I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 232 What is your wish

The players in the live broadcast room who were watching were dumbfounded.

[No, how did the hand cake appear in Bai Yao's hand, and it tasted delicious]

[Didn’t it mean that players can’t bring things from reality?Why Bai Yao can]

[666, cheating, right?]

[It’s definitely a cheat. I’ve never seen a player eat delicacies from the modern world in a horror world, and they still taste so delicious! 】

On the live broadcast screen, Bai Yao ate a hand cake and started to eat konjac, then ate chicken legs, burgers, and drank milk tea after eating an apple.

Originally, the staff was still talking about the product introduction, but after a while, Bai Yao smiled and asked the staff, "Sister, can you help me take out the garbage?"

Bai Yao glanced at the plastic bag in his hand, which was the bag he had just finished eating, with a sweet smile on his lips.

The staff originally wanted to refuse, but then Bai Yao said leisurely, "Maybe after I finish eating and feel better, I will buy tens of thousands of jade bracelets."

The staff's eyes lit up after hearing this, and they immediately and diligently stepped forward to help Bai Yao throw away the garbage.

When the staff threw out the trash, Bai Yao finished a delicacy and asked to throw it out again.

The staff gritted his teeth and asked, "Can't you just eat it all at once and then throw it away?"

Bai Yao replied honestly, "Too much garbage piled up will affect my desire to buy things. Maybe I will buy a jade bracelet worth 10,000+ in a while."

The staff member gritted his teeth and smiled, "It's okay, I'll take out the trash, but you'd better buy more than [-] yuan worth of jade."

After the staff left, Bai Yao stood up and took a look at the jade and jade in the transparent cabinet. The texture was like wine bottle glass, and the asking price was basically more than a thousand.

The other members of the tour group all bought some jade items.

Tour guide Liu was walking around nearby. When he saw these people buying so little and then getting little benefit from them, a senseless anger surged from the bottom of his heart.

Tour guide Liu said solemnly, "I am deeply grateful to those who bought tens of thousands of jade items. You are grateful, and God will treat you well. But for those who only bought a few thousand jade items, I just want to say, you Not only did you deal with me, but you also dealt with your family. I bought tens of thousands of jade items back to your parents. Your parents must be so happy and embarrassed."

Unfortunately, Bai Yao raised his hand and said honestly, "Guide Liu, I don't have a family or parents, so I won't buy jade."

Tour guide Liu was interrupted by Bai Yao mid-sentence. He frowned and almost lost his breath. A flash of ridicule flashed in his eyes, "It's understandable that you don't know how to be grateful. Your parents raised you with a blind eye." Wolf, but today I will take the place of your parents and teach you a lesson so that you know what gratitude is.”

At the last sentence, Tour Guide Liu spoke loudly and his face became gloomy. A black mist slowly emerged, and Tour Guide Liu's figure became taller.

Bai Yao still took a few steps forward without fear, and said softly with thin lips, "What is your wish?"

Talented words activated
These words passed lightly into Tour Guide Liu's ears, constantly numbing his reason and tempting his desires.

Tour Guide Liu took the initiative and said with a sinking look on his face, "Of course I want to make money from you rats. I want hundreds of thousands or even millions of ghost coins, hahahaha."

Bai Yao raised the corners of his mouth slightly and asked, "Then, how do you want to make money?"

Tour guide Liu replied without hesitation, "Of course I'm tricking you guys into spending money. I sell jade articles worth tens of yuan here for thousands of yuan. Hahahaha, that's how much money you can make!"

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