I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 185 The strange forest pond

Under Bai Yao's coercion and temptation, Tour Guide Huang agreed to stay in this scenic place for an hour.

Liu Kun next to him stared at the whittling knife that Bai Yao used to threaten the tour guide. What he was wondering was whether the tour guide was afraid of the whittling knife or Bai Yao himself.

Liu Kun stepped forward and bumped Mingwan's shoulder with his elbow, and asked, "Hey, you were sitting with Bai Yao just now. Did you notice anything different about her?"

Mingwan said helplessly, "Hurt", and then replied, "She fell asleep as soon as we got in the car and didn't give me a chance to talk at all. Although she said she wanted to make friends with me yesterday, I always felt that she was aloof from me. , there is a wall between the two of us that cannot be crossed."

Liu Kun found it funny and said, "Whether you are in the horror world or the real world, you are the one who is sought after. I didn't expect you to be interested in a D-level player."

Mingwan frowned and said coldly, "Aren't you the same? You want to explore Bai Yao's secrets just like me."

At a glance, this scenic spot looks like one mountain after another, followed by tall trees with very few leaves on them. In the middle is a lake as big as seven or eight basketball courts, Mingsentan, with a greenish water color. , a layer of white fog filled the air, and from time to time a cold wind blew from the lake, making people shiver with cold.

Only then did Tour Guide Huang fulfill his duties as a tour guide and introduced the origin of Sentan.

"It is rumored that there is a terrifying monster sealed in this forest pond, a monster that can confuse people's hearts. It will confuse people or weird people and jump into the forest pond. The best viewing distance is 20 meters away from it..."

Bai Yao activated his True Eye and saw a small line of red letters on Sentan.
[Danger, please stay away! ]
At this time, Ai Yu also said, "Yao Yao, I can feel that there is a very dangerous monster hidden in Sentan. We'd better not get close."

Bai Yao asked, "Xiaoyu, you are a level 91 ghost king. Are you so afraid of monsters that are much higher than you?"

Ai Yu responded, "Well, it is difficult for monsters to improve their cultivation when they reach level 90. Each level is as difficult to cross as a chasm. Those above level 95 are called ghost kings. Currently, there are only five known ghost kings. .”

Bai Yao looked at the forest pond. For some reason, his head was in a trance, his eyes were dull, and a very beautiful voice echoed in his ears, "Come on, get close to the forest pond and your deepest wishes will come true."

desire? ...

Bai Yao's consciousness gradually awakens. As long as he is close to Sentan, can he truly die?

Bai Yao's clenched fists loosened again. If he died, the contract between Xiao Yu and himself would be automatically untied, and he would be free.

And Xiao Xi...

Bai Yao's eyes dimmed. The moment Bai Yao learned to use the power of breaking the rules, she could feel the powerful energy fluctuations in Xiao Xi's body. Moreover, Xiao Xi was not from this world. It was not difficult to know that Xiao Xi had previously 70.00% of what you say is a lie, just to deceive yourself not to commit suicide.

Bai Yao felt very uncomfortable. She was born passive in this world, and even her right to leave this world would be restricted.

Bai Yao smiled bitterly and shook his head, but walked towards the edge of the forest pond with firm eyes.

Ai Yu said anxiously, "Yao Yao, what are you doing? Go back quickly, it's very dangerous here!"

Bai Yao stopped and asked silently, "Xiaoyu, the final outcome of human beings is death, so what is the final outcome of weirdness?"

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