Final priesthood.

Chapter 470 The Breath of Evil Thoughts and the inheritance of Wind Demon God’s Machine Soldier!

Chapter 470 The Breath of Evil Thoughts. The inheritance of the Wind Demon God’s Machinery!

The ritual of communicating with the devil for the first time is very important to the Soul Devourers.

The level of the Demon God's mecha forging blueprint obtained in the first ceremony also indicates the future potential of a Soul Devourer.

Therefore, every Soul Eater clan was seriously injured by this.

The level of the Demon God Machine forging blueprint obtained is not only related to the talent of the Soul Eater Tribe who performs the ritual.

It also has a lot to do with the "sacrifice" prepared for the ceremony and luck.

Lu Yuan learned from the memory of "Andusha" that as a royal family of the soul-devouring lineage, when "Andusha" performed the ritual of communicating with the devil for the first time, the mother clan behind it prepared a hundred thousand kinds of Different kinds of precious materials.

"Andusha" himself is also extremely talented, so much so that when he performed the ritual for the first time, he directly contacted the so-called "Great Fallen Black Sky Ten Hell Demon God" and obtained the Great Fall Black Sky Ten Hell Demon God Machine. The soldier's forging blueprint is the Type I mech.

Even within the Soul Devouring Clan, the Great Fallen Hell Demon God can be considered a powerful demon god with enough strength to be ranked among the top five.

The forging blueprints for the Demon God's mechas of the Great Fallen Black Heaven Xun Prison are naturally of extremely high quality.

This is also the main reason why when the "Andusha" lineage was killed by the rebels, he was able to escape for his life by using the strength of the strong men in the lineage.

"Andusha", recognized and inherited by the Demon God of the Great Fallen Black Sky Ten Hell, has unlimited potential and a bright future. It is one of the seeds most likely to suppress the rebellion and restore the glory of their lineage one day.

Unfortunately, "Andusha" "died" in Lu Yuan's hands not long after he escaped.

Lu Yuan inherited almost everything from "Andusa".

Naturally, it also includes the Type I forging blueprint of the Great Fallen Black Sky Ten Prison Demon God Machine in his memory.

This is also the reason why Lu Yuan doesn’t pay much attention to this extremely important ceremony——

No matter what the outcome of the ceremony was, he had the forging blueprints for the Great Fallen Hell Demon God's mecha.

Now Lu Yuan is ready to start the ceremony. In addition to being curious and wanting to experience the specific process of the ceremony.

I just wanted to see if I could use the entire lower-end Demon God mech blueprint first.


The Demon God's mechas of the Great Fallen Black Sky Xun Prison are very strong and can be ranked among the top five in the history of the entire Soul Devouring Clan.

But it is precisely because the Great Fallen Black Heaven Xun Prison Demon God Machine Soldier is so powerful and high-end that Lu Yuan cannot forge it at all even if he has the blueprints at this stage.

The blacksmithing skills, strength standards, and material requirements involved in the blueprint were so densely packed with information that Lu Yuan's brain felt swollen.

Just studying and understanding this drawing is a big project.

The conditions of "Andusha" are good enough. A seed player from the Soul-Eating Royal Family, backed by a mother clan that is the dominant force in the universe, the resources at his disposal are more than billions of times that of Lu Yuan.

Even so, having entered the Star Lord Realm early, he could only create a prototype of the Type I Great Fallen Black Sky Ten Prison Demon God Robot.

It was beaten to pieces when I escaped, and I had some materials left, so I tinkered with it and managed to make a usable palm.

The only remaining mecha palm was also left in the secret realm of the ancestral land and could not be brought over.

Now Lu Yuan is "poor and destitute" and has emptied his family's fortune. It is estimated that he can't even build a fingernail of the Demon God's Machine Soldier of the Great Fallen Black Sky Xun Prison.

So his plan is-

Set up a garbage spot, forge the blueprints that are easier to implement, and use them first, and then replace them with new ones when conditions permit in the future.

"Even if the mechas linked to the Demon God are the most rubbish, they should surpass most of the models of mechas I can come into contact with at this stage."

Lu Yuan could originally transform into a mecha body, and then put a layer of demon mecha on the outside.
Mecha-piercing mecha soldiers.

Oh huo
He didn't even dare to imagine how fierce the fighting power would be.

"Support me to practice all the way to the Star Lord Realm. There should be no problem."

Lu Yuan thought secretly in his heart.

Of course, the premise is that everything goes smoothly in the ceremony that is about to take place.

Lu Yuan checked the materials he prepared for the ceremony for the last time.

A total of forty-nine different metals.

Bismuth iron, bismuth silver, bismuth gold, ram silver. And then a bunch of different metals.

A small part of these materials came from a box of precious metals that he had previously taken from the Xiao's mining warehouse.

The others were extracted from the three mechas he had devoured so far, the Blue Falcon Type 4, and the other two.

Although it was something he "ate" and then "vomited" out, it seemed inappropriate to use it as a sacrifice to the devil.

But Lu Yuan felt that at least his sincerity was full.


What if there is a demon god who prefers this one?

The devil's taste...who can say for sure?

After Lu Yuan inspected the sacrifice, he raised his right hand and placed it gently on the floor in front of him.

A small gap opened automatically on the fingertips of the five fingers on his right hand, and blood automatically flowed out.

Lu Yuan looked calm, using his finger as a pen and blood as material, he quickly drew a medium-sized, medium-sized, mysterious and weird pattern on the floor.

When the last stroke of the pattern was finished, he opened his mouth and spat out a black-red blood clot, which was a small piece of flesh separated from the core of his body.

The flesh and blood falls exactly in the center of the pattern, in the middle of all the sacrificial materials.

At this stage of the ceremony, it is almost complete, with only the last step left.

Lu Yuan took a deep breath and slowly released his mental power.

At the same time, chant silently in your mind.

"I serve your clothes, I serve your blood, I serve your flesh, I serve your soul."

Whether it is a ritual or a prayer to accompany the ritual, they all come from the content delivered when unlocking the [Type I Demonic Robot] on the career panel.

"Andusha" also has the specific steps of the ritual in his memory, but all aspects are too cumbersome and complicated.

Lu Yuan is the ultimate simplified version.

The main thing is just to have one idea.

As the ceremony progressed, Lu Yuan saw that the pattern drawn with blood on the floor in front of him began to glow.

The blood that had not yet completely solidified seemed to come alive, squirming on the floor like blood-red earthworms.

A trace of strange black energy emerged from the blood clot in the center of the pattern, gradually escaped, and wrapped around the forty-nine metals in the pattern one by one.

These forty-nine pieces of metal materials of different sizes, colors and textures were lifted up by an invisible force and quietly suspended into the air.

Under the entanglement of black air, it slowly rotated.

Just when Lu Yuan was astonished by the strange and magical scene, suddenly...
His consciousness trembled slightly.

In an instant, Lu Yuan felt it very clearly.

at this moment
He seemed.
Something is connected!
The unknown existence in the void cast an unspeakable gaze on it.

He seemed to be examining Lu Yuan and the offerings in front of him.

The process is short.

Probably not even a second.

The "eyes" of the unknown existence were withdrawn.


Lu Yuan thought in his heart.

However, at this time, a new, indescribable and unknown existence appeared.

Also cast the "eyes" down.

I can’t explain the reason, but Lu Yuan can vaguely feel it.

The aura of the unknown existence that was paying attention to him now was slightly weaker than the last one. But after a while, this weaker unknown existence also withdrew its "eyes".

Then he picked up the third place without stopping.

Lu Yuan just felt different unknown existences appear in front of him, glanced at them, and then changed to the next one.

For a moment, Lu Yuan felt like a hawker squatting on the roadside.

People were coming and going in front of him, and everyone who passed by would glance at the goods on his stall, and then quickly lose interest and walk away quickly.

"If I had known earlier, I would have waited a few more days, prepared more sacrifices, and carried out better sacrifices."

Lu Yuan sighed in his heart, feeling a little regretful for a moment.

It’s just that there’s no point regretting it now.

Once the ritual is in progress, it cannot be interrupted because once it is interrupted, there is no second chance to communicate.

Now he could only pray that some "non-sighted" demon could take a fancy to the pile of "junk" in front of him, and then throw down a golden blueprint of the mecha.

Time passed by minute by minute.

One after another, unknown beings "walked" in front of Lu Yuan, but not one of them was willing to stop and stay even for a second.

The road is far away and we can only wait patiently.

I don’t know how long it took, but finally.
A being with the weakest aura that Lu Yuan had sensed after so long stopped.

The "look" cast by this guy gave Lu Yuan a sense of shrewdness and cunning.

He lowered his head and "sniffed" Lu Yuan and the "sacrifice" in front of Lu Yuan, and then a consciousness fell down.

"It's done?!"

Lu Yuan felt this consciousness and his spirit was suddenly shocked.

If the devil is willing to accept his "sacrifice", the ritual can be completed.

After this consciousness fell, a white light spot also appeared in Lu Yuan's mind, slowly floating towards him.

Seeing the color of this light spot, Lu Yuan's originally excited mood suddenly stagnated again.


From the memory of "Andusha", we learned that the color of this light represents the grade of the Demon God's mecha blueprint inheritance that he is about to accept.

The worst is white.

Then green, blue, red, purple
The blueprint of the Great Fallen Hell Demon God's mecha that "Andusha" obtained back then was an extremely rare color of black gold on top of purple!
Lu Yuan originally expected that all he needed was a blue-colored blue demon robot blueprint.

No matter how bad it is, green is just fine.

Unexpectedly, the other party gave him a white one.

The most rubbish grade.

"White-quality demon mecha blueprints, don't work so hard to collect the materials and forge them, only to find that their power is not as powerful as a tenth-level Mecha in the Star Spirit Realm."

Lu Yuan deliberately refused, but considering the shabby nature of the sacrifice he offered.

After waiting for so long, it was easy to wait for someone who liked me.

After rejecting the offer, there was no question as to whether he could wait until the second one. Don’t even get a white-quality mech blueprint by then.

After much hesitation, Lu Yuan finally gritted his teeth and chose to accept.

Next, he only needs to use his mental power to accept the inheritance of the white light spot, and this communication ceremony can be completely completed.

Just when Lu Yuan was about to touch the white light spot.


The [Spirit Devouring, God-Demon Species (Super Mythical)] career panel in his mind started to spin rapidly for no reason.

The polyhedron representing the super-mythical career panel rotated rapidly, and one face after another passed in front of Lu Yuan's eyes.

Just when he was stunned, the rotating polyhedron suddenly stopped again.

The panel is fixed on a surface bearing the image of Quetzalcoatl.


The Quetzalcoatl pattern on the gray surface suddenly began to glow.

Immediately afterwards, a prompt message popped up in front of Lu Yuan——

[Congratulations on unlocking the new career panel - {Wind Rider (Legend)}! 】

The Breathing Wind, a legendary career panel representing the power of Quetzalcoatl!


But why do you want to unlock it at this time?
Lu Yuan was surprised.

And the next second after the panel was unlocked, suddenly

A strong wind blew for no reason in the quiet room, and countless dark winds emerged out of thin air, shrouding everything.

Lu Yuan's heart was trembling, and his mind sensed the sudden arrival of an extremely powerful and evil existence.

This aura of the unknown demonic being is the most powerful one Lu Yuan has ever encountered from the beginning of the ceremony to now.

After the aura arrived, the dark wind that arose out of thin air in the room directly swept away all the sacrifices in front of Lu Yuan.

As for the unknown being who was still waiting to conclude a contract with Lu Yuan, after this aura came, it was a hundred times more exaggerated than a mouse meeting a cat, and disappeared without a trace in a hurry.


A huge ball of light, exuding bright red glaze, squeezed into Lu Yuan's mind.

Then it quickly merged into Lu Yuan's consciousness.

The cool breeze that suddenly poured in outside the window blew the white curtains, and the moon shadow swayed.

Lu Yuan, who was sitting cross-legged on the floor, suddenly opened his eyes, with a look of astonishment and surprise on his face.

Lu Yuan didn't know what happened.

Anyway, by the time he came to his senses, the ceremony had been completed.

All the sacrifices in front of him disappeared, and the ritual patterns also disappeared.

The room was so clean and tidy that it seemed as if it had just been carefully cleaned. Only the mysterious and evil smell lingering in the air meant that something had just arrived in this place.

"Do I think I won the lottery?!"

Lu Yuan murmured, blinked, and looked at himself.

At this time, in addition to successfully opening a legendary [Wind Rider (Legend)] career panel, he also had a bunch of new things in his mind.

Lu Yuan looked at the contents of this pile of information carefully and read out the name of this inheritance in a low voice.

"【Breath of Evil Thoughts. Devouring Wind Demon】Type I Demon God Robot Forging Blueprint."

Red quality!
Woolf was dragged out of the dim cell like a dead dog.

After walking through a cold and long passage, the dazzling sunlight casts down from above.

Woolf reluctantly raised his head, trying to hold up his eyelids that were covered with blood scabs, and looked greedily at the long-lost sun above his head that brought him the slightest warmth.

Unfortunately, he didn't feel it for long before he was thrown into a small spaceship like garbage.

The spaceship took off and flew quickly towards the bright sky.

Two days and two nights of torture not only made Woolf realize what it was like to truly feel worse than life, but also exhausted his physical strength.

Now he was lying on the cold deck of the spaceship, and it was difficult to even move his little finger.

(End of this chapter)

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