It was a bit troublesome to carry things to the canteen, so Tang Jingxue wanted to put the things in the office first and then go to the canteen.

Approving three leave notes is a bit too little, and if you don't keep all the leave notes, they have other uses. It would be bad if you use them up all at once.

Her plan was to ask other students to help, or to sneak in and get it for them herself.Anyway, it only said that students cannot enter casually, but it did not say that class teachers cannot enter.

Tang Jingxue also teaches as a class teacher. The subject she teaches is English. There are five English teachers in the office. She sits in the corner closest to the window.

As soon as she put down her things, a menacing man stood next to her and glared at her.

Tang Jingxue noticed him, but didn't want to pay attention to him, so she pretended not to notice and slowed down her movements on her hands.

Seeing that she was ignoring him, the man directly explained his purpose.

"Teacher T, can we start looking for He Jiuqi and Zhang Keni? The children haven't studied since they started reading in the morning! Do you know how many words can be memorized by reading in the morning? They say that one point will defeat everyone in the playground, and we In a province where the college entrance examination is big! Students are in hell mode from birth. If they don’t pass [-], how can they get a bachelor’s degree? Are you willing to see your children go to junior college?!”

What Teacher A said is not bad. In this era of internal competition, high school students undoubtedly have to devote all their energy to the college entrance examination.

Students are anxious about their scores and the future they cannot see. They have also lamented the injustice many times, but to no avail.

After studying hard for ten years, can an ordinary person really have a good future?

Tang Jingxue is a person who has passed the college entrance examination. She can miss the past to the point where she doesn't want to go back.

Stress can crush people.

"But I'm going to have dinner with you, so I can wait until the next class."

Accompanying a meal is a task, and it must be completed. Although she also wanted to find He Jiuqi and Zhang Keni, she could only put it off a little.

Teacher A was unwilling when he heard this. He blocked Tang Jingxue's way and said, "Okay, okay, it's important to accompany you to dinner, right?"

Tang Jingxue spread her hands and said, "Teacher A, why don't you go to accompany us for dinner and go directly to the two of them? This will save some time."

He was speechless and could only hammer the table hard and said: "You are cruel!"

There is nothing on Tang Jingxue's table, so she doesn't have to worry too much about something falling and smashing, otherwise she will feel distressed.

It would be nice to be a teacher and get some salary, which is much better than being an unemployed vagrant in the last dungeon.

On the way to the canteen, she saw Tang Yaoyao's private message on the live broadcast platform. Tang Yaoyao sent her several emoticons.

[Which dungeon did Sister Xue go to? I miss you even if I don’t see you]

【In Ghost High School, what about you】

[Alas, this copy requires players to be 15 years old and above. I just don’t know enough. It’s so confusing!I am in a copy of a fairy tale, my identity is a cleaner, and I am mopping the floor]

Tang Jingxue could feel Tang Yaoyao's helplessness through the screen. Tang Yaoyao didn't expect that she would be so miserable. After entering the dungeon, she did nothing for a long time and then spent a long time cleaning.

[I am working as a teacher and the situation is very complicated. 】

Tang Jingxue's sixth sense told her that she could no longer be at peace these days, not even for a moment.

Meal time is also the time for teachers to eat. The students prepare their meals very quickly. When she comes to the cafeteria, they are almost all seated.The school stipulates that male and female students must be separated during meals, but they must be divided according to class and cannot be too far apart. Everyone has his own fixed seat and is labeled.

Tang Jingxue was not hungry and wanted to count the students before eating, so she sat at the top of the Class 21 area.

Although there are no regulations, everyone feels that this is where the head teacher should sit.

Tang Jingxue did not count them one by one. She scanned the students in Class 21 and found that besides He Jiuqi, there were two missing students.

The school does not force every student to have a meal, and there is no need to report attendance during meals.Some students will study in the classroom during meal times, which is allowed by the school.

But there are things that are not allowed in the school, such as skipping meals and playing with the all-in-one computer in class or playing on the playground basketball court. If you are caught doing this, you will be notified.

Tang Jingxue didn't understand why this had to be reported, but rules were strict. As a class teacher, she could only try her best to prevent students from breaking the rules.

Zhang Minjing was eating right next to Tang Jingxue. She was eating slowly and seemed to be savoring it carefully.

Tang Jingxue glanced at the food. There would be nothing worthy of savoring tomorrow. It looked like the clear soup was watery, and her appetite was not whetted at all.

Zhang Minjing found it strange that she was just sitting here without eating or talking, or even using her mobile phone, so she asked, "Teacher, aren't you going to eat?"

"I'm not hungry. I'm just wondering where to find He Jiuqi."

She lied. She didn't think about anything at all. It might not be easy to find He Jiuqi, so she had to take her time.

In a place as big as Jiayin, it would be easy for He Jiuqi to hide with Zhang Keni, but she and Teacher A would not be able to find her.

You know, it's almost impossible to find someone to help you find someone in a place like this.

Seeing her unhurried manner, Zhang Minjing hinted: "Teacher, it's important to find He Jiuqi. But are our class Li Hong and Zhang Tao going to the playground to play ball again? Our class's score is already the last. I suggest you Hurry up and get them back, our class can't afford to delay them."

It took Tang Jingxue about half a minute to realize that she had something to do again. Fortunately, she was not hungry now.

"Okay, you guys hurry up and eat, I'll go find someone."

Jiayin's playground was behind the third floor of the high school, a bit far from the cafeteria. To save time, she directly grabbed a shared electric bike and rode there.

Before she arrived at the playground, she was worried that she wouldn't be able to recognize the students, but as soon as she got there, she realized that she was worrying too much. There were only two people on the playground.

The two male idols were wearing school uniforms and jumping up and down on the playground to sweat. One of them even screamed with excitement.

Tang Jingxue listened to the electric car casually and said loudly: "Li Hong! Zhang Tao! Go eat quickly, we can't play ball at this time."

The boy who had screamed just now was startled by her sudden call. Then he recovered and said with disdain: "Teacher, we are not hungry. We don't need to eat. Playing ball can be our spiritual food."

Li Hong echoed Zhang Tao and said, "Yes, teacher, the cafeteria is full of swill. I feel like vomiting just looking at it and I can't eat any of it!"

Normally, of course Tang Jingxue would express understanding, but now she is their class teacher.

"It's not that I don't agree, it's that the school won't let me. Don't make things difficult for me, okay classmates?"

It’s said to be a weird rumor about rules, but actually it’s not quite right?It’s based on the heroine’s perspective, so it’s not the same.

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