Chapter 62 The weird basketball boy ([-])
When I heard this, I suppressed the urge to laugh.

Nose Qiang, oh no, it was Lian Qiaosheng who took out his mobile phone and used it as a mirror to look at it. He ruffled his gelled hair narcissistically and said, "Didn't you see that I'm handsome like Jiang Zi? This nickname of Nose Strong is too inappropriate." It fits my image. Come on, call Oppa or Qiao, and Oppa will tell you a story."

"There's really nothing we can do about you." I held my voice and said softly and delicately: "Oppa, please tell me!" After saying that, I couldn't hold it in any longer and laughed in a very shameful way. .

Lian Qiaosheng finally stopped his self-deprecating behavior and said humorously: "That's more or less the same." "Okay, let's tell a story, but this is a true story."

As soon as he got to the real story he was about to tell, he immediately stopped playing and became serious.

"There is a family of three. The mother is kind and the son is filial and well-educated. The eight-year-old son likes to play basketball very much. The family of three has been living a peaceful life.

Until the appearance of a beautiful widow broke the happiness of a family of three.The male owner was so fascinated by this beautiful widow that he ran to her house every day, even if his wife was sick.

Later, the wife died at home. Not long after, the male host took the beautiful widow home. The boy thought that she had harmed their family, so he poured ashes on the widow's luggage on the first day, and the child also Because of this, he was punished by his father. The beating was very painful, and he had to apologize to the widow in the end.

Later, the male master married a widow and was very obedient to her. The stepmother was pretty good to the child. She fed her well and took good care of her. But one day, the child secretly peed into the water she was eating. The father angrily threw the child away. They tied him to a tree to punish him, but who knew that the child broke away from the rope and ran away from home.

Many years passed and the boy never came home.Later, someone met a lost eight-year-old boy several times in the mountains over the past few years and asked for directions!Someone also saw a boy playing basketball and running around in the streets of the village! "

When I heard the beginning of this story, I felt really uncomfortable. I felt that the child was pitiful and the father really shouldn't have done it.When I heard the end, I couldn't help but feel terrified. It sounded like a ghost story no matter how I heard it!

I don’t know if this is an original story or if Lian Qiaosheng made it up after hearing what I told about the basketball boy.

"What a tragedy! What a horrible story! I hope it's not true." I said with emotion.

Seemingly sensing my doubts, Lian Qiaosheng's face darkened, he leaned over and whispered: "It's true! Don't you know that your second uncle and your original wife have a son? He disappeared ten years ago. , I remember his name seems to be..." Qiao Sheng tilted his head and thought for a moment before saying, "By the way, his name is Zhang Rensheng."

Of course I remember my little cousin. I had asked my mother and cousin Qiaochu before, but they didn't mention anything about my little cousin, so I couldn't stop gossiping.

It turns out that he disappeared ten years ago?I was so shocked!
When I was a child and lived in Daiming Village, I played wildly with Snivell Qiang and An An all over the mountains and fields all day long. I was not very popular with my maternal relatives and elders, but my cousin Qiaochu always clung to me. As for my toddler cousin, I Ashamedly, I didn't pay much attention to him at all.

It was ten years ago when he disappeared. At that time, I was already in junior high school in another city, and I knew nothing about what happened in my hometown.

I asked Lian Qiaosheng, "Didn't my second uncle call the police at that time?"

"Why not? But how can it be so easy to find in the huge crowd? There is no news yet?" Lian Qiaosheng said.


  Author's story: I was terrified and secretly sweating, but I couldn't show it.Because I am the eldest sister and my father is still taking care of my sick mother in the hospital, I have to take on the responsibility of protecting my younger brother.

  In order to calm down my brother's mood, I smiled and said calmly: "You must be wrong! Even if there is a ghost, don't be afraid. Ghosts are afraid of bold people. My sister is bold. Next time she comes, see what I do. Take care of her?"

(End of this chapter)

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