After being a system in a survival game, I let myself go

Chapter 31 031 Funeral Mountain Village (31)

Chapter 31 031 Funeral Mountain Village (31)

Tang Jingxue's back went numb after what he said. She used her device to scan the entire River Temple. It showed that there were no players or NPCs included - no signs of human life.

She breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Xiao Jing, don't be afraid, who else is there besides us?"

But Xu Taijing's answer was beyond her expectation. He stared into her eyes and said, "Not a living person."


The room was terribly cold, and fell into dead silence after she asked the question.She suddenly felt countless pairs of eyes staring at her, and she couldn't help shivering.

He stood up and walked over to the sculpture, turned his back to her and said, "The fork of the sculpture is made of a human tibia."


She came in and picked up the remote control of the air conditioner and turned on the air conditioner. Just now, she saw that the temperature above was [-] degrees, no wonder it was so cold.

She hurriedly raised the temperature, jumped up from the futon like a catapult, and said, "Isn't it... can we find someone from here?"

"It's possible. And this person means a lot to Huang You."

Tang Jingxue immediately thought of the futon she was sitting on that couldn't be moved. In order to verify that her idea was wrong, she moved Xu Jingxue's futon, but it still couldn't move.

It was so good that she couldn't even move it, which meant that there were no corpses or anything like that underneath, so she was overthinking it.

The temperature rose a little, and the eyes she imagined disappeared after verification, and she sat on the futon again.

The most taboo thing is to scare yourself. It’s better to be honest and don’t think too much in the future.

He also walked to the side of the futon, bent down to move the futon, but instead of moving it horizontally or moving it up, he turned it around a few times.

With a click, the clasped hands of the statue opened, and Tang Jingxue saw something shining in its hands.

How is this mechanism designed?Looks great.

She remembered again that triggering mechanisms in the game did not require any logic or science, because it was arranged by the superiors, and they had to move wherever they were connected.

He walked over and took the luminous object out of the sculpture's hands, and put it in hers.

"Sister, it's a key."

His cold fingertips were gone at the first touch, leaving only the colder key in her palm.

Her hand holding the key was shaking a little, and she said: "The key is good, the key, the key can open the lock. Is there something under the mat?"

Xu Taijing lifted the unscrewed futon before she could move it, and a big rusty lock suddenly appeared.


What should she say?She couldn't say anything.

Tang Jingxue opened the lock with the key expressionlessly, trying to stabilize herself and looking very normal.She scanned it just now, and there are no other living people here.

As long as she doesn't fumble around, she won't touch any mess.

With smooth movements, she turned on the flashlight of her mobile phone and took a symbolic look inside, saying, "Xiaojing, is it a cellar? I'll go down and have a look first."

"Sister, it's still me..."

Xu Daijing wanted to stop her, but she moved too fast, turned over very chicly, and the skirt drew a beautiful arc in the air.

The cellar space is cramped and can only accommodate one person standing upright, surrounded by iron shelves.

To her surprise, it was very clean. There was no dust on the shelves, and she didn't get choked by dust as she had imagined.

The shelf facing her after she came down was filled with scented candles, about [-] in number, divided into several types, with different labels on the outer plastic packaging.

She took one apart, opened it under her nose and smelled it, a faint scent of sandalwood was refreshing.

The name of this candle is "Early Morning".

The candle on the middle shelf is a strongly scented candle and its name is "Noon".The top one was the smell of rotting flesh she smelled at first, called "Late Night."

There were also sorted candles on the shelf next to it, she thought she took one of each of the three flavors and put them in her pocket, planning to go out and show Xu Daijing a look.

When Tang Jingxue picked up "Late Night", she had to stand on tiptoe because the candle was placed too high, but after she took it down, she leaned back because her center of gravity was unstable.

The shelf at the back began to shake violently after being touched by her, and the items on it fell to the ground with a crash. Her back was hit violently by unknown objects several times.

Because there was such a small area, all the things that fell were spread around her feet, and the heavy objects that attacked her also rolled here and hit her legs.

She tilted her head slightly, just in time to meet the empty eye sockets of the skeleton.

"I'm sorry I didn't intend to disturb the company's pot, don't come to me at night..."

Xu Daijing was very anxious when he heard the loud noise in T's cellar, and shouted down, "Sister! Are you all right, come up quickly!"

Tang Jingxue didn't want to stop any longer. She pulled her legs out of the pile of paper and ran back to the ground as if running for her life.

She forced a smile and said, "It turns out there are two instead of one. It's not what I imagined. Xiaojing, can you fish out those two skulls? If not, we won't fish them out."

At that time, she also said that she couldn't find a person from here, but there were two skulls underneath!Visual inspection is really not a model.

The River God Temple was built by Huang You, and the candles belonged to Huang You, and the two heads in the cellar were also related to Huang You.

One thing she has been ignoring these days is that after she and he tied up the dwarf and the woman in the wedding dress, someone but Xiangtang rescued the two of them, and then replaced "late night" with "early morning".

Could that person be Huang You?

She didn't think so, Huang You obviously didn't know about it.Besides, even if she knew and rescued the person, there was no reason for the festival to continue.

It wouldn't be Chen Ding, if Huang You's people fell into his hands, it would be too late to kill them, and he would never save them.

Huang Jingyi.

As expected, Huang Jingyi is not dead, now she has a direction to investigate.

Xu Daijing quickly brought up the two skulls. He was afraid that Tang Jingxue would be afraid, so he found two books and roughly covered them.

She wasn't afraid of skulls, she was just afraid that skulls would touch her skin. She didn't know why she felt resentful about this.

"I'm sorry Xiaojing, I bumped into the back shelf when I was holding the candle just now, otherwise these books wouldn't be messed up."

Huang You would sort the notebooks into categories, and everything would be messed up when she bumped into it like this, making it difficult to find clues.

Xu Taijing shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, the number is not very large, just sort it out. These two people should be very important to Huang You, otherwise she would not put them here alone. She usually sells ordinary brides Out."

The skulls were treated very well. Huang You even soaked them in perfume, and you could smell the strong fragrance of roses from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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