I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 182 The service attitude is really good

Chapter 182 The service attitude is really good
The new salesperson's eyes were full of resentment, but she forced a smile and said, "Of course."

But the new salesperson’s heart is bleeding. One box of pig hearts is worth 1000 ghost coins, and two boxes of pig hearts is worth 2000! ! !

She could make tens of thousands by selling it at a higher price, but considering Bai Yao's super strength, she chose to give in.

Bai Yao was so happy that he put the two boxes of pig hearts back in the space and said enthusiastically to the new salesperson, "Your service attitude is so good. I will come again next time."

New salesperson: "..." No need, it's best to never meet again! ! !
The players on one side were stunned, and even the players who had just come down were confused when they saw the new salesperson's respectful attitude towards Bai Yao.

As soon as Bai Yao left, the new salesperson's expression changed and he said fiercely, "All tourists who came to buy refreshing coffee powder must understand clearly that a pack of refreshing coffee powder costs 1000 ghost coins. If you want to buy it or not, get out! "

Player behind: What! ! !A bag of coffee powder is so expensive! ! !

Player No. 17 clenched the three bags of coffee powder he bought in his hand. Fortunately, the coffee powder he bought at that time only cost 200 ghost coins per bag.

Bai Yao is really crazy. He dares to anger Weigui to such an extent and yet leaves her unable to fight back. This is both crazy and powerful.

Liu Kun rubbed his chin and thought, even if he is half-sly, he doesn't have such a strong sense of oppression and terrifying strength. Bai Yao has too many secrets.


Bai Yao returned to his room after getting the refreshing coffee powder.

Ai Yu had already finished eating in the room, feeling very satisfied as she touched her slightly rounded belly.

Bai Yao said helplessly, "It's really delicious."

Immediately afterwards, Bai Yao took out his pocket watch from his white satchel and looked at the time. It showed eleven o'clock, which was one hour before twelve o'clock.

Bai Yao had some thoughts in his heart and sneered, "It's twelve o'clock. We can use this time to do a lot of things."

As soon as he left the room, Bai Yao felt that the game system was broadcasting him live. This made Bai Yao very annoying, and he always felt like he was being monitored.

The next second, Bai Yao opened the screen of the Extraordinary Power system, and spent a little extra power to block the live broadcast. After doing all this, Bai Yao took out the Thousand Fantasy Ghost Tool from the 120-square-meter space and stuck it on his face.

A strange scene happened. It seemed that a human face was deeply imprinted in Qianhuan Ghost Tool, which looked very ferocious. Qianhuan Ghost Tool automatically merged with Bai Yao's face, turning into a face that didn't look very good. Outstanding appearance.

Ai Yu saw this scene and was shocked and said, "Yao Yao, when did you get this ghost?"

The first dungeon, Tok School, was his territory, and he knew very well that there were no such high-level ghosts there. In other dungeons, he was always with Bai Yao, and he had never seen Bai Yao obtain this ghost. It's more like Bai Yao took it from the real world.

Bai Yao put his index finger to his mouth and said "shh" mysteriously, "This is a secret~"

twelve o'clock in the morning

Bai Yao changed into a clean black sportswear and wore a men's wig. His face began to change a little, his eyes became narrow and long, and his face was square. He looked like an ordinary person.

Bai Yao came to the balcony, supported the hurdle with one hand and fell to the balcony of the next floor.

After hearing the noise, Player No. 5 looked towards the balcony warily. His instinct told him to run away immediately, but the tour guide said that he could not leave the room after twelve o'clock, but he was also an old player after all, and he also had ghosts to deal with. It's a low-level monster, so it's not that scary.

(End of this chapter)

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