Soft and cute female mage

Chapter 229 Pawnshop

Chapter 229 Pawnshop
When she told Changting this conclusion, Changting smiled and said:
"Finally you know you shouldn't marry a libertine like He Lianfeng?"

Fang Ling didn't know why Changting always used He Lianfeng to run on him.In Fang Ling's opinion, he is not a joker.Therefore, she felt more and more that Changting was deliberately targeting her.

But even so, she didn't have time to get angry with him.I just feel that the key point right now is the source of the 160 taels of silver.

According to Qiaoer, the money was not given by her at all.That must have been obtained elsewhere.Now it seems that the most likely place is Wenxi Street.

What is the explanation for the word "gold" at the back of the ledger?If it doesn't mean the surname, does it mean the goldware?
But with Jia Xiansi's habit of not being able to hide overnight food in a pig's nest, if he had gold utensils, wouldn't it be a long time ago to spend them all?
A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. After all, a family like Jia's family can make him a clean man within a few years, so he can't be expected to have any good habits of saving.

"Can he get a goldsmith's weapon?"

Fang Ling muttered to himself in disbelief while thinking.

Chang Ting was still thinking about Fang Ling and He Lianfeng. He had originally squeezed her a few words, hoping that she would express her attitude in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, I didn't get a nice word, but I heard her talking about some gold weapon.It is true that since He Lianfeng was hired from a lower position, and with the slightly copper-smelling style of the Wu Gu sect, he must have gold items.

But at any rate, she, Fang Ling, came from the Taoist sect, so how could she be so blind to Qian?

Hearing this, Chang Ting immediately sat up straight and sneered, "You're really a philistine, it's clear!"

Fang Ling was puzzled, "How did I become a philistine?"

"He Lianfeng is indeed a man who can draw gold. Please think carefully about the price and don't sell yourself cheaply!"

Fang Ling was very speechless, I dared him to stay at He Lianfeng's place.But is this the kind of person I am in his eyes?

So out of breath, he said:
"Did you take the wrong medicine? I'm talking about Jason and his 160 taels of silver!"


Chang Ting does not consider himself a reckless person, but for some reason he has always been a little impatient these days.Luckily Catcher Li didn't keep the two of them waiting for too long, he finally came in time and managed to smooth things over.

Changting and Fang Ling didn't know where Wenxi Street was, but Catcher Li knew it very well.

Wenxi Street is commonly known as Jintang Street.If the front foot loses the bet, the back foot can be used as money to gamble again. Cooperating with each other is simply a one-stop service.

But the gambling houses that Jia Xiansi frequented have been carefully checked by people, and most of them lose more than they win.If it weren't for the gambling house, the only place where you can get quick money is the pawn shop.

"Going at night, it's stolen goods." Changting affirmed.

"Indeed, pawnshops are afraid that the light will be poor at night, so they accidentally open the eyes, so they have rules. It is inappropriate to only take money after sunset. However, all pawns collected at night are stolen goods, and ordinary shops dare not collect them."

Catcher Li saw that Fang Ling didn't quite understand, so he quickly added.

Wenxi Street is not very lively during the day, and there are not many pedestrians on the huge street.Chang Ting and Fang Ling followed Li Butou straight to the alley at the end of the street, and turned a corner before arriving at Treasure Square.

Unexpectedly, the old man at the counter was very naughty, and he refused to admit that he had done night trading.

Although Li Butou has a violent temper, he has nothing to do when he meets such an old and slippery person.After a few rounds, they didn't get any useful information.

While the two were hesitating, Chang Ting took the Linglong button and handed it to the old man unhurriedly.

The old man shined the glazed lock in his hand against the light, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he came out immediately.The attitudes are very different before and after, Rao Li, who has been working here for many years, has not figured out the way.

Changting motioned to Fang Ling to take a look at the tricks hanging outside.Fang Ling saw that although the trick was the same as ordinary tricks, it was embroidered with a border.After careful identification, the trim looks like a winding five-step snake.

Recalling the flags and accessories in the Wugu Gate, Fang Ling pointed to the trick suspiciously, turned his head and said:
"Have all the shops in southern Yunnan opened here?"

Chang Ting said disapprovingly, "Then where do you think their money comes from?"

The naughty old man finally confessed the truth.It turned out that Jassons had been dealing in ordinary items in another small shop before.Later, it was recommended here by a man named Wu Xiong because it was a double-eared crane bottle.

Because the bottle came from the official kiln, and only Zhenbaofang in the whole Jintang dared to collect the stolen goods from the official kiln.

Later, Jia Xiansi would bring some high-quality goods every once in a while. Those who didn't know it really thought that his family had opened a kiln.

"Are there any items that I haven't had time to get rid of?" Captain Li asked.

The naughty old man looked at Chang Ting, only to see Chang Ting nod his head as a signal.Then he entered the room again and fumbled for a long time to take out a plum vase with a narrow neck that was bright red and mellow in glaze.

Chang Ting took the vase and turned it over, only to see that there was indeed a word for supervision on the bottom.

Although Li Butou doesn't know porcelain and elegance, he also recognizes the famous beauty Zui.Can't help sighing:
"Is this the beauty drunk from the ancient Jin family kiln?"

"No, no, this is not from the Jin family's ancient kiln, but from the Yongling Shande kiln."

Li Captou looked stern when he heard this, "Why do you see that?"

"The beauties produced by the ancient Jin family kiln are all top-grade. The texture of the fetus is fine and thin, and the feeling of crystal clearness can be seen in the light. The beauties produced by the Shande kiln are still a little inferior."

Fang Ling couldn't quite figure it out, "Didn't you mean the official kiln? Why is it the Shande kiln?"

Li Butou explained:

"There were cases where beauty was drunk due to imitations that resulted in death, and they were later adopted as official kilns. Even the Jin family ancient kiln was run by officials and supervised merchants in the later period. This tradition continues to the Shande kiln."

"How many utensils did Jia Xiansi make before and after? Are they all drunk by beauties?" Chang Ting asked.

The slick old man flipped through his account books.

"He has come here frequently to pawn since last winter. He pawned a total of 250 pieces of beauty drunken porcelain on [-] occasions, and got [-] seven taels of silver in cash."

Fang Lingshi didn't expect that Beauty Zui could be so valuable, so he quickly took the exquisite buckle from Changting's hand and said:
"Is this comparable to beauty drunk?"

The naughty old man smiled and said: "Young lady, you are joking. Those who hold this item can withdraw it at the counter within 1000 taels."

Fang Ling suddenly felt that he was a little hasty when he ran out?
Seeing Fang Ling's face that had never seen the world, Chang Ting snatched the Linglong buckle from his hand and said: "This thing is not yours."

After speaking, he turned around and left Treasure Workshop.

"That's not yours either."

Fang Ling chased him out.

Changting smiled and walked quickly in front.

Only Li Butou looked hesitant and walked behind alone with a heavy heart.

(End of this chapter)

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