I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 102 A Gift For My Brother

Chapter 102 A Gift For My Brother
[Be the first to set an example: Poof!Hahahahaha! 】

[What I was thinking: Who knows, my family, I was originally moved in the middle of the night, but I was laughed to death! ! ! 】

[My partner: Brother must be thinking that I am just talking]

[Burning Immortal Grass: Did you see my brother's face turning dark?I feel like he's going to scold someone hahahaha! 】


After dinner, Li's mother didn't let Bai Yao watch TV, so Bai Yao could only play backgammon with his brother boredly, no matter whether he lost or won, Bai Yao would always smile happily.

Mother Li was sitting aside and busy working with a notebook. Looking at her son and daughter beside her, Mother Li suddenly felt content with everything.

Thinking of something, Mother Li took out a rectangular gift box from her backpack. After hesitating for a long time, Mother Li shouted to her brother, "Li Xiaotian, come here."

When my brother heard Li's mother calling him, the smile on the corner of his mouth disappeared immediately, and was replaced by silence. He kept thinking, did he do something that displeased his mother?

The elder brother was a little cautious, but he still walked over, prepared to be scolded.

My brother walked up to Mother Li and remained silent.

Mother Li looked at the notebook, typing on the keyboard with one hand, and handing the gift box to her brother with the other.

The elder brother smiled bitterly and said, "You should ask your sister to get the gift instead of me getting it for her."

Mother Li frowned, and explained while looking at the notebook, "I bought this for you, you will know when you open it."

As soon as he finished speaking, my brother was stunned for a moment, took the gift box doubtfully, and said in disbelief, "You bought it for me?"

Mother Li nodded, "Yesterday afternoon, my precious daughter told me not to buy gifts for her alone, but also to help you see if there are any suitable gifts, so I went to the mall to look around."

My brother opened the gift box and found a pen, like a treasure. My brother carefully touched the pen, it felt cold and heavy in his hand.

A burst of bitterness and excitement welled up in my heart, my brother's eyes turned red instantly, and he said in a low voice, "Thank you"

This time the gift is no longer his sister's, but a gift that belongs to him alone.

But this gift was brought by the younger sister, and the elder brother suddenly felt that the younger sister was not so hateful, sometimes quite cute.

Bai Yao looked on from the side and leaned forward with a smile, "What kind of gift is that? Brother, I want to see it too."

The elder brother immediately raised the pen in his hand to prevent Bai Yao from touching it, and said indifferently, "I won't show it to you."

Bai Yao stood on tiptoe in an attempt to touch the pen raised by his brother. He said coquettishly, "Just take a look. I'll take a look. It won't be broken."

As soon as Bai Yao acted like a baby, his brother blushed, turned his head and pretended to cough a few times, couldn't help but reached out and rubbed Bai Yao's hair, and showed the pen in front of Bai Yao, "I can only watch it for a while, and I will see it later." Give it back to me."

Bai Yao directly picked up the pen and looked at it carefully. His eyes suddenly lit up and he couldn't help but said, "It's a good-looking pen, but it's a pity. I prefer clothes, food, and travel."

Mother Li watched the brothers and sisters fighting and was very happy. It would be nice if time stopped at this moment.

Mother Li looked at Bai Yao tenderly, "If you want a beautiful dress, Mom will buy it for you tomorrow."

Bai Yao couldn't help jumping up excitedly, and stepped forward to give Li's mother a meme, "I love you so much, mother!"

Li's mother was so dazed by the soft words, she couldn't just buy one small dress tomorrow, she had to buy a few more!

(End of this chapter)

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