Chapter 1700 Happy Life (Extra 34)

"Lie down quickly and let me take a look." Wanliang pressed Qiaochu down again and tested Qiaochu's follicle value again. This time Xiao Qingge did not put her hand on Qiaochu's belly.

"Okay, okay." Wanliang shouted excitedly, "Quickly, let Kaifeng catch that kid."

After finishing speaking, Wanliang picked up Xiao Qingge and kissed her face fiercely, "Oh, this is a baby!" She smiled and said to me: "I said, why do the children born by the two of you all have special natural abilities, Rui Rui His blood can enhance spiritual power, and Qing Ge has medical talent, you are so lucky, I don’t care, this child must be my apprentice, my Junjun has no medical talent at all.”

I smiled and said, "As long as she wants it, I have no objection."

Xiao Qingge liked Wanliang very much. He put his arms around her neck and looked at her with worship. Wanliang pointed at her face and said, "Qingge, if you are willing to study medicine, just look at Aunt Wanliang's face." Give me a kiss."

Xiao Qingge stared at where she was pointing, hugged Wanliang's face suddenly, rushed up and kissed her face.

"Ah ah ah, okay, okay, I understand what you mean..." Wanliang shouted.

I smiled and said, "You have to wait a year before asking. She is so young now, how can she understand what you are talking about?"

"I don't care, you all agreed anyway." Wanliang said.

Qiaochu got up and said in disbelief, "You mean, can I conceive now?"

Wanliang nodded, "That's enough. Your body's follicle value has increased to normal, but it will drop back to your original value in a few days, so it's best to get pregnant today."

"I'll ask Kai Feng to call Snivell Qiang right away." I hurriedly ran to find Kai Feng.

Running all the way into the study, I shouted excitedly.

"Kai Feng, go and catch that boy for me to sow the seeds." Kai Feng was looking at the materials for the tea factory that my brother had given him to build, and he was drinking coffee. I said this right from the start, and he made a "poof" sound. I just spit the coffee out of my mouth...


Finally, Kai Feng captured Wang Qiaosheng and put him in a sack.

Watching him pour Qiao Sheng out of the sack, I was dumbfounded.

"Who are you? You just want to ask for money. I will ask someone to give you a ransom. Don't hurt people's lives for a little money. This is not good for you, me and everyone." This is Qiao Sheng being put in a sack. What Li Shi said.

"Why did you catch him? Can't you bring him here properly?" I said in a low voice.

"Didn't you catch me as you said?" Kai Fengyun said lightly and returned to his study to continue working.

I looked at Qiao Sheng and smiled awkwardly.

After Qiao Sheng saw us, he immediately understood our intention. He stood up and said, dumbfounded, "Okay, okay, no need to explain, I understand. Where is Qiaochu?"

I pointed upstairs, "Turn left to the last room."

Qiao Sheng said with a smile: "If we really have a child, Leilei and Dr. Wanliang will be our great benefactors, and we will definitely repay you." He ran upstairs.

23 days later...

Qiaochu's aunt hasn't been here for a week. I just gave her a pregnancy test, and a few minutes later, she walked out nervously.

"How, how?" My "eunuch" is more anxious than the "emperor".

"I'm really scared, please help me look at it, cousin." Qiaochu put the pregnancy test stick on the table, then used a dropper to drop a drop of the collected bodily fluid, then turned away, covering her eyes and not daring to look. .

After a few seconds, two red lines slowly appeared on the test stick.

(End of this chapter)

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