I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 172 The 4th Copy, Love Tour Group

5 minutes later
A strange white light took away Bai Yao and Liu Kun.

[Ding dong!Welcome player Bai Yao to the dungeon "Love Tour Group"]

[Due to the special nature of the dungeon, the assets of the players participating in this dungeon all have more than 1500 ghost coins. The tour group needs to pay [-] ghost coins as a start-up capital, and the fee has been automatically deducted from the players]

[The number of participants in this copy is 20, and it will be open to the public in the form of a live broadcast. This task will complete all the processes on the travel ticket, and it will last for two days and two nights. The copy will automatically end when the time is up]

[I wish all players a happy game! 】

When Bai Yao opened his eyes, he found himself at a bus stop next to the road. The sky was gloomy. Occasionally, a few black cars passed by. The bus stop sign was so worn that he couldn't see the fonts on it. In addition to Bai Yao, there were also There are more than ten players and ten weirdos. The player has a number plate on his chest, and he is the No. 1 player. The weirdos have a family of three, an old man, an old woman, and a few young people who are also watching. It was a couple who went up.

But these monsters all carried luggage or backpacks. They were obviously traveling. They also had gold and jade bracelets on their hands. They were well-dressed and obviously very wealthy.

Bai Yao guessed that this was a weirdo who was participating in a tour group with twenty players like them. There were ten weirdos and twenty players, so there were thirty in total.

Among these twenty players, Bai Yao only paid attention to two players, one was Player No. 09 and the other was Player No. 06.

Player No. 06 is a gentle-looking person who looks very gentle.

Player No. 09 is bald, short, and a little funny.

But the two players gave Bai Yao a very different feeling. Bai Yao could feel that there were many ghosts and indescribable energy in these two players. They should be S-level or above players.

The other players are very calm. The players who can come here are all players with more than [-] ghost coins, and their levels are very high.

And his [-] ghost coins were all given by his brother. Bai Yao is still not sure who the player who brought him here is.

In the real world, a new live broadcast video popped up in the Thriller Game APP. The title was "Rich players from all walks of life were tricked into the live broadcast." It attracted players from all walks of life to click in. As soon as they entered, barrages were already flying all over the place.

[Picture of synthetic rubber: Ahhhhh!I actually saw Mingwan, the eldest lady of the Ming Group! ! !She is an S-level player!I also saw Liu Kun, who is also an S-level player! ! ! 】

This live broadcast will display the data of participating players, and players can click to view it.

Many people clicked in to check it out. They were shocked to see that except for Bai Yao, a D-level player, the players participating in this instance were all B-level players and above.

[Blood is too crazy: Ahhhhh!Why can Bai Yao enter this dungeon and get in touch with these two S-level players? I'm envious! 】

[Target HIK: There is an introduction to this copy. Players who are selected can only enter if they have assets of more than [-] ghost coins, so... Bai Yao is a hidden rich woman]

[Wa'er Tiantian: Silence +1]

[Oh Girl: Silence +99]

[Lotus Jane: No way, Bai Yao is only a D-level player and has only experienced three dungeons. Even if the completion level of the third dungeon reaches SSS level, the rewarded ghost coins cannot be that many]

[Still needed: Is it possible that the reward given in the third copy was a lucky draw of ghost coins, and Bai Yao was lucky enough to draw [-] ghost coins? ? ? 】

[Waiting for the bus: At present, only the explanation above can convince me]

[OK or not: Convinced +2! 】

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