I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 199 A different behavior

The girl with glasses couldn't help but take a few more bites, and soon she finished the rice ball in her hand.

Xiao Gu noticed it and picked up a small rice ball again and handed it to the girl with glasses. He said with a smile, "It seems that this rice ball is quite delicious."

The bespectacled girl's face turned red. After taking the rice ball from Xiao Gu, she quickly lowered her head and whispered "Thank you."

The warm lights flickered suddenly, and the corner of a red windbreaker was reflected in the glass in front of Xiao Yao. The lights kept flickering, and the figure got closer and closer.

With a "bang", Xiao Gu suddenly closed the glass door and said to the two people behind him solemnly, "He's here. It's very dangerous outside. Stay here for a while."

After three reincarnations, Xiao Gu acted differently this time. She closed the door.

In the darkness, Xiao Gu stepped forward and grabbed Xiao Yao's shoulders and said seriously, "Just stay here. It's very safe here. You must not go out."

Xiao Gu's seriousness made Xiao Yao step back in fear.

She didn't know why this gentle elder sister in the past became so serious.

But Xiao Yao swallowed and said nervously, "But I have to go to the hospital."

Brother Xueba said that the hospital would have the answers he wanted, otherwise he would never be able to end his reincarnation.

The atmosphere around Xiao Gu suddenly turned cold. Xiao Yao hid behind the shelves in fear and asked, "Sister Gu, what's wrong with you? Are you unhappy?"

Xiao Gu was not as gentle as before. Instead, her face was full of indifference. Suddenly she laughed, as if the indifferent person just now was not her.

"Don't you want to go out? Then come with me. I know a road that leads to the hospital."

After saying that, Xiao Gu walked towards the reserve.

The girl with glasses secretly pushed the glass door. The glass door was as heavy as a thousand pounds and could not be pushed at all. The girl with glasses whispered to Xiao Yao, "The door here cannot be opened at all."

Xiao Yao was a little dazed, and his mind was rarely confused. Soon, a surge of excitement came from Xiao Yao's heart. Xiao Yao became excited and said, "Then let's follow Sister Xiao Gu. We will go very quickly with her." We can get to the hospital!”

The bespectacled girl pursed her lips, feeling a little unbelievable about Xiao Yao's optimism. Why would someone stay excited for a long time, who was completely opposite to her, yet such a person actually told her that she wanted to be her friend.

The two followed Xiao Gu to the storage room, a windowless room in the convenience store specially used to store some spare food.

The shelves are filled with bread, rice balls, and several bags of snacks.

The girl with glasses suddenly stepped on a soft object while walking. When she looked down curiously, she saw a bloody hand.

The girl with glasses felt shocked inside, but she quickly calmed down and followed Xiao Gu expressionlessly. She just saw a dagger on a shelf somewhere and silently stole one and hid it on her body.

Xiao Gu came to an open place. There were no boxes in this place, and it was not paved with floor tiles. Instead, it was made of black iron with a handle on it.

Xiao Gu looked very thin, but even though she was so small, she held the handle with only one hand and turned it clockwise.

The "click" sound is very harsh. It seems that the iron sheet is rusty, and it takes a lot of effort to open it.

Is anyone else watching? QAQ
It will be updated this month

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