I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 180 That little secret gaze

Chapter 180 That little secret gaze

Bai Yao walked out of the room and saw the cleaning lady cleaning the corridor on this floor with a broom.

Bai Yao smiled and stepped forward and patted the cleaning aunt on the shoulder and said, "Auntie, why are you still cleaning so late?"

The cleaning lady's shoulders were stiff for a moment, and then she regained her composure and replied, "This is part of the job, to give you a wonderful experience."

The last half of the sentence was filled with hidden joy from the cleaning lady.

Bai Yao thought, this is probably a good scare.

But Bai Yao still asked politely, "Auntie, do you know if there is anything here that can be used to refresh yourself?"

The cleaning lady pursed her lips and didn't really want to answer.

Bai Yao directly took out a ghost coin with a face value of 100 from his white satchel and waved it in front of the cleaning lady. The cleaning lady's eyes seemed to be glued to the ghost coin and she couldn't move away.

The cleaning lady swallowed and replied, "There is a small shop on the second floor that sells refreshing coffee. You can buy it there."

After saying that, the cleaning aunt instinctively wanted to go forward and get the 100 ghost coins, but the next moment she was taken away by Bai Yao and put the ghost coins back into her white satchel. Bai Yao smiled and said, "Thank you, auntie." , you are quite a nice person!"

After saying that, Bai Yao went downstairs.

The cleaning lady's eyes widened, no, this person is sick!They all took out the ghost coins. Isn't it obvious that they were trying to bribe themselves to get gossip? ! !

When Bai Yao came to the second floor, he happened to meet Liu Kun and the others who were coming to buy something. Liu Kun was followed by two men and a woman. He obviously wanted to strike up a conversation with a high-level veteran player like Liu Kun.

Through Liu Kun's voice, Bai Yao has determined that Liu Kun is the voice she heard in the thriller research institute, and came specifically to explore whether she is a semi-cunning player.

When Liu Kun saw Bai Yao coming, his eyes stayed on Bai Yao, constantly looking at Bai Yao for any weird features.

Bai Yao raised his hand loudly and shouted, "Player No. 9, if you like me, you can tell me, but don't keep looking at me with that secret love in your eyes."

"Pfft!" Liu Kun almost spit out a mouthful of blood, "Who has a crush on you!"

One of the girls in the back team, player No. 18, mocked, "He is a high-level veteran player, how could he have a crush on a D-level novice like her?"

"Harm!" Bai Yao sighed deeply and said regretfully, "Well, if it's not a secret love, then don't put your eyes on me again, otherwise..."

Bai Yao suddenly covered his mouth and sneered, "I really can't help but dig out your eyeballs."

How much experience points are the eyes of an S-level player worth?

Bai Yao smiled even happier and looked forward to it more and more.

Liu Kun suddenly felt creepy. Bai Yao gave him a more frightening feeling than the weird things in the horror world. After buying the refreshing coffee powder, he stood aside, wishing he could stay away from Bai Yao.

A boy in the team behind him, who was also player No. 15, couldn't help but swallow his saliva and trembled a little. The feeling of oppression on Bai Yao's body was really too strong.

Until Bai Yao said, "You guys are standing over there and still want to buy something?"

Another boy, player No. 17, hurried forward and said, "I want three packs of refreshing coffee powder, thank you."

There was a female salesperson standing at the front desk. With a smile, the salesperson took out three packets of coffee powder from the drawer and placed them on the table. She looked at player No. 17 like she was looking at a little lamb.

(End of this chapter)

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