I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 115 Obsession, end of copy 2

Chapter 115 Obsession, copy [-] ends
The screen in the live broadcast room froze for a moment, and the black screen suddenly became colorful. The scene shown on the screen was that my brother was walking downstairs in a daze, only to hear a "bang", and hot blood splashed on his brother's face. face.

The dark red blood slowly flowed out and spread to the bottom of my brother's feet.

The brother's pupils trembled and his breathing suddenly stopped. The woman lying in the pool of blood was extremely peaceful, as if she was asleep. There was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth. The red dress and the familiar face were clearly his sister.

The people in the live broadcast room were instantly excited
[After five o'clock: What's going on, why did the anchor die? 】

[V give everywhere:? ? ?The screen went black for two hours during the live broadcast. What happened? 】

[Second scene: The anchor is very good-looking, even with a smile on his face, I really cried to death]

[Revised commemorative coin: The anchor I finally became a fan of died like this?died? 】

[Artificial Lake: I just said that with this anchor’s IQ, he can’t survive more than an hour]

[Look at the woman: If you can’t speak, don’t speak upstairs. What do you mean by not being able to live for an hour? The anchor has obviously lived for more than two days, and he only has a few hours to clear the dungeon]

[Artificial Lake: Hahaha, not everyone is dead yet]

[Ding dong!The player's artificial lake has been banned for 24 hours! 】

real world
Su Yue frowned, slammed the phone to the ground, her body trembled slightly, and murmured, "How could it be possible? How could it be possible to die like this? After finally meeting someone so similar to her, he died like this... "

Su Yue's eyes were full of madness and grief. Looking at the photo on the table, she saw the woman who was five points similar to Bai Yao. Su Yue's eyes were scarlet and she lowered her head silently. There was faint traces of blood flowing out of her clenched fists.

the other side

This exciting scene made my mother's mind go blank, her tears kept falling like broken beads, and she threw herself at the railing. The sight of Bai Yao lying quietly in a pool of blood made her suffocate. This was her own flesh and blood. A child born in ten months of pregnancy!

Mother tremblingly held the bouquet of carnations in her hand, as if all the strength in her body had been exhausted, she sat on the ground weakly, her back was as cold as falling into a cave of ice.

It was clear that just now her daughter was hugging her and saying "Mom, I love you" to herself. That bright smile suddenly overlapped with the pale face lying in a pool of blood.

The grief deep in my heart burst out in an instant.

"Ah-! Xiao Tao, my daughter!"

Heart-rending sounds of grief resounded through the air, and the black energy in her body burst out instantly, drowning her entire body. Dozens of golden cracks appeared on the blue-black skin, like broken ceramics.

Mom's eyes were bloodshot, and the whole person was completely crazy, only a weak roar.

"Why! Why is it my daughter who got cancer! Why not me, why!"

Mother trembled, her whole body seemed to be broken, and tears kept pouring out, blurring her vision.

"I just want my daughter to be safe and grow up healthy. Why, my daughter has to suffer like this."

"Xiao Tao, you are so stupid, you are really stupid..."

"You are not my mother's burden, you are my mother's treasure, and the motivation for my mother to live..."

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault, it's because I didn't take good care of you that aggravated your condition, it's my inability to earn enough money to send you to the hospital, it's all my fault, it's all my fault!"

The mother looked up at the sky. In the blur, she seemed to see her daughter smiling at herself. The breeze was blowing her hair, as if her daughter was kissing herself and saying her final goodbye.

At this moment, she recalled everything. Her daughter would say "I hate you" to her every day, but she would always find her daughter crying secretly in the middle of the night; her daughter would be irritable because of headaches every night, and she would give her Telling bedtime stories comforted her; her daughter became ill and chose to jump off a building on Mother's Day. She always thought that her daughter hated her and blamed herself for not being a good mother.

It was not until the mother found the diary left by her daughter in the room that she knew everything.

It turns out...it turns out that the truth of the matter is this...

What the daughter said about hating her mother was due to her uncontrollable emotions, and she wanted her mother to hate her daughter, so that when her daughter died, her mother would not be so sad.

The daughter had already thought about all this and ended herself on Mother's Day because she didn't want to be a burden to the family, didn't want her brother to have no education, and didn't want her mother to be burdened with so much debt. She thought her departure would be A relief for the family.

The daughter secretly cried because she blamed herself and was angry with her mother, and she could not bear the pain caused by brain cancer, so she secretly committed suicide many times.

The indebtedness to her daughter made the mother obsessed in her heart. She forgot the truth and just kept blaming herself.

If she had taken good care of her daughter and had not gone out, her daughter would not have jumped to her death.

This obsession has been bothering her mother until Bai Yao died in front of her mother again, and her mother recalled everything.

The golden cracks emitted a dazzling light, and her mother laughed with relief and choked with sobs, "Xiao Tao, if there is another life, mother will definitely protect you, but...if there is really another life, don't choose me again. I'm here to be your mother. Mom is useless and can't protect you well..."

Tears slipped down quietly, the golden cracks burned, and the mother's body began to turn into a burst of ashes. In the end, it was the mother who smiled and looked up at the sky, as if saying, "Daughter, don't be afraid, mother is here to find you."

The ashes dissipated in the air, and my mother's smile was completely submerged in the ashes.

On a tall building not far away, a woman wearing an ancient red wedding dress and a red hijab was watching this scene, shook her head with emotion, and sighed: "Mom's obsession with her daughter brought her to the world of horror, It also made her an obsession, and when the obsession dissipated, she should also completely dissipate from this world."

There is a special kind of weirdness in the horror world, and that is the obsession weirdness. When this kind of weirdness is born in the horror world, the obsession in the body will give them great strength, but they will not realize that they are dead. He will only repeat the things and memories he is obsessed with in front of him, just like being in the real world, just repeating them endlessly.

If one day the obsession dissipates, the obsession will also completely disappear from the horror world.

On the spot, my mother's body had turned into ashes and disappeared completely, but there was still a small transparent ball of light suspended in the air.

When the woman in the wedding dress looked at the ball of light, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but raise. With a thought, the ball of light automatically flew to the hand of the woman in the wedding dress.

A soul shard was being bred in a small ball of light, and the woman in the wedding dress joked, "It's been 13 years, I've been looking for your soul shard for a long time, but I didn't expect you to hide it in a stubborn person."

 There will be another episode of my brother later, this chapter is usually two chapters, I will write another chapter later

(End of this chapter)

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