I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 125 Crazy jumping off the building

Chapter 125 Crazy jumping off the building

Facing Bai Yao's sudden enthusiasm, Hu Qiaoping was stunned by the question, and she came back to her senses and said coldly, "If you want to speed up your death in a horror game, then don't come to the class, I don't welcome you here either !"

Makes sense!
Bai Yao stood up excitedly and bowed deeply to Hu Qiaoping, "I know what to do! Thank you!"

Seeing Bai Yao admitting his mistake so positively, Hu Qiaoping was not an embarrassment. She thought that Bai Yao was sleepy because she was tired, so she said in a slightly gentler tone, "Since you know you are wrong, please sit down and listen carefully to the class."

With that said, Hu Qiaoping turned around and looked at the PPT and continued her lecture.

The people below exclaimed, and Hu Qiaoping turned angrily and asked, "What's the noise! ​​Can't you be quiet!"

At this time, Bai Yao had already opened the window, sat on it, waved to everyone with a smile, and said, "Bye bye~"

Hu Qiaoping opened her eyes wide, looked at the scene in front of her with a face full of surprise, and even said in a trembling voice, "Student, if you have anything to say, let's talk about it, can you come down first?"

You know, the floor here is the fifth floor. What is the concept of the fifth floor? If you fall down, you will die or be disabled.

Seeing this exciting scene, the others instantly regained their spirits, picked up their mobile phones and started shooting frantically.

Ming Wan looked at the strange behavior of the person in front of her complicatedly, would any player really seek death?
But the next second, Bai Yao leaned forward with his whole body, hugging the wind and jumped from the fifth floor.

Everyone's eyes widened in surprise, and they were speechless for a moment. No one would have thought that Bai Yao would really jump off the building.

Ming Wan came to the edge of the window first, and saw Bai Yao stepping on several air-conditioning units before landing on the ground. It was hard to explain for a moment, she had heard of Bai Yao's reputation, and she also knew that Bai Yao was a psychopath.

It's just that Bai Yao was really crazy, so crazy that she would really jump off a building. Is she really not afraid of death?
When Hu Qiaoping saw Bai Yao jumping off the building, her vision went dark and her body went limp and passed out.

"Come quickly, Professor Hu has passed out!"

After Bai Yao successfully jumped off the building, he happily gave himself a thumbs up, "It's a perfect jump!"

Xiaoxi on the side has not yet reacted, hesitated for a while and said, "Host, did you just jump off the building because you couldn't think about it?"

Bai Yao shook his head and said innocently, "No, it's just that walking up the stairs is too strenuous. It would be faster to just jump off the building."

Xiaoxi said angrily, "Host, don't do such a dangerous action next time!"

Bai Yao was ashamed, and immediately raised his hand to swear, "Yeah, I promise I won't do this next time!"

Anyway, I would never do it in front of Xiao Xi.

The people around looked at Bai Yao in shock. No way, they were right. The man just stepped on the outdoor unit of the air conditioner and jumped off.

Regardless of other people's eyes, Bai Yao walked towards the gate of the university. She was going to play at the nearby game console!
Not long after Bai Yao left, the Internet was already boiling, and a video about Bai Yao jumping from the fifth floor was circulated.

His smooth skills and silky movements are eye-catching.

When Su Yue saw this video, she was so angry that she vomited blood. She used her rights to investigate the school surveillance. When she saw the full version of the video and Bai Yao left the school, her face turned dark.

Su Yue picked up the phone and called Butler Liu, "Butler Liu, I will trouble you to bring Bai Yao back at night, yes, I'm afraid she will get lost."

(End of this chapter)

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