Final priesthood.

Chapter 440 Lu Lingfeng, passing the level, game warehouse

Chapter 440 Lu Lingfeng, passing the level, game warehouse
The silver-gray hover car quietly stopped in front of a modern manor.

The car door opened upward automatically, and a figure walked out of the car.

He is a slender young man, about sixteen or seventeen years old, with dark brown hair, fair skin, and fairly handsome features.

When his eyes look around, he gives people a cold and distant temperament.

It was a long way home just after being discharged from the hospital.


As soon as Lu Yuan got out of the car, he saw a fair-skinned blond man coming towards the door of the manor quickly.

Victor, butler, non-pure-blood Duolingren, character
The moment he saw the man, Lu Qiyuan's memory immediately flooded with all kinds of information about the blond man.

The latter greeted Lu Yuan respectfully and took the initiative to pick up the personal belongings box next to him.

Lu Yuan nodded slightly to the housekeeper Victor, and then looked at the "home" in front of him.

The moment he saw Lu Lingfeng, Lu Yuan's body instinctively felt his knees aching, and he wanted to kneel down, but he forcibly stopped him.

As soon as Lu Yuan entered the door, he saw the beautiful woman who had visited him in the hospital before and Lu Qiyuan, both sitting on the sofa.

Walking along the gray and smooth stone road, there are green trees on both sides of the road, dotted with various flowers and plants, and occasionally the figure of a gardening robot flashes by. It has a clean and fresh beauty, a harmonious combination of nature and technology.

The footsteps of the butler Victor behind him also stopped, as if he was waiting quietly for him to open the door and enter.

"Where are my mother and sister?"

Lu Yuan took the initiative to greet the beautiful woman in front of him, with an "intimate" smile on his face.


The butler Victor appeared at the right time and respectfully guided Lu Yuan towards the house.

As Lu Yuan walked along the dark corridor filled with oil paintings, he could still faintly hear the voices of the beautiful woman and Lu Qiyuan talking behind him.

The image of a person flashed in Lu Yuan's mind. Without any hesitation, he opened the door and walked in calmly.

Lu Yuan's expression remained unchanged and he said "hmm" lightly.

Lu Yuan shook his head slightly, collected his mental power and stopped paying attention.

This level must be passed.

"What do you want me to say to him? Has he heard what I told him? Don't you know the virtues of your own son?"

There is a space in the middle of the bookcase, and two black and gold oversized one-handed swords hang crosswise.

Before Lu Yuan could take a closer look at the two swords, a cold and deep voice sounded in Lu Yuan's ears.

"You didn't say a word when your brother came back, do you act like a sister?"

Lu Lingfeng.

Lu Yuan casually asked Victor, the butler beside him, who immediately replied: "Everyone is here."


The beautiful woman took his hand and shook it with a loving look on her face. Then she thought of something and came closer and whispered: "Go in later and honestly admit your mistake to your father and say a few nice words to him. He will be angry." It will disappear.
Remember, your attitude must be sincere."

Seeing him coming in, the beautiful woman immediately stood up and walked towards him, but Lu Qiyuan just raised her head and glanced at him, and then continued to lower her head and swipe the virtual light screen in front of her.

Lu Yuan listened to the beautiful woman's words and nodded, "I understand."

The thick solid wood door slammed shut behind Lu Yuan, and a huge room appeared in front of him.

His current body is still dominated by Lu Qiyuan's flesh and blood, so that there are still some conscious instincts belonging to Lu Qiyuan in the body cells that have not been completely eliminated.

Then he quickly added: "Master, I asked you to go find him first when you get home."

After walking in for about five or six minutes, I saw a beautiful white stone fountain in the distance. Behind the fountain is the gate of the main house of the manor.

Before I knew it, I had reached a door.

The road is long and thoughtful.

What appeared in front of Lu Yuan was a door made of glass and metal, with towering stone pillars on both sides, inlaid with exquisite copper-colored decorations and some traditional Duoling patterns, which looked quite majestic and solemn.

He turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound.


No matter it is him, he still has the identity of "Lu Qiyuan" on the surface.

As he walked, he thought about what he was about to face in his mind.

"You this child"

"Your Majesty!"

After the beautiful woman finished her instructions, she gently touched Lu Yuan's hair and said, "Go."

The first thing that catches the eye is a very tall copper-colored bookcase, with many tomes densely packed on it.

Upon entering the main house, the interior decoration style is still grand and luxurious, showing the solemnity and elegance of Duoling's traditional style everywhere.

I saw a dignified middle-aged man standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the study with his hands behind his back, looking at him coldly.

With the approval of Lu Lingfeng, the head of the Lu family, many of his next plans will be difficult to implement.

This is not a strange thing.

What really made Lu Yuan speechless was that Lu Qiyuan was afraid of his father to such an extent.

The other party could make him almost kneel down with just one sentence. This was the result of how many times he had been "intimidated".

"Are you deafened when I told you to kneel down?!"

Lu Lingfeng frowned when he saw Lu Yuan motionless, and slowly walked towards him with a cold face.

"Is this what your mother said, your attitude of admitting your mistakes?"

Lu Lingfeng snorted coldly, and a faint mental pressure spread from his body. The atmosphere in the entire room became depressing, and the light shining in from the floor-to-ceiling windows seemed to dim.

There is someone who uses mental coercion on his own son, which is also weird.
Lu Yuan complained secretly in his heart, but there was no expression on his face.

He looked at Lu Lingfeng without any hesitation, and said calmly: "You don't need to kneel down to admit your mistakes sincerely, and kneeling down does not mean you must be sincere. There is no necessary internal connection between the two. My dear Father."


Lu Yuan's words came out, and Lu Lingfeng in front of him was obviously stunned for a moment.

He looked up and down Lu Yuan again, as if he couldn't believe that such words would come from his always cowardly son.

"It seems you didn't come to me to admit your mistake."

After a brief silence, Lu Lingfeng said to Lu Yuan calmly.

The atmosphere in the room seemed to become a little more subdued.

Facing Lu Lingfeng's inquiry, Lu Yuan shook his head.

"No, quite the opposite."

Lu Yuan spoke "seriously" word by word: "I have never realized my stupidity and incompetence so clearly as now.

Because of this, I feel that these superficial actions are really meaningless..."


Lu Lingfeng's eyes narrowed slightly, and the surprise in his eyes became more intense, as if he was beginning to look forward to what Lu Yuan would say next.

"Then what do you want to do?"

Lu Lingfeng walked around the long table and sat down on a chair.

Above his head were the two eye-catching oversized black one-handed swords.

"I want my father to promise me two things."

Lu Yuan spoke.


Lu Lingfeng glanced at him but said nothing.

“First, please give me some time, it doesn’t need to be too long, just one year.

During this period, I hope to have your support in any decision I make.

Well, not opposing and obstructing it is the greatest support. "

Lu Yuan said calmly: "Second, I hope I can get my mecha back."

Before Lu Yuan finished speaking, Lu Lingfeng's brows wrinkled.

But he still waited for Lu Yuanjiang to finish both points before he said coldly: "I thought you would make some promise to me, but I didn't expect that you made a request to me first."

"I have to be determined enough to make changes before I dare to ask you, right?"

Lu Yuan looked at Lu Lingfeng calmly.

Facing the latter, who was as sharp as a razor, it seemed that he didn't care at all as he wanted to see through his entire being.

Lu Lingfeng thought for a while and then said in a deep voice: "Reason."

Lu Yuan smiled and replied: "The reason is very simple.

I know that my father has always wanted to train me to be a qualified heir to the family, forcing me to do things I don't like."


Oh, that's what you should and must do. "

Lu Lingfeng interrupted Lu Yuan's words with a cold snort.


Lu Yuan nodded.

“That’s exactly what I should do.

Since I was born in the Lu family, became your son, and enjoyed everything the Lu family and you brought to me, then I have the responsibility and obligation to bear the fate tied to these things. "

“Resistance and avoidance will not solve the problem.

I figured it out, instead of living so frustrated and unhappy.

It is better to choose to accept it happily.

In time, when I inherit the position of the head of the family, no matter what I want to do, you won't and can't stop me anymore, right? "

After Lu Yuan finished speaking, Lu Lingfeng's eyebrows seemed to frown even more tightly.

The way he looked at Lu Yuan became a little weird.

"Do you really think so?"

he asked.

"Of course." Lu Yuan nodded calmly.

What he expressed to Lu Lingfeng was very simple, that is - I always made mistakes and went against you in the past because you always forced me to do things I didn't like to do.

Now I understand that only by accepting that you don’t like someone first can you be qualified to talk about like them.

This is a relatively reasonable reason for "attitude change" that Lu Yuan came up with.

It is unrealistic for a dandy like "Lu Qiyuan" to suddenly have a profound enlightenment, change his mind, and change from a flat and rotten person to an inward-looking and active person.

Might as well say I figured it out.

My essence has not changed, only the methods I use to achieve my goals have changed.

Taking advantage of the excitement of the "meteorite picking" incident, it seems more reasonable and not too abrupt.

Sure enough, Lu Lingfeng was silent for a while and finally spoke.

"Second point, I promise you it's okay.

The first point.
Half a year.

I will give you half a year to plan your own life, and I will send someone to observe you and report the situation to me in real time.

If I find out midway that you are not doing well, or after half a year you have not achieved the changes I want.

Then come back honestly and accept all the arrangements I make for you.

From now on, don’t talk to me about whether you like me or not. "

"it is good."

Lu Yuan nodded, and with the permission of Lu Lingfeng's words, he had achieved his goal this time.

"Okay, nothing happens, just go out."

After Lu Lingfeng finished speaking, he waved his hands casually and looked away from Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan nodded, turned and walked towards the study door.

Just as he was about to reach out to grab the door handle, he suddenly turned around and looked at Lu Lingfeng.

"What else?"

Lu Lingfeng looked at him calmly.

Lu Yuan said with a strange expression, "Father should have been looking forward to this day for a long time, right?"

Lu Lingfeng had no expression on his face and snorted softly.

Lu Yuan smiled, turned around and pushed the door open to leave.

After Lu Yuan left, Lu Lingfeng sat quietly on the chair without saying a word.

A moment later, a figure walked out quietly from the corner of the study, like a ghost.

"From today on, you will follow Qi Yuan, be responsible for his safety, and also watch over him for me.

I don't want something like this to happen again. "

Lu Lingfeng spoke calmly.


The latter nodded.

After the matter was explained, Lu Lingfeng suddenly asked coldly, "Do you think Qiyuan is serious this time?"

The figure silently shook his head.

"I don't know, but the young master's appearance is indeed different from any other time."


Lu Lingfeng shook his head in amusement.

The figure asked back: "What do you think, Master?"

Lu Lingfeng looked calm, turned to look at the sky outside the floor-to-ceiling window, and said calmly: "Me?

Qiyuan is my son, whether he is on a whim or really determined to make some changes.

As a father, what else can I do besides trust him?

The worst thing... is to be disappointed again and wipe his butt a few more times."

The figure nodded, said no more, then slowly retreated to the corner and disappeared in the shadows.

The room completely returned to silence, leaving Lu Lingfeng alone, thinking about things alone.

Lu Yuan walked out of the door of Lu Lingfeng's study. After walking a few steps, he saw a figure blocking his face.

He stopped and looked quietly at the indifferent girl in front of him.

"I thought I would hear you trembling and begging for mercy?

I didn’t expect it to come out so soon, and it looks like there are no injuries on my body.”

Lu Qiyuan crossed her arms and made a tut-tsk sound in her mouth, looking at Lu Yuan in surprise.

"What new tricks did you learn to make dad let you go so easily?

I heard that you have lost face this time."

Faced with Lu Qiyuan's sarcastic words, Lu Yuan showed no trace of anger on his face, and instead smiled.

"You want to know?"

"What do you think?"

Lu Qiyuan looked at him lightly.

She is half a head taller than Lu Yuan's current body, and when she assumes this posture, she is quite condescending.

Lu Yuan walked slowly to her side, turned his head to look at her, and said softly: "It's okay to tell you, but you will never learn."

"What do you mean?"

Lu Qiyuan frowned.

"What I mean is...some things are innate and you can't learn them even if you want to."

"Lu Qiyuan, the difference between us is not just one word."

After saying that, Lu Yuan smiled, An Ran rubbed shoulders with Lu Qiyuan, and walked to the end of the corridor alone.

"One word of difference."

Lu Qiyuan stood there and pondered for a while before realizing that Lu Yuan was referring to the gender difference between them and the difference in the inheritance rights of the family head.

His face suddenly became ashamed and annoyed, he stared at Lu Yuan's leaving figure, gritted his teeth and said: "Lu Qiyuan, you actually said such things to me.

Come back if you feel itchy! "

The latter was so fast that he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

“The space for activities is quite large.”

After Lu Yuan came out, he went straight back to his room.

The main house where the Lu family lives is structured like a castle, and the entire fourth floor of the castle is his territory.

In addition to a bedroom for rest and living, there is also an exercise room, a quiet room, and a mecha control room.

There are many high-tech equipment for exercising in the exercise room, but they are obviously not used very much. Most of them are new and look like the ones they just bought.

Duoling's mainstream practice path is mainly based on mecha control and spiritual power cultivation.

Physical strength can be strengthened through external means, with little or no need for deliberate exercise.

Before preparing to advance to the Star Lord Realm, the physical body only needs to be sufficient, and few people will devote their attention to training their bodies.

The quiet room is specially used to practice spiritual methods, but a lot of thought has been put into decorating it.

As long as you walk in, you will immediately feel a power from the outside world that makes people calm and peaceful.

It's because there are many rare minerals embedded in the walls of the room that help calm the mind.

The cost of building such a quiet meditation room is not low.

As for the final mecha control room, it takes up the largest space and the room materials are also the most advanced.

It's just that there is no mecha in the control room now.

A first-level mecha that originally belonged to Lu Qiyuan was confiscated by Lu Lingfeng after it was damaged in a duel with a man named Bokarie due to jealousy.

It was for this reason that Lu Yuan asked Lu Lingfeng to regain the right to use the mecha.

Without coming into contact with a real mecha, he would not be able to officially start his new career as a "pilot".

The mecha control room without the physical mecha was just a super large activity room, but Lu Yuan found an interesting thing in the corner of the room.

"Game warehouse?"

This is a large machine with a shape similar to a dormant cabin, and is slightly larger than the Soul Devourer's single-person aircraft that Lu Yuan rode before.

The whole body is blue and gold, giving people a sense of luxury and nobility.

"Tianhong Virtual Game Cockpit, Blue and Gold Edition."

Lu Yuan looked at the line of small words marked on the game warehouse and learned from Lu Qiyuan's memory.

The market price of such a game warehouse is more than 10 million Duo Ling Coins.

For an ordinary family like Xu Mingguang, the total annual household income is only 100,000 or 200,000 yuan, which shows how expensive the price is.

And this is the blue gold version. There are also red gold versions, black gold versions, purple gold versions, etc., with the highest price exceeding one billion.

It is simply unimaginable for ordinary people.

"The rich second generation is still happy"

Lu Yuan sighed with emotion and began to take out all the scattered items on his body, and then lay down in the game room.

Only rich people can afford such a game warehouse.

If ordinary people want to experience it, the only way is to go to Internet cafes outside.

The game warehouses in Internet cafes are not only low-profile and expensive, but also have worrying health conditions.

There are always a few individuals with weak consciousness who, when playing virtual battle games, cannot bear the impact of the overly realistic images and are so stimulated that they become incontinent.

As a result, no matter how well the game warehouses in Internet cafes are cleaned, some odors will always remain in some game warehouses.

Lu Qiyuan was hit once, and he has never been to an outside Internet cafe since then.

(End of this chapter)

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