Xiao Yao swallowed and stumbled, "Of course, of course not."

The girl with glasses narrowed her eyes, "Huh? What's the reason for that?"


Xiao Yao thought of something and immediately said, "Because Xiao Yao wants to see how the female sister in white uses magic to eliminate sadness!"

Hearing this, the girl with glasses let go of the dagger in her hand and rubbed Xiao Yao's hair with great satisfaction. "It's simple. You are my friend, so I will certainly satisfy your request."

Xiao Yao breathed a sigh of relief and comforted himself by saying that he had indeed saved his life by following what his brother Xueba said.

When they arrived at the hospital, they saw Ai Yu pulling the arm of the woman in white out of boredom.

The girl with glasses next to Xiao Yao has already become murderous and wants to rush forward and kill Ai Yu who hindered the woman in white from committing suicide.

Suddenly, Xiao Gu noticed something and stood in front of Xiao Yao, explaining, "He came here to kill Xiao Yao."

A line of red clothes appeared at the door of the hospital, and the murderer walked out, looking straight at Xiao Yao, his eyes full of madness, "Finally, I found you! Hahahahaha!"

The figure of the murderer was so fast that only a red shadow could be seen. He came directly behind Xiao Yao and raised his dagger high to stab into Xiao Yao's neck.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Xiao Gu held up the chainsaw to resist the murderer's attack. Xiao Yao took several steps back in fear. Xiao Gu shouted at Xiao Yao, "What are you waiting for? Run!"

The girl with glasses directly took Xiao Yao's arm and walked toward the stairs, "Follow me."

While going up the stairs, he kicked Ai Yu hard and pulled the woman in white away.

Ai Yu fell to the ground unprepared and cursed, "I was sucked into this small copy to be an NPC. Is it easy for me?"

Xiao Yao secretly gave Ai Yu an "OK" gesture, and Ai Yu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Xiao Yao was not stupid. It seemed that she had understood something.

Afterwards, Ai Yu stood up and looked at Xiao Gu and the killer who were fighting. Ai Yu exercised her wrists and said helplessly, "I can't go up to the second floor anyway, so why don't I come and fight with you to fight for her?" Give it a little time.”

After the two went to the second floor, they ran wildly in the corridor.

The black shadows reflected on the ground by the moonlight through the window suddenly stood up and turned into thin black men with no facial features, and the black men's target was Xiao Yao who ran to the back.

A black shadow touched and tripped Xiao Yao. The woman in white quickly took Xiao Yao's hand and said anxiously, "Get up quickly, I will take you to a place."

Xiao Yao quickly got up, but was almost caught by the black shadow behind him.

After running to the room numbered "1", the woman in white quickly opened the door, and the three of them ran in. As soon as the door was closed, the black people outside immediately stopped tracking, and fell back one by one, blending into the moonlight. The shadow underneath disappeared.

inside the morgue
Xiao Yao said "Wow" and couldn't help but feel a little ashamed looking at the standing corpses. These corpses were all wrapped in white cloth, just like mummies.

The strange thing is that their eyes are all fixed on Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao awkwardly stood next to the girl with glasses, and all the corpses turned their attention to Xiao Yao.

"They all seem to be coming for me." Xiao Yao had an uncertain guess.

The girl with glasses affirmed, "They are coming for you."

(End of this chapter)

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