Chapter 36 Doubt

"I just finished the battle with the chief inspector today, and you killed his men and blew up the car at night?"

Bo Lingyu, who was looking at the pollution data and the summary of the recent small battles, hissed, almost thinking that he was hallucinating after staying up late, and said suspiciously:

"What a coincidence? You didn't come just to vent your anger on me, did you?"

Bai Shu: "..."

I have wanted to say it for a long time, Dad, were you so narcissistic when you were young?My positioning has always been a small cotton-padded jacket in summer and an air conditioner in winter!
Bai Shu pushed the people away from the scene: "Then I must let the chief inspector himself suffer, or just put a sack on him and beat him up."

"Then you must remember to call me." Before Bai Zhu could be moved at all, Bai Lingyu added as he went downstairs, "I'm afraid you might not be able to put a cap on his head if you jump, I'm serious! "

Bai Shu: "..."

This father can't take it anymore, he just broke it and sold it, and I'm serious!

"You want to use a small aircraft? Remember to turn off the positioning camera system and only turn on the non-autonomous driving mode."

Bai Shu said calmly: "By the way, check the military green button under the console and turn it off. It is a program left by the ordnance designer to transmit data to Athena."

"Why do you know everything? You can't be an AI... Forget it, if you were a robot, you would have violated the three principles of robots."

Bai Lingyu declined the adjutant's greetings and ascended from the direct elevator to the flight platform:

"Anyway, 1 minute."

Bai Zhu hung up the phone and looked at the woman who was now awake.

"Did me?" The woman was obviously hesitant, and seemed to be even more suspicious that she was still awake.

"Yes." Bai Zhu clasped the bracelet on her wrist and sat on the sofa, "Do you know why the prevention and treatment center arrested you?"

"No," the woman shook her head, speaking obviously slowly, "I don't know."

"Is anyone in your family a hunter?"

"It's my husband," the woman forced a smile with lost eyes, "but he died."

"What's his name? Which hunter team."

"An Suyuan, has been working at 'Yunjian'."

Lao it such a coincidence?Bai Zhu pursed his lips slightly and did not respond.

"I actually knew there would be such a day, but I didn't expect it to be so soon," the woman wiped away her tears. "The prevention and treatment center asked me to see Lao An's body today. I don't know why I will be attacked tonight..."

Bai Zhu rubbed his eyebrows.

Lao An is not wrong.

He was so desperate that he didn't even want his body to be taken away by the prevention and control center in the end. He would rather risk the hope of returning home and escape... It was indeed because of problems with the prevention and control department.

Even after notifying family members to see the body, they secretly arrested him.

The baby in swaddling was crying, and the woman hurriedly picked it up to comfort him.

"I heard they said you still have a daughter." Bai Zhu didn't wear a hearing aid, and turned her left ear slightly to avoid the noise. "Where's your daughter?"

"She's staying in the kindergarten today." The woman patted the baby's back gently and said with a wry smile, "I didn't want to tell her that her father wouldn't come back, but I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to control my emotions, so I had to let her stay in school tonight. inside."


The small aircraft landed in the courtyard without a sound, not even attracting attention through the night.

In other words, when the gunshot rang out, the neighbors did not dare to turn on the lights to check what happened, for fear that curiosity would kill the cat.

"Don't worry, someone will protect you."

Bai Shu got up to open the door, met Bo Lingyu who was about to knock on the door, and before he could ask, he stuffed the chip of the driving recorder in his hand to him:

"Find someone you trust to check where this car has been and the common features of every house it goes to. You may be able to figure out what's wrong with prevention and control."

Bai Lingyu lowered his eyes, held the recorder chip and looked at it for a few seconds: "I see, I will tell you if there is any news."

He put away the chip, and it's not appropriate for outsiders to say anything, let alone reveal Bai Shu's name, "Where is the person you robbed? I will protect it, just leave it to me here."

"Okay." Bai Shu glanced at the time and nodded in concession.

She called Bai Lingyu to come here to deal with the aftermath and use power reasonably to achieve high efficiency.

It is impossible for Atractylodes to deal with these things perfectly, and it is best to be the shopkeeper.

With a few final words of explanation, Bai Shu put on her sunglasses again and left the yard.

Bai Lingyu glanced at her, tightly clenched the chip in his pocket, frowned and looked away.


Bai Zhu climbed up the outer pipe again to the third floor. Just as he was about to open the balcony door, he heard another door opening first.

"Xiao Shu, are you back?"

Avril yawned and walked out with her doll in her arms. She moved the lamp to the balcony door and turned the light on to the lowest setting to ensure that nothing strange could be seen outside the door.

Bai Shu was slightly stunned, and caught Avril who was swaying over, "Waiting all this time?"

"Well, you didn't answer when I knocked on the balcony door, so I thought you went out," Avril's voice was muffled and a little vague, "so I'll wait for you to come back with Xiaowei."

"Xiao Wei?"

"Well, it's the doll you gave me," Avril held up the doll in confusion, feeling really out of energy, "I call her Xiaowei, do you think it sounds good?"

"Sounds good, but it's time for you to go to bed."

Bai Zhu smiled, pushed open Avril's balcony door, and stuffed her into the mosquito net.

"Ah, I'm so sleepy." Avril yawned and rolled half a circle on the bed to find a comfortable sleeping position. Her upper and lower eyelids were fighting, "I'm going to fall asleep."

"Go to sleep, don't wait if you know next time, I will come back, I promise."

Bai Shu patted her head and coaxed softly: "Good night, Avril."

Avril made a subtle "hmm" sound, her breathing gradually stabilized, and she fell into a deep sleep.

Bai Shu helped her put up the quilt and went back to her room to take off her makeup.

Turning on the bedside lamp, Bai Shu used a pencil to draw a mind map on the sketchbook, and simply sorted out the context:
Pollution control is considered the core project of the empire and the hope against the aliens.Once something goes wrong, the consequences are unimaginable.

Bai Shu looked down at the sketchbook, and wrote down "Prevention Center", "Hunter's Family", "Pollution", and "Chief Inspector".

The research of the prevention and control center is inextricably related to pollution. They also focus on the families of the polluted people. The secret behind this must also be related to "pollution".

The prevention and control office belongs to the inspector general, and the inspector general represents the parliament. There is a high probability that this "hidden secret" has something to do with the parliament, and is even supported by the parliament.

and also……

Bai Shu paused, and wrote three words again——

Bering Yu.

Bai Zhu leaned back on the head of the bed, tapping the tip of his pencil lightly on his chin, with a calm expression.

The old man's reaction to this was wrong.

Even if Lao An went crazy and hijacked her, and then said those unfounded words out of fear, Bai Lingyu should have investigated.After all, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. Pollution research is closely related to the future of the empire and cannot be taken lightly.

But Bo Lingyu didn't mention this matter, he seemed to have lightly lifted it.

Baizhu has always been puzzled by this matter, and even this time he directly informed Bai Lingyu to pick up the person, instead of changing his mind and asking Ning Zhi to save the person, and then asking Lao An's wife to hand over the recorder chip.

She tested Bai Lingyu, and when he took the recorder chip, she caught the hesitation and concern in his eyes, but she couldn't see any surprise or anger.

Bai Shu closed his eyes hard, half filled with long-term trust and half filled with cold suspicion.

She didn't want to doubt Bai Lingyu.

She hopes from the bottom of her heart that the current Beringyu is the same as the father she knows six years later.

Bai Shu took a deep breath, opened his eyes, circled Bai Lingyu's name with his pen, and put a cold question mark beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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