Final priesthood.

Chapter 270: Core 1 kneels!Founder of Tianshuihe Nuclear Sect

Chapter 270: One core makes you kneel!Founder of Tianshuihe Nuclear Sect
"Don't make trouble, Lao Liu."

Lu Yuan said with a serious expression: "Last time you were humiliated and tortured like that by the pigtailed Penglai Holy Envoy, and your shit was beaten out. You don't want to go back for revenge?"

"You just beat the crap out of me!"

Liu Daoyuan was slowly drinking tea. When he heard Lu Yuan's words, a mouthful of soda spewed out of his mouth. His originally calm demeanor immediately broke down and he cursed in embarrassment.

Lu Yuan wiped the saliva from Xingzi's face and continued nonchalantly: "As for the Snake Sect, I heard that they have completely eliminated the lineage of Qianliu Daoyuan a long time ago."

The expression on Liu Daoyuan's old face changed drastically, and finally returned to calm.

He half-lyed down again and replied calmly: "What I advocate now is peace as the most precious thing."

Lu Yuan frowned, feeling that something was wrong all over Lao Liu's body.

But he couldn't tell what was wrong.

In short, he really couldn't understand why Lao Liu suddenly had a "big change in temperament" after experiencing that incident?

“It’s time for someone to check it out later.”

Just as Lu Yuan was thinking about it, he heard Liu Daoyuan ask him: "Why did you suddenly come back to see me when you were free?

Tell me, what's the matter?

I don’t have much martial arts skills to give you now.”

"I'm not here to ask you for skills."

Lu Yuan shook his head and replied: "The main thing is to come back and see how you are recovering."

"See now?"

Liu Daoyuan said casually: "What do you think of my recovery?"

"It is recommended that you continue to be admitted to the hospital and the medicine cannot be stopped."

Lu Yuan said with a serious expression.

Liu Daoyuan stared at him and wanted to beat him.

Lu Yuan quickly filled his cup with soda, and then said seriously: "I also want to ask the teacher about the process of your promotion to grandmaster."

"The process of becoming a Grandmaster?"

Liu Daoyuan frowned, then blue light burst out from his eyes, and he jumped up from his chair.

"Is your boy going to be a grandmaster soon?"

Lu Yuan said "Yeah" softly, and Liu Daoyuan laughed when he saw him nodding in recognition: "Okay, okay!

If you pass this threshold before the end of this year, even if you are a 17-year-old young master, no one in the history of ancient martial arts can compare with you.
If I hadn't, we, the Crane Sect, would be a double master, and those stupid people from the Snake Sect would be worthy of expelling us?

What a laugh! "

Lu Yuan saw his face beaming with joy and couldn't help but say: "If you go back for surgery now, you still have a chance to realize the story of becoming a double master."

Liu Daoyuan was obviously moved, but what surprised Lu Yuan was that such a face-saving person like him resolutely gave up this opportunity that would make him look good.

"Forget it, I'm really not interested in Grandmaster anymore."

Liu Daoyuan shook his head, changed the topic, and continued: "Let's talk about your business first."

Lao Liu is still the same Lao Liu, even if his "temperament has changed drastically", he still has nothing to say about Lu Yuan's kindness.

He told Lu Yuan in detail the whole process of taking that step, the causes and consequences.

He even doesn’t hesitate to “expose his own scars”.

To sum up, it is probably the betrayal of "loved disciple" Pei Ye, the removal of Tianliu Shui, and the physical mutilation.
A series of events left a lot of negative emotions in Lao Liu's heart, including pain, humiliation, depression, unwillingness, and chagrin.

These emotions have accumulated in his heart for 15 years and have become a demonic existence.

In the Southern Hundred Cities Martial Arts League, when the Crane Sect was repeatedly targeted and bullied, the demonic barrier in Lao Liu's heart resurfaced, and he began to have some self-doubt.

But he didn't expect that Lu Yuan's "true biography" would give him a big surprise.

He took him to choose thirteen sects in one night.

That night, I don't know how many people heard Lao Liu's hearty laughter like a night owl.

The demonic barrier in Lao Liu's heart disappeared overnight, and his true meaning tripled in one night. If it weren't for his physical disability, he would have been promoted to Grandmaster.
"Break the heart barrier."

After listening to Lao Liu's story, Lu Yuan made a three-word summary.

Lao Liu's breakthrough experience was quite similar to the friend Xu Weiguo mentioned who had no heirs.

Both of them have obsessions in their hearts and are depressed.

After the obsession was eliminated, he was promoted to Grandmaster naturally.

"Then what obsession do I have?"

Lu Yuan asked himself.

He currently knows two ways to be promoted to Grandmaster, one is to realize the true meaning of pure martial arts between life and death, and the other is to break the mental barriers and eliminate obsessions.

These are two shortcuts.

Lu Yuan thought for a while and said to Liu Daoyuan: "Teacher, arrange a quiet room for me. I will stay with you for a few days."

He was going to think about it on his own and see if he could have a "Dragon Field Enlightenment" and become a master overnight.

"it is good."

Liu Daoyuan called Liu Si to make arrangements for him.

Before leaving, Lu Yuan suddenly remembered something and couldn't help but ask Liu Daoyuan: "The Wusheng Island Martial Arts Conference will be held soon, will the teacher still go?"

The matter of the martial arts conference was also something that Lao Liu had been thinking about before.

Who would have thought that after hearing this, Liu Daoyuan replied casually without raising his eyelids: "Let's talk about it then. Go when you are in a good mood."

"have to."

Lu Yuan shook his head, not bothering to care about him anymore, turned around and left with Liu Si.

Lu Yuan left, Liu Daoyuan was still half lying on his rocking chair on the ground.

Drinking soda, basking in the sun, as lazy as an old cat taking a nap under the wall.

I don't know how long it took, but Liu Si's figure walked to him quietly.

Liu Daoyuan closed his eyes and said calmly: "Xiaoyuan is in seclusion?"


Liu Si respectfully replied: "We specially arranged for the young master to be in the innermost room."


When Liu Daoyuan heard this, his eyes opened immediately, and then he quickly stood up from the rocking chair.



Liu Daoyuan led the way, walking like the wind, without any trace of his previous lazy attitude of not caring about worldly affairs.

Liu Si followed suit.Not long after, the two of them came to a basement located deep under Linghe Pavilion.

The space here is quite large, with one side of the building being flat and the other side looking rather rough, but the four walls are covered with thick sound insulation materials.

It looks like a martial arts gym, but also like a shooting range built underground.

Liu Daoyuan walked to the middle of the field, with some indescribable expectations and even excitement faintly showing on his old face.

He said quickly: "Let's get started."

Liu Si understood, quietly retreated to the corner, and then pressed a button on the wall.

"Boom! Boom!"

Secret doors on the four walls opened, and a human-shaped steel target shot out.

In an instant, Liu Daoyuan's eyes glowed with blue light, and his whole mood suddenly became excited.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Liu Daoyuan's limbs and chest swelled rapidly, and his clothes stretched.


Along with a series of crisp and dense mechanical sounds, dozens of gun barrels emerged from his limbs, chest, and back.

"Boom boom-"

Dazzling energy beams and flames were ejected from these dozens of gun barrels, smashing into pieces one after another of human-shaped alloy steel targets.

Liu Daoyuan's emotions were also completely released during this process, and he laughed with great joy.

His snow-white beard and hair were blown up by the shock wave caused by the gun.


"Grandmaster is nothing! How many hits can a grandmaster take with my laser gun?"

"Xiaoyuan is too young. Although he has good talent, his understanding of power is still far inferior to that of an old man like me."

"Pure martial arts is just a small path, laser cannon is the main road!"

"Liu Si, help me order eighteen more nuclear fission guns!

I've figured out a new trick - focus on the core!
The master of one core kneels!The second-core master goes to the west! .
When the Martial Arts Conference begins, I will blast them all to pieces from the Snake Sect and Penglai! "

"From today on, I, Liu Daoyuan, will be the founder of the Tianshuihui Core Sect!"

"Linghexuan is still undergoing renovations at night?"

In the quiet room, Lu Yuan heard a faint vibration beneath him, opened his eyes and muttered to himself in confusion.

I wanted to spread my mental power to explore, but I thought about it and forgot about it.

He stood up, walked to the wall of the quiet room in the dark, and opened the window.

It was already night, a full moon hung high in the night sky, and the bright and cold moonlight fell down.

"It still doesn't work"

Lu Yuan looked at the full moon above his head, murmured, and let go of his mental power.

The aerosol-like spiritual power instantly filled the entire quiet room.

Even the moon in front of Lu Yuan's eyes seemed to become distorted.

Compared with before, Lu Yuan has made a lot of progress now.

The aerosol-like mental power has become much thicker, and depending on the situation, it has a tendency to transform into a liquid state.

The true meaning released was also tempered and compressed to a height of 100 meters.

It is reduced by half from the original 200 meters.

But there is still a long way to go before he can be promoted to a grandmaster and his true meaning must be completely integrated into his body.

However, after sitting for a day, Lu Yuan basically figured out his promotion ideas.

"The accumulation of martial arts is still a bit lacking."

"I have always had two obsessions. One is to fight the extraordinary with pure martial arts.

The other is to create extraordinary martial arts."

"There is also the understanding between life and death, and the extreme love for pure martial arts."

The three promotion ideas summarized by Lu Yuan have one thing in common - they all require fighting!
A large number of high-level and high-quality battles between pure martial arts and pure martial arts are realized.

As such.

Penglai suddenly became a place where the road was far away.

Because only Penglai can provide Lu Yuan with so many high-quality opponents in the field of pure martial arts.

There is also a ladder to heaven in Penglai, which can temper one's will.

"The Martial Arts Conference... This trip must be aimed at causing trouble.

Yu Wentong said before that you can touch Penglai, but you cannot use the power of Huang Xiong."

"Penglai Five Elders. God Wu Chao"

Lu Yuan thought.

He wanted to eat Penglai by himself, which was obviously unrealistic.

Even if he could defeat all the Penglai Five Elders and God Wu Chao.

But there are dozens of masters in Penglai, as well as a bunch of other pure martial arts fighters in Wuyangyang.

He definitely needs some other assistance.

You can't use the Yellow Bear's power, then.
A word naturally popped up in Lu Yuan's mind - Evil Martial Alliance!

"Would it be exciting if I attacked Penglai as the current Evil Emperor of the Evil Martial Alliance?"

Penglai took away many evil emperor relics left by the evil emperors of the Evil Martial Alliance. As the current evil emperor of the Evil Martial Alliance, he went to Penglai to get them back.
Not only is the teacher famous, but also reasonable.

Lu Yuan's eyes lit up, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was very feasible.

However, in order to implement this plan, he must first unify the Evil Martial Alliance and take the position of Evil Emperor of the Evil Martial Alliance in a serious manner.

"Contact those three guys."

Lu Yuan thought, and mobilized his current authority of the Winged Flying Bear to inquire about the whereabouts of the three Evil Martial Alliance protectors under Pei Ye.

These three people were running around the old city circle with S-level evil energy fluctuations. Under the surveillance of the Sky Eye, they were as conspicuous as light bulbs in the dark, so they were easy to find.

In less than 5 minutes, Lu Yuan got the exact location of the three people at this time.

one look.

Hey, what a coincidence.

The three of them were now less than fifty kilometers away from the road.

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(End of this chapter)

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