Chapter 99 099 Ghost High School (9)


Tang Jingxue was confused. She was just watching the fun, so why was she suddenly called out?

Besides, how could she be closed? She barely passed the high school information technology qualification exam. You might as well look for your school's information technology teacher instead of her.

The head teacher nodded rapidly, waved at her and said, "Yes, that's you. Come and lock it up."

Tang Jingxue had no choice but to go on stage, but what was the point of her going on stage? She really didn't know how to do it. She said weakly: "The computer was invaded by a virus. Generally speaking, there is no way to shut it down."

He scratched his ear and said with a bitter face: "Then you should think of a way. Isn't it the job of a teacher to help students? If everyone refuses, who will the students learn from?"

What nonsense! Is there any connection between whether she turns off the computer and being a role model?

"I really don't..."

"Teacher, I believe in your ability and level. After all, we at Jiayin never recruit useless people. Don't you agree?"

The head teacher's eyes were burning, and Tang Jingxue guessed that his subtext was "If you don't close it, I will fire you."

Although, she really can't turn it off! Her ability is a flaw, and she can't use cheat plug-ins to interfere with such a big plot, or she will be investigated.

It's her bad luck, she is so unlucky!

If she couldn't turn it off, she could only delay it. After she stood still on the stage for more than three minutes, she suddenly pointed at the screen and said, "Student Zhang Ke Ni, the teacher knows how hard you've worked. We will reconsider our teaching methods."

The head teacher got angry. Not to mention the stupid way of shutting down the computer which was like casting a spell, he just disagreed with the fact that she agreed with Zhang Ke Ni's words.

Is what Zhang Ke Ni said human language? How can you not feel tired when you go to school? If you are not tired, that is getting something for nothing, that is laziness, and as a teacher, you must not agree with that!

He said angrily: "Teacher, what are you talking about? What Zhang said is obviously incorrect. As a teacher, you..."

Unexpectedly, the screen was really turned off shortly after Tang Jingxue finished speaking.

Tang Jingxue was dumbfounded, she just wanted to say a few words that the head of grade wouldn't like to hear so that he would be angry and kick her out, she didn't know that this would have such a result like casting a spell.

She jumped down from the podium flexibly, but forgot that she was wearing high heels and almost sprained her ankle when she landed. However, her posture looked quite handsome, which made her pretend to be so cool.

She had an ominous premonition.

Her guess was correct. When she turned on her phone, she found that the messages sent by Teacher A had flooded her screen.

She knew this would be the result.

[Teacher A: Teacher T, why didn't you tell me earlier that you know magic? Then you can just turn Zhang Ke Ni back to normal, right?]

[Teacher A: Please, Teacher T, Zhang Ke Ni is my favorite student. Even if it’s not for her, can you please consider our school’s admission rate? ]

[Teacher A: Or maybe you actually know computer skills, so you can also locate Zhang Ke Ni's location! ]

[Teacher T: I was just talking nonsense, I didn't expect it to have that kind of effect. Maybe it's the program that's set up like this, it's none of my business. Zhang Ke, you are better, my skills can't compare to hers]

Fortunately, Class 21 is far from Class 3, otherwise Teacher A would definitely pull her by the collar and ask her to find Zhang Ke Ni, which would be too bad. No one told her that being a teacher is so tiring!
Because of Zhang Ke Ni's farce, the commendation meeting ended early. Tang Jingxue clearly heard many sighs and groans. The students who should have won the award lost the award because of this.

She had also thought that the teacher could give these awards to those students when they returned, so why were they still so sad.

Later he learned from other teachers that students enjoyed being praised and didn't care about awards at all.

Teacher A is the representative of perseverance. After being rejected by Tang Jingxue, he did not feel defeated at all. He clung to her like a slug, with an attitude of "fighting to the death".

Tang Jingxue was really at her wit's end, and there was nothing else to do next, so after finishing the routine projects, she followed Teacher A to find Zhang Ke Ni.

She seemed to be very careless during the search process, and was scolded by Teacher A.

Damn it, I'll never find it if I search aimlessly for my entire life.

However, the head teacher, who was not too abrupt, issued a wanted order to find the girl who gave birth to the child, so all the teachers were given a holiday.

Tang Jingxue was speechless. They actually ignored the classes and went to ask for a holiday. This school is really crazy.

Teacher A was very proud and told her to be passive and not actively look for Zhang Ke Ni. Now the school has issued a notice.

"Teacher T, you see I have foresight, don't you? Just calm down and look for someone. This is part of the job. Our director said that whoever finds the person first will get a bonus."

Tang Jingxue was not interested at all. What did the bonus have to do with her? She couldn't take it back to the real world. She could shop online in this school, but there was nowhere else to spend money.

She sat down in the chair and said, "Oh, okay."

She has been here for a short time but has become like a spinning top. She is so busy that she can't catch any fish.

She had just rested for less than a minute when she heard Teacher A shouting, "Director, Teacher T is resting secretly instead of looking for someone!"

She wanted to die. How could someone tell on someone? She hated classmates like this the most when she was in school, and she didn't expect to meet such a colleague at work.

Before the head teacher turned around to hear his words, she quickly stood behind the chair and pulled Teacher A down onto the chair.

She said aggrievedly, "Teacher A just wants to take a break because he is too tired. He is not trying to cry thief. Director, please don't misunderstand me."

The sudden change made Teacher A completely unable to react. He sat in the chair blankly, accepting the furious gaze of the head teacher.

"Teacher A! Everyone is working so hard, but you are the only one taking a break. Are you being worthy of everyone?!"

"No... Director, I..."

Teacher A had no way to defend himself. It was indeed him who was sitting on the chair. He had no way to clear himself of the charge, nor could he ask the director to check the surveillance video to see what was going on. He had no choice but to accept the defeat.

Tang Jingxue slipped away while they were talking. She didn't want to wait for Teacher A to come and settle the score with her after being scolded.

By the end of the morning, all the teachers had gained nothing, which was something Tang Jingxue had expected.

They've searched so many times and found nothing. Could it be that if they just searched for a longer time, they would find nothing?

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