I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 130 The 3rd copy, Lucky Train

Chapter 130 Third Dungeon, Lucky Train

In the last 10 minutes, Bai Yao was so tired that he lay down on the grass next to him. He didn't want to go anywhere, so he just lay there, closed his eyes, sunbathed, and enjoyed the last moment of leisure.

Many passersby glanced at Bai Yao several times, and some even recognized Bai Yao and took out several photos with their mobile phones and posted them online. Netizens were already used to it.

List these as Bai Yao's crazy daily life.

[Xiao Gongju, what should I do? Family members, I just received a dungeon notification and I will go to the large escape dungeon in 8 minutes. Do you have any suggestions? 】

[My shoulder: I feel sorry for the three seconds upstairs, and I will give you a suggestion to stay away from the crazy Bai Yao]

[Get in the car manager: Hahahaha, I don’t know if Bai Yao will be in that dungeon. I heard that this dungeon is mainly for novice players]

[Sleep warning: I want to know if there is a live broadcast of this escape dungeon]

[Kang Ge: Let me popularize the science upstairs, there is no live broadcast of such a large-scale dungeon, there are too many people and too many people]

Five minutes later, Bai Yao had already fallen asleep. A strange light appeared out of thin air and enveloped Bai Yao.

[Ding dong!Welcome player Bai Yao to the large-scale dungeon-Lucky Train. The number of participants in the dungeon is 200. In order to confirm the identity of the players in the compartment, each player will correspond to a random number from 1-200 as the code]

[Introduction: This train has a total of ten cars. Players will be randomly assigned to the first nine cars by luck. Each car has its own rules. If you want to enter the next car, you must abide by the rules to be eligible to enter. The dungeon can only be cleared when you reach the tenth carriage~]

[The only task of this dungeon is to reach the tenth carriage alive. Due to special reasons in the dungeon, live broadcast services will not be provided, and novice players are not limited to killing people]

【Good luck to all players~】

Bai Yao was awakened by a mechanical sound, and when he woke up again, he found that he was already in a strange place.

[Congratulations to player Bai Yao for entering the first car. Your code number is 001. The number of people in this car is 40. Please go to the tenth car to clear the copy as soon as possible! 】

This car is somewhat similar to a motor car. There are rectangular steel seats on the walls of the car on both sides. This car is 15 meters long and four meters wide. Black codes appear on the spot and turn into players. A number plate was issued, and the number of people in this carriage was still increasing. The people in the carriage stared at each other, and soon there were bursts of mourning.

"I??? was assigned to the first carriage, what the hell! I have to go to the tenth carriage to clear the level, what a waste of luck!"

"It's over, it's over, it seems that I'm going to be cold here this time."

"It's really unlucky, why did you get into the first car, even if you assign me to the second car!"


"What about the rules? Why haven't the rules for this carriage been released yet?"

Bai Yao sat in the corner, rubbing his eyes drowsily, wanting to sleep.

He yawned and patted his face to force himself to wake up.

After all, Xiao Xi and Xiao Yu said that they must clear the dungeon carefully. As long as she passes this novice dungeon, she will be able to choose freely in the next few dungeons, and then she will be able to rest for a while!
With tears in his eyes, Bai Yao fantasized about a better life in the future.

When there were no more players in the car, a mechanical announcement sounded

(End of this chapter)

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