I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 178 It’s so cool to intimidate the tour guide

"Do you think I dare not kill you! You damn lunatic!"

Tour Guide Huang shouted angrily, waving the scalpel in his hand and stabbing Bai Yao's heart.

At the critical moment, a copper coin emitted golden light and flew out from the white satchel to block the front of the scalpel.

A surging force burst out from the copper coin and turned into a layer of golden light to protect Bai Yao. Several cracks appeared on the copper coin. The next moment, the copper coin turned into powder, and a shock wave spread around. The scalpel It was broken into four pieces in an instant. Guide Huang was even rushed out and hit the wall on one side with a "bang", leaving a deep dent.

Players and monsters who were far away were even pushed back a few steps by the shock wave to stabilize themselves.

A tall and vague phantom appeared behind Bai Yao. It could be vaguely seen as an old man. All the weirdos present could not control themselves and knelt down towards Bai Yao. No, it should be said that they were towards Bai Yao's back. The phantom knelt down, feeling an extreme sense of oppression coming from the Ghost King.

Mingwan was shocked, "This is..."

Liu Kun added solemnly, "The Ghost King Can Nian. Only monsters above level 90 can be called the Ghost King. Their Can Nian can suppress a party of monsters. The copper coin is an A-level ghost and can automatically resist an attack. The ghost can obtain it. But how come there is Ghost King Cannian in Bai Yao?"

Soon, the phantom behind Bai Yao dissipated, and the sense of oppression that suppressed the weirdness also disappeared.

Bai Yao walked slowly towards Tour Guide Huang. She reached into her white satchel with her right hand and already touched her homemade pistol. She only needed one bullet to kill the monster in front of her.

Bai Yao's eyes were full of indifference, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, like a devil from hell, "Dear tour guide, if you still want to take my heart, you'd better consider your own strength. I have more trump cards than you can imagine. If you want to take risks, you can give it a try. I’m sleepy and it’s time to go to bed, and it’s time for you to arrange your dormitory.”

Having said that, Bai Yao took out his pistol and put it against Tour Guide Huang's forehead. He only had to pull the trigger slightly to see a different brain trick.

"I remember the tour guide said that he would arrange a five-star hotel for us, right? In that case, it's not too much for me to ask for the largest and most luxurious room, right?" Bai Yao specially lengthened the tail tone and gently moved the room with his index finger. Press the trigger down.

Guide Huang's face was filled with shame, his heart was beating crazily, and his strong desire to survive made him immediately say, "But... yes!" It's okay!This damn lunatic, don’t shoot if you have the guts! ! !
But Tour Guide Huang suffered a loss and did not dare to challenge Bai Yao, so he went to arrange the room with a dark face.

Bai Yao was placed on the fourth floor, living alone in a single room.

After Bai Yao took the key, he happily thanked Tour Guide Huang, "You are truly the best tour guide I have ever encountered!"

Tour Guide Huang frowned and gritted his teeth and said, "You can buy breakfast on the second floor. Don't go out after twelve o'clock. Meet in the lobby at seven o'clock in the morning. Don't be late."

Bai Yao asked curiously, "What will happen if you are late?"

Guide Huang didn't speak, but looked at Bai Yao with a gloomy look, wishing he could peel off Bai Yao's skin.

Then, Bai Yao made a face towards Tour Guide Huang, as if to say, "I just like how you can't stand me and can't beat me"!

Tour Guide Huang: "..." I can't even last a day at this crappy job! ! !
Bai Yao ignored Tour Guide Huang's resentful gaze and went upstairs contentedly, leaving the other dumbfounded monsters and players looking at each other.

Let me go, there can still be such an operation! ! !

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