things of SSS level and above.

"SSS level [Fire God Combat Body], SSS level [Cold Hell Combat Body], SSS level [Magnetic Light Combat Body], SSS+Moon-Eating Mecha transformation."

Xinwu and Dong Luyuan of the transformation department took a brief glance and passed by.

Switching categories one by one, Lu Yuan habitually skipped them when switching to pure martial arts.

He had already failed in the pure martial arts column, and it seemed that he didn't even have the martial arts to reach SSS in his memory.

But just when Lu Yuan was about to row away, suddenly.
His eyes were attracted by one of them.

——"The Heart Sutra of Origin (First Three Levels)", grade:? ? ? , exchange price: 10000000 merit!

""Origin Heart Sutra"?!"

Lu Yuanding looked at this door. Apart from the name and price, what other introductions are there? ? ?Mysterious martial arts, my mind was slightly shaken.

He clearly remembered that this technique had never been included in pure martial arts items before.

But I don’t know why, but it suddenly jumped out now.

"Was it added recently? Or was it hidden before and only now open to me?"

Lu Yuan's eyes flickered, and thoughts surged in his heart.

Hasn’t the road to pure martial arts been cut off long ago?

Everyone agrees that the Grandmaster has reached his end, and pure martial arts is in decline, and it will be a matter of time before he is completely eliminated.

Why is there suddenly a "Heart Sutra of Origin" with an unknown rank and a scary name?

And just the first three levels of content require a full .1000 million merit!

"I can't afford it for 1000 million."

Lu Yuan looked at the technique and talked to himself calmly.

But the strong curiosity and desire that emerged in his heart was probably only known to him.


[Special category].

[Feather of the Phoenix, grade:? ? ? , exchange price: 999999999 merit]

[Eclipse Moon Fang, grade:? ? ? , exchange price: 999999999 merit]

Just seeing the first two, Lu Yuan's eyes immediately turned red.

"Feather of the Phoenix! Fang of the Eclipse Moon!"

"Legendary level! These two are definitely the same legendary level materials as Hundred-Eyed Crow Feathers!"

"There is such a good thing hidden in Merit Mall!"

Lu Yuan couldn't help but grit his teeth and clenched his fists when he looked at the exchange prices behind these two things.

One billion meritorious deeds!

Is this a price that people can save enough for?

"If I can get these two things, my legendary panel will most likely be unlocked."

"I may not be able to accumulate 20 billion meritorious deeds even if I work for Huang Xiong all my life."

"looks like"

"We can only try to take shortcuts."

Lu Yuan took a deep breath and calmed down completely.

Then he looked seriously at the two suspected legendary materials in front of him.
Click to add to cart.

Also add the "Heart Sutra of Origin" that I was interested in before to the shopping cart.

Wait quietly for 30 seconds.

Remove cart.

Wait another 30 seconds.

add to the cart.
Repeat this operation seven or eight times.

The last thing to do is...
Lu Yuan pulled out his friend list and looked at the one at the top.

Full of expectation and piety, I shouted in my heart:

"Appear, generous [Lord Tongtongtong]!"

"It's time to show the power of your intimacy!"

Third update, please vote for me! (Bang bang bang bang kowtow!)

(End of this chapter)

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