I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 120 Character Chapter Yi Li Xiaotian (brother)

Chapter 120 Character Memories·Li Xiaotian (brother)

My name is Li Xiaotian. Before my younger sister was born, I was also a doted child at home. Both my parents doted on me and bought me all kinds of clothes and toys.

Until my sister was born, I went to the hospital and looked at my soft and waxy sister lying on the bed, and I couldn't help but think that my sister is really cute.

I cautiously reached out to touch my sister, but was stopped by my mother loudly, "Li Xiaotian, how could you touch your sister without washing your hands!"

The first time I was yelled at by my mother, I stood there helpless, my eyes turned red and I wanted to defend myself, "I just, just want to touch my sister..."

My mother waved her hands irritably, but when she looked at her sister on the bed, she looked gentle.

I was stunned. My mother's expression used to be looking at me, but now she was looking at my sister.

I shook my head uncomfortably, and comforted myself: Mom is just in a bad mood, and she will get better after she is discharged from the hospital.

next few years
I taught my younger sister to walk. She fell down and cried while walking. My mother would always blame me, "Can't you help my sister?"

"Mom, I didn't"

I tried to defend myself, but my mother got angry, "You still dare to talk back, don't you?"

The grievance spread in my heart, and my eyes turned red, trying not to cry.


Later, every time my mother bought gifts, she only bought gifts from my sister. I stood in the distance and looked at the mother who once loved me the most, looking at other children with a smile on her face, and I felt very bitter in my heart.

I said, "Mom, can you also remember to bring me a gift?"

Mom replied perfunctorily, "I know, I'll remember it next time."

After saying that, he turned around and continued to tease his sister.

But then I didn't wait for the gift from my mother.


My sister was naughty and drew with my homework paper. I pushed my sister with red eyes.

The younger sister fell to the ground and cried loudly, and my mother went to comfort her indiscriminately, and she cursed at me, "You are an older brother, how can you push my younger sister?"

My sister cried, and I also cried aggrievedly, "She drew on my homework paper, which is the homework I wrote so hard this summer vacation."

But the younger sister cried louder, and my mother's attention was all on the younger sister, turning a blind eye to what I said.


These differential treatments made me red-eyed, and my temper became more and more silent.

My father was an alcoholic and often drank out until he became unconscious. When my sister was five years old, she hit someone with a car and died.

Our house was confiscated to pay high compensation, and the huge pressure almost crushed my mother. During that time, my mother beat and scolded me because I looked so similar to my father that my resemblance made her famous. Eyes, if it were not a legal obligation, she would have given me away.

I endured all of this silently.

The younger sister Li Xiaotao's character is sometimes violent and sometimes cute, but she likes to laugh very much, and her mother also likes her sister very much, and often talks about "my precious daughter".

Ever since her father died of drunk driving, her mother's heart has completely turned to her younger sister.

I lowered my head and remained silent, but when I looked at my sister, there was always resentment in my eyes.

My sister was diagnosed with brain cancer and bipolar disorder when she went to school. Her mother felt sorry for her and asked her to suspend school.

My sister started to become manic, getting angry for no apparent reason, throwing things, and even swearing loudly.

Even so, her mother still coaxed her sister and relied on her in everything.

Later, when the condition worsened, my mother began to restrict my sister from watching TV, going out, and playing with mobile phones. These would aggravate my sister's headache. In order to appease my sister, my mother would tell her a bedtime story every night.

Until that night, there were sounds of throwing things, knocking on the door, and scratching the corners of the wall from my sister's room. When my mother and I broke into my sister's bedroom, we were shocked to find that my sister was holding a piece of porcelain and was preparing to scratch her wrist with tears streaming down her face.

My sister said her head hurt so much that she wanted to die.

The mother's eyes were red, blaming herself for her incompetence, and she could only watch her sister in pain.

That night, my mother came to me and said, "I talked to the doctor. Your sister's condition worsened and she needed an operation. The family doesn't have that much money. From tomorrow onwards, you don't have to go to school. Work with me to earn money for your sister's treatment." fee."

Followed by constant quarrels...

My eyes were red, and I looked at my mother viciously, "Why do you decide my life for me! My sister is a burden! Even if I have an operation, there is a high probability of being paralyzed and turning into a vegetable, and I don't want to bear the burden of treating my sister." Living in debt is no fun, you know Mom?"

With a "slap", my mother slapped me angrily, and said viciously, "That's your sister, and it's your duty as a brother to save her! You can drop out of school from tomorrow on, there's no negotiating about it!"

Resentment spread in my heart. Watching my mother slam the door and leave, the overwhelming resentment overwhelmed me, and a vicious thought slowly emerged in my mind.

In the next few months, I would secretly add medicines that made my sister’s condition worse every time she wanted to eat. I watched my sister’s condition worsen, and I kept looking forward to my sister’s early death.

I would even trick my sister into sneaking out and letting her take the elevator alone, because my sister would get sick and irritated as long as she took the elevator.

My sister is very stupid and can fool her every time.

Just a week before my sister was going to have surgery, I couldn't sit still and gently coaxed my sister to take her to the amusement park.

I will never forget my sister’s expression that day. My sister agreed with a smile on her face.

When my sister is not sick, she is very quiet and will smile slightly when she looks at others. But if she has a headache, she will be unable to control her emotions and yell at the people around her.

But when I secretly took my sister out, she didn't get sick the whole time. She even smiled at me and reminded me, "Brother, if you have time, go to my room and look through my desk. There is a star bottle on it. You You can take a look.”

I nodded perfunctorily, and now I just want to get rid of this burden quickly. After arriving at the amusement park, I made an excuse to leave. After leaving my sister behind, my heart was not as relaxed as I imagined, but heavy and very disturbed.

After wandering outside for several hours, I decided to go home.

Near home, pedestrians were stationed here talking about something, and the sound of ambulances and police cars echoed around.

I had a bad premonition in my heart. When I rushed out of the crowd and came to the ambulance, I saw the blood on the ground... and the mother who broke down and cried, and the girl who was sent to the ambulance by the doctor on a bed frame. But the girl's skirt was exactly what the younger sister was wearing.

My sister committed suicide by jumping off a building and chose to commit suicide on May 5th. Later, the police came to me for questioning. I lowered my head and remained silent. The police just shook their heads and did not say anything. Something, go back and investigate your sister's movements this day.

Later, in the police station, my mother found out that I took my sister out of the house. She beat and scolded me like crazy. The police stopped my mother, and I was kicked out of the house because of this. I live in the police station, and the policeman can't help but sigh when looking at me, and comforts me, "You didn't kill my sister, so you don't have to blame yourself, I will explain it to you on my mother's side."

A few days later, my mother was called by the police. Only then did I learn from the police that my sister had already planned to commit suicide. Even if I didn't take my sister out, she would probably commit suicide.

The police also handed the mother a notebook, which was written by the younger sister, and the mother collapsed and cried while looking at the notebook.

The policeman secretly pulled me aside and handed me a star bottle. He said to me, "My sister left this for you. You can open the small note inside and read it. I think this is very important to you." .”

I accepted the bottle of stars, but never opened it. After all, my sister had always hated him as an older brother. The small note inside might have been something to curse me.

The strange thing is that my mother has never beaten or scolded me since she read the diary. She also asked me to come back to live at home and insisted that I go to school and take the college entrance examination.

Strangely, I didn't see what was written in the diary, because my mother hid the diary from me.

But since the death of my sister, my mother's mental state has not been very good. She always says to herself, "It's all my fault. It's my inability, otherwise my daughter wouldn't have chosen to jump off the building."

"My daughter is dead, how could my daughter be dead?"

"It's me, it's all my fault..."

Later, I was admitted to a very good university as I wished. On the day I went to university, my mother also chose the same suicide method as my sister.

I was the only one in the empty house. When I was packing up my mother's things, I found the diary written by my sister, and I learned all the truth.

My sister has a splitting headache every night, she can't control her emotions, she hides a lot of porcelain, and she can't help but self-mutilate every night in order to get relief.

Until she knew that I was forced to drop out of school by my mother and had a high probability of becoming a vegetable after undergoing surgery, my sister made up her mind to commit suicide. She didn't want her family to be heartbroken after her death, so my sister pretended to be a bad boy.

But what she thinks a bad kid looks like is just saying "I hate you" to her mother, which is really stupid.

The diary is also filled with the words "I love my brother the most" and "My mother loves me the most". Every time I call my sister out to play, my sister is actually very happy. She thinks that I finally don't hate her anymore.

In fact, my sister knows the road, but she always lies to me and says she doesn’t know the road, because she knows that if she says she knows the road, then my brother will not take her out to play.

Before her sister chose to commit suicide, she secretly bought a bouquet of carnations and placed them in her mother's room. Her mother cherished the flowers and took good care of them, but in the end the bouquet withered.

Hua died, and mother went completely crazy.

The last sentence in the diary reads: I don’t want to be a burden to my mother and brother. I think they can live a relaxed and comfortable life. My departure is the best gift I can give to my family.

Until the end, I didn't dare to open the star bottle. It was because I didn't have the courage and I didn't dare.

After reading the diary, I cleaned myself up and jumped down from the place where my sister jumped off the building.

When I opened my eyes again, I came to another world and turned into a monster. My mother and sister were still alive, repeating the days before my sister died.

There is a rule in my mind that tells me that I must be full of hostility towards my sister, just like I looked at my sister with eyes full of resentment before.

Later, I gradually forgot all the memories after my sister's death. Looking at the sister in front of me, I actually knew that she was not a real sister, but a human being called a "player".

My existence is bound to this place, constantly playing out the drama of trying to kill my sister. My sister dies but another sister will appear another day.

It wasn't until one day that Bai Yao appeared that I truly recognized my sister.

This younger sister is very good to herself, she is not as violent as before, she is really very good.

Later, I took her to the amusement park, and I abandoned her. Before leaving, she gave me the star bottle. This time, I finally had the courage to open the small note inside. It turns out... the small note was written all Words of blessing to myself...

I regret it, I searched all over the amusement park and couldn't find my sister.

Until on the way home, I saw my sister die in front of my own eyes.

At that moment, all my memories came back, the power that bound me disappeared, and my mother disappeared from this world.

After going around and around, I was still the only one left...

 This chapter is very long, usually three or four chapters long. I finally finished it. I won’t delay the update next time. This update was completed in a hurry in the last few hours. I feel guilty~
(End of this chapter)

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