I'm picking up garbage in the copy

Chapter 217 Chapter 217 Wax Figure Zhu 3

His face was so pale, it looked bloodless.

"Zhu San?"

The flashlight did not move away. Under the bright light, the person in front remained motionless. Jiang You's words did not receive any response.

Jiang You looked at the chest of the person in front of her. Although he looked and dressed exactly the same as Zhu San, there was no serial number plate on his chest that belonged to an intern at the Wonderful Toy Factory.

When they came out of the eighth workshop together, Zhu San had the No. [-] sign on his chest.

Jiang You shook his head: "No, you are not Zhu San."

Two identical people, with pale skin and the same dress, Jiang You couldn't help but think of the videos she had watched countless times when she was in the hotel.

The predecessor of the Wonderful Toy Factory was a wax museum.

Jiang You still clearly remembers the explanation of the Wonderful Wax Museum by the voice in the video: "The wax figures produced by the Wax Museum are lifelike and look just like real people..."

So, what she met now should be a wax figure that looked the same as Zhu San?

"Can you understand me?"

Under the light of the flashlight, Zhu San's wax figure remained motionless, his black eyes looking at Jiang You, and his body maintaining the posture of going up the stairs.

The temperature in the air is still very low and has not risen at all, which means that she is still circulating in the stairwell on the third floor.

The way out of here should be with this wax figure that looks the same as Zhu San.

Or, let the wax figure Zhu San be willing to let her go.

Or, the wax figure Zhu San can no longer control the environment.

Jiang You's eyes moved as she looked at the wax figure Zhu San, and a miniature red trash can appeared in her other hand.

The wax figure Zhu San is now shrouded in the light of the flashlight and cannot move. As long as she covers the red trash can, the wax figure Zhu San will be automatically destroyed by the red trash can within one minute.

If the wax figure Zhu San disappears, this recurring stairwell on the third floor should also disappear automatically.

However, there are two identical people, and the other is still in the middle of the journey, taking the shuttle bus with the players to enter the wonderful toy factory.

This is undoubtedly telling that the Wonderful Toy Factory hides some secrets.

This kind of secret story is usually related to the side missions in the dungeon. After receiving rewards from several side missions, Jiang You has a certain interest in things that can trigger side missions.

What would happen if two Zhu Sans met at the Wonderful Toy Factory?Will it trigger special tasks in the dungeon?

After thinking for a few seconds, the small red trash can in Jiang You's left hand disappeared. She looked at the distance between the two, held up the flashlight, and took a few steps back.

Looking at the distance between him and the wax figure Zhu San, it was almost a safe distance.

Jiang You moved her right hand and put it behind her back into the flashlight. The strong light shone behind her, and the wax figure Zhu San was released from the light.

In an instant, the wax figure Zhu San’s other foot, which was parked on the steps below, was pulled up by him.The light of the flashlight shone behind them, and Jiang You and the wax figure Zhu San were trapped in the darkness.

Discovering that Jiang You was not shrouded in light, the wax figure Zhu San expressed his love for you. He stretched out his arms and rushed towards Jiang You. The hands stretched out by the wax figure Zhu San seemed to melt, and the fingers became blurred and looked like they were melting. Lost wax.

As he moves, the wax on his fingers seems to fall off at any time.

A drop of white wax liquid fell from the fingertips of the wax figure Zhu San and was thrown forward, targeting Jiang You who was four steps away.

The melted wax liquid rushed towards his face with a blast of cold air. Jiang You moved quickly and walked backwards up several steps.

The light of the flashlight shone on the body of the wax figure Zhu San again, and the few drops of wax liquid that splashed out fell on the steps on the ground, condensing into small white translucent dots.

The translucent white wax drops falling on the ground reminded Jiang You of the punch-in machines you would see in and out of the production workshop.

Compared with white stone, the translucent white punch card is more like solidified wax.Moreover, the punch card machine can also print the handprint of the puncher. This is not a property that hard stone can have, but wax can.

And after putting your hands into the groove of the punching machine, the cold and smooth feeling is exactly what wax products can have.

The Wonderful Toy Factory, which was formerly a wax museum, uses a punch-in machine made of wax figures to collect the handprints of factory employees. What is it trying to do?
Use them to make wax figures?

But if you want to make a wax figure, why only record the handprints of both hands?
The two Zhu Sans looked exactly the same from head to toe.

Jiang You looked at the current wax figure Zhu San. Under the illumination of the flashlight, the wax figure Zhu San returned to its still state.However, his hands still maintained a forward posture, and the fingers on both hands looked very blurry, and the white wax liquid that melted and suddenly solidified covered his hands.

Jiang You didn't take away the flashlight directly this time. The strong light shone on the body of the wax figure Zhu San. She thought about how to deal with it.

The light of the flashlight swayed, and within a second of the light moving away, the wax figure Zhu San resumed his activities, but before he could make any move, Jiang You's flashlight shone directly on him again.The wax figure Zhu San was forced to remain still.

After repeating it several times, Jiang You sighed. Although the light could stop the movements of the wax figure Zhu San, it could not harm him.

As soon as the light passed, the wax figure Zhu San came back to her old ways and wanted to attack her with melted wax liquid. However, she didn't want to directly destroy the wax figure Zhu San with a red trash can, which was very troublesome.

Jiang You didn't know what would happen if she got stuck by the wax, but she had an intuition that she couldn't get stuck by the wax.

The light of the flashlight flashed at the wax figure Zhu Sanyi, but he seemed tireless, stubborn and unwilling to give up.

His fingers stuck together, sticky with melted wax.

No matter what abilities he has, in essence, he is just a wax figure. What is the wax figure afraid of?
Jiang You looked at the wax figure Zhu San's fingers that were glued together, and suddenly remembered a prop stored in the game package.

The right hand holding the flashlight was steady, and a burning torch suddenly appeared in Jiang You's other hand.

The torch in his hand burned, and as soon as the red flame appeared, it dissipated the cold air surrounding Jiang You.

There are still two 10 minutes of "burning torch" left, which was a prop given to her by Zhou Daming when she was at Perfect Cooking Academy.After that, Jiang You never thought of a suitable use scenario for the torch, so she never took it out.

The fuel for this torch from the game mall was unknown. After Jiang You took it from the game package, the red flame burned brighter and brighter.

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