I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 112 Mother Chapter Buying Flowers

Chapter 112 Flowers for Mother's Day

After Bai Yao got out of the car, the door closed immediately, ignoring the other passengers who hadn't got in yet, and immediately started to drive to another place.

The shivering driver: He will never take this route next time, why is he so unlucky to meet such a killer.

Bai Yao took a mouthful of exhaust fumes as soon as he got out of the car and said with shame, "Is it necessary to run so fast?"

Ai Yu held his forehead helplessly, "Why don't you see what you said before scaring him so badly."

After a pause, Ai Yu smiled suddenly, "In my opinion, you should also kill the driver."

Bai Yao shook his head and said a little tiredly, "No, it's good to keep driving. After all, I'm too lazy to drive."

Sensing that passers-by were looking at him, Bai Yao put on a transparent raincoat and followed the route he remembered to a familiar neighborhood. When he walked in, he turned left and he could see the "Beautiful Convenience Store". There were many bouquets of flowers placed at the door of the store, and Bai Yao walked in directly.

"Grandpa, I want to buy a bouquet of carnations."

Bai Yao said politely to the old man, and took out two ghost coins with a face value of 100 and put them on the cash register.

Stingy Gui looked at the 200 ghost coins on the table and burst into laughter. He stuffed the 200 ghost coins into his pocket and said cheerfully, "Here it comes, here it comes."

Saying that, Stinger came out, and was stunned when he passed by Bai Yao. He sniffed the smell of the surrounding area with his nose. Stinger felt strange why Bai Yao had such a strong smell of blood, this level of blood smell He usually only smells it on high-level monsters, so why would Bai Yao, a human, have this kind of smell?

After thinking for a long time, Stingy Gui came to a very reliable conclusion, that is, perfume. These days, it seems that there is no problem for girls to spray perfume with strange smells.

Miserly wrapped up a bouquet of carnations and handed them to Bai Yao. With a mean and serious face, his voice became much softer when he spoke to Bai Yao, "Next time, I will come more often."

Even miserly, he took out a copper coin from his pocket and handed it to Bai Yao, "This is for you as a souvenir, and you must pass the copy safely."

The stingy and cunning person was afraid that if Bai Yao got sick one day and stopped coming to buy anything from him, he would give him money. After thinking about it, he decided to give Bai Yao another copper coin to defend himself.

Bai Yao accepted the copper coins, thanked Jingji and went out.

After going out, Bai Yao sighed and put the copper coins back into her satchel. It was better to put away the things that prevented her from committing suicide, otherwise it would affect her from committing suicide.

Today is May 5th, Mother's Day

Bai Yao looked at the bouquet of flowers in his hand and sighed, "As long as you get home and give this bouquet of flowers, you can go back to the real world and have a good meal."

Ai Yu nodded in agreement, and even asked, "Yao Yao, what places are fun in the real world."

Bai Yao's eyes lit up, "It's so novel, Xiao Yu, since you've taken the initiative to play now."

Xiaoyu blushed and said shyly, "Isn't it because you are about to finish the copy? Anyway, this thing has to be thought of sooner or later, why don't I think about it for you."

Just as Bai Yao was about to speak back, he suddenly froze when he turned a corner. Looking at the familiar figure in front of him, Bai Yao smiled innocently, and stretched out his hand to say hello, "What a coincidence, Mom, to meet you here."

Ai Yu spat out a mouthful of blood and immediately saw her angry mother through Bai Yao's eyes, "What a coincidence. She is about to pass the dungeon."

Bai Yao used his mental power to send a message to Ai Yu, "This is fun. Look, isn't the chance to commit suicide here?"

(End of this chapter)

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