Chapter 127 Daily Fun 2
Bai Yao ordered a lot of skewers, played with them while eating, and picked up a lot of dolls.

Ai Yu played marbles vigorously in the end, won a bottle full of marbles, and ate several skewers of barbecue meat at the same time, which made the children next door cry. It's a bit difficult to spend, what should I play in the end.

After playing for a while, Bai Yao took the two of them to take a taxi to eat steak. Xiao Xi agreed with both hands and feet, and sighed in her heart: The decision to come to this world for vacation is indeed the right one. It feels really great to be able to buy and buy without having to work hard on your own. Fantastic.

Bai Yao fell into deep thought as he looked at the deposit of [-] yuan from his account. The scientific research project he invented was put into production. This money was the project patent fee.

Well, I have a lot of money recently, so I have to put it away, otherwise I have made too much money and there will be no place to spend it when she dies.

Bai Yao directly opened his mobile phone to book a luxury hotel, and then bought three business class air tickets. He smiled at Xiao Xi and Ai Yu and said, "Tomorrow let's take a flight to Country Y for skiing and experience the customs there. gourmet food."

Xiaoxi was so happy that she was the first to agree, and Ai Yu nodded with a smile on her face. She always felt that something was wrong. Her goal at the beginning seemed to be to persuade Bai Yao to work harder to go to the University of Horror, but... tomorrow If you can play for fun, forget it, let's play for a while before persuading.


Butler Liu called Su Yue helplessly, "Miss, we lost our heels. Miss Bai Yao is now on a plane to Country Y, and...she even booked tickets for skiing there."

On the other end of the phone, Su Yue's eyes were dark, she tapped the table and chairs with her fingertips, and said in a deep voice, "Let her play for a few days first, and after five days, bring her to Thriller University to strengthen her training."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yue helplessly put her hand on her forehead.

The research institute has informed us that there will be a hundred-person escape dungeon soon, and the participants will not only involve old players but also most new players.

In the past, the clearance rate of escape dungeons was extremely low. Basically, there were hundreds of participants, and the number of clearances may only be in single digits.

Su Yue sighed softly, and looked at the girl with cat ear hairpins in the photo album frame on the table, she looked very similar to Bai Yao.Seeing this, Su Yue's expression softened, and there was persistence in her words, "It's not easy to meet a girl who is somewhat similar to you, how could I let her die like this?"


Five days later, while Bai Yao was eating pizza in a foreign country, he was suddenly tied into a car by a group of people in a black car.

Ai Yu felt a little aggrieved in Bai Yao's spiritual knowledge. He knew that these people wanted to take Bai Yao to the University of Horror, but couldn't they wait for him to finish eating the pizza before taking them away! ! !

He hasn't even taken a few bites of such delicious pizza! ! !
Xiao Xi, on the other hand, became the size of a palm and sat on Bai Yao's shoulder. She said to Bai Yao earnestly, "Yao Yao, you really need to calm down after playing for so long."

Bai Yao, on the other hand, burst into tears, took out his mobile phone and canceled all the trips for the next few days in distress, crying as he retreated, "It's too much, I've only played for five days."

Butler Liu checked the information on the tablet and said with shame, "Miss Bai Yao, there is currently a notice that your next dungeon may be a large-scale escape, with up to a hundred participants. With your current strength, participating may be a disaster, so We have arranged a series of high-intensity training courses for you."

(End of this chapter)

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