I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 210 Finding the real name

After the river god put down his hand, Xiao Yao saw the high-rise hospital building in front of him.

All of this made Xiao Yao very excited, "Wow, we actually came out, what a magic!"

When Xiao Yao looked back, the figure of the River God had long disappeared, and there was only a spacious road.

Xiao Yao rubbed his hair strangely, thought for a while and came to a conclusion, "I understand, Xiao Hehe needs to go to the toilet. Most grandpas have constipation when they go to the toilet. It won't work for less than an hour."

Xiao Yao took the initiative to find a reason for the disappearance of the river god, so that she would not be troubled all the time.

Xiao Yao walked into the hospital and saw a spacious hall. On the stairs leading to the second floor, a blond boy was holding a girl in white. The girl in white kept trying to break away from the blond boy's hand.

Xiao Yao remembered that the River God said that the blond boy was here to stop the woman in white from committing suicide, so the blond boy was a good person!
Little Yao understood instantly, ran over and pulled the woman in white's arm with the blond boy to prevent her from going upstairs.

Ai Yu was a little confused when he looked at the person who suddenly came out. The facial features of Xiao Yao in front of him were blurred. Ai Yu suddenly remembered that this seemed to be the fool who took the woman in white away in his second reincarnation.

But Ai Yu still asked cautiously, "Who are you?"

Xiao Yao happily responded, "I am the superhero sent by God - Xiao Yao, and I work with you to prevent this sister from committing suicide!"

Super hero……

Ai Yu's mouth twitched, where could he be such a fool?

The woman in white's wrist was turned red. Ai Yu and Xiao Yao each grabbed her with one hand. The woman in white kept trying but couldn't get away. Suddenly she didn't want to move. The woman in white just stood there with her head lowered. Head, eyes filled with deathly silence.

Ai Yu asked tentatively, "Is the purpose of your coming to the hospital just to work with me to prevent her from committing suicide?"

Xiao Yao said truthfully, "No, Xiao Yao's mission is to find himself. Then Brother Xueba asked me to go to the hospital to find the answer, and then I came."

After hearing this, Ai Yu's pupils instantly dilated, and he stepped forward anxiously and asked, "Are the tasks you mentioned a task issued by the system, or a task that is engraved in your mind and you need to complete it?"

Ai Yu anxiously released his grip on the woman in white, put his hands on Xiao Yao's shoulders and shook them, "Answer me quickly, this is very important to me!"

Xiao Yao was dizzy from being shaken, and his strength to hold the girl in white was much weaker. The girl in white took the opportunity to break away from Xiao Yao's hand. Just as he was about to go up the stairs, Xiao Yao's hand grabbed the girl in white's arm again. Xiao Yao was very strong, and the woman in white lowered her head in despair after trying to break free.

Xiao Yao's head was dizzy and he said, "Brother, what are you talking about? What system or brain? Xiao Yao only knows that this voice suddenly appeared in his head."

With this sentence, Ai Yu seemed to understand a lot. The girl in front of him said her name was Xiao Yao. Ai Yu had an idea and felt that he was getting closer to the answer. He said loudly to Xiao Yao, "Name! You just need to find your true name." You can escape from this hellish place with just your name! Your name is..."

When it came to the key point, Ai Yu suddenly became speechless. He understood that this was a rule of the game system. He could not walk out of the first floor of the hospital and could not say that name.

Ai Yu took a deep breath, calmed down and said to Xiao Yao, "Think about your real name again. You are definitely not Xiao Yao. As long as you find your real name, you can find yourself, complete the mission and leave this ghost place." !”

(End of this chapter)

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