I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 170 The half-scheming identity is known

Chapter 170 The half-scheming identity is known
It went viral on the Internet that Bai Yao was the only survivor of a large-scale escape dungeon. The game system also announced that Bai Yao's level for completing the mission this time reached SSS level!
You must know that only a master player like Gu Feng can accomplish this SSS-level mission, and Bai Yao's player level at the time was only F level!
Suddenly, Bai Yao became a celebrity, and many great-level players went to add Bai Yao's game friends. However, Bai Yao disagreed and directly ignored their friend request list information.

Only Gu Feng used 1000 yuan of ghost coins to lure Bai Yao to add him as a friend, and as the president of the student council, he changed Bai Yao's residence into this villa under his own name. This operation drove Su Yue crazy.


Famous Domestic Horror Research Institute
Mr. Liu is the current director of the Thriller Research Institute, specializing in the generation and operation of thriller games.

At this time, a bunch of information about Bai Yao was placed in front of Mr. Liu. After seeing these information about "healing talent", "the only survivor of a large escape copy", "sss level mission level", and "mental illness" entry time.

Mr. Liu pondered, "Could such a person be semi-cunning? Moreover, her name is very similar to the name of the person who died 13 years ago. Is this a coincidence or intentional?"

Mr. Liu stopped thinking and ordered the burly bodyguard wearing a suit next to him, "Go down and capture Bai Yao and take him to the research institute."

At this time, a male voice sounded, "Father, instead of testing Bai Yao's semi-cunning identity, why not let me use a ghost object to enter the same dungeon with Bai Yao so that I can observe her well."

Mr. Liu suddenly chuckled and said, "This is a good idea."


Bai Yao went shopping in a nearby shopping mall like crazy. Now she has 120 square meters of space given by the game system. She can pack all these delicacies into the space and eat like crazy when she gets to the horror world. Got it!
Bai Yao was very happy just thinking about it. Not only did he get delicious food, but he also got some handsome clothes for Xiao Xi and Xiao Yu. When the three of them walked onto the street, their turnaround rate was 100%. Some people even recognized Bai Yao, and some Many people came up to talk to her.

When Su Yue watched Bai Yao holding another girl's arm on the surveillance camera, her heart was full of jealousy. She also wanted to be intimate with Bai Yao! ! !

When Bai Yao felt that someone was following her, Xiao Xi and Xiao Yu nodded tacitly to each other. Xiao Xi lowered her voice and reminded, "Yao Yao, the person who arrested you this time is someone from the Horror Research Institute." These words As soon as he came out, Bai Yao's eyes flickered with a dark light, and there was even a bit more murderous intent.

When Bai Yao came out of a hanging corner, Xiao Xi and Xiao Yu had disappeared, which made the man in black who was following her look confused.

Bai Yao walked very slowly on purpose. When he reached a place where there was surveillance, the two men in black could no longer hold it in any longer. One rushed out and wrapped Bai Yao's nose with a tissue, and the other came out and lifted Bai Yao's body. .

Bai Yao pretended to struggle in fear, then slowly lost his strength, closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

One of the tall men in black sighed, "Sure enough, weak women are easy to catch."

Another short man in black hesitated, "We arrested the person under surveillance. Are you okay?"

The tall man in black waved his hand and said indifferently, "Don't worry, the logistics staff will be considerate and help us delete this surveillance."

"We have to hand over this girl to Mr. Liu quickly."

 The next dungeon will appear almost in the next two chapters, and the content of the dungeon is about the tour group.

  No one has watched QAQ
  I will write more concisely later, and the main characters will slowly appear, including the heroine’s adoptive father and mother, and the pitfalls of her life experience will be filled in.

(End of this chapter)

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