Restart Red Moon, from arms dealer to imperial command

Chapter 23 I am the daughter you have never met!

Chapter 23 I am the daughter you have never met!


Bai Shu covered her mouth and yawned, waiting for Avril to buy two boxes of mushroom meat dumplings from the breakfast stand.

It costs a total of 5.2 points.

It's six o'clock in the morning, it's still not bright yet, Fatty Liu and others haven't even gotten up yet, Baizhu was woken up by Avril's knock on the door, went downstairs to buy breakfast and set off.

If it weren't for my rich experience in staying up late and often fighting and commanding all night, I really want to take back my words about accompanying her to school last night.

With half-closed eyelids, Bai Zhu thought vaguely: But when I was eleven or twelve years old, I didn’t seem to have stayed up all night. I was always going to bed early and getting up early, exercising hard, trying to grow taller, and my biological clock is a little messed up now.

"Here, I asked the boss to add a little chili pepper for you."

Avril looked at the drowsy Bai Zhu, her gaze fell on the hearing aid behind her ear, and she slightly pursed her lower lip.

"Huh? Added chili?"

Bai Zhu closed his eyes hard to slightly relieve the soreness of his eyelids, "Give it to me."

Avril gave her the steamed bun, hesitantly said: "Otherwise, you can go back to sleep."

"Need not."

Bai Zhu looked at the eight chubby steamed buns in the packing box, pierced them with chopsticks, sprayed them with fragrant juice, mixed with the chili oil sprinkled on the outer skin, it was delicious and refreshing.

After putting most of the oil juice to cool down, Bai Zhu swallowed the Xiaolongbao in one mouthful, chewed it a few times, and then swallowed it, then raised his spirits and answered:

"I was thinking last night that I would send you to dance practice this morning, so I was so excited that I didn't fall asleep at two o'clock. If you don't let me go, I will be sad."

Avril opened her eyes wide: "Really?!"

Fake toot.

Baizhu's expression didn't change: "Really, really."

"You are so kind!"

Avril lavigne sighed again, sincerely.

Bai Shu responded with a "hmm". Seeing that the dance practice room was still a little far away, he took the initiative to chat:
"Do you go to the dance studio so early every day?"

"Today was okay. I usually leave at 05:30. I wanted to come an hour early to consolidate yesterday's content and then learn something new."

"You like dancing so much?"

"Well, because dancing can tell me everything."

Avril Lavigne holds the packing box firmly, and spins lightly in front of Baishu, with happy emotions flowing in every movement. She is a natural dancer, and even many dancers yearn for the aura that cannot be exhausted. enthusiasm and diligence.

"I dance for myself," Avril concluded, "and also want to bring happiness and joy to the audience."

Bai Zhu's eyes followed the hem of her hanging skirt, and when he noticed it, he had already curled his lips and raised his eyes to look at Avril:
"This is good."

She stopped in front of the dance room and handed her schoolbag to Avril Lavigne: "Go, I'll pick you up at night."

"it is good."

Avril put the last steamed bun into her mouth, took the bag with puffy cheeks, and waved goodbye to Bai Zhu.

A bald male teacher helped her open the door: "It's so early again? You need the teacher to help you press your legs..."

Bai Shu paused, and took another look at the teacher.

After throwing away the two people's packing boxes, Baizhu got on the bus to the third base.

The phone card used for communication at that time had been destroyed.

She knew that it was an anonymous card, and she also planned to confess to the old man at that time, destroying it was to interrupt the positioning, because there was an internal problem, and the old man could not communicate with herself in public.

Later, "rebirth" became a taboo word and her plan was disrupted, so she decided to find another way.

"The west entrance of the third base has arrived. Please get on the bus from the front door and get off from the back door..."

Bai Shu got out of the car, looked at the iron-walled defensive building in front of him, and moved forward against the clock.

She thought of a way last night.

Effective, if a bit wicked.

"It is forbidden to enter this important military area." The guard on duty said solemnly, holding a gun, "Please go back."

"I'm looking for someone."

"Who are you looking for, do you have any documents?"

"No, but I have a private phone," Bai Shu pointed to the phone at the guard booth, "Can I make a call?"


Bai Shu dialed the private number, answered after a few rings, and Bai Lingyu's voice sounded: "Hello..."

"Let's meet and have a chat."

Bai Shu used the previous voice.

The other end of the phone stopped for a moment, then continued after two seconds: "Where are you?"

"The entrance to the third base, let the guards take me in, this is your site, don't worry."

There seemed to be a laugh on the other end: "Okay, give the phone to the guard."

Bai Shu handed it to the guard: "Looking for you."

The guard took it, and after confirming his identity and hearing the order, he said solemnly: "Yes!"

He hung up the phone and looked at Bai Shu: "Please follow me."

Bai Shu got off the military ferry, calm and composed under the eyes of everyone looking at him.

"Where is he?"

"Colonel, I don't have time now. Please follow me first."

The guard stood still, watching Bai Shu move forward from the corner of his eye.

This is an order to the guards to watch me and stop running away.

Bai Shu chuckled.

She knew Bai Lingyu well. This person's "no time" could only mean one of several situations:
Unimportant things, such as when the parliament is talking nonsense, "no time" is drinking; important things, such as now, are either directing operations, or deliberately giving them a cold shoulder, or even giving them a confinement. Talk about sympathy and pity.

Being able to pick up the private account proves that you are not in command, and you are trying to show me off. Fortunately, I came here on a tight note.

Bai Shu searched around, his eyes suddenly paused.

They were passing by an office building when a group of military officers who had just finished a morning meeting walked out. The leader had a three-star flashing on his shoulder——

Bai Lingyu!
"Hey! What are you going to do? Stop!"

Bai Shu found the right opportunity and rushed forward, but the guards stopped him in panic and ordered him to shout loudly.

Adjutant Xu was taken aback by the rushing child, and was about to draw his gun out of inertia, but Bai Lingyu quickly held down his hand, and the guard in the dark also moved the muzzle of the gun at this moment.

Bai Lingyu remembered this child, he watched the other party rushing, and suddenly realized:

"Oh, it really is..."

Can't let him say it!
Without even thinking about it, Bai Shu hugged him directly by the waist, and shouted at a volume that everyone present could hear:

Beringyu: "!!"

Bai Lingyu was petrified on the spot. The chasing guards were dumbfounded and everyone gasped.

Guard: Damn it, Colonel, is this the important person you said you should keep under strict supervision? !

Adjutant: Damn, a big family drama, so it turns out it was an illegitimate daughter? !


Adding fuel to the flames, Bai Shu sadly wiped away tears that did not exist, howling with sincerity and emotion:

"Dad, I'm the daughter you haven't met! You really don't want your mother, don't you want me? Why are you so cruel--"

Bai Lingyu: "??"

Bai Lingyu: "Huh??!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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