Final priesthood.

Chapter 265: The true meaning of Ming Crow, the master of Yuhu style

Chapter 265: The true meaning of Ming Crow, the master of Yuhu style (please vote for me)

consciousness space.

Under the black and turbid sky, two figures fought fiercely together.

The air around the black figure was twisted, like a demon emerging from a forbidden legend. The fists and feet contained indescribable pure power, constantly pulling out afterimages in mid-air, and causing small-scale space collapse and depression.

Another figure was covered in white light, exuding an unparalleled biting cold air, like a walking human-shaped iceberg.

Every time he swings his sword, he can stir up the eternal cold air that has been frozen for thousands of years.

A white line flashed in front of his eyes, Lu Yuan's silver-white pupils shrank, and he closed his arms in front of him.

With a crisp sound of "ding", an ice-blue blade was tightly clamped between his hands.

A large amount of cold air suddenly surged from the blade, and the thick frost broke through the strong life force field around Lu Yuan at a speed visible to the naked eye, and continued to spread along his arms and cheeks to the whole body.

In just a few seconds, Lu Yuan's entire body was completely transformed into a huge lump of ice more than ten meters high.

The man who fought with him retreated indifferently, looking at the frozen thing in front of him quietly, as if he was confirming whether the opponent in it was dead.

After a few breaths.


Accompanied by a crisp cracking sound, a clear crack appeared on the huge lump of ice.

The man stepped forward, and more ice-blue mist-like cold air emerged from his hands.

But, "Boom"!
The huge lump of ice had been blown to pieces by a terrifying explosive force from the inside out.

In the billowing white smoke of the air-conditioning, a demonic body with dancing black hair emerged.

A low voice came out coldly.



The attacking man suddenly stopped, and the billowing white air around him solidified.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Maybe not even a thousandth of a second.

Or maybe it was as long as ten thousand years.

The stagnant time was shattered by a beam of golden light that penetrated the space.

Everything returned to normal, except for the man who had just stopped.

Lu Yuan appeared quietly on the edge of the battlefield.

At the same time as his figure emerged, "Han Xun" also exploded into a huge blue mushroom cloud behind him.

He did not look back, but slowly withdrew from the [Demon] form, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Han Xun is a four-winged flying bear. According to the yellow bear's level, his strength is SSS level.

In [Demon] form, I can barely compete with him head-on, but it is very difficult to defeat him, and as time goes by, I will continue to fall into a disadvantage.
But if I use [Finishing Move - Wu Shi], I can kill him instantly with one move.

It’s a pity that [Wushi] cannot be used frequently in a short period of time, and [Demon] form only has a time limit of 110 seconds, otherwise I would be considered a small invincible within the SSS level.”

After communicating with Yu Wentong, the information he got from Yu Wentong had a great impact on Lu Yuan.

After he came back, he immediately used Han Xun as an "imaginary enemy" and practiced repeatedly in his conscious space.

During this period, I also realized that I had entered Han Xun's body several times, and I roughly figured out the composition of the opponent's strength.

"Han Xun is practicing the SSS-level new martial arts [Cold Hell Combat Body], and there is an energy field in his body that continuously generates extremely cold air.

But what really makes him enter the SSS field is his mental power! "

Lu Yuan turned around and saw that Han Xun, who had just been killed by his [No Style] move, was now covered in debris.

“His mental power is very powerful and extremely condensed, as hard and sharp as an ice blade, and he has the ambition to go forward and cut off everything.

It is precisely because he has such a strong will and spirit that he can control the cold energy field in his body and protect his body organs from being eroded by the cold.

In turn, the energy is aggregated and exploded ten times or a hundred times to fight and kill the enemy! "

Lu Yuan captured something and had many insights in his heart.

"So, after reaching SS, what really matters is the power of the mind?

Because for the new martial arts and transformation systems, it is easy to obtain energy, but the difficulty lies in how to control it.

The stronger the psychic power, the more external energy it can control, and the corresponding strength is stronger.

And this spiritual power is also called spiritual light! "

"The standard for promotion to the SS level is to condense the first-level spiritual light. So an SSS-level powerhouse like Han Xun should possess the second-level spiritual light?"

Lu Yuan felt that the idea he had figured out was correct.

But Yu Wentong also said that the way up is not all about mental strength, and also emphasized that he should continue to polish his foundation.

"Perhaps, this is the difference between the ordinary transformation system, the new martial arts path, and the inheritance of extraterrestrial martial arts."

Lu Yuan blinked, and suddenly wanted to try to enter Yu Wentong's body.

Yu Wentong must be practicing extraterrestrial martial arts, and his level of practice is still very high.

Ever since he learned about the existence of extraterrestrial martial arts, Lu Yuan wanted to know——

What is the essential difference between the so-called extraterrestrial martial arts and the traditional pure martial arts in this world?

How is it different from the extraordinary martial arts that I am currently creating?

Which one is more awesome and which one has a brighter future!
A lot of curiosity accumulated in Lu Yuan's heart, which made Lu Yuan's heart feel like a cat scratching it every day.

Switch to [Imagine Enemy].

The scene in front of me instantly returned to the old street where I had sex with Yu Wentong last time.

On the empty street, only Yu Wentong sat quietly.

Lu Yuan snapped his fingers and everything stopped.

He walked to Yu Wentong and suddenly found that Yu Wentong was extremely beautiful.

In reality, due to Yu Wentong's identity, strength and other factors, Lu Yuan had never dared to take a closer look at Yu Wentong's appearance.But now in the conscious space, without these worries, he got closer and looked at Yu Wentong, only to realize that the other party was the one with the best appearance among all the women he had seen so far.

Yu Wentong's skin is particularly good, white and smooth without any blemishes, and no hair or pores can be seen. She is so beautiful that she is like a rare piece of art in the world.
Lu Yuan stared at Yu Wentong's face for several minutes.

Then I remembered what I came in for.

Lu Yuan's thoughts moved slightly, and his consciousness immediately entered Yu Wentong's body.

In an instant, the familiar and extremely bright galaxy appeared in front of Lu Yuan again.

Lu Yuan "opened his eyes wide." Under the premise that his intelligence had increased a lot compared to the last time he entered, he tried to see clearly what was hidden in the galaxy this time.

Faintly, Lu Yuan saw
Within the galaxy, there seemed to be a huge vortex slowly flowing.

[Physique: 23 (limit 1)]

The two attribute points disappeared, and the numbers on the panel changed silently.

Lu Yuan's body also underwent subtle changes.

His skin, muscles, bones, blood vessels, and internal organs were all significantly strengthened.

This strengthening process was very subtle, giving Lu Yuan the feeling of something growing rapidly and filling his body.

It’s also like the body is constantly becoming more whole on some level.


After the change was over, Lu Yuan moved his body a little.

The most obvious thing I feel is that the density of my body has increased again.

I got on the scale and found that my weight had increased by a full twenty kilograms.

"Height has grown two centimeters to 1.8 meters [-], but there is no obvious change in body shape."

In the empty room, Lu Yuan looked at the holographic projection that simulated his current appearance, and felt the subtle changes in his body.

After finishing the experience, Lu Yuan sat down cross-legged on the floor of the training room.

Close your eyes, and a full 28 points of mental power spread out.


In an instant, the entire training room was like an invisible storm. The huge momentum filled the entire room, and the super alloy walls on all sides of the training room made a slight "creep" sound.

Soon this huge spiritual power shrank.

And under Lu Yuan's control, the image of a strange crow with hundreds of eyes and a dark body began to slowly form.

Extraordinary martial arts - the true meaning of Bai Mu Ming Crow!
After seeing the legendary Hades creature like the Hundred-Eyed Crow, Lu Yuan completely abandoned the true meaning of the Demon Crane that he had condensed by accident.

The Hundred-Eyed Dark Crow, which can easily destroy a whole world by flapping its wings, is much stronger than the Demon Crane.

Of course, the difficulty of cohesion is also very high.

Lu Yuan kept recalling the appearance of the Hundred-Eyed Crow that he saw through the "Feather of the Hundred-Eyed Crow" in his mind.

The reproduction of the wings one by one, the position of the eyes one by one.

The most important thing is its aura - the kind of terrifying aura that is born from the underworld, like a natural disaster of death and a world-destroying catastrophe!
Gradually, as Lu Yuan continued to condense Baimu Mingya's true meaning.

The atmosphere in the room became more and more depressing, and the light became darker and darker.

A trace of terrifying fluctuations spread out from the true meaning that was about to take shape, as if a natural disaster that could destroy the world was gradually brewing.


The sound of the message notification sounds.

Lu Yuan closed his eyes tightly and rolled his eyes slightly, and the true meaning of most of the Hundred-Eyed Mingya behind him slowly converged.

The light in the huge training room became bright again, and the oppressive atmosphere gradually dissipated.

[Sir, we are here. 】

The message comes from a certain golden bear.

After the exploration of the Secret Realm of Screaming Ruins was completed, because the exploration rate was extremely high, an SSS-level evil energy riot crisis was directly quelled.

Lu Yuan was naturally promoted to the level of Flying Bear General by Yu Wentong.

His original golden bear ID card also changed. A pair of small wings grew from the back of the golden bear pattern on it.

Double-winged flying bear level!
"Lead him here."

Lu Yuan replied to the message.

After the exploration of the secret realm, Lu Yuan spent most of this time in the training room of Huang Xiong Base.

To others, Chabon is a futuristic magical city with feasting, luxury, and advanced prosperity, but far away, it only feels noisy.

If it weren't for the pure martial arts master Yu Wentong agreed to help find, he would have taken the shuttle back to the old city circle.

The living environment there is more suitable for him.

While waiting for the person to come over, Lu Yuan casually clicked on the person's information.

Densely detailed information unfolded before his eyes——

[Name: Xu Weiguo

Sex: Male
Age: 87
Strength evaluation: SS- (Grandmaster of the Yuhu style ancient martial arts)

Biography: Martial arts training at the age of eight, Zang master training at the age of 20, martial arts peak at the age of 25, true meaning at the age of 29, and pure martial arts master status at the age of 65.
He joined Penglai Pavilion at the age of 70 and left Penglai at the age of 81.

Main achievements: He played against the same level grandmaster three times, losing twice and drawing once.]

Lu Yuan noticed what was recorded in the column of main achievements at the bottom of the information.

After seeing the words "two defeats and one draw", I couldn't help but frown slightly.

He can't beat other grandmasters at the same level, and he looks like a bit of a waste.
Just as he was thinking about it, there was a knock on the door outside the training room.

Lu Yuan looked at the photos of the people displayed on the profile and said calmly: "Come in."

(End of this chapter)

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