Chapter 118 Asking for Tickets~
Xiao Xi looked at these data, clicked the screen casually, then turned to look at Bai Yao and said, "I spent 80 points of extraordinary power to upgrade the blood bead on your body to the next level. At the blood bead 50 meters It can absorb 15% of the experience points from other monsters killing humans within the range. Your next dungeon type may be a large escape dungeon type, so you can take this opportunity to brush up on experience points."

Bai Yao, who was nestled in the corner, raised his head, looked at Xiao Xi curiously, his eyes lit up and he said with admiration, "Xiao Xi, you are so awesome, I feel like you know everything!"

Xiaoxi scratched her head with some guilt, then turned her head and pretended to cough a few times and said, "Host, it's time for you to return to that real world."

Xiaoxi directly used part of her divine power to open the black hole, and the strong attraction beside the black hole sucked Bai Yao in.

Bai Yao's face was dazed, and before he could react, he felt the world was spinning, and his last thought was, "She hasn't pinched Xiaoxi's face yet! How could she just leave like this!"

After driving Bai Yao out of the system space, Xiaoxi breathed a sigh of relief, and when she turned to look at Ai Yu, her expression softened a lot, "Thank you for your hard work, Xiaoyu, how does it feel to accompany the host through the dungeon this time?"

Ai Yu said with a sinister face, "Every day I have the urge to rush out and beat people up. It's so desperate."

Xiaoxi wiped her forehead in shame. She was in the same mood as Ai Yu when watching the live broadcast. It seems that sometimes she has to find time to go to the horror world to take a good look.

Ai Yu asked Xiaoxi: "You are a god, is there a way for me to have a chance to go out when I accompany the dungeon, not to help Yao Yao, but sometimes I really can't help the urge to beat someone up."

Xiao Xi couldn't help but laugh "Pfft!" and then said leisurely, "I can indeed let you come out of the dungeon, but only for a few ten minutes and you can't use your original strength."

The corner of Ai Yu's mouth raised, and he asked again, "Can you beat someone?"

Xiaoxi smiled and nodded, "Yes, if you beat someone, remember to beat me too."


In the real world, a spacious bedroom somewhere
A black hole appeared across the ceiling, Bai Yao fell out of the black hole, and threw himself on the bed, Bai Yao got up in pain and touched his buttocks.

The black hole gradually shrunk, and at the last moment of closing, a mobile phone fell out of it and landed on Bai Yao's forehead and fell on the bed.

"It hurts"

The pain caused Bai Yao's eyes to turn red, and a small bump appeared on his forehead.

Glancing at the mobile phone on the bed, Bai Yao touched his head and took it over to have a look. Subconsciously, he opened the horror game software. The top corner is the player data, and the left side shows that he has 600 ghost coins.
There was a lot of information on the world's public screen. Bai Yao clicked on it casually, and it was all about "A certain player cheated to get a talent cure."

It was all news about him. Bai Yao felt so bored, so he opened the travel app and started thinking about where to travel.

After thinking about it, Bai Yao realized something was wrong.

Bai Yao looked around curiously. It was very spacious, with a small sofa, carpet, floor-to-ceiling windows, and a wardrobe.

The rooms are nice, but where is this? ? ?

Just when Bai Yao was confused, the bathroom door suddenly opened, and a burst of white mist poured out from inside.

An extremely cold female voice said, "Who are you, and why did you appear in my room?"

(End of this chapter)

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